"Multiple simultaneous chanting" is a theory that is good that Switzerland completed, but was not able to verify without the magic of the "fifth attribute" required for operation.

No, it's more of a magic than a theory.

Normally, humans cannot chant magic at the same time.Because in order to activate magic, you need to chant, and there is only one mouth to do so.

In addition to the mouth, if you use magic formations that incorporate magic activation instructions, you can be close to simultaneous chanting, but that does not involve versatility.

But if there is a concept of chanting and discarding, then the story is different.

If you can omit the chant in some way, only the person's image will remain.

Multiple chanting is theoretically possible if several of those images are simultaneously raised in parallel.

Nevertheless, it was said that there was no technique of chanting and discarding in this world, and it was unrealistic to imagine multiple magic in parallel where it was made.

So the Swiss looked at the "fifth attribute".

Because "fifth attribute" is said to have the nature of interfering with "time and space".

In other words, if you can't discard the chanting, you should complete the chanting and bring the result to "before you start the chanting".

The magical roots of the world and the knowledge and ideas of Switzerland made it possible to create a "magic team" that could not be understood even after listening to the story.

Sui said, from the side, it is "discarded", and that is the result, but in fact, it seems that it is closer to the essence to keep turning the same chant "loop" over and over again.

In my eyes, the swiss only seemed to say nothing, and I couldn't understand it.

Well, my understanding is good.

As a result, this magic enables only one person to produce 100 Magus firepower.

One hundred wizards is enough to make a big difference in this world.

After that, the surface of the board returned several times.

The resurrected Skeleton Legion is once again wiped out by the magic of the Swiss' Watch 'attribute.

A dragon zombie sees it, using wet soil as its main ingredient to create a Skeleton Legion again.

As if waiting for it, with the magic of the 'Salam' attribute, the Swiss burned away the skeletons.

The body of earth, which contains water and is burned by fire, dances around like a run-down sand.

The natural environment of the plains seemed to be worrying, but there was only one thing I could say.

That's because every time I increase it, there's clearly less skeletons to resurrect.

Decreases Dragon Zombie Magic and increases the cost of Skeleton Integration due to the deterioration and disappearance of the bones that make up the material.It is not hard to imagine that they have a huge impact.

Then, four times, the resurrected army was buried in the "Taira" attribute by Switzerland, and the battlefield was leaning heavily.

Unlike Swiss, Dragon Zombies didn't stop there.

However, the number of newly created Skeletons is no longer less than the number of our soldiers.Furthermore, the repeatedly used materials are following the path of deterioration and are visibly weakened.

That means we have enough time for a bump from the front.

"Follow the results of The Great Witch!"

"Push! Millions Blue is on us! Ooh!"

"With the protection of the Millions of Blues, yes, yes!"

The men, the warriors were shouting.

Screaming increases morale and sacrifices skeletons with increased morale.

Slaughtering skeletons will boost morale again, and this time scream with increased morale.

The Great Witch.

Millions Blue

"Millions of Blues"

Also known as "Sui Vermut", the synonym for their goddess of war.

The current location is a picture of a resting place in the supply yard away from the front lines of the battlefield.

After exhausting Teila's magic, the Swiss, which had become almost sober, is now suffering as if it were a child of extreme potion sickness and magic deficiency.

It is also a problem to continue drinking potions, and it seems that it is also a problem not to drink anything. Swiss was licking potions, just as when she had to force herself to drink alcohol with the little one during hangover.

Sui said that it was better to die, but in the first place, it was amazing enough to do things like dry to death when ordinary people went there four times.

The magic of my fifth attribute is down to 70%.Sui said that even fairy tale gods and demon kings are likely to reach the magic.

That's all, it seems that the "Multiple Simultaneous Chants" magic team had explosive powers.

"How are you, Swiss?"

"Double Tough"

I didn't try to hide my illness, but I dyed the cheeks of my white face through the blue a little.

I don't know whether the influence of the magic team invented by Switzerland, the influence of my magic that was flowing in, or the influence of the [Millions Blue] that became the pass, but the magic released by Switzerland drew an unusual 'pale' tail.

For that reason, the eyes of those who were watching the battlefield were burned with a pale light that slaughtered hundreds of thousands of skeletons.

In addition, the name [Millions Blue] flowed from where it spread, and it was not long before it spread.

Every time the Swiss kicked the monster away, the title echoed with cheer.

Originally, it might have been a joke between Swiss and acquaintances, but it would have gradually spread to strangers.

Swiss received it badly.

"It is still a theory of about a hundred weights, and the fuel consumption is too poor to operate alone at this stage.It is troublesome to treat such "defects" like a synonym for me. "

Swiss leaked such a word from her mouth, which she couldn't help but open.

The path that was already open between me and Swiss is closed.In the current situation, Sui leaked his dissatisfaction that it was about the mountain of Sekiyama.

I said, wiping that sweaty forehead gently with a cold wet towel.

"But thanks to that, I was able to rewind.I did good enough. "


"Besides, it's better than" 2,000 Years of Witches, "right?"

"... forbidden"

Speaking of the 'alias' that Sui doesn't seem to like, she turns a blind eye.

But the vermilion in her cheek stayed the same.

It seems that the Millions Blue likes this nickname a lot.

Maybe eventually, the time will come to really manipulate millions of magic.

"Rest slowly after that."

I stand up to return to the battlefield when I see the swiss state stabilized.

Such a weak Swiss hand holds my hand.

She stares at me with her blue face on.

"... wait, if anything happens, I promise I'll keep it all."

I made sure of that promise.

The point is, don't leave yourself behind, but I can't take the Swiss now.

"Don't say anything strong in your current state."


I grabbed Swiss's hand and said it again.

"It's okay. It's just a dragon zombie."

"... that's why I'm most worried."

"I'm fine. Phil and Sally are in danger."

He said he still said something, but in fact, there's nothing more he can do about it.

There is no reason to take her to a dangerous battlefield.

That's why I let her go and left her there.

"Mr. Sui, how are you?"

When I leave the rest area, the girl calls out as if she were waiting.

It is a cravel that has been instructed to replenish in a different place from Guinula.

To her question, I return it without hiding any definite relief.

"There's nothing wrong with life.What about Phil and the others? "

"To tell the truth, it's not very pleasant."

The Swiss matter was solved, and when I asked Phil and the others how they were doing, Crabel's expression didn't come to mind.

She says, somehow, she encourages continuation from the standpoint.

"The Skeleton threat has decreased dramatically with the help of Swiss.As a result, the two of you were ready to enter, but from there. "

"From there?"

"The Demon King has started to riot."

Follow Crabel's words that it's faster to see, and climb up to the nearby observatory to see the battlefield.

There are still hundreds of meters or more away, but dragon zombies can be found quickly.

I see, this is a terrible situation.

The Demon King's body certainly has a very high magical posture, but it is not completely intact after being hit by a series of Swiss attacks.

Especially the effect of being burned by the flaming vortex of the salam attributes.The wreckage of the living flesh that I had as a zombie is burning out, and I've turned it into a zombie skeleton for both my famous fruits.

The demon king now stops walking, lowers his limbs to the ground, and is on the brink of battle.

The soldiers were not approaching the darkness, much less the demon king in that posture, and were watching from a considerable distance.

The worst part is that even when Skeletons, who were supposed to be working for such a demon king, approached, they attacked and scattered themselves without question.

Its limbs, tails, and even bones are shaken into living fangs that fall in between without distinction between enemy allies.

And Skeleton didn't care about the situation, so inevitably the Demon King has a brawl on the spot.

No matter how tougher a vampire is than a human, there seems to be hesitation in approaching a detour.

This is horrible.

"Yes, it won't get any worse soon."

As long as we wait for the wear and tear, it seems like we can leave it alone, but the opponent is already wearing it more than enough to interact with Swiss.

If so, the magic of the Demon King may be recovering while doing so.

If that is the case, it is also possible that if you keep looking at it silently, a large number of skeletons will eventually be created and become the original tree Ami.

"What about the upper levels?"

"I just want you to find a gap and get inside."

"Well, there's no effective solution..."

The upper echelons have little experience in fighting dragon zombies, not just lords, but even decent group warfare.Suffice it to gather the soldiers together in this short period of time.You don't know how to fight someone that's only on the record.

As I said before, Demon King Dragon Zombies have a lifetime of Attack when converted into Zombies.

Dragons are magical creatures, not muscles.

The depletion of health is the depletion of magic.And unless you disrupt magic or destroy the nucleus, it won't stop.

"You don't have to go until you disturb magic, but if you hit it with a magical saturation attack like the Swiss did, you might be scared, right?"

I murmured at the thought of the Swiss attack earlier.

Swiss attacks at that time were far from decisive, but they did do damage to Dragon Zombies.That means if you hit that level of magic, you can inhibit movement.

If that were possible, it would be a gap for two vampires to attack.

Speaking of what I think, Crabel thinks hard.

"Probably, but can the magical forces, excluding Sui, be saturated enough to frighten the Devil?"

"Still, it's better than not."

Above all, when I think about something, it is the upper echelons centered on the Lord who decide whether or not to implement it.

Even in Switzerland's hands, there was no time to incorporate it into training, but as a deterrent for the future, Switzerland would certainly have told him.

Unlike that, you should not do things arbitrarily that you did not explain beforehand.

We will gather the wizards and bartenders who are still supporting the front line, and if we can't keep the front line, it won't be an operation.

Capture one of the messengers running around the main team and tell the upper echelons the outline of the operation and the fact that they are coming.

Then, as I watched the state of the dragon zombie, there was a suspicious light and 'eyes' in the back of his eyes.


Zokri, you have a very cold running on your spine.

It's not as emotional as hostility.Something a little more inorganic.

Obstacles to be eliminated, like machines in sight.


Crabel was shouting as if I had suddenly stopped moving and solidified.

But I can't answer that voice.My throat doesn't move well.

You know what it is. I have all the pieces.

What was the purpose of the dragon zombie in the first place?

Though not certain, it was speculation that they were being caught by the powerful magical powers of various magical instruments that existed in the King's City.

That means the dragon zombie has no eyeballs, but the ability to feel magic.

And the dragon zombie will not tell the difference between humans, but it will still be possible to tell the difference between magic.

Only Switzerland can damage Dragon Zombies in this fight alone.

While the Swiss were attacking, the Dragon Zombie must have seen the magic of both the Swiss and the Magic Faction surrounding the Swiss ─ ─ my magic.

In other words, it is not strange that the magic of Switzerland and I are remembered individually as a "threat to be eliminated".

This is how I am now moving away from the Swiss.

Now I'm in a place where I can see through my eyes.

There is no abominable magic in the side that attacked us.

Perhaps this is a great opportunity for the other party to eliminate the threat?

"Crabel! Hurry up and get out of here ─ ─"

Let's get out of here. I don't know how the words got through.

It turns out that the dragon zombie, who had been dedicated to intercepting until then, had a great deal of action on the spot.

At the next moment, the rotten dragon's tailbone split several times per section and was ejected from the spot.

It was a very rough target, but it was certainly an attack on our "home faction."

I even left behind the sound of the wind, and one of my tailbones was flying right at me.

At my reaction rate, evasion is unbearable.

Still, is there anything I can do?

That's what my body did reflexively was to protect Miss Crabbell, who should also be in danger.

I moved forward aggressively to protect the girl.




As soon as I got out in front of the girl, Don and I were pushed hard on my back.

When I lose my balance, I fall beyond the sorry handrail on the lookout.

But I managed to move my head, and I looked back.

There was a vague expression on Crabel who threw me out of the observatory ─ ─

Shortly afterwards, a dragon zombie's tailbone pierced the observatory.

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