Something is eaten into the forefoot that supports the giant body, causing the other person's bones to sink.

Something jumps from the front to the dragon zombie, eating each other's throats.

Something to the torso. Some to the back leg, some to the wreckage of the wings, some to the root of a thousand cut tails.

Seven dragons stop eating dragon zombies while spreading holes in the ice walls to keep each other out of the way.

Even from my own response, I was able to have a sense of association.It was a masterpiece combining the heterogeneous tension created by the unique location of the battlefield and the accumulated technology.

I let it go as magic without drinking it. Taste it.

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─! "

A dragon zombie struggles to breathe in pain and heat.

But even my pleasure won't end the dragon zombie.Just like the magic of the Swiss, at best, you can stop it.

Even a dragon that has lost its original magic and turned into a skeleton, its overwhelming magic resistance is still alive.

But it doesn't matter.I can play the role assigned to me.

Keep an eye on him and stop him from moving.

At this moment, there was a silver shadow running like a wind from the blind corner of a dragon zombie.

"That's it!!"

Sally jumped big behind the dragon zombie, kicking the skeleton herd like weeds.

The Dragon Zombie can't react to Sally flying from behind.The Dragons of Fire do not recognize the freedom of the Demon King.

Sally attached the body of a dragon to such a burning prison.

You can't target the nucleus directly in your chest from the back side.That's why I thought I was going to go around back there.

But Sally... vampires don't choose that method.

"Excuse me!"

Sally pulled her arm to build up her strength, and immediately afterwards she hit a rib from her back.

The sound of goggins resonates on the battlefield.I have the illusion that even the screams of dragon zombies resonate.

If not mistaken, there were cracks near the base of the thick bone that could be seen from afar.

"Shit! It's so hard for nothing!"

Then she beat Sally twice or three times.

Gaggins, goggins, and even harder sounds.

The pants, the loud noise and the soot were raised, and the broken bones fell to the ground from the roots.

"I'm sorry to bother you this time!"

While doing her clever screaming gracefully, Sally slipped from her own slightly open entrance into the dragon zombie, that is, into front of the magical nucleus of her eyes.

Since the time the Swiss magic burned the meat, the nucleus has shown itself well.

It's like a heart, it's like a jewel, it's a slightly dark sphere that exudes a strange sense of intimidation.

There's a vampire with sharp teeth at its core right now.

Even without Phil, if someone stops moving, it's fine by itself.The allies were looking at Sally's slightly more aggressive assault, with mixed expectations and excitement.

We're almost there. Now, if Sally succeeds in destroying the nucleus, that will be the victory.

The dragon zombie tried to get around and shake Sally, but my [Daikiri] stopped him, and Sally herself unfolded her wings and floated, so the attempt didn't go well.

Then, the atmosphere was dull and shaken by Sally's powerful strike.

─ ─ ─ ─

A silent scream of dragon zombies echoes.

However, Sally on the side where the sound sounded, groaned with regret.

I looked like I was moaning.

Maybe I was the only one who could hear that voice.

The more illusory it is, the more exciting it is.

"Go, go, go, go!"

Sally attacked again to meet such completion.

"Gu, this, ahhhhh!"

Sally's voice echoed, and a roar echoed in the vicinity that seemed to hit hard objects a little late.

Once, twice, three times ─ ─ many times, Sally continues to hit her strength, and every time, the dragon zombie struggles with pain.

And yet, there was still no scratch on the spherical nucleus.


And several attacks.

Pachinkin 'and a high-armour sound echoes around.

And something that breaks down at the same time.

Sally's fist bloomed with bright red flowers and bounced.


We couldn't understand what was happening right from the distance.

The only thing I know is that the core that has just been beaten has taken some sort of 'defensive action'.

Slightly late, red petals scatter on the ground, and you see a picture of the inside of the dragon zombie bones.

There was a thorn growing out of the nucleus to aim at Sally's punched fist.


Sally couldn't help but moan.The lost right hand immediately begins to regenerate and recover.

But Sally attacked the nucleus as she tried to attack again.

The same spines stretched one after the other to accurately capture Sally's limbs.Sally avoided them all in a three-dimensional way with amazing movements away from humans, but at the same time it meant that she had to move away from the nucleus little by little.

The nuclear defenses activate little by little and the thorns bloom endlessly, making a mockery of Sally's efforts to keep her distance.

And Sally finally showed me the gap for a moment.There are countless thorns that can't be missed.Sally gave up evasion and took it with her wings, but instead of stabbing her, she bounced Sally out of the skeleton.


As she flies around, Sally has to go back to where we waited.You'll need to get back on your feet.

At the same time, the Demon King, who no longer had to worry about the nucleus, also regained his posture.My Daikiri, who kept him in captivity, couldn't keep burning in the boulders and disappeared.

Though he killed the momentum, Sally, who was blown away by extraneous forces, collided with the ice walls with a great shock.It falls without force, but it lands on its knees beautifully.

Not only will I disarm it, but the impact will also destroy the ice walls.The debris never fell, and they broke into the air into something sparkly.

Slightly, Sally, who was facing the ground, stood up.

Instead of looking at us, she said with her pupils open and fierce eyes pointing at the dragon zombie.

"One more chance."

It was a voice that felt pressure all the time.

Words, I beg you, are hidden by the power of 'coercion'.

Unconsciously, that word sounds like a hard order to resist us humans.

The knights moan at the words, and even Viola can't say anything.

But I'm not. I've been subjected to much stronger 'coercion' than this.

Above all, I'm Sally's master and Phil's replacement.

It's my job to stop this runaway guy.

Calm down, Sally.

With a strong heart, I embarrassed my runaway apprentice.

Sally didn't give me a glimpse, and she glanced back at the Demon King.

"I'm calm."

"Then don't act like your mother."


After being told to imitate her like her mother, Sally finally looks at us strangely.

Then he realized that he was unconsciously using his powers as a vampire and quickly blued his face.

"No, I'm sorry."

Sally lowered her head and the knights, who couldn't even breathe, breathed relief.

So Sally also regained a little calm, and she leaned down in a bad way.

Dragon Zombies are stopping again.

Looks like you're thinking about it.

I don't know what you're gonna do with us for a while.

"Sally, what did you say? Should we get closer again?"

I don't know how long the Dragon Zombies will be waiting for me.I ask Sally a little sooner.

After all, we and the Demon King hostile more clearly with Sally's strike.

As proof of that, the Skeletons, who had been stalling for some time, were beginning to attack us again.There are no more ice walls.The Knights intercept our enemies in small circles to protect us, including Viola.

Attack, pull once, it won't take long.

Sally held her right hand as she remembered and said quietly to my question.

"One more blow, one more blow, and it'll shatter.It feels like that. "

"On what grounds?"

"Bartender's fingertips"

You were using a fist.

That's what I wanted to say, but I stopped looking at Sally's real eyes.

It was Sally who came closest to our enemy, and it was Sally who actually attacked us.

The Sally says she'll be there soon.There seems to be no basis for this, but it is full of confidence.

If so, may I entrust it to you again?

"Viola! I want to try the same thing again!"

I called out to Viola, who was preventing Skeleton from attacking.

Viola didn't just look at us, she said, "Okay!I replied.

I stroke the pouch with my ammo in mind.

I can do the same thing.I still have the ammunition I made.

But it doesn't really stop the same way with the same content.Dragon Zombies don't seem intelligent, but you might want to take a look at the moves so far and think less of the same attacks coming through.

Nevertheless, putting up ice walls is not a waste because it is a skeleton measure in itself.

"Basic Attribute (Base) 600ml Watch, Additional Attribute (Enchant) 10dash Pastis, Line (Pattern) Build"

A 10-fold recipe, similar to the one just described. There is no difference.

If so, the dragon zombie's rush can be tolerated.The same goes for attacks with arms.Sometimes it gets bitten and destroyed instantly.

I thought so, and I chose this wall.

"Vodka Iceberg"

Once again, ice walls will be created to sandwich dragon zombies and us, to divide skeletons and us.

The knights on the dragon zombie side were not surprised by the sudden appearance of the wall and exhaled relief.

"All right, I'll stop again afterwards ─ ─"

Just as I was about to reload the next bullet.

For the first time, it was' barking '.


The atmosphere was shaking.

In the first place, there are no vocal organs left in the dragon zombie.

A magical voice should resonate in your head, not in your ears.

That said, this voice is certainly shaking the atmosphere.

"What's that noise!?"

One of the knights shouted as he said he couldn't wait.

The scream brought me back.

Yes, I'm sure it's not a voice.It's just a sound.

It's just some kind of sign coming out of his throat.

But I don't know what's going on. I didn't know.

Among them, Viola was the first to realize that she had no attributes but was good at magic.

"Gross! The magic around him is gathering to his throat!I can't believe this.... "

"No way!?"

"'The brace' is coming!!"

It was the most powerful weapon of Dragons in the world.

"Breath" is the meaning of being classified into magic, where dragons combine their powerful magic powers.

Attribute biases will vary depending on the species of each dragon, but there is no way to confront basically any attribute.

A type of magic in which a dragon with a magic digit different from humans gathers, compresses, and turns into an attack, not only for themselves, but also for the surrounding magic.

Because of its pure composition, there are no countermeasures.There is no such thing as magically comparable density attacks on the world's most magical dragons.

Rather than losing an attribute, it can't be matched by the magic of all attributes.

Dragon braces are special attacks that take down the weaker without asking questions.

But we weren't expecting that.

"I thought you couldn't use it!?"

Sally screamed back at Viola's words.

Does the enemy's attack contain a 'brace'?

It was the subject of a briefing when fighting dragon zombies.

Dragon Zombies are basically not intelligent.

And magic can't be used against people without intelligence.

Therefore, the magical "brace" cannot be used on a lost intelligence dragon zombie.

With that assumption, we came to war.

But it turns out that each of his actions included a lot of actions that weren't a simple defensive response.

A single Ranged Attack that sniped at me didn't seem like a zombie that simply moved forward.

I don't know where I'm thinking, but he still has the power to think.

If so, consideration had to be given to the possibility that "braces" could be used.

"Kh, but I can do it!"

The patrol ended soon.

Ignoring all of the previous maneuvers, Sally breathed out without screaming.

Before the bracelet is released, I will strike directly under its magic to stop it.


"It's useless! I'll die as many vampires as I can!!"

Viola opened her arms and stopped in front of Sally.

Direct obstruction of the bracelet means that it will be subjected to a magical explosion that explodes when the bracelet fails.

Because of the simple magic explosion, it may be better than a bracelet, but it is not something that can be eaten and stayed fine.

And no one knows how far they'll get to get caught in the explosion.

Above all, Sally is not a good person to lose here.I can't let you be so reckless.

That's why I stroked the pouch, grabbed the gun, and stepped out a step ago.

"I'll stop it."


Ignoring Sally's voice, I see Viola.

"Viola, use your back hand."

"... is it still there?"

"The one I just cut is the" Swiss Hand ".My Back Hand is still there. "

When I said confidently, I was a little upset by the knights around me, not Viola.

The Swiss activity just now is still burning in everyone's eyes.

I said it with the same confidence as Swiss.It is not strange to think that the same thing may happen.

If you don't, you'll die.

"Which way, at the time of the brace, is it packed?"

There is no effective means for braces.

According to Sui's previous story, if we hit the top magic of about fifty skilled advanced magicians, we would be able to offset it.

No comparable magic or magician can be prepared on this spot.

Except for me.

"... hah. I'm used to entrusting everything to you."

Viola was stunned, and now gave the order.

"Protect this cocktail fool with all your might. That's all!"


They scream and cheer up.

Thank them for stopping Skeletons all the time, all the time.

"Sally, get ready to run."

"... yes"

With that reply as a cue, I will focus again.

Even as I was releasing cocktails earlier, I even broke the idea of pointing at dragon zombies and leaned everything to the gun.

I pulled my deep hand out of the pouch.

Ammo warheads change color depending on the type.Each of the four attributes is red, blue, green, and yellow. No attributes are transparent.

But this is none of them.

A newly born magician in this world, the Magus Gunner (Bartender) can transform people without magical talent into magicians.

But there's only one thing I can't do.

Wizards have attributes that cannot be handled, and Magic Gunners have attributes that cannot.

Shooting a Magic Gun with a Mass Produced Gun requires a corresponding Magic Stone, but there are attributes in this world that don't have Magic Stones.

That's the Fifth Attribute.

As long as there are no magic stones of the Fifth Class in this world, the Magic Cannonman cannot handle the Fifth Class Magic.

Except for me.

Yeah, I'm not.

I'm the only bartender in the world who can turn the "Beverage Cocktail" I made into "Ammo" and turn it into magic.

You don't have to worry about why now.

The important thing is that I'm not an authentic wizard, and I can probably use the most 'fifth attribute magic' in the world.

Research on the fifth attribute has not progressed.It has never been a potion of the fifth attribute, but it is deceased, and the whole thing is still wrapped in mystery.

But my world's cocktails are different.There are countless cocktails with distilled liquor and liqueurs that require aging, such as whiskeys and brandies.

And this is also the original recipe for a cocktail that uses liqueurs that require aging.

However, if you are asked if the fifth attribute becomes the basic attribute (base), you tilt your neck.


I can put ammunition in the gun.

Dragon Zombie charges persist.

Originally, it took a long time to release the bracelet.

However, it still seems like it will take a long time.

It is a supposed attack that could not be used at all.In addition, there is less magic to maintain your body.Perhaps it's quite rude for a dragon zombie.

But it doesn't matter.

I quietly began the proclamation.

"Basic Attribute (Base) 'All'"

Some of the people around me listened brilliantly to my words, and I felt a slight clumsiness.

They are not bartenders, but they know the form of declaration used by apprentices.I also know that the first thing to declare is magical attributes.

But I don't know the attribute 'All'.

Naturally, there is no attribute for all English.

This is the same kind of "sky (void)" that I declare when I don't use any of the four attributes.

"Additional Attributes (Enchant) 'Gini 15ml', 'Watch 15ml', 'Salam 15ml', 'Taylor 15ml' ─ ─"

So far, all four attributes.

But here's one more thing.

What I used to make was a "Co Antro" - in other words, a white curacao.

But that's because there's still no potion ripening in this world.

And now, this cocktail is truly complete as an all-attribute.

"─ ─ Orange Curacao 15ml"

Orange Curacao - by using the technology of "Old Potion" in this world, the fifth attribute liqueur.

Now we have all the basic drinks (potions).All you have to do is fill them up and connect them.

"Cut Lemon 1/6, Material Cola Up"

Serve with half-moon sliced lemon and add a glass filled with crushed ice with Coke.

And finally, the magic of detonation from your fingertips.

That ammo is really strange from there.

Naturally, cocktail magic requires only a small amount of magic that triggers the detonation.All other energy is supplied by Potions and their raw materials, Magic Stones.

But that's not enough for him.I'm relentlessly eating the magic of my fifth attribute.

If the total amount you just shared with Swiss is 30%, this cocktail gets 20% in one shot.

Is that how big the hidden power is?

Or is it to omit the "reservoir" that is necessary?

Around my gun, a high-pitched sound called "Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Keep staring at the dragon zombie.

The release of the bracelet from his open mouth almost coincided with the completion of my cocktail.

It is no longer a waste of time even removing the ice walls.

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

"[Long Island Iced Tea]"

White flash emitted by the voice of a dragon zombie.

On the other hand, it was the same flash of amber that was emitted from my gun, rather than white.

The light melts in an instant as if there were no ice walls in front of you, and proceeds straight.

The forces of all the attributes collided with each other in a meadow that had already been transformed into wilderness.

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