"I heard you ran away, but you didn't hear me wrong?"


As a precaution, her answer remained unchanged.

I have a smiling face, but is that the case?

"Why, may I ask?"

"I don't mind, but it could be troublesome again if it's not in front of Phil."

Apparently, something happened to her in connection with Phil.

However, the expression of this maiden in love is not similar to the battlefield where those who are going to die from now on gather.

But that might be just as good for Phil now.

"Okay, let's go to Phil's together."


I glanced at Ginula, but he didn't seem to want to follow me.

So I'm taking Miss Crabel somehow to where the bartender squad is waiting.Phil and Sally should be there, too.The two are supposed to fight together in a bartender's unit until the end of the way.

There was no particular conversation between me and Miss Crabel until I got to Phil.It's not a public atmosphere.

"Good evening, Phil."

Mr. Crabel!?

When we arrived, Phil was checking the recipe with the apprentice bartenders.

Basically, we divide our troops into several units and assign attributes to each.

As I've heard from Switzerland and Albao, humans have their own magical aptitudes, even if they can't use magic itself.

Even a bartender who seldom uses his magic seems to have a slight disadvantage due to his aptitude.

Well, it's like any human being has a liquor taste.I like basically everything, but if I say anything, I'm a whiskey.

So anyway, the bartender division divided the team for each of their best attributes.

Apparently, humans are basically better at dealing with magic attributes.It seems that if this goes too far, it will be difficult to manipulate it in a delicate way, but such a man becomes a wizard.

As a result of the division of troops, each bartender was able to treat the cocktail as a beverage rather efficiently than as a magical cocktail.

The division of troops by this attribute was often useful for troop deployment, such as assigning attributes that are related to Sook separately.

And when it comes to twins and me, we deal with a variety of cocktails more ad hoc.As I may have said before, the power of "cocktails" is basically proportional to your skill.

On the battlefield, me and my twins as bartenders, as well as the wizards of this city who have long been in magical combat, are supposed to move as commanders of the Magic Cannon Squad.

And unexpectedly, the wizards are less accommodating than the bartenders, or basically they can only handle one or at most two attributes well.

Well, one of the Wizard's conditions is that it has powerful magic powers on it.It seems even rarer that it has any attributes of its magic.

I didn't have an image because I've always seen the top wizards in magic houses like Switzerland and Albao, but they're a genius, as they say.It wasn't natural to use multiple attributes as a rule.

I missed the point.

In short, our bartender unit broke up into a few units per attribute, and Phil checked the recipe with the apprentice bartenders of the unit he was taking care of until the last break in.

And while that was happening, a cravel that wasn't supposed to be in this place appeared, and it got a little tight.

"Well, why are you here!?"

Phil's unusual upset expression, no, is it the same as during business hours who are vulnerable to emergencies?

Correction. That's what he shouts with a tempered look like Phil.

Cravel, on the other hand, has a playful face, as if he succeeded in some sort of rejoicing.

"Of course, to fulfill the promise I made to Phil the other day."

"... that's stupid."

The other day, I found out that there was some kind of interaction between these two that I didn't know about.

I thought I'd ask you a little more about it, but which should I do now?

Measuring the timing of Phil and Crabel staring at each other, the other voice mixed up.

"Crabbell!? Are you really here!?"

"Hello, Sally."

The Lord of the Voice is Sally, a beautiful young silver-haired girl.

Sally is very popular with her elderly uncle when it comes to business, and is somewhat unpopular to her sister, but her personal life is different.

I have a fairly close relationship with Easy's associates, especially same-sex people who are close to my age.

I didn't know Sally and Crabel were friends calling each other names.

"Hey, Sally."


"Can I ask you more about the situation?"

I first sought clarification from Sally, who seemed to be the most distant party.

Sally glanced at the two of them, but she sighed and replied that she thought it was nothing to hide.

"It's easy. When Crabel confessed and Phil said no, he came back in an unexpected way."

I don't know.

I didn't know even if it was briefly explained, so I will ask for more details.

Imagine what happened when the dragon zombies were reported.

As the Safina Chamber of Commerce to which Crabel belongs, I think I mentioned earlier that I want to protect the city somehow.

However, that is only the opinion of "if possible", and it is not the feeling that if you die as a Chamber of Commerce, people, etc.Even if it's a cravel project, there's a limit to it.

Not to mention the fact that Crabel himself does not need to take part in the war.Instead, it would be troublesome if it stayed on top.

So, of course, Crabel was ordered to evacuate the city before the war and return to the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce.

"But I didn't want to leave Phil."

As for what Crabel said about such feelings, there will be such things, and I will keep them to a certain extent.

The problem is that Crabel confessed to Phil with all his heart.

Crabel says. If you don't like me, say so and we'll evacuate.But if you like me a little bit, please let me stay by your side.

The trouble is Phil.Phil doesn't take Crabel lightly either.Whatever it was, it was somewhat preferable.But if anything happens to her, I can't accept her self comfortably.

So, Phil in trouble said something like this.

"You are a man named Crabel and a Safina.You shouldn't bother the house alone. "

Crabel is basically a smart girl who gets happy when Phil gets involved.I don't do tough things when they take me out of the house.

But Crabel didn't give up.Just as Phil was worried about Crabel, she was, frankly, worried about Phil.

She knew Phil was a vampire, but she didn't want to hear that he was going face-to-face with a dragon zombie.

And after breaking up, Crabel told Phil.

"Will you accept me when I get back here?"

If Krabel's parents and clan can convince him, can we blame him for being here?

Phil agreed, well, that's it.

Until then, Phil thought it was impossible for Crabel to convince his parents.

In fact, neither Crabel's parents, nor his clan, nor the Safina Chamber of Commerce's executives allowed Crabel to go to the battlefield.

But Crabel didn't think about getting permission in the first place.She ran away from home and came here without permission.

And that leads to Phil's faint face.

Phil says to Niconico's smiling cravel with his eyebrows in trouble.

"Mr. Crabel, I think I told you not to bother your home."

"Yes, so I've left handover materials, referrals, and more to avoid any inconvenience even if I'm gone."

Apparently, Crabel understood the word "nuisance" to mean "financial nuisance."

Of course, Phil was talking about 'affectionate nuisance'.

Nevertheless, Crabel did hear Phil say, "I came home for an evacuation," and now there's a promise to Phil, "I'll take it when I get back."

It's easy to say that you don't take such a promise seriously, but Phil isn't so sloppy that you can shake off others' preferences.

He looks at me alternately with Crabel in trouble for some reason.

That's why I want to tell you not to rely on me in case of trouble with women.

Even as it stands, Swiss and Sally are staring at me and doing nothing, you bastard.

Oh, I can't help it anymore.

"I understand the situation, but can I talk to Phil for a minute?"


"... yeah, I don't mind."

Phil smiled slightly at my suggestion and Crabel looked at me with a little vigilance.

Well, from Crabel's perspective, it may seem like I'm trying to give Phil some inconvenient advice.

In the meantime, I pull Phil into the shadow of a nearby tent.

"Phil, in the meantime, I'd like to hear from you."


So I asked Phil about it, but it wasn't different from what Sally told me.

While holding my forehead down, I accidentally sigh.

Ah, well, um...

"Well, it was a problem, wasn't it?"

Phil asked me anxiously.

The question here is whether Phil's behavior as a bartender was problematic in many ways.

Miss Craver's acrobatic movements seem complicated at first glance, but this disturbance is still simple.

The point is, there was a personal relationship between Phil and Miss Crabel, and Miss Crabel confessed to Phil, a bartender, without consulting her manager, and gave her a conditional OK.

And it doesn't seem like there is a problem when arranged like this.

But I couldn't come up with a clear answer there.

"Honestly, I can say there's a problem or not."

"... eh?"

Did I ever teach Phil the rules about male and female relationships?

Basically, the rules of my shop are governed by those of the shop where I used to work in Japan.

In doing so, bartenders should not be in a romantic relationship with customers.

However, if you become more than a chief bartender, you will be given the freedom to fall in love as your own responsibility, no matter what happens.

As far as Easy is concerned, I am in the position of Chief Bartender, so it is not very nice for Phil to make a friendship with Miss Crabbell.

It might be possible, but it's a little different.

Because the meeting between Miss Crabel and Phil is not a store. On the streets of the city.

And that's where Miss Crabel fell in love with Phil. It is not a store.

Then, it can be said that Miss Crabel knew each other before she was a customer, so it would not be a violation of the rules at all in that sense.

Nevertheless, since it was difficult to say that she was a customer or a contract partner in the aftermath, if you look at her overall, it is problematic to say that she tried to settle her relationship on her own without reporting it to me or Switzerland.

Nevertheless, there are times when I can't help it, and above all, I was emotionally supportive of Miss Crabel, so I don't feel like scolding her.

Therefore, there is a roar in trouble.

"Well, if Soo-san clearly says it's a problem, I want Mr. Crabel to refuse and evacuate..."

And Phil asked me while holding his fist when I was not clear.

As he thinks of it, I repeat Phil's appearance at the store.

Phil's business is stable.

Very polite customer service and a steady cocktail.I don't know what to say, but I think you're more honest with your customers than I am.

That's why I thought Sally was a better bartender than Phil.

That's because I thought Phil was missing something that was the simplest and therefore difficult to teach.

And I thought maybe I could find one of those points in my relationship with Miss Crabel.

Because one of those things was what I was missing when I was in Japan.

I think.

In fact, I wanted you to find one by one during the opening of a more calm bar instead of this place.

However, the irregular Demon King attack moved the situation without giving Phil the notice.

Here, Phil will be penalized for saying that the rules are the rules, and it will certainly not be right to watch out for Miss Crabbell.

Well, it's difficult to teach. Should I even tell it in words?

"Phil, I dare say this."


"Phil can decide if this is the problem or not."


Phil had a neat face, like a pigeon with a bean gun.

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