The stage of the finals turned into a scenic plain surrounded by tall forests.

I didn't ask if the name was Budweiser Plain or how it came from.

If there had been a narrow cliff along the dragon zombie's path, there would have been one of the intensive artillery fire from left and right, but there was no such convenient place as hate.

That is why we chose a plain that is convenient for forming a formation that would also set the stage for wars between humans.

That said, the terrain is not without advantages.You can also lurk ambushes in tall forests, and the quick pitch improvised fort has various facilities such as effective trenches and walls for other monsters, even though it is ineffective for dragon zombies.

If this is a human exchange, there will be no enemy forces coming from the front in a place like this that has been completed to an improvised fortress, but that would have been a good point for a less intelligent zombie.

The Demon King is heading straight for King's City.We can make a plan with that in mind.

"Message. We have visual confirmation of the advance party of the Demon King Army.The main unit is on its way. "

At the temporary headquarters (a tent surrounded by the name of the curtain) built in an improvised fortress, a soldier, a sentry's message, was reported.

As for enemies, they are tentatively named the Demon King Army.It is a group rather than an army, but when it becomes a group of demon kings, the meaning changes.

A visionary unit is an animal type, such as a wolf, that has fast feet.The main squad is an undead monster that responds to dragon zombies such as Skeletons.

"It takes about three hours to make contact with enemy advance units.The main team has an estimate of three and a half hours. "

"Thank you. Stay alert."


The lord's labored soldiers answered with a serious face that contained tension and immediately returned to their positions.

The men at this operation headquarters looked at each other quickly.

"Are you ready?"

The lord is heavy and takes confirmation.

The chief of each unit is in this place.

There is also Viola as the captain of the Knight Corps and its squad leader and squad leader.Others include a soldier captain who bundles archers and infantry, a scout captain, a vigilante captain who bundles the vigilante's aspirations, and a handful of magicians who stay in the city.

And an apprentice knight for me and my assistant, who became the interim commander of the newly formed Magic Cannon Unit.

Is that the role of general in this "war"?

The total number of troops is less than 10,000.

In the sense that I used to read about the Three Kingdoms, there was an image of a thousand or 2,000 soldiers as oligarchs, but it was nothing.

It was a very intimidating sight that there were so many well-trained soldiers that I was very unrivalled on a one-on-one basis.

It's not that I'm not nervous to be counted as one of the leaders who binds these people.

But I know bartenders and cocktails best.I also know what I can and can't do.

I know if I'm not here, I can't make an effective operation.

Well, it's not the planning of an operation, but the final confirmation of an operation that has been worked out many times.

Fighting power is almost the same as when we spoke briefly before.There's a slight increase in enemies.

Originally, the city gathered thousands of combat power.Originally, we would have to assign an escort to the people we evacuate from here, but that escort is provided by Rosemary's private soldiers.

Therefore, the total power of this city is gathered here.

Though the difference is more than twice as high as 1,000 to 2,000, there is a new "Magic Cannon Unit" here.

Skeletons, the enemy's main unit, will be disabled by it.

In other words, it is no exaggeration to say that we, the bartenders, are capable of influencing the victory and defeat of the battle.

I'm not very nervous in front of the guests, but it's a little futile to say not to be nervous here.

The rough flow is as follows.

First, the scouts provoke an animal monster that is the target of a spill of Dragon Zombie march.It will be completely destroyed by an interception by an archer lurking in the woods after being attracted long and thin.

Still what remains, the knight takes it as a shield and destroys it.

This animal type was not created by the magic of a dragon zombie, so there is a mathematical calculation that if it is hit, it will escape.There is no problem because it is not such a strong monster originally.

From my image, the animal-type monsters I actually fought were not so dangerous.I've only been sniping cocktails from afar, so I'd be mercilessly killed in a fleshball battle, but at least Viola's a one-handed enemy.

Then followed by the Skeleton Army and the Demon King Dragon Zombie.

They were used by the magic of the Demon King, and at the same time, they instinctively used his magic source, the Demon King (?) It seems to move in an attempt to effectively protect.

Therefore, if we don't do something about Skeleton's group, there is a high risk of being interrupted from attacking the Demon King, who is the main circle.

Skeletons that don't know tiredness, pain, or fear are bad for humans to compete from the front.As previously explained, fencing is not effective.

They are also vulnerable to magic like breaking every magic that moves their body.Nevertheless, since there are only a few talented people in the world called wizards, it seems very threatening when this skeleton is made up of groups.

In fact, of the defense forces being built in King's Landing, the wizard is the hardest to gather.

It is the job of the instant bartenders to wipe out the Skeleton army ─ ─ the Magic Gunners.

Personally, the word bartender is very uncomfortable for warriors, archers, and militants to mix with wizards and other fighters, but I can't help it.

And the last mountain that stood when we were able to break through the animal monster and skeleton was the Dragon Zombie itself.

I can't even imagine his threat anymore.

In the first place, no one here has ever fought a real dragon zombie.Mr. Rasquil may have had experience, but she's not here with hate.

However, the literature describing past threats and the power scouting during the preparation period show an approximate threat level.

Its defenses and magical aptitude are quite powerful, but it's falling considerably compared to a living dragon.

The only thing left in the dragon description is defeat, and there is no record of a crusade, but the dragon zombie has a record of a crusade.Still, there is no greater threat than a dragon.

However, this is not an example of a simple attack capability.

Without the power of life, if humans are properly attacked by dragon zombies, they won't be able to swallow.It has been reported that no matter what luxury armor you wear, you will not be able to kill yourself.

The ethnic performance difference between humans and dragons is so wide that they can withstand defensive magic and be able to parry it with penetrating skills and physical abilities.

There is no convenient reality in this world that defeating many monsters increases your level and status.In any case, humans are humans.

Still, the legend sometimes leaves a heroic anecdote of defeating a dragon.

If the legend were true, humans would die if they were attacked by what they did, so they would either defeat them without attacking them or they would not die if they were attacked.

And this time we will rely on the latter.

Phil and Sally interact directly with Dragon Zombies.Two vampires who overwhelmingly outperform humans as a race.

When it comes to what we human beings can do, we can use auxiliary magic to improve our physical abilities or magically support them from afar.

Still, I don't know what happens if a vampire and a dragon zombie do it from the front.

If we believe Swiss, who was planning the operation, it seems that we will win if we break the Dragon Zombie's magical nucleus with a vampire attack.

We have no choice but to support them, believe it or not.


Finish the confirmation meeting and head for our bartender troop rally.

Sui breaks up with Viola and walks relaxing by herself, a voice is heard in the tent where the supplies are stored.Then the Lord of Voices appeared.

I rounded my eyes in surprise at the man who called me.

"Guinula!? Why are you here!?"

"It's a big deal, you."

It was a grumpy blonde man who was used to seeing things he didn't want to get used to.

But it was unexpected that he was at this headquarters.

What is even more astonishing to me is the appearance not only of Guinula, but also of Crabel, a young girl who is still young.

Guinula's Aurantiaca and Crabel's Safina Chamber of Commerce were supply units during this battle.

Both are investing heavily in the development of a base sport that leads to carbonated drinks and cocktails.Since carbonated drinks factories and cheap base sports production workshops are also starting to operate, abandoning the city here would be a huge damage.

That's why he backed up the city with more money and supplies, with a slightly better chance of winning.

Especially since we bartenders need magic stones and materials to use magic cannons.Rather than fight, even training is a gold eater that consumes gungan gold.The importance of funds and supplies is not in proportion to other units.

In that sense, we were very grateful to both of you for joining us as supporters.

But that's until the battle begins.Because it was not involved in the fighting itself, I always thought it was an evacuation with the refugees.That's what I was asking.

"Soon, the battle against the enemy will begin.We both better get out of here. "

As a matter of fact, I know with this I can fight Guinula, but that's not what I'm talking about.

Can we both say for the future of cocktails, and for two companies (?) for the future of the human resource that must not be lost.

If I die in this battle, Phil, Sally, and the apprentice knights who taught cocktails will not disappear.

However, if Ginula dies, the production of the base potion that will be sold from now on, and if Crabel dies, the production of carbonated beverages that have already begun will be greatly disrupted.

You both know that without me telling you.

Yet they were here just before the fighting began.

"I don't have to tell you, but I'm not going anywhere."

"What do you mean?"

"I never told you before, no one in Aurantiaca knows the relationship between cocktail magic and its ingredients better than I do.If you bartenders are to continue the fight, we need someone from behind to see how the battle is going and direct the replenishment of supplies.Unfortunately, it was me. "

Ginula turned her gaze stubbornly while expressing her disgusting feelings.

I thought I'd say something back, but there wasn't enough material to deny his determination.

Yes. Bartender fights require magic stones and materials.

They must be [ammunition] and carried, but there is one fatal drawback in combat.

The ammunition itself is easy to master, as you can see from Viola's example.

However, the accuracy of [ammunition] varied from individual to individual, causing major problems among individuals.

To put it bluntly, even in an ammunition state, the "temperature" of the material changes gradually.

Over time, the ingredients' ice 'melts and the cocktail' tastes bad '.

And the fact that cocktails' taste bad 'means that magic' weakens'.

There is no problem if you can decide at once in a short-term final, but there is no guarantee that it will fall so conveniently.

Therefore, the Bartender Troops must regularly refill the 'Ice' to maintain their magical power.But every time I return to the fort, the front will collapse.

That's why we need a supply force to check the situation from the fort and replenish the Ice as needed.

Of course, not only ice, but also depleting ammunition ingredients, especially generic ingredients such as lemons and various carbonated beverages, will need to be refilled as appropriate.

Therefore, I understand the need for such a unit, but I did not think that Guinula would take command of it at all.

"Hmm. I wish Iberis had retrofitted the pouch earlier.The robot lost interest because you could handle the defect. "


As always, there was resentment, but there was no sound because it was true.

My pouch contains the [ammunition] cocktail itself, specially made by Iberis, and the temperature does not change.In other words, because the time itself has stopped, the cocktail is maintained immediately after it is finished.

It's just a substitute to keep sucking on the magic of the fifth attribute with the poor fuel efficiency that even that swiss pulls lightly.

However, it seems that I have enough magic in my fifth attribute to drift away, so there was nothing wrong with it.

I had a firm plan to improve it later, but Iberis lost interest while he kept putting it behind because there was no particular problem.

As a result, there was no time left to develop an improved pouch for the bartenders this time.

However, unlike me, who [ammunition] and release the finished cocktail itself, they will mix and release the [ammunition] ingredients on the spot.

That means you don't have to stop time to keep it complete, just keep it cool.The technology and magic required are completely different.

I didn't make it this time, but it wouldn't be so hard if it were an improvement on the pouch in that way.All you have to do is make something like a magic version of a small battery refrigerator.

Well, I just rode a little magic in potion study, so I'm an amateur.

Anyway, before that, we were asking pilots like Iberis to mass produce guns.There was no time from the beginning to develop a new pouch.

"Nevertheless, given the fact that the pilots took the initiative to cooperate, it would be a terrible problem to improve the pouch."

Guinulla feels a little stingy after she lightly acquainted herself with me about the pouch.

"There's no gun, but there's no point in having a pouch."

That's what I'm talking about.

Prior to this war, we thought getting the help of the pilots would be a challenge.

Iberis is working with me almost unconditionally on my own, but not with the other pilots.

And they don't move with money.I don't care about money, even though I don't have much money to immerse myself in making things.

Even if I asked them to mass produce "guns", I didn't know if they would take it honestly.

However, opening the lid made it much easier to install the pilots' cooperation than imagined.

One thing is that they didn't want to lose where they lived.

I haven't explained much so far, but the position of the pilots is similar to that of the Bergamos and the Wesen.Often seen in a discriminatory way, few people recognize autonomous settlements like this city.

It was therefore difficult for them to lose the city themselves.

And under such a "building front", many robots moved a structure called a "gun" that was recently completed, itself.

They show an unusual obsession with making things.

And there is the nature of rapidly losing interest in what has been done.

They like the unknown.

And I like to learn the unknown, to devise and create even more unknown things from it.

So I lose interest in what I can do.Because it will already be known.

Gongora, the teacher of Iberis, said, "How can you be interested in something that knows the structure from one to ten?'.

I went so far as to say that it was more valuable to make a failed work like other people's garbage than the perfect thing I made, because the stone around it was still more interesting.

And 'guns' were a huge unknown to them.

Their intellectual curiosity was greatly tickled by a structure loaded with magical theories by Elves, which they could not do alone.

And they agreed to cooperate with us.

In other words, he agreed to make a gun because he couldn't wait to look into it.

For them, learning how to design guns and making them was like a reward.

There was no way to ask them to improve the pouch from the beginning to get a new "toy" and start playing enthusiastically.

Although there were no improvements to the pouch, let me just say that it added interesting improvements to the gun.I also attached it to the first prototype gun I received, "Victor Frankl."

We've talked about it, but without a handy pouch, we'll need a refill.

Anyway, the replenishment problem remained from the beginning.

"I didn't mean to, but I also told Sage that I was in charge.My father has already given his consent. "

"Mr. Heliconia....."

"My mother waited till the end, but if you promised to run away as soon as it was too dangerous, you'd be reluctant to forgive me."

I can only hear the story of over-protection, while imagining the situation of Guinula's mother lightly, I look at Guinula's sigh.

As I said in my mouth, I felt like Guinula wouldn't run away even if she got in trouble.At first, I was just pointed at a cocktail-packed gun, and this unconscious man.

I wonder if this man is still the most unusual compared to when I first met him.

"I know about Ginula.It's a tough ride, but thank you very much. "

"Not until you tell me."

From my conversation with Ginula, who slaps her hate speech, I speak to the other person in my vision.

"So, why is Miss Crabel here?"

As for Guinula, I understand that she has a role to play on the battlefield, but Cravel is different.

Her work is finished by purchasing supplies and providing them to the lord's unit.

So you don't have to be here at all.

When I asked Crabel, he smiled and said.

"I ran away."

Why are you surprised that I brought Ginula instead of you?

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