The basics of magic are offsetting.

Hit the same attack to disable enemy attacks.

However, there was no magic in this world to disable the Dragon's "Brace". Until now.

"... awesome"

Someone in the Knights made a stunning voice.

But surely, the sight that happens in front of you makes me feel that way.

It's like a show of games and animations that I've seen in Japan.

The rays stretching straight out of my gun and the dragon's bracelet blend in.

Neither will give way, they will bump into each other from the right front, and the aftermath of their energy will decimate the earth.

You can only worship the front from my eyes, but you can see the collision of more spectacular forces around you.

The gun that is launching an incredibly powerful attack is trembling all the time unusually.

Still, the consciousness that letting go of this is over gives you the power to shake hands.

How long was the collision?

It didn't take that long for me and the dragon to lose power together.

Shortly after I'm done, I'll get on my knees.

Severe drunkenness and headaches, such as bad quality drunkenness, are hurting your body.This must be the feeling that the Swiss wizards usually taste.

It consumes less than it did when it was shared with Switzerland, but the recoil lost at once is greater.


"It's okay. I just used a little too much magic."

After returning it to Sally, who turned to me worried, I said consciously and in a firm voice.

"More than that, Sally! Not now!"


There is no need to explain what is happening now.

Sally, who responded to my words, ran toward the dragon zombie the next moment.

The demon king in my eyes is also on the ground, just like me.

He must have used his strength again.Not to mention that its essence is similar to a Golem that moves with magic.It also requires magic to maintain your body.Exhaustion is not my ratio of flesh.

As evidence of that, the fine bones that make up the body of the dragon zombie are crumbling.I can't seem to maintain my body completely anymore.

I mean, now is the time to take care of it.

"Come on, let's go!!"

Sally jumps over a dozen meters in one step.

He's weak enough not to have to stop the Dragon Zombie anymore.

The Skeleton, the protective wall, has collapsed without holding itself apart from what was burned in the aftermath of the bracelet.

In other words, there is no longer any obstacle to Sally.


Sally, who finally approached the dragon, stepped on the earth with all her might.

Sally jumps into the nucleus even faster than the Dragon Zombie intercepts.

However, the nuclear defenses moved even though the body did not intercept in time.A thin, sharp thorn stretches toward Sally as she jumps straight in.

"Get in the way!!"

Then Sally threw it out with her left fist.

The thorns and fists collide and the red flowers bloom again.

But it wasn't Sally's fist that broke it, it was the thorn that was struck.

Splashed like blood, the thorn ended without a role.It seems that Sally learned how to break thorns at this last resort.

While slowing down slightly, Sally kicks the sky again to make up for it.

And with a sharp body that leaves everything behind, Sally finally leans back into the nucleus.

"It's over, ahhhhhhhhhh!"

It's not a thorny left fist.

Sally tapped her right fist into the nucleus with all her efforts.

Heavy and intense sounds, like an explosion of metal, suddenly squeeze your ears.

But his eyes kept staring at Sally and the Dragon Zombie.

Sally is still with her fists open.

The Dragon Zombie also stopped moving.

After a few seconds of silence.

The jewel-like, mineral-like, but actually magical mass of the nucleus contained piscilli and a hint of crack.

It doesn't stop when one enters.

Sharp as piscilli and lightning, pervasive cracks cover the nucleus like spider webs.

Then a few more seconds later, the cracked nucleus collapsed too quickly.

Shortly afterwards, the magical nucleus that maintained the body disappeared, and the dragon zombies also collapsed without preserving the body.

With a rattling noise, the giant body that made you feel the greatness until now turns into just a lump of bone.

Eventually, there was only Sally standing in the sky and a pile of bones like a shell.

A situation where no one can say anything while looking at the situation in front of them.

"... you won."

I remember a small word coming out of my mouth and spreading to the battlefield.

Like that, I began to leak feelings that said "I won," "I'm alive," and "it's over."

Eventually, they came together and turned into a great cheer that only broke the earth.

"Uh-oh! Uh-oh! Uh-oh!"

"I'm alive! I'm alive!"

"We protected the city!"

Whether a sense of reality has finally emerged, the voice of joy brings meaning.

At the same time, there was a strong slap on my back.



There was a woman knight who was about to cry with a delightful face.

She usually tries to be calm, but now she hugs me with joy as if the emotional tag has come off.

"I did it! I did it! We protected the city!"

Oh, wow.

While being hugged by Viola, I was surprised at the tone of her leaking.

Speaking of which, the first time I saw you, I wonder if you were nervous or if your polite tone leaked.

Viola's elements are polite, and perhaps the usual masculine tone was created in consideration of her role as a knight.

Perhaps I am thinking of not benefiting from this because I still don't feel realistic about the situation.

The drunkenness caused by the previous magic consumption has subsided somewhat, but I still don't feel like moving around cheerfully.

However, as my body deteriorated so quickly as I was hugged in this state, I squeezed my strength and said.

"Viola, calm down. The tone is strange."

"?! Nh, nh. Sorry, I seem a little confused, too."

In one word, Viola set me free as if she had returned to me.

My cheeks are convulsing with a little light.Nevertheless, it is impossible to say that you should not be happy in this situation.

"I did it, So-san!"

In doing so, Sally, who had the last fight with the Dragon Zombie, came back sometime.

Sally's excited about Sally, too. She's hugging me. Are you okay?

Can you exert or exert force in this state of excitement?

If a woman who can fight a dragon hugs you with all her might, I'll cut you to pieces.

Nevertheless, I don't have the agility to avoid her rushing, but I will.

The hugged body hurt a little, but it wasn't cut enough.

I will somehow provoke words out of my narrowed lungs.

"Well done, Sally. You are the Messiah of the City."

"No, no, I just got the last good thing I could do without Sui and So-san."

When I told her, Sally let me go as soon as she returned to me somewhat like Viola.

I am returning humility, but the expression is in a good mood.

But Sally immediately returned to her serious expression.

"Well then, General, I'll see what Phil's up to."

"Yeah, I'll be right there."


After a short farewell speech, Sally ran to the main battle as fast as the wind.

Surrounding faces, including Viola, have lost the opportunity to say words in tribute to the heroes who stabbed him and look a little bit more shoulder-penetrated.

While laughing bitterly at the situation, I clap my hands on the bread to attract attention.

"We'll be happy later!There's still plenty to do!Isn't that right, Viola? "

She spoke to Viola slightly throwing, but she nodded.

"Everyone's right! First of all, we need to check the status of the damage and take care of the wounded!The banquet is a reward after everything is over! "


Hearing the banquet's words, the faces of the Knights and Vigilantes sparkled.

And he ran around to the people at such a speed as to flow.

Sacrifice is not zero.But we did defeat someone who tried to destroy the city.

I also felt the weight of the gun I lowered on my hips, Victor Frankl, and I made my way as fast as I could to Swiss and Phil, who were waiting for me on the main team.

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