The war situation was still advancing towards a human advantage.

We have some casualties here, but the Skeletons have already been reduced to less than half, without lethal damage.

Yes, it should be decreasing.

Yet the skeletons were clearly larger than they had been on the front lines in the first place.

But that's not a bad situation.

What I mean is that we had to come out a little bit before even a Kintetsu force that stayed close to the Dragon Zombie.

In this way, we are certainly moving towards "victory" while bearing certain fatigue and damage.

"[Jin Tonic]"

In line with my words, the apprentices also pull the trigger.

The ammunition activates to shape the cocktail, matching the activation magic that is driven from the strike iron into the cylinder.


"Kh! I'm sorry! There's a little left!"

"It's okay! It's okay!"

The magic produced was clearly less powerful than just after the battle had begun.

Increased "temperature" of ammunition due to physical, magical, and mental fatigue.

Physical and psychological fatigue from the continuation of the battle is gradually hindering the clear image of the cocktail, and the warmer ice is beginning to affect the magical accuracy.

They were originally knight apprentices.Even with his health, he had nothing to do with magic or magic, and even more so with cocktails.

A gun that finishes shooting magic and returns to a chunk of heavy metal.

One of the apprentices threw the gun out of his hand.With a loud noise, the gun falls to the grass.


One of the dropped ones tried to apologize aggressively, but I gently slapped him on the shoulder.

"It's all right. Let's get back to refilling.There's a signal for us. "

Looking toward the main team, there was a green flag that had been set in advance.

That is the news of replenishing our Gini First Squad.My pouch still has plenty of room, but the apprentices aren't.Replacing the ice is also a top priority.

Above all, we were running tougher than the rest of the team.It's time to rest.

Let's get some rest on the main team.

"... yes"

We leave the battlefield for a while.

Looking around the situation on the battlefield, it turned into a disturbance far beyond the beginning.

It's time to lower your troops and rebuild your front, or it will be difficult to unleash magic.

I prayed for the good work of the other troops as I stared at the fragments of bone scattered throughout the battlefield.

Yugiri's team. I'm so tired.Drink this special potion and rest until you're done refilling. "

When you get back to the main team, the replenishment crew that was observing our team's movements will approach and lead us to the replenishment yard.

Guinulla, who was in charge at the supply yard, glanced at us and said impatiently.

The resupply area was like a field hospital with a simple tent.If there is a difference, there are no injured people who are still dying in the space covered by the curtain.Instead, there are plenty of supplies lined up with people who are resting besides us.

Guinulla's instructions were there, and other apprentices besides me left the luggage to the supply team.Then we got our own special potions and stuff.

Sweetness spreads through the mouth.Easy to drink. It felt like a sweet, thin sake or a sports drink.

I felt it, but I felt that the magic inside me was getting hot.

"Excuse me, Yugiri. Here."

"Thank you."

That's why the supply crew showed us a small cold table.I remembered the potion reputation meeting that was about two years ago.

Speaking of what you do, of course you make cocktails.

Unlike other people, my ammo is a finished cocktail.Therefore, we have to make our own cocktails to refill them.

It is a contradiction that you have to work where you are heading for a resting place.

Well, if you don't like it, you can use "mass production guns" just like everyone else, but I didn't do it myself.

This is a battlefield, and we don't know when or what will happen.I wanted to keep my hand on my aggressive response.

"... it's over."

After that, I finished making the "cocktails" that I had consumed, and then "ammunition" was applied one after the other, packing them into a special pouch.

While waiting for my work, which will take time to replenish, the Troop Apprentices will have had a good rest.

Looking back, Ginula, who had been busily receiving reports, was approaching.

"Yugiri, can I have a moment?"

"I don't mind. What's the matter?"

The face of Guinulla asked had an unusual look on her face when the human side was dominant.

Instead of anxiety or anxiety, you can see the color of worry.

Then, after a while, it took Ginula a while to decide.

Wait a minute to get back to the battlefield.

"Is something wrong?"

The dragon zombie stopped walking.

It was the first time this battle had taken place.

The Demon King - the Dragon Zombie is the main target this time, but has never been involved in any battles before.

The animal type that was aiming for the spill of battle and the Skeleton trying to protect his magic source, the Dragon Zombie, had a reason to target us humans.

But the Dragon Zombie itself was just heading straight for King's Landing.

Regarding that, there was no reason to disagree with the speculation because there was no intelligence and instinctively took such action, and there was not much reaction to the force reconnaissance before that.

But the dragon zombie stopped now.

That would mean that in this battle we pulled some trigger that had never been elucidated before.

Until recently, the battlefield was approaching the stage of unilaterally defeating Skeletons and targeting the dragons of the main circle, in a spooky atmosphere.

"Those who are on the front lines are also slightly retreating.You stay back just in case. "

I will see why Ginula is saying that.

The future of cocktails needs me, so I'm sure you want me to prioritize safety.

But I also had an objection.

"Guinula. If there's anything I can do, I should go back to the battlefield.I suppose the breadth of my response was necessary for times like these? "

I don't know what they're coming for.So I prepared "ammunition" instead of "ingredients" so that the opponent can respond quickly no matter what they do.

That's all I can do, and that's what I have to do.

Besides me, the Swiss have a similar role to play on the battlefield.

The swiss is good, and there is no reason why I shouldn't.

Shit, but I guess so.



In my words, Guinula distorted her lips with a bitter, crushed expression.

But he knows my personality, too.

When we went to White Oak for training, he was the only one who played the pimp for me to storm.

"... rendezvous with Switzerland. She can protect herself and the people around her at worst."

And it was Swiss.

But you're right.

It's a pathetic story, but I still have a different track record in battle with Switzerland and a different sense of trust.As always, the women around me outnumber me with combat power.


"Then go."

And the conversation with Guinula ended.

Don't be shy, but I appreciate his worries.

After the resupply, our platoon decided to rendezvous with Swiss as instructed by Guinula.

The current location of Switzerland looked good from the main team's gazebo.Because magic was flashy where she was.

Still, it looks a lot more mild than when I fought Dragongrass before, so I can't imagine how serious she was at that time.


"? Total!"

When I called to her, Swiss looked back with a surprising and affordable look.

The troop's temporary retreat is almost over and we're just defending against a sporadic Skeleton advance.

So I could afford to have a conversation.

"Perfect, let me have some cocktails."

Sui, who was showing strength like a demon, demanded a gift from me like a girl who was still scarce to change her expression.

But I wondered what the request was.

"Wizards have been given potions from the beginning, right?The one made by Aurantiaca is super luxurious. "

That's right.

Supplies from Aurantiaca naturally include potions.

And unlike the specialty potions that are just distributed in the makeup yard, it's an exquisite dish to drink like water.

Even so, Swiss looks at it.

"It tastes like water and doesn't taste good.I want to drink something sweet. "


The crystal of compassion and technology that everyone could drink did not seem to like her drinking something that was usually sharp.

The complaint of drinking alcohol on the battlefield is even more serious.I listened to her request and took it out of the pouch.

She puts it in her mouth satisfactorily and says happily.

"Sweet when tired"

"I would have agreed if it wasn't a conversation on the battlefield while drinking cocktails."

I've heard it a few times in modern Japan, but I don't remember hearing it much in this world.

But this is the end of a cheap exchange.

The moment Dragon Sombi stopped moving, Sui looked away from me and stabbed me with a bone dragon.

"... magic?"

Immediately afterwards, Swiss said it was a razor.

Undead uses magic?So, I remembered that my slightly closer question to the game was before that.

Even if the Dragon Zombie is a corpse, it has magic and manipulates it to some extent, as you can see from the skeletons around it.

So the important thing is, what do you do at this moment?

Soldiers whispering loudly at Dragon Zombie movements.

The voice of a girl was echoed as the movement of the still distant giant body caught eyes on what was happening.

"Whoa, the wall of fire!"

Got it!

She must have figured out what the Demon King was up to.

I'll pick out the ammunition according to Swiss demands.

Hate and the rest of my unit can't make the same thing, but the "Salam unit" scattered nearby did the same thing according to our movements.

Magic of fire. Spirit of destruction.

"Basic Class (Base) Salam 45ml, Additional Class (Enchant) Lime 1/6 ─ ─"

Chanting and proclamation are folded.

The knights and vigilantes lined up in front of us suddenly looked a little silly on us as we suddenly entered the magical preparations.

But now you remember what seems to be an emergency, bouncing back the sparse skeletons in front of you.

Thank goodness, now we have just the right space to stretch the wall.

What you seek is a wall. Let it go, King of Fire's army.

"─ ─ System (pattern) 'Build', Material 'Coke' up"

The chanting of Switzerland and my proclamation end at the same time.

From there, we waited for the apprentices who were singing together.

In the meantime, dragon zombies change.

I saw 'something' crawling around the battlefield, centered on his giant body.

We'll sing before it gets here.

The Wall of Freedom to protect us.


"[Cuban Libre]!"

With the concurrent magic of a dozen or so people, we divide the battlefield with flames.

Shortly afterwards, from behind the wall of fire, like a commanded machine, a large number of skeletons came and burned in flames and collapsed.

But it's unusual.

A lot. Obviously, there are a lot of skeletons coming in.

Considering the number that has been reduced so far, it is too much to think that all the others are attacking.

In other words, what magic did the dragon zombie use earlier?

"... you're lying."

I'm not the one who murmured.

A knight, apprentice, or vigilante peeking across the wall of flames.

Anyway, there is no strange voice that leaks from everyone here.

A new magic passed through the skeletons that had been painstakingly scraped earlier, and the "I should have defeated" skeletons that had been resurrected by connecting the bones and lumps together were the voices of the soldiers' mourning.

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