
Without a second, I fell to the ground and my angry voice leaked from the impact of a forceful strike.

But that voice doesn't resonate anywhere.

The flying dragon's tailbone pierces the observatory, making a loud noise and returning to the pieces of wood.

But that's not all.

A girl who couldn't even scream was definitely on the observatory.

The girl who was trying to protect me, the other way around.

Cle, bell!

The pain that comes up from the joints of your body is scratched off by drugs in your brain.

The possibility of a dragon zombie chase doesn't even bother me.

I managed to get up with a fluffy body and approach the collapsed observatory.

There it is.

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

I saw a girl dyed in bright red.

But it was strange.

Something sharp is sticking out of her abdomen that should never have existed to the girl I know, and she keeps bleeding out of it.

No. What are you kidding me about?

Emotions don't keep pace with perceptions.I know, but I pretend I don't know.

Crabel is bleeding to death in front of his eyes...?


I fell on my knees confused on the spot.

I should have known this was war.

The figure of the soldier who lost his life on the front line was certainly burning in his eyes.

And yet, I couldn't believe my acquaintance was dead.

"Clay, Belle."

She wasn't that close to me.

It's important as a business partner, but that's all.

That's all. She saved my life.

She died in my place.

My reckless behavior, my disregard for depleted dragon zombies, produced this result.

Regret is swirling in my head.Everything about my feelings is shouting that it's my fault.

I can't move.

Look at the girl who's dying in front of me.

I remember the cold cheeks of Torisu Ibuki.

My acquaintance died because of me again.


Someone shook my shoulders and I went back to myself.

It was Sally who was speaking to me.

"Come on! Are you alive!?"

Sally stretched her cheeks.

After a tingling pain, I gently pressed my dull fever against my cheek.


"Yes, it's me!"

"The cravel....."

"I know."

With a biting face on Sally's lips, I think dull thoughts.

What was I doing before I put the cravel on?

I was deciding why she was dead.

"Sally!? Is Crabbell safe?!Still alive ─ ─ "

"He's still alive."

"Then, heal magic!!"

I was running without thinking.

I came to this world and knew there was magic, and I knew that magic was never all-powerful.

I accidentally ran over the means I had been through a lot in the game.

Sally looks at me with a serious look.

"Calm down, Mr. General. There is no magic of recovery in this world."


I should have known.

This world is not a game, even if it has magic like a game.

Humans are not controlled by HP, and humans have not yet completed the magic theory of healing wounds.

Nobody has a life saving technique that is about to be lost in front of them.

So what do we do?

"General, calm down. There's nothing you can do."

The fact that it was poked into my brain was so cold.

Ironically, it calmed my head.

Finally, the current situation of the main team is coming to my mind.

We're not the only ones who've been attacked by dragon zombies.A tailbone bullet poured into the main battle pierced it, and screams and fury were blowing all around it.

We have taken heavy damage from an unintended Dragon Zombie Ranged Attack.

Among them, Sally must have rushed to see my crisis first.

I take a deep breath. The smell of the excavated soil entered the lungs, but it didn't peel off.

Then I looked straight at the cravel.The moment I'm doing this, the girl whose life is flowing out of her body.

"I'm sorry, Sally. I'm calm."


Where's Phil?

I'll be right there.

Soon as I heard the wind, something landed near me.

Phil, who had abandoned all his generosity, came first to my side.

And Phil screamed with a sadder voice than I did.


Phil went straight to the bloody girl with no other eyes.

Did you notice Phil shouting?

Crabel, who was quietly closing his eyes, slightly opened his eyes.


And she opens her mouth, staring at Phil in the veil.But there was no voice coming out of his throat.We can't afford to do that anymore.

Phil reached out to tremble and grabbed Crabel's hand.

Crabel moves his lips again just a little bit. I can't speak.

Then slowly opened her eyes ─ ─.


Phil called Sally's name.

I didn't know why.

However, it seemed that the silver-haired girl who had been calm from start to finish at the scene had been passed on without any shortage.

Sally nodded with a gentle smile.

"It's okay. Don't worry about the rest, Phil."

"I'm sorry. I asked for the rest, Sally."

I'm sorry, Phil lowers his head.

And then you saw me.


Phil calls me with a confused face as to what to explain.

But I didn't want to say anything to his impatient face.

"I don't know, but don't worry.This is my responsibility.I got Miss Crabel involved.So I'm sorry, please. "


According to me, Phil made up his mind.

Finally, he gently strokes Crabel's pale, cold cheeks.

So, we're all set.

When Phil put his left finger in his mouth, he chewed it off easily.

"Ah, three great dukes, Rasquil von Kirishvasser, and his son, Phil Otto Kirishvasser, will perform the blood union ritual!"

Phil says with a powerful voice that doesn't make him feel pain.

Sally, who was looking at it, also responded with a strong voice.

"Sartina Kirishvasser, the daughter of Rasquil, will also be there.Phil, what is the name of the man who sacrifices his life? "

"Crabel Safina"

"Very well, then make an oath."

While waiting for Sally's reply or not, Phil put his chewed ring finger into Crabel's mouth.

Cravel, who had no room to resist, did not show a distressing expression and looked at Phil blurrily.

Phil lifts her jaw with his right hand.

The angle was such that the airway was secure, and the claw and the cravel's throat moved.

"In exchange for my blood, Filot Kirishvasser makes a marriage contract with Crabel Safina.As proof, I will share this life with her. "

"Sartina Kirishvasser heard. If thou shalt lie to thy vows, thou shalt turn thee into ashes."

"I don't mind."

Along with the words, Phil pulled his finger out of Crabel's mouth.

Then I gently said to Crabel, who was trembling with vain eyes.

"I'm sorry for being so aggressive. But just once. I want you to nod."

I'm sure Crabel didn't hear anything Phil said or interacted with Sally.

But I guess I could only see Phil's face.

That's all she is.

I really nodded with a slight smile, even if it was small.

"Thank you."

Phil talks to Crabel.

At that moment, something definitely changed.

If I hadn't experienced it before, I wouldn't have known what had happened.

But I've activated [Millions Blue] before.

Now there's some kind of path between Phil and Crabel.

And what happened after that was quick.

Immediately after the pass was connected, Phil pulled out sharp bone fragments that were stuck in the cravel with his hand.

At this moment, the hole that has only been dying with blood until now is blocked while you look at it.

And at the same time, Phil, who did the act, threw up a lot of blood.

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