"Hee, Your Majesty!? Are you sure?!"

"The rest will never be covered again."

In a strange place in the air.Only a man like the Prime Minister panicked to embarrass the king, but his decision seemed unchanged.

Until then, the King's transcendent attitude has collapsed enough to look at me and see me.

"National treason? Make me laugh.A man like this who, at the cost of his life, thinks too much about the rest of the potion, makes such a big plan.If you complain, try making more cocktails than this man. "

The scene was divided in two by the attitude of the king, who had shattered so much.

Those who complain about such a king's attitude, and those who smile bitterly as they flatter such a king.

No, there's another faction.

The king's speech earlier made his face pale to an interesting extent.

The king looks at those faces.

It was a sharp look, as if it were a standard.

"Hmm, like 40%. Yesterday, Prime Minister."

"... it's too much fun."

"I'm sorry, but I've decided the rest."


Those two conversations arrived quietly in my ears in the noise.

After all, I thought there was a decision, but that's not something I care about.

What matters is what the King said clearly a short time ago.

The question comes from the lord.

"I'm afraid, Your Majesty, I beg your pardon."


"What are you gonna do with our verdict?"

That's what's in our hearts.

I said that I would not accept the verdict that has already been passed, but there is no talk of what to do.

We don't know what to do now.

"Hmm. If we go through the process correctly, it would be normal for us to take the time to get the necessary preparations in place and start the trial again."

Well, how about that?

"But the rest is still busy, so let me use a little power."

As you react to the word "power," the roughness around you becomes even greater.

And the king glanced at his surroundings, and silenced them with his sight.

"If this action comes from the royal family, then the rest will withdraw the action in the name of the king.All results of the trial are null and void.Lord Sage Ezoensis and the Gentile Sou Yugili are therefore acquitted.provided, however, that this shall not apply to the crime of "perjury" by both those who planned this trial.I will surely expose the sins of the fools who fought the king, and make him pay for them with my life. "


The words that followed were, to be honest, not very deaf.

I just figured out that somehow I survived a life-threatening joke.

Before my understanding came to fruition, Lito took a step forward in the noise.

"Your Majesty, then we will not go out of our way to find the culprit."


Everyone listens to what he says.

Even on this occasion, Litro said with the same majesty as usual.

"This shitty picture was drawn by a man named Rugweed over there.If we catch him, we can wash him ourselves. "

A finger points straight at a man.

Then there was a gap around Ragweed.Because the people who were near him tried to leave at once.

Then, just a little later, the Melee guards moved around Ragweed, apparently still watching us.

"...... this is also a surprise because it's too unexpected."

The surrounded Rugweed was calm.

Never panic, no need to panic, look at the guards surrounded to declare that there is nothing to panic about.

"Prince Litroxis, why are you impersonating me?I can't imagine how I would treat a loyal minister who works for my country in a shattered way. "

"Hmm. A man who didn't even know my face makes me laugh with a loyalist.I know you're connected to the Fourth Prince's faction.And sometimes I'm very interested in cocktails. "

Retro doesn't try to hide his bad feelings from Rugweed, who only responds calmly.

I've never seen him so hostile.Nothing but heartlessness, more dangerous than usual.

Soon, an atmosphere was created to watch the two arguments.

"Certainly, I'm interested in 'cocktails'.Combining "cocktails" as magic and "cocktails" as beverages should be accepted and studied by the state in the future.And if you're going to do research in the future, you'll need a lot of researchers and budgets.If you don't mind, I hope you'll let our Chamber of Commerce bite one. "

Ragweed is drooling about what she thinks.

But since I first met this man, I can only see a consistent posture.

Somehow, it's a shallow and tough gut trying to gain the privilege of cocktails.

"That's impossible.The "cocktail" technique is not as dirty as you think.It's none of your business to atone for your sins. "

"That's the first strange story.Why do you think I'm guilty?It is true that there is a connection with the faction of the Fourth Prince, but it is only to the extent that we prepare goods for you.This time, it has nothing to do with plotting innocent people against traitors. "

Are you going to let me go?

Lito stares, but Ragweed doesn't lose his face.

"If that's all you're saying, is there any evidence?"

I don't think so.

"Then that's what it's all about.There's nothing you can tell me when you've caught me innocent. "

Rugweed rolls up.

I was impressed by the magnificent manner in which I said it, passing through the daze.

I'm pretty sure you didn't leave any evidence behind.

However, there is nothing like a rush to look at the opposite Lito.

I really don't think you're pursuing Rugweed from the front without evidence or anything.

"Sure, I don't have the evidence."

Well then ─ ─

"─ ─ But someone other than me is grabbing your tail?"

At the same time that Litro's voice spread out in the hall and echoed.

Just as Litro and the others came into this hall, four new figures appeared in this place.

"If you'll excuse me, I heard there is a national traitor here. How about that?"

Just like Lito did.

She also shook her proud red hair and stepped into the scene with dignity.

Behind it is a magnificent butler, a beautiful girl with gray hair, and a child who doesn't know whether she is a girl or a boy.

Litro gave her such an unusual smile.

"I've been expecting you, Your Highness Rosemary Meriastel."

I don't think we've been fighting each other with our canine teeth peeled off before, a smooth response.

Rosemary also responds to it with elegant craftsmanship that I have never seen before.

Thank you, Lord Litroxis.

You don't have to say hello to me.


With that reward, they quit the conversation.Then the footsteps lead to the king sitting on a simple throne.

The same goes for the three who follow her.


For a moment, a beautiful gray-haired girl, Tris, turned her gaze at me.

But without saying anything, he immediately returns his sight to the king.

Rosemary, who was out front, thanked her deeply.

"Forgive the rudeness of your sudden visit, Your Majesty."

"What, there seems to be a lot of visitors from that hand today.I don't care. "

"It hurts."

Certainly, too much has happened to stand still during the time of seeing even unusual national traitors.

The King asked how I felt when I was no longer standing between my mouths.

"So, who did you appear as today?"

I didn't understand the meaning of the word, but Rosemary immediately told me the answer.

"I am here to tell you as the main agent of the Meliastel family."

Your spine feels cold with the pity of a blade that seeps into your voice.

With momentum, the words she uttered vividly ripped the air out of the place.

"The emergence of the Demon King Dragon Zombie, all of which are 'man-made disasters' caused by a man named Rugweed there."

The biggest groan I've ever had was rushing into the room in an instant.

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