
"It's okay, it's okay."

Phil smiled so generously, but that wasn't the end of it.

Every time a scratch disappears from the cravel, Phil's body is also scratched.

Even if it's a vampire wound that will heal soon, I'll carve his body without blocking it later.

Arms twist, legs twist, and blood erupts from places, creating a state of adhesion when it slowly heals.

Phil's angry voice leaked every time, but on the other hand, Crabel's expression gradually calmed down, and he was clearly recovering from the previous death.

"Sally, what are you talking about?"

I'll also ask another vampire what's going on right now.

Sally turned her voice to Phil without turning a blind eye.

"General, there's an urban legend that when vampires suck blood, they become vampires themselves."


"It's a bright red lie in itself.It's the opposite, actually. "

I remember when I looked into vampires to find out about them.

At that time, I read a book to know the correct vampire image, not the superstition that a vampire sucked blood on me.

This is what was written in the book that served as a reference.

There is not one way to increase the number of vampires.

One is how to have a child through intercourse.

And you couldn't tell me anything else.

"In an old vampire marriage ritual, you let the other person drink their blood, share your soul, and connect your heart.Originally, it's about vampires, but if you do it with a race other than vampires, you can turn them into pseudo-vampires. "

Sally tells me with a faint voice that sounds as if she were expelling her emotions.

In other words, the ceremony that has just taken place has turned Crabel into a pseudo-vampire.

If so, what is Phil's current situation?

"A pseudo-vampire is like two people sharing one life right now.Crabel's body is dying.Phil bears all the pain of visiting a fragile human body.Life toward zero is stopped with the infinite life of a vampire.If Phil can endure this, if he gets through the pain, Crabel will be helpful. "

Tidy up a little in your head.

I suppose emphasizing the pseudo is because it didn't essentially become a vampire.

This is a state where vampires divide their lives, not their bodies.I'm sure it doesn't have the vampire's vampire traits.

However, with Phil's connected life, Crabel could now use the power of "healing", which was incomparable to humans, thanks to the vampire's intense "immortality".

But it bothered me that Sally was too flat to explain it.

"Will Crabel survive?"

When I asked, Sally lowered her eyebrows slightly and told her to exhale a clogging voice.

"It's up to Phil. If Phil couldn't stand the pain and let Crabel go.We're both going to die. "


To the last word, I'll make a voice.

Surprised, looking at Sally's face, she was never joking.

She had such a strong expression that she was desperately holding back her teeth as if she were about to cry.

"That's why this ritual is a vampire secret.The simplest way to kill a vampire is to let them know and commit suicide after accepting the marriage. "

Sally doesn't look at me.

His eyes were staring at Phil in agony.

The vampires I've seen up to now looked like they were spicy and out of magic, but the image was flat where the body blew up.

Phil must have suffered a 'wound' that he couldn't have imagined.

"'I don't mind seeing humans as livestock or pets, and it's not bad to play with them.Just stop choosing someone to marry.Because it is only a life that ends in decades. 'And she used to say, "

"... that's..."

"It's a vampire-like, self-centered way of saying it, but it must have been that person's life advice.To live with vampires, human life is too bleak. "

That's where I realized.

The shoulders of Sally staring at Phil trembled small.

On the brink of the life of just one twin brother, her shoulders peering at her natural solitude as a vampire looked very weak despite the overwhelming performance differences as a creature.

If I were someone like Lito, for example, I'd be able to hug you without thinking about it.

Such an idea passed my head, but I shaken it off and put my hand gently on its shoulder.

Did you feel the temperature in my hand? I felt that tremor stopped.

"I'm sorry, Sally. My carelessness put Miss Crabbell in danger.I shouldn't have left Swiss.Since I'm alone, I'm sure the demon king is. "

"No, So-san. If the victim is responsible, it's no good.It was her judgment that Crabel protected General, and it was Phil's judgment that Phil tried to keep Crabel alive.You can't apologize to me and let me choose between you two. "

I wondered where Sally was watching me and Crabel interact for a moment.

Yes, I was sheltered by Crabel.

That moment. Unlike me, who couldn't think of anything, Crabel calculated it.If I survive or if I survive, which is a profitable future?

It was her own decision not to put the weight of her life on the balance.

I have now indirectly entrusted Crabel with the Future of Cocktails.

When I realized it, I clasped my fist and hit my chest.

The human throat is not ready to yell at itself, but the human hand is ready to punch itself, good.

"Sally, let's get the two of you to a rest stop.And what about dragon zombies? "

One moment, please.

After that, Sally, with her wings on her back, quickly floats into the sky.

She said quietly that she would come back in a few seconds.

"Looks like you've lost your tail and run out of Ranged Attacks.Once again, we are returning to intercept. "


I went back to the hairline.

But the opponent lost his tail.We've done damage to the main team, but we haven't lost a lot of combat power.

Except for one thing.

"Sally, are you okay without Phil?"

Sally and Phil were responsible for targeting the core of the Dragon Zombie during the final stages of the fight.

But Phil isn't in such a big position right now.I'm just desperate to keep Crabel alive.

That's why Sally has to do the rest by herself.

"No problem. Phil left it to me, and I told him to leave it to me."

Sally smiles graciously.

I had a few things to say to her, but I didn't think of the right words.

No matter how dangerous you think it is, no matter how futile you think it is, no matter how careful you worry about it, there's nothing we can do about this fight, and we know that.

Of course Phil would have known, and yet he acted for Crabel, and Sally admitted it.

I have no intention of complaining about the action. [M]

Even if I knew what Phil was going to do, I couldn't tell Phil to stop moaning in pain, and I didn't want to.

"Sally, I can't replace Phil, but I'll make a gap."

So I thought all I could do was help Sally at least a little instead of my apprentice.

Shortly after that, Sally narrowed her eyes in surprise.

"Really? Dragon Zombies are after you?Are you going out of your way to the battlefield? "

"Because you're targeting me, I can be a fool.If I show up, his movements may change. "

"Well, that's true."

Besides, I was originally going back to the battlefield when I split up with Swiss.

Though the dragon zombie's hidden sphere is quite crazy, there is no need to change policy.

"It could be more dangerous than before."

"... just to be prepared, but I'm a little scared of the boulders."

I smiled back at Sally's threatening voice.

That's right. I'm not a warrior.

I'm not the one who fights in this world.However, ordinary people who have dealt with the power of magic in strange encounters.

I'm afraid of fighting, I'm afraid of battlefields, I'm afraid of dying.Remembering what I saw earlier, I trembled, and my face twitched when I saw Crabel bleeding.

But there's only one more thing I can't give up.

"But my first apprentice as a bartender and the good man were hurt at once, and if I didn't stand up, the man would die.I can't hold my breath as a bartender. "

He's pathetic, scared, and still can't even make his romantic relationship clear.

Still, I'm willing to protect the cocktail.That alone is not going to defeat anyone.

Sally sighed at my reply without saying anything.

Sally, like Swiss, seemed to disagree with me going out front, but she knew very well that I wouldn't back off with cocktails or bartenders.

Instead, he said with a glance.

"Worst case, I can't protect you."


Well, let's go.

And I left Miss Crabel, and Sally left early with Phil, who was already unconscious, moaning.

Every time I saw a lot of seriously injured people until I got to the break, I had to eat my teeth.

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