My allegations of wrongdoing are obvious.

Perhaps few people make such claims on this occasion.

"Sage Ezoensis. What about his words?"

A strange, nervously tall man raised his voice to the lord in a sudden inquiry from the king.

I wonder if it's the Prime Minister or something like that.

"With all due respect, Your Grace! It's only natural to plead not guilty to asking sinners that!That response is meaningless! "

After the sharp words of the man on the cutting edge, voices echoed.

If you look closely, I can see the faces that led us to false testimony at the trial the other day.

The king meditates slightly on the rising voice, and opens his eyes again without strength.

"Yes, it is. Is it one of the pillars of this country that the rest of us doubt the trial?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

A man like a prime minister follows the word of the king.

As far as I'm concerned, this guy doesn't seem to have anything to do with Rugweed.

It's really because I believe in this country, that kind of hard worker atmosphere that keeps the king from getting out of the way.

But I don't appreciate the seriousness.

"Sinner, I ask on behalf of Your Majesty.Your crimes have been tried in our country.Doubting it is synonymous with doubting the very existence of our country.Knowing that, do you still want to say what you just said? "

A prime ministerial man told me with an exemplary look at the word "stare."

Is it synonymous with saying that you do not recognize a judgment in the presence of the King?That would certainly be rude.

But I'm a stranger.I don't think everything in the country is right, and I'll say as much as I want.

Anyway, it's a death sentence if you don't tell me.

"That's right. First of all, there's something wrong with the way trials are conducted.It is strange for us to prove our innocence by mere words without allowing anything to be prepared.It is abnormal that even permission to present evidence is not allowed.I also wonder if this country doesn't even have the ability to judge virtually no bullshit. "

"... you!"

"Because! First of all, there is a big mistake in the magic recognition of [Ammunition] itself!This was not developed by Swiss Vermut, nor was it for "cocktails" in the first place! "

I raised my voice to defeat the yelling of the other party.

According to bullshit to incriminate us, the magic of [ammunition] was researched by Switzerland for the development of "cocktail magic".

Indeed, it is not wrong that Switzerland discovered it.

But no. This magic was originally in me.

[Waves of life, ancient intentions, what I seek will be the appearance of my soul]

When I started chanting with my hands on the floor, the knight standing aside moved quickly.

Draw the sword from my waist and stick it to my neck.

"You! We have to stop chanting right now ─ ─"

"It's over."

But I chanted faster than they did.

Originally, I was just a stranger, and furthermore, I was brought here as a swine con artist or something.

I wasn't supposed to use magic like that, so I must have delayed my response.

With that much 'spare time', I can activate magic.


The floors of the knights around me come out like stretching a line around the floor I put my hands on.

I don't know how many floors this place is on the ground, and I'm not interested, but some people, including the knights who suddenly disappeared and responded to me, suddenly crashed into a hole.

I'm not immune to equipment damage, but at least it proved what my [Ammunition] will do.

"Exactly. Real ammunition is not just magic to compress potions and fruits.Naturally, everything in the world can be compressed into the shape of this ammunition.It would be strange to have such an effect if it had only been developed for the magic of cocktails. "

Saying that, I put the gottori and heavy ammunition in my hands on the floor that wasn't missing.

The ammunition reduces the original weight of the object, but there is still no reason why the floors for a few people that are segmented from their hands are not heavy.

Well, I don't care what I think.

The important thing is to let them know that I was able to escape using this magic whenever I wasn't sealed, even if I was in prison.

That is why a man like the Prime Minister, who was trying to make sense on behalf of the King, is not unaware of this fact.

"... if you want to escape, you want to say that you can escape at any time"

It was the king, not the prime minister, who murmured the words.

But it doesn't matter. Until then, it would be great if I could fly from my head to my country.

I nodded in exaggeration and then said.

"That's right! If I thought my life was cute, I would have run away right away!But I stayed! That's because I know I'm innocent!And! Because I believe in this country that if I prove my innocence, I will admit it! "

When I proudly said it, I found people around me scrambling in a different atmosphere.

Whether you used magic in front of the King or made a declaration to the King like a direct negotiation, it was a terrible event.Anyway, if this is attack magic, it's important.

Well, it's not magically bright enough for me to come up with, so I'm sure some of you would like to assassinate the King in the same way, and I think you're doing something about it.

Anyway, even the lord who explained it to some extent was surprised next door.

I would like to raise the reputation of the King of this country somewhat, even if he did not move on this occasion.

"You! Give me a minute! What are you doing? Hold it down!"

However, only a few blanks were created by my actions.

The restored Prime Minister screamed aggressively, and the knights who were holding back on the king's side and around the door, and the knights who returned with their arms from the pit, gathered to seize me.

I couldn't resist being broken by my arm, so I was dragged down on the floor.

"I admit your behavior makes sense, but it only makes sense.This is not a trial.Therefore, we will not overturn the decision. "

The Chancellor relieved me publicly that I hadn't been violent, and then said so with a bitter look.

I raised my held head a little and told the Prime Minister.

"Even if the decision is wrong?"

"... there's no mistake."

I could see that I was lost. But that's all.

As he himself said, his suspicion of the trial would also indicate mistrust of the state.I know it's hard for him to admit it.

A familiar voice echoes to follow him like that.

"Yes, there is no truth in the sinner's words!Did you ever get out of jail?That's not true!There are so many soldiers in this castle!There's no way a stranger can escape!I didn't run, I couldn't run!What you're talking about here is a lie! "

Slip and rub your cheeks against the floor and look at you.

As you can see, Rugweed, who had a cold sweat, was screaming to mend it.

As soon as I followed him, my voice rose from the crowd.

But I won't miss it.

Aside from the voice that follows, there are other eyes that doubt me correctly.

There are certainly people who think it's true that me and the lord have plotted a national treason.

For the first time, I doubt the integrity of Ragweed's story.

And the same homogeneous eyes are certainly poured from the person sitting on the simple throne.

"I'm afraid, my king, there's no need to be deluded.Whatever the sinner says, the trial is over.A verdict has already been handed down in the name of the Fourth Prince. "

That's what Ragweed said to the king.

In desperate shapes, the King roars unexpectedly.

But not yet.

"The truth is in me!Cocktails are not dangerous magic, they're drinks to save people! "

I haven't made any cocktails here yet.

At least if you can tell the truth about the cocktail, something might change.

The king meditates on my words. [M]

I don't know how much he's listening to us.

But if you could have a cocktail, it would only tell you that I've put my soul into it.

You'll never know that it wasn't like you stole something from Switzerland.

The painted national traitor's lies should come off.

And the king speaks.

But the voice was a little weak.

"... let's just finish watching.Is there anything I disagree with? "

While meditating, the king said.

Naturally, there is no objection to the King.

Few people have been able to do that in this country since the beginning.

Ragweed's expression of relief appeared at the edge of his vision, and I chewed my lips.

The fear of death with realism crawls around your spine.

If somebody doesn't speak up, we're dead.

And there was no objection from anyone here.

"I disagree! They have no plans for treason!"

Yes, the objection came from outside the room.

I can't see the face of the Lord of the voices that came from behind me.

But it did sound familiar.

It was the voice of Lito, who worked as a companion of the same store, although he had a short relationship.

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