Can you explain?

Among those who panicked, the calming king asked Rosemary.

But it was Ragweed who raised his voice without waiting for Rosemary's reply.

"Fuck, don't be ridiculous! You're being rude!Absent to tell you, you think I caused it!?Don't fool around!! "

It's not a spare attitude like when you were dealing with Lito.

The words "like a fiery fire" seem like a kind of rage.

I can't imagine the sword curtain from the previous image of a merchant.

But his words had no effect on the king sitting on the throne.

"Be quiet. I won't ask you again and again."


"If you have no idea, you may ask for an explanation.Or is there something inconvenient? "

"... no"

Ragweed retreated with a bitter expression.

Rosemary, who looked at the exchange with great pleasure, began to explain it with the king's eyes again.

"Your Majesty, for this battle against the Demon King, I see that you have confirmed the information of the appearance of the Demon King in the past."

"Most demon kings remember that monsters with powerful magic powers turned demon kings for some reason."

"Yes, as you know, the birth of the Demon King is almost naturally occurring, even if it involves human beings indirectly."

"You think that's different this time?"

Rosemary nodded deeply.

"Your Majesty, this time the Demon King Dragon Zombie belongs to the Undead.In other words, this monster is not a creature. "

"Hmm, but what's wrong with that?"

"If this is a normal beast, you can hide from strong enemies while weak, so even if it takes a long time to become a Demon King, you won't find it in the meantime.But that's not the case with an unintelligent undead.Before you think about your own safety, you only move briefly towards what you want. "

Rosemary stops her words once and emphasizes the following words:

"Undead monsters cannot be 'discovered' until they naturally become demon kings.They must have discovered it somewhere and formed a mob before they grew up in this powerful undead.Unless someone intentionally hides it. "

The king took a breath.

I'll think about it.

This time, the Demon King was supposedly moving toward powerful magic, whether it was a national treasure in the King's City or not.

And even if I actually saw it, I remember walking at my own pace, paying little attention to standing people.

It's that giant, if it's been moving around longer than that, there's no way anyone's gonna find it.

Unless it was born suddenly on the day it was discovered.

And there is a story that the monster was active under the influence of the demon king.

This means that there were dragon zombies in the state of the Demon King from before they were discovered to the Demon King.

How can a dragon zombie who doesn't actively take any action other than eliminating obstacles remain unseen for a long time?

When I think about it, it doesn't seem to be such an unreasonable idea that someone artificially created the Demon King and hid it somewhere until this time.

Then Rosemary turned her gaze to Rugweed.

Ragweed's eyes turned red and angry.

"Did I do that? That's ridiculous!"

"Why do you think it's stupid?"

"On the contrary, who can control and hide the Devil?You think this worthless merchant has that kind of power?I made a joke. "

No one disagrees with Rugweed's words.

Even if Rosemary's story makes sense, that's where it is.Fundamentally, the question remains as to whether that is possible.

"Are you going to say you don't know?"

Of course.

Rosemary sighed with disappointment at Rugweed's reply.

Then he turned his gaze towards the gray-haired beauty.



His name was called and Tris nodded.

As a matter of course, I realised once again that she was Tris.

She spread her palm with something in her hand.

[Waves of Life, Ancient Intentions, I will be what I am in this world]

It's the chant of "Ammo Disarmed."

Immediately afterwards, there was a wand in Tris' hand.

A dark, dark purple cane appears to have some rather disturbing signs.

In a quiet room, someone makes a small, breathtaking sound.

It didn't take long to understand that everyone was freezing their spine.

What's that?

"It is one of the artifacts called the wand of the purple blue - or the wand of the dead soul.This wand is believed to have the power to manipulate the dead.Magically speaking, is it close to putting a pseudo-soul into the body of the dead and manipulating it like a doll? "

"The dead....."

The king frowned in disgust.

When I appeared here, I expected it to be undead related, but when I actually explained it with my cane in front of me, I thought it wasn't very pleasant.

In the first place, there is no magic to resurrect the dead, and there is a tool to manipulate the dead.

"And the man who owned this wand is Rugweed there."

"Yes, yes, it's a lie!"

What are you talking about?

Obvious irritation seeped and Rosemary threw up.

"If that's the case, could you please explain this huge transaction record?"

The Prime Minister sharpens his eyes when he sees a bunch of documents taken out by Rosemary with the momentum of hitting him.

"Here's a list of transactions that you've 'succeeded' in the last few months.Strange, what you bought is worth more in the Demon King case, and what you let go is worth less.Even so, there seems to be the most transactions at the optimal time just before the demon king appeared? "

The prime minister nodded as he heard it.

"With the advent of the Demon King, the demand for weapons, consumables, and food has increased.Conversely, land prices, buildings, recreational items, etc., have dropped significantly in some places. "

"That's an interesting deal.Instead of the demon king occurring, since the monster's activation started to make noise, the deal has been interesting and successful. "

Well, if only one person knew the full story of the monstrous disturbance that will happen, there would not have been such an easy business.

We didn't even intend to, but we thought the monster activation would help the cocktail epidemic.

On the contrary, however suspicious the situation may be, it is not evidence.

"Yes, let's see if there is any fact that my business has successfully meshed with the emergence of the Demon King this time.However, it is due to my experience and my intuition as a merchant.I can't prove that I caused such a horrible act as the birth of the Devil King. "

Rugweed perspires as hard as he can hide.

Only the success of my business is the product of experience and coincidence.

"In the first place! I don't recognize such a wand.I don't know where I got it, but I think it would be strange if the Meliastel family, which currently owns such a wand, were responsible for the incident. "

All of a sudden, your eyes are sharp against Rugweed, raising a rough voice.

The man who is saying this tried to put me and the lord to death with only circumstantial evidence, so how far is the inside of this country really?

Rosemary smiled abusively at Ragweed's earlier words, but now she looks at a gray-haired child.

"Well, if you ask me, I'll have to answer.Elm, where did you get that wand? "

Her little smile doesn't have a millimeter of positive feelings for Rugweed.

When asked, Elle also said with an innocent, dry smile.

"I was sold by a kind uncle.It was like, "I really want to give up so quickly that I can't reach my feet," so I studied a lot.Hey, kind Uncle Ragweed? "

"Well, don't be ridiculous.I have nothing to do with it. "

"Why don't you sell it yourself because you can't trust people around you?"

"So I don't know anything!You and I would have met in the first place! "

Rugweed is more intimidating than Rosemary because he looks like a little kid.

However, it was none other than Elm who was waiting for that attitude.

Is it really a first time meeting?

"What do you want to say?"

The response to Ragweed was similar to that of Viola earlier.

Spirit of all things. Sometimes, this body shows a false shadow]

Immediately afterwards, the soft light envelops the elm.

Immediately after I thought it was an animated transformation bank, the light subsided.

What remains is a straight-faced young man who has shaken off Elm's future growth to men.

If I hadn't seen Viola's transformation earlier, it would have been a bit more amazing disguise magic.

I wonder if this is the strength of the rumored "wise man" in the country.

"Did you remember?"

Elm called out to Rugweed in disgust.

At that moment, Ragweed collapsed like he pulled his hips out.

"Bye, stupid. This is happening."

"Good evening, Ragweed. Thank you very much for your dealings with this antique merchant.Now that you've forgotten the details of your transaction, may I have your statement again? "

Rugweed drowned in a gloomy, merchant smile on Elm.

The king, who was watching the sequence, declared that the story was settled.

"Guard, take Ragweed into custody.Ask House Meliastel for an explanation later.And all those who are here are forbidden from speaking of the information that they have seen here. "

Everyone nodded quietly to the king's words.

Along the way, I was completely outside the mosquito net, and Rosemary and her friends were like "heroes", but for now, my destiny seems to have been connected.

I can see Tris staring at us in a relieved corner of view.

When I and I looked at each other, she turned away again with a bad face.

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