Demand for a refill after hitherto seeing a scattered cocktail was far too effective to rob the human side of morale.

There are no escapees, but those who are clearly absent are scattered.

So, this situation, which has turned the previous advantage upside down, is a blow to the mind.

But there are some who don't stop.

"Don't be a coward! We're not losing!The war is back in five minutes!If our enemies don't change, we're still strong!If we continue, we will win again! "

It was the voice of a polite woman.

Everyone looks at the Lord of Voices, not at the walls of fire.

There's Viola staring straight ahead, of course.

I could hear the words clearly on this wide battlefield, even if I was using the magic of loud voice.

Her voice caught her, and the people around her "stood up" one after the other.

"Knights! Are you so stubborn!?What is the result of everyday training!?A knight's oath and a knight's oath are cheaper than a goddamn nuisance!? "

The knights of my colleagues who laugh at Viola's words with their noses and say, "I don't care."

They gaze forward to support each object, such as their sword and spear.

"Vigilante! You've been protecting the city to impress your favorite daughters!?It's just costume!? You can't do anything without a woman watching!?Then get the hell out of here! Otherwise, show me what a man looks like! "

Viola, a woman, told me that, and no vigilante guy came.

Above all, it's called "Guanqing", and if you're bad at it, you can't make Viola dress up any better than they do for the city's daughter.

It was easy for such a man to help protect the city.

"And a wizard and a bartender! Your presence is indispensable for battle!Say it pathetically! You are the main characters in this fight!Lead us to victory! "

Seems to be a good sedition.

Wizards are originally talented people.They tend to feel better when they are treated differently.

And most of the bartenders Viola pointed to were apprentices.Even if you are a knight apprentice, if your admired seniors tell you that you are the lead actor, you will feel like you have to do it.

Viola's inspirational cry seemed to have been well crafted after observing each character and person.

I'm sure they were expecting a scene where the opponent would come back to life like this.

Just like me and Swiss.

"Come on! We'll win!"

Viola screams and at the same time the walls of the flames that had burned the skeletons disappear as if they were finished.Instead of time, the enchantment was at its limit.

But there were no cowardly men in the Skeletons that emerged from the other side.

"Bartender Troop! Buy me some time with the three-stage shooting!"

I shouted so I could hear it as widely as I could.

Each of the current troops is solidified with its own good attributes, and it is impossible to take a proper approach to combat immediately.But to a certain extent, I can. I've been practicing many times.Troops are numbered for these times.

If magic hits each other, it may interfere and negate each other, but it's better than attacking sporadically.

And while they were buying me some time, the warriors formed themselves, and me and Sui slightly fell back.

Next to me, Swiss painted a pattern with a line of light on the ground with a difficult face.


Viola, who had boosted her morale on the battlefield earlier, ran towards us.

It looked magnificent a while ago, but now it's just a little irritating.

But after approaching, he noticed that Swiss was setting something up and aggressively asked me.

"What is this all about?"

"Looks like he's getting ready for his wife.Actually, I don't know the details either. "

Viola distorted her eyebrows surprisingly in my reply.Viola also heard from Switzerland, but she doesn't even know the details.Because I only said that it would be better if I didn't use Swiss.

That's why I don't really know what Swiss is motivated to do.I'm just being asked to 'use' some cocktails to help.

Viola took a deep breath and asked, deepening the wrinkles between her eyebrows.

If necessary, I would like to use the help of my twins, so I came to talk to you.

In Viola's words, I see the battlefield.

Although morale is high in the previous scenario, the effects of fatigue are still great.

The easiest way to temporarily rejuvenate the battlefield is to feed the twins of the vampire who are supposed to be staring at the battlefield on their side.

As far as combat technology is concerned, the trained knights will be fortified.But with pure physical abilities and resilience, they can do a thousand tasks far beyond the race.

However, since they were also the dragon zombie opponents, they were watching the battlefield near the main battlefield after the first magical battle.

No matter how much you're pushed, you'll have to endure the opportunity to crush the Demon King.

And of course Viola knows that.Thinking about it by bending it is an important aspect.

It would really taste bad if it was pressed off now.

But Sui, who seemed to have not listened to Viola, said a word.

"I don't need it"

His eyes did not go to Viola, staring straight at the ground formation.

However, there is a clear conviction in that voice.

Viola, who had a long relationship with the Swiss, did not get angry with the Swiss attitude and asked.

"Are you sure you're okay, Sue?"

Leave it to me.

Viola sighs.

Instead of the tightening up as before, I ask with the face of my best friend, who is always pushed by the Swiss, to stare at the Swiss again.

"It's not a game."

"I know."

"A lot of people could die."

"I won't let you."

Viola didn't ask Sue that much.

He tapped me on the shoulder instead of Swiss, who was working on it.

"Then I believed in Switzerland.That's why I left it to you. "

"... ahh"

I will answer in Swiss place.

And tell Viola exactly what Sue told me before she got ready.

"I think I have a favor to ask. If there's a body, pull it as far as you can.Maybe I can't leave it. "

"... leave it to me"

After that, Viola went back to fighting the Skeletons, instead of making a request to the main team.

I'm looking ahead with a prayer feeling.

This is a battlefield that temporarily boosts morale and reverses it, but it is still gradually falling.

Fatigue and rush reduce the accuracy of attacks, and if Magic Support is reduced, Fatigue-Free Skeletons gain long-term advantage.

Still, the number should be decreasing little by little, but the number of skeletons is so high that it doesn't feel like that.

The Dragon Zombie has just finished his work and walks again without looking at us.He hasn't put us in his teeth yet.

If we keep going, we're losing.

There will be fewer dead.

It's a painful battle, even if I miss the battle.

On that occasion, the wizard said that people hate "death" twice.

All right, I'm ready.


Tong, with the long wand that he had in his hand, the swiss beats the center of the formation.

Shortly afterwards, the team that had written until then glowed a pale light and rose.

The light seemed to be on the front lines of the battlefield, and the warriors shouted.

Something is coming, so tell them to protect it.

Sui smiled slightly as she was exposed to the power of the voice.

I was getting ready to activate a cocktail at the word of Switzerland.

"Basic Class (Base) Void, Additional Class (Enchant) Lime 15ml, Apple Potion 10ml, Blue Curacao 15ml, Muscat Potion 20ml, Genealogy (Pattern) Shake"

With words, magic flows slightly from your fingertips to the ammunition you put in your gun.

Guns roar slowly to wait for preparation, but the show starts here.

Looking at the gun as a shaker, I'll take a snap on my wrist and mix it with all the magic I've got.

Sometimes gently, sometimes forcibly, the sleeping liquor is brought into contact with the air to wake you up, shaping the magic accumulated in that cocktail.

Once you finish shaking slowly, there is one magic in your hand that awaits activation.

In this world, cocktails become magical.I tried it many times if it was standard.

And even with the standard arrangement, it also turned into magic.

If that's the case, it makes sense to transform my "original" into a new magic.

And this cocktail I made for the Swiss alone.

"Magic" was born in this world just for her.

I'll point my gun at Sui.

Swiss nodded one by one and closed his eyes.

I pulled the trigger with a murmur in a scene that would only be a problem if it were Earth.

"[Millions Blue]"

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