"I beg your pardon for this disrespect."

A little from the sight of the king.

In front of me, there was a grand man with a low head who seemed to like the word secretary.

My lord and I, the Suites who rushed to it, were brought to the King's Landing in a different way.It's just that Lito and Melia Sterling seem to know more about the situation than we do.

Speaking of which, this place is still not a royal castle, but one of the buildings where government people, including kings, work.It seems to be a judicial building.

Though it is not a castle, it is obviously a high quality sofa, and there are many degrees of quality that feel good.

Although it is a form of correspondence, there was a slightly different tension in the interior, which also felt the interest of someone's office.

Is the Lord the only one calming down?

Sui won't let go of my arm because of the strength of the blood flow, and instead of Viola ─ ─, Celaroi is always looking at you so as not to look at me.

Then the Son of the Lord --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I suppose you won't come back as soon as you went to King's Landing to study.

Since it is such a facade, I have no choice but to deal with it, but the Lord will deal with it.

"I don't care. I can't thank His Majesty for saving us from that condition."


On this side, it seems to imply the evil of someone using the name of the Fourth Prince in a good way.

I understand that you are careful not to say that it is a royal problem.

So, you said you were acquitted, but is it okay to go home like this?

"Yes, of course, I would like to ask you some questions, at least for a few more days for Ezoencis and Yugiri."

"I understand."

Well, contrary to what we were acquitted of, he was telling us to punish the people who convicted us.

Ragweed himself, of course, may be apprehended by someone close to him.

Even if Ragweed shuts his mouth, if there is any information the lord has, it will not end without anything.

"What about Rugweed?"

"I still don't know how much evil I've done, but if it goes right, will it be a state treason?"

I see.

In the words of the secretary, the lord did not look happy or sad, but merely murmured.

I don't know about the relationship between the lord and Ragweed, but I felt it might be more complicated than I thought.

"What should we do until the hearing is over?"

"If you don't mind, I will prepare a place to stay.I promise you a generous hospitality, as Ezoensis is a man of honor in the demon King's crusade. "

I was a little worried about this state-of-the-art hospitality.

What kind of alcohol do you mainly drink?

But the lord shook his head softly against it.

"I appreciate that, but I'd like to keep a little on the job in the territory where I've been drilling holes in the last few days.Luckily, Sellaroy brought me some work tools.Could you please provide me with a place for this kind of business? "

"Yes, sir."

Until this point, the lord of work is a little dazed by passing respect.However, when I looked at this work, it seemed that Seraroi ─ ─ Viola would be enthusiastic about her work.

Well then, I'll help you too.

"No, Cellaroy."

"I'm not Viola right now, so would it be okay to help with the territory, not the knight's job?"

"... yes, with the proteol."

With a soft voice, but like a lord who emitted a powerful word, one of his sons was scared.

I felt like the family situation was obvious for a moment, but it was none of my business.

In such a place, the lord will give me water.

"What about Mist?Would you like to be entertained by yourself? "

"It's a little too much to win.Can you slow me down normally? "

Imagine myself being entertained by a large number of people, and I refused many fears.

Nevertheless, the secretary nods respectfully without showing any kind of offense to me.

"No problem, of course."

Good. If I had been treated like a guest of honor by mistake, I would have gotten my mind stained with ordinary people.

This is where I'm staying.


"In fact, the Meliásters have named you a place to stay.If it's convenient for you, why don't you stay at the Meriastel house? "

"... Meriastel"

There is no need to confirm it now.

It is Rosemary's family name and, at the same time, the name of the house that guarantees Tris' identity.

"Okay, I'd like to sweeten your words."

"Yes, that's what I'll tell them."

Rosemary's goodwill is not the only invitation at this time.

You're finally invited to Tris because of the habit of sparing a lot of time.

And I remember being told when I first met Rosemary herself.Maybe you came to make us a cocktail or something.Then this would be a good opportunity.

I'm coming, too.

In a moment, the voice of Swiss rose from next door.The power to hold my arm increases even more.

The secretary smiled in trouble at Switzerland's response.

Swiss sat down in a moody manner and crammed into the secretary.

"The whole thing is good, and I can't talk about it?"

"No, I also know that Vermut and Meliastel are school friends.However, since the invitation itself is only for Yugiri, I don't think so. "

Then I'll tell Rosie directly.

Does that mean I'm going to go to the Meliastel house with you and negotiate directly at the destination?

I can't say anything.Since it is delicate to go alone, I feel like I want you to follow Swiss, and I am worried that Swiss will be okay with me when I face Tris directly.

The secretary is also struggling to respond and has a vague smile.However, I thought it was not a request enough to refuse, just said, "I will tell you that."

Swiss slowly lowered his hips with a slight frustration, leaving the atmosphere loose.

"Excuse me."

The sound of knocking in such a tingling room.Next, a maid lady comes in early.

After she whispered something to her secretary, she sent a letter and left.

The secretary shouted at us, read the contents of the letter, and said to Switzerland with a bitter smile that was stronger than before.

"Dear Vermut, it is related to your stay."

The story ─ ─

"The teachers at the Chart Magic Institute, headed by the director, called to you in the league."


In a moment, Swiss lost his expression and distracted his eyes.

She always asks if it is unusual for her to be pale and afraid.

"... what is it?"

"Say softly, 'If you have come to King's Landing, show me your face.There are stories to stack up. Rest assured, I have a room for you. "

"... frankly?"

"... 'I've been sending you a lot of papers since you graduated, so don't run away.'"

I found the Swiss expression distorted even more troublesome.

I've seen Swiss write a little hobby paper before, but apparently it was always sent to the Chart Magic Institute.

But if that's all, will the Swiss behave so openly as to avoid it?

"... isn't it a mistake?"

"'No matter how anonymous it may be, there is no continuum of miraculous discoveries other than Swiss Vermut from a logical deployment like this head screw.Don't be ridiculous, just announce it with your own name.If you don't, I'll send you every prize you can think of. '"


Apparently, he thought about it.

But somehow it looks like a swim.

Probably because he likes research and discovery, he keeps doing it in his hobby, but he's not really interested in someone evaluating what he finds.

Because it's a rating that has nothing to do with the potion.

So, for the time being, I was satisfied with the paper I made by throwing it into my old nest.

However, as for the magic temple side, I'm not satisfied with sending it to me, so I guess I wanted you to announce it in the name of Switzerland.

"... it's anonymous, so someone should do their job properly."

I felt that everyone but the Swiss sighed in their hearts at the words of the Swiss that leaked from the sledge.

Well then, let's arrange an office immediately for Ezoensis, and Yugiri's reply will be to Meliastel's house.Both of you, please wait here until someone picks you up. "

The lord will prepare his room as soon as he can.As soon as I'm ready to pick you up.

And so only one person was not called by his name, Sui asks.

"... who am I?"

"I can't tell you, but I already have a carriage waiting to pick you up."


From the beginning, it seemed like they were willing to take him with them at the same time as the call.

In this state, there have probably been repeated calls before, but they were all bumpy.

I haven't moved since I've been far away, but I came to King's Landing and came up with an assault strategy.

At the end of the conversation, the secretary leaves his seat for a moment, and a maid comes to pick him up a little later.

"Dear Vermut, I will show you around."


The Swiss did not respond energetically, but quietly took her gaze at us with everything she said.

Next to me, Viola - in other words, Cellaroy - sighed easily.

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