I tried to say it was easy to get closer, but it wasn't that easy.

The Dragon Zombie is in the enemy line.In other words, in order to get closer to the Dragon Zombie, we must scratch apart the incoming Skeleton army.

Even if our enemies are weakening, we're outnumbered.That's why we need your backup.

Even though Viola didn't instigate it, the human side also took the lead in the all-out battle to match our approach.It's a form of cover for our entry.

As a result, we headed straight for the Dragon Zombies, protected by the many warriors who collided with the Skeletons and the dozens of elites who consolidated our surroundings.

"As always, it's troublesome!"

Skeletons leaking from among our sword-shielding guards were crushed with a sword that Viola left in her sheath.

Her favorite weapon is a sword, but slashing is bad for skeletons.So she hit her with a sheath, or she smashed her skull (though not a bone anymore) with a stoning.

Sally, on the other hand, looks at the dragon zombie in a quiet breath to calm her mind.

And I'm checking each of the cocktails for the dragon zombies that I checked during the replenishment.

Build cocktails are not powerful enough against dragon zombies.

So what I stabbed in the pouch was mostly a shake or a stear cocktail.

It gathers powerful magic, that is, powerful magic.Still, there's hardly any magic left for widespread attacks.

To be honest, I wanted to bring [Kamikaze] as a trump card that would definitely work against dragon zombies, but unlike some magic orc, dragon zombies are likely to be watching me.

You won't be able to get anywhere near him or wait for my [Kamikaze].

But that's fine. This time it's Sally, not me.

"Total, it's about time we got into the range of that gun."

Viola speaks as she is defended in the battlefield.

I nodded and saw a dragon zombie.

The distance between me and my opponent is no longer 50 meters.

The range of the magic cannon is long enough to be in range.

But the powerful short cocktail system shortens its range in inverse proportion.

You need to get a little closer to inflict an effective hit.

Almost there.

It's not safe anymore.

When I tried to step out, Viola next door took me by hand.

When I thought about what was dangerous, the dragon zombie just turned away from the waiting position and stretched his back and stood up.

Will there still be 20 meters of length after losing the tail?

I'm holding still for now, but that's convenient for the other party.

I don't know when they're going to come after us.The mere movement of that giant body will force us to make a small sacrifice.

Gaze into the eyes of the Garan Hall.

Viola, we're almost there.

"Calm down. We've reached our goal.Now he's nailing you.Sally's already in the back. "

After they told me, I caught Sally in the corner of my vision.

She is slowly starting to circle around, splitting the group of skeletons.

The Dragon Zombie doesn't seem to care about Sally's movements.

As for Sally, he certainly does a good job.


The enemy's guard is still on the lookout.Not only me, but also my surroundings.

In this state, a raid will not lead to a safe attack on the nucleus.

We need to keep an eye on me a little longer, when Sally's on her way.

"I want to pull out the gap a little more. No matter how much Sally can move freely, there's no point in reaching the nucleus."

"... I have a point.But what are you going to do? "

The nucleus was deep inside the dragon zombie's chest.

The place is still surrounded by a strong skeleton, losing meat and scaled armor, and it feels like a human can easily slip through it.

It seems difficult to get through the gap in a state of alert.

For safety's sake, we still need to stop moving.

"Viola, I'll stop moving just a little.Then give Sally a signal to attack. "

"So, what are you going to do?"

I'm just gonna treat him to a treat.

Saying so, I pulled out the gun.

Viola is as reluctant as ever.

However, the state of adhesion is not good for us.I nodded after a big conflict.

"Okay, if you say so.But if you think it's dangerous, you can drag it back. "


I got permission from Viola, who turned into the last bulwark.

All we have to do is move on.

"Everybody! We're getting closer! I don't know when they'll attack me! Brace yourself!"

Viola's words were echoed cheerfully by those who would be tired.

I don't even know the name, but I can see the faces of the knights I've met on several occasions, and they smile slightly like pushing my back.

Their expectations also relieve the fears of the giant body in their hearts.

I crossed the line of tension that dragon zombies and I were pulling.


─ ─ ─ ─

It was the effective range of my Gun and at the same time the ultimate warning line for dragon zombies.

The dragon zombie that was waking up was barking in a silent voice as I stepped on my foot.

The movement has stopped, but this is not a gap.

Viola doesn't give Sally a signal either.

This would be a trick for Dragon Zombies to squeeze their power and generate a lower Skeleton again.

It seems that after this period, he is not ready to move from himself.

I picked one out of a lot of ammunition packed in the pouch.

"Basic Attribute (Base) 600ml Watch, Additional Attribute (Enchant) 10dash Pastis, Line (Pattern) Build"

Naturally, this is not a standard recipe.

If it is standard, the amount is one-tenth.If you're open, suddenly it's hard to make cocktails for ten times as much as me, and you won't get orders like that.

Having made such a quantity, there is no way that one person can drink it while it is delicious.

But if it's the magic of a reborn cocktail, things will change.

It is not difficult to use the magic of "ammunition".

All you have to do is make a dozen rounds of ammunition and mix them together in one shot.

With Iberis pouches to stop the clock, it's easy to serve ten prepared cocktails at the same time.

My "ammunition" can do that.

I pour magic from my fingertips into the loaded ammunition.The amount of boulder takes slightly longer than ten times.

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

A silent roar creates a few skeletons around the dragon zombie.

No, I don't already have a skeleton.

Human-shaped lumps of soil have been created, indicating that they were originally soil.I don't think I can afford to shape anymore.

But enough of that, the dragon zombies solidified the skeletons they produced in front of themselves.

"─ ─! Coming!!"

It was Viola who first realized what the enemy was going to do.

At the same time, the dragon zombie pulls its large forefoot back.

I didn't fall back. It's like getting caught in a people-shaped lump in front of you.

But before he does anything, my gun, Victor Frankl, roars slowly.

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

And the dragon zombie fired a chunk of dirt in front of him with his arm.

A cannon that won't beat the momentum of the tailbone just now will definitely come at us.

But it's not the same as before.

I let go of the ammunition almost simultaneously with his movements.

"Vodka Iceberg"

A light blue flare pops out of the muzzle and falls right in front of me.

At the same time.

The thick ice walls that were born unfolded to protect us humans and bounced back the clay cannon.

The blunt sound echoed on the battlefield, but the ice walls did not shrink.

Beyond the transparent wall, I felt a disgusting color in the eyes of a dragon zombie who shouldn't have feelings.

"He's moving!?"

Shortly afterwards, the Dragon Zombies realized the usefulness of a safe ranged attack, walking as fast as they could, but definitely coming towards us.

Watching the dragon zombie approach, the guards who were worried about the appearance of the ice wall also noticed a slight fear.

But even if you show me a scary mix of colors, there's not a single one trying to escape.

"Skeletons coming from behind! Protect the General!"

Viola's sharp voice.

Where the walls are not protected.The guards cut off the Skeletons, who realized the Lord's crisis and increased their ferocity, without delay.

Then I don't have to worry about being attacked by Skeletons from behind.

I took the next ammo out of the pouch without haste.

"Basic Class (Base) 'Salam 45ml', Additional Class (Enchant) 'Lime 15ml', 'Syrup 1tsp', Genealogy (Pattern) 'Shake'"

This is a standard recipe.

Increasing the amount of cocktail increases the magic range, but its power remains unchanged.

Rather, the more you remove it from the standard, the easier it is to keep my image away from the finished form.There is a risk that if the completeness is lowered, the power will also be lowered.

That's why I'm here to fight back.

Dragon zombies are already in front of us.Coming to the other side of the wall of ice.

Viola is desperately taking control of a convoy of guards who will want to turn to the fear of an imminent dragon zombie and face the Skeleton.

Then I'll also consciously cut off the consciousness that is about to turn towards you and pour magic into ammunition.

And the demon king's blow.

The ice walls play the right arm of the Demon King.

The ice wall plays the Devil's left arm.

The demon king's fangs and the ice walls ─ ─.

A sharp, long canine tooth finally pierced my ice wall with the sound of a faggot, faggot.

If you don't listen to the sound, the knights raise their voices to deny that there can be no such thing.

The skeleton of the Dragon Zombie's face distorted as if laughing at such a voice.

It looked distorted.

I told you to break that damn wall.

I gripped and shaked the gun that was ready for magic, loosening it, but never flying it.

Leave only dragon zombies in sight and focus all other nerves on the gun.

Dragon Zombies take a step back to regain momentum.

There are still holes in the ice walls.

If we get hit again in the same place, we'll have a bigger hole than before.

Perhaps that blow will break the wall.

That's how he feels.

That's why I'm going to stare into that hole and let it go.

Perfect for saving you the trouble of drilling a hole in the wall for an attack.

Now, what kind of magic cannon did you have when you fired this before?

It's been a long time, but this cocktail has certainly been used by Guinula, who worked in the shop.

At that time, he disappeared before he reached Guinula.

At that time, it was an unfamiliar environment, and it was a little bumpy due to trouble.Sometimes it was a cocktail that was zero at the counter, and I didn't really intend to hit Ginula in the first place.

In short, even if it was my best cocktail, it wasn't my best magic cannon.

And I've grown in the last two years.

I feel like I can hear the ice bouncing multiple times inside the gun, even if I can't hear it.

I haven't even let go yet, but I can feel the dragon's fetal movement coming out of the gun in my hand.

The dragon tells "Now."

I finished the shake quietly.

A hot, thick presence awaits the time of liberation, now and now.

A dragon zombie is approaching.

A lowly light is imminent in the Garan Hall.

I let go so as to fill up the light.


The Dragon of Fire emerged from the muzzle.

Hot, rough, heavy, powerful, dragon in charge of heat and destruction.

The incarnation of the dragon zombie with its own ferocity,

The Seven Dragons of Fire ate into the body of the Dragon Zombie with their own will.

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