'Cocktail Potion' by Transworld Transfer Bartenders

[]/(exp, n) (yoji) (yoji) routine of seeing/(P)/

When I was ready, my mind was calm.

It could be the result of a relative experience with Dragon Zombies and other monsters.

As usual, the lord doubted his sanity.

However, my persistent persuasion finally allowed me to approve my plan with a Viola-like surface when the Swiss told me to.

It is possible that His Majesty the King will not appear at the time of execution of the sentence, but the Lord said that it is quite impossible not to appear at the Lord's trial, so there will be no further overlap.

It seems that the custom of treason is a matter of legitimacy as a state or a part that should not be removed no matter how corrupt it may be.I don't really understand, but it's the king's duty.

With regard to the execution of sentences, it seems that we would normally open a reasonable number of days, but our sentences are now subject to a three-day grace period.

The guardian's uncle, who appeared several times to monitor the prison cell, was quite kind enough to ask, but the King's Capital seems to be struggling with handling the power gathered to fight dragon zombies in King's Capital.

After all, the main target disappeared after collecting the greatest warfare power of mercenaries and adventurers and magicians with rewards, exchange terms, and all sorts of other skilled maneuvers.

Naturally, people gathered in anticipation of rewards for gold and silver treasures will be rough, as will adventurers whose exchange conditions such as travel permits have become stylish and wasted.

Magicians are especially difficult because they usually work as laboratories in magic research, and transactions can be laboratory-based.

With these treatments, Wangdu Hub is being subjected to harsh labor, and there is a lot of trouble, so the justice system is on the verge of punctuation.

This seems to be one of the reasons why trials like ours have gone wrong.

I thought it was too harsh for the boulder, but I could understand it even if I wasn't convinced.

Well, as far as we know that fact, we can only argue ironically.

Then, the three days while eating the unpleasant rice in the uncomfortable room passed quickly.

"... good morning, Yugiri."

Even in a dark prison, the guard's uncle called out to me, who was up early like a daily routine.

When I looked at him, he looked at me with sad eyes.

The more I see beyond jail, the more I see the goodness of people.That's why I talked to him.

But now I thought I might have done something a little worse.

Now he seems to be desperately putting his face on his kind face.

He listened to us and believed in our innocence.

That's why it hurts my heart that we're going to die innocent.

"Good morning, Uncle. You look pale."

"I'm surprised that your complexion is better than I thought."

My uncle smiled at me a little.

Then my uncle turned to the lord in my room.

"Lord Ezoensis, it's noon today."

"I know."

The lord who was awake like me replied softly to my uncle's voice.

The lord was a lord, worried that I wouldn't escape, but he gave up here.

I was more prepared than ever.I'm not afraid.

The guard sighs a little bit at us and then asks us about the impossible brightness.

"Last supper ─ ─ No, in the morning, but is there anything you want to eat anyway?I'll do everything I can with my authority. "

For a moment, I saw the lord wondering if such a custom existed, but the lord shook his head sideways.

So this really seems to be the favor of the guard's uncle.

"Uncle, you're really too popular.Are you sure you're doing the same thing to all the felons you've ever done? "

"No, I don't think so, but it's the first time they thought I was innocent."

It didn't sound like a joke.

Is that all? Is it unusual to have a grievance like ours this time?

Then, me and the lord decided not to hesitate to ask your uncle.

The lord ordered a cup of after-dinner coffee.

And I...

A little after breakfast, the guard's uncle reappears.

There was no waste of time. Because he wasn't the only one who showed up.

Probably serving King's Landing, some knights were staring at us with these harsh faces again.

"Former lord, Sage Ezoensis, an alien, Sew Yugili.Get out. Your Majesty allowed me to see you for the last time. "

It's a terrible tone, but I'm not particularly concerned.Originally, there was no way they could get in here without being good at it.

As for restraints, they can only be shackled lightly.

If that's all, I feel like I can escape if I care, but if I do, the knights will stick me in all directions and we'll get out of jail.

We walked out with a full smile on the guard's uncle's tearful face.

On the way, conversation is not allowed.

I can't afford that.

I can't care about the unfamiliar style of the aisle.

The heartbeat accelerates little by little as you walk.

No matter how much you tell yourself, the tension that you can't cover up is gradually seeping out.

I'm ready.

This is life-threatening negotiation.

That's all I would have been running away from.

As the lord carries all the people of the city, so do I now carry cocktails.

We got caught up in Rugweed's malice once.

Here's your chance to turn around.

After walking for a while, it was the modest hall that let us through.

I don't know what it's for, but at least it's not a room where the death penalty is carried out.There are only white walls, floors and ceilings on one side, and no glamorous decoration anywhere.

Is it a little wider than a 25-meter pool?Besides what we came in for, there's only one small thing on the other side of the wall.

In such a room, there are men and women of all ages in a ratio of about eight to two, standing at both ends of the room.It reminds me of the room where I was tried if I had a desk.

I found one of those faces in line. Rugweed.

He stripped off the face of a good man he was good at and had a bad personality smile on his face.

The other characteristic is the large decorative chair sitting in the back of the room.

Kneel there.

My lord and I were ordered to kneel about fifteen steps away from the chair.

When the shackles were attached, I couldn't crouch down as I thought I could. I fell down in the middle of the night and knelt down.

Wait until His Majesty is seated.

It's only natural that you stay on your knees.

Perhaps you won't be allowed to raise your face until you've finished watching.

You can still talk like this, but if you can't see the other person's face, the difficulty of "negotiating" jumps.

In the rain of my breathless gaze for a while, I heard the sound of my heartbeat.

I didn't actually hear it, but I had nothing else to do.

There is no freedom to check the feeling of the pockets on the trousers.

If one of those strange moves happens, the knight who's still standing aside will cut off his neck.

In the squeaky room, the sound of a door called gay sounded.

That's right in front of me... no, I can hear it slightly diagonally.

It was the sound of the other door opening.

When I heard a slightly higher sound, the sound stopped, and instead I heard a squeaking sound from the chair.

It soon became clear that it had appeared.

"Face up."

Forgive me, my lord and I raised our faces on our knees.

In front of me is a man who is quite old.

A man with beautiful blonde hair who stretches long and carves wrinkles into his period.

Edged eyes in a faraway dark neighborhood.

A tired face that unintentionally wants to support your shoulders before you feel majestic.

This is the king of this country.

"The rest is Kirsium Sieboldi Sinulus Elb Absanto. Forgive me, sinners."

His Majesty twisted his lips as if he did not know whether he had smiled or whether he had been stared at.

Against such a king, the lord returned his words promptly.

"Now, let me say this with arrogance.Regardless of my treatment, my king, I want you to assure me of the daily life of the people of my territory. "

"Is that all you need?"

"That's all I want here."

That's what the lord said.

It's the same as what I heard in prison after losing the trial.

Nothing really changed what the lord wanted on this occasion of seeing the king.

In such magnificent words, the king had a faint smile that was only visible to us in front of him.

And this keeps going.

"Okay, Sage Ezoensis. I still can't believe you set up a rebellion, but I'll make your wish come true."

"Thank you."

"Now, the other one... from another world.Do you have anything to say? "

The king's eyes caught me for the first time when he came here.

To be honest, from appearance to this moment, I was one of the Lord's accessories.

The guy who was paying attention to me would be like Rugweed.

No one is interested in what I say.

In that case, winning the match is the first word.

"I see you for the first time. Your Majesty, there is only one thing I want to say.My lord and I are guilty of treason and treason. "

Suddenly, I felt the air rushing to my skin.

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