The rest area was full of people who had been damaged in the attack earlier.

The person who showed up at the reception just looked at Phil and Crabel and instructed him to lie back and go to another place.

As much as that, the Dragon Zombie's attacks have hit the main team.

Those who were simply struck by a direct tailbone were killed instantly.

Otherwise, secondary damage can also be significant if they are blown up in the aftermath of an attack, or if they are damaged by buildings or fragments damaged by an attack.

It is unfortunate that the operation headquarters where the lords gathered was safe.

In addition, this supply and rest area was equally intact.

The reason for this was Swiss, who had exhausted most of his magic and lost consciousness.

The Swiss finally protected this place from attack with the magic they had to recover.

As a result, her own magic reaches the deadly "Magic Deficiency" realm, but this is a refueling area.

I was saving my life with proper potion intake and the effect of a cocktail made by a bartender who happened to be there.

There were no people here who sold potions at an extraordinary price or who were reluctant to sell potions to dying people.


Sui keeps sleeping.

Few humans like her have magic deficiencies, nor can they be caused by a sudden magic fluctuation that would have left the body stunned.

So I swore to her that I couldn't answer on my own.

I'll do what I can for a world where my mother didn't have to die.

Ginula was busy running around trying to get Phil and Crabel back to the battlefield.

But he just snapped his chin and didn't stop.

"Total!? And Sally!!"

When I was held by Sally and returned to the front line from the sky, Viola, who recognized us, raised her voice.

They are now somewhat distanced from the Dragon Zombie by a few dozen to hundred meters, staring at the forward formation and repeating the skeleton's sporadic attack.

As soon as she gets off to her side, she takes over the command and asks us.

What's going on with the main team?

"Operations and the supply yard itself are safe.Otherwise there's been a lot of damage. "

"... I see."

I wasn't obviously glad because of the damage, but Viola was still a little relieved that the HQ was safe.

But she quickly switches her expression and tells me what the battlefield is like.

"I don't know how the main team is and I was slightly pushed, but it's not broken.Dragon Zombies don't move as you can see, and Skeletons are clearly weakening. "

"As always, the situation is the same as when we deal with dragon zombies."


While talking, Viola is moving her eyes with flickering.

I soon realized I was looking for Phil.

It's hard to say, but I decided to tell you right away because I couldn't help postponing it.

Phil left.


It was unexpected, Viola raised her voice quite surprisingly and grabbed me by the shoulder.

"What do you mean?"

Phil left in an unexpected incident.

"... so what happens to the operation?"

There are many other questions I would like to ask, but Viola swallows them and asks.

I wonder if it is possible to crush dragon zombies without Phil.

"No problem."

Sally said clearly with a ready face.

Viola also turned to Sally and asked straight ahead.

"But it's not what we planned.Will the hole be filled? "

"Originally, one of us was going to stop moving with restraint and the other was going to hit.It should be enough for me to strike alone. "

"But that's just an assumption.And now it's even more difficult to create a gap between enemies.I don't think we can do that kind of hopeful observations anymore. "


I stepped out a step earlier, blocking Sally's slightly reckless remarks.

I have an idea.

Viola looked at me strangely when she broke into the conversation.


"Oh, I noticed one thing in the attack earlier."

And I told Viola what I was thinking.

It is possible that the Dragon Zombie is aware of the world with magic.It is possible that Switzerland and I are remembered as a threat.The attack just now could have triggered my separation from Sui.

And that I could take a different reaction by going out in front of him.

"... I don't have enough knowledge to say it's impossible.But is there a basis? "

"The timing, and then his eyes."


Viola leaned her neck.The Dragon Zombie, already a bone, certainly doesn't have eyes.

But I know there's something strangely glowing behind those eyes.

"I think the light behind his eyes is definitely right for me."

"That's why."

"I'm still in my spine because of the cold."

I said, look at the dragon zombie.

It was still far away, but there was certainly a feeling of being seen by someone closer than before.

An inorganic, frightening gaze like a machine or an insect.

He's certainly watching me.I'm alert to what I'm going to do.

"I'll draw the attention of the dragon zombie.If not, I'll think about it again, so why don't you give it a try? "

Viola tied her lips tightly and worried a little about her difficult face.

But I nodded in a few seconds.

"Honestly, I can't afford to go out with you in good faith.But it's not funnier if things get stiff like this.So if there's anything you can do, try it. "

Viola sighed and gave up.

Such a face is what she looks good at.Mostly against the reckless Swiss.

"Thank you. I just need someone to escort me closer to the Cocktail until I use the Magic Cannon."

"I'll come with you. I was sick and tired of focusing on directing."

That's what Viola says, but she might be closer to a cure.

The battle against the Skeletons is leaning toward our advantage, but this is the time when I really want to be in charge.But knowing that the real opponent of this battle is not Skeletons, he followed us to deal with the Dragon Zombies, even if he left us anxious.

Then Viola hurries back to her men, gives them a few short instructions, and returns to us again.

"Shouldn't I tell my superiors to take care of your men?"

"Originally, I was supposed to be taken care of if I ever got out."

Oh, I see.

From Viola's bitter face, I understood that this was probably a Swiss story.

In this operation, Switzerland had the role of a magical trump card (joker).The avant-garde she depends most on is definitely Viola.Maybe the time has come for Switzerland to need Viola.

That's why Viola would have been able to leave at any time in preparation for that.

I have some sympathy for Viola, who is destined to be swayed by the Swiss, but I left it behind to briefly explain the operation.

"It's easy to do. Me and Sally split up in two, each in a diagonal position.Depends on the Dragon Zombie's reaction, but I'll expose my hands and stop him.If any of this works and the dragon zombie stops, Sally needs to break his core. "

"This is too much of an abandoned operation."

I can only laugh bitterly at Sally's feelings.

That's right. After all, all I can say is try everything to stop the opponent.

Still, it's probably an effective operation.

At the very least, it has been proven that dragon zombies were scared of Swiss multiple simultaneous magic.

"Anyway, I'm saving your life, both of you."

When I lowered my head, Viola said with a slightly distant eye.

I wonder if it's Dejab. I'm really scared of seeing him die. "

"Don't even think about it. Don't say it."

In the back of your brain, for a moment, a cravel lay on your back, and your feet trembled.

If I stay like this, I'm going to be unable to walk, and I'm desperately pulling back that fear.

And now I look at a dragon zombie staring at me suspiciously.

"I can't just do this, man."

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