Soon after the Swiss were taken, the lord left saying that the office was ready.Seraroi looked at me with a slightly worried face, but she smiled and replied that there would be no danger at this time.

It was a little interesting that Proteol, who had perhaps not said a word since he was brought into this room, also left to be dragged out by the lord.

So, the only people in the room were me and the knights who looked like lookouts and guards.

Then I was asked to prepare a pamphlet related to King's Landing at the end of the day, and when I finished reading two of them, I was greeted by someone.

"Thank you for your patience.The lady is waiting in the carriage. "

"No, I'm fine. Um, Miss Rosemary's butler ─ ─"

"I'm a megist."

A man of great age bent his hips beautifully.I will name myself again in a way that responds to that.

Hair is dyed white with feeling of age, but I don't feel age-appropriate decay from its body and muscular appearance.

The butler and escort may be in their original position.

"Today we were going to finish with a brief explanation, but it took a long time."

"I'm sorry. I was going to make it easier, but there were more leftovers coming out of Ragweed than I expected and they needed to be dealt with."

"... is that so?"

Ultimately, Ragweed and I only had a relationship for a moment.

At that moment, the resentment was quite solicited, but more than that, he should not feel like someone else.

As a bartender, I was supposed to save more people with Swiss, but I didn't want to save him.

The old butler switched the conversation and said brightly that my subtle mood appeared on my face.

"Besides, I think it's better for my daughter to get upset any longer, so why don't we hurry up?"

"Yes, let's do it."

I agree with the other person who cares, and I keep silent with the old butler who walked out.

From the side, I'm sure I look like I'm walking magnificently.

However, unlike the superficial layer that seems calm, the mind is not calm.

Ever since I saw you with the brave men, my emotions have a fluffy feeling like floating in the universe.

Maybe that's why Ragweed's feelings are getting weaker.

For me, the carriage that Rosemary is waiting for is the same as the carriage that Tris is waiting for.

A compartment slightly away from the entrance to the building where a carriage is loaded and unloaded.

The carriage owned by House Meliastel looked plain to me.

Compared to the previous Ragweed carriage, the product is good, but if you observe carefully, you can tell the quality of the material.The word "simple and robust" came to mind.

Welcome to King's Landing.

In front of the carriage that arrived, there was Lito, who was divided in the same way as the Rosemary, and the first voice was this word.

Was he indeed Prince Litroxis?

"Your Highness, you're in a bad mood."

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

Well, good luck, Mr. Litro.


I leaned lightly and checked the condition, but Litro stopped immediately because she seemed uncomfortable.

Well, even though I didn't know, I've kicked this guy's ass over and over again, so it's too late to fix it now.

Even though I didn't know about it, there are also women who were beating this person up.

"In the first place, that word would be even better now.I've been in King's Landing for days. "

"Is there something wrong with the memory of King's Landing in jail?"

"Maybe from the royal family."

Even if it's not royalty, for example, from people who live in King's City, I don't want such memories to be shared with others.

Anyway, I decided to start by thanking Lito, making sure that he didn't change anything after he revealed himself.

"Thank you very much this time.If Litro hadn't come running, she'd be dead by now. "

Even if I try to put it in my mouth, it won't make me feel better.

However, when I looked at the battlefield and saw Crabel who was fatally wounded, I felt much more dead than when I was in Japan.

No, it's not.

I could think about it when I was in Japan.I've been trying not to think unconsciously about Ibuki ever since.

Anyway, now I have to thank my life saver.

"... it's not like being thanked.Rather, what happened was more like the fault of our royal family. "

"It's not Lito's fault.Isn't it Ragweed's fault? "

That's what I meant to say, but Lito looked bitter.

"Certainly, if it is a personal conversation between the people, it may be a good theory.But here in the kingdom we are royalty.It is only natural to defend the rights of the people, and our failure to do so is our fault.That's why it's the responsibility of the state to create people like Ragweed. "

That's how Lito lay his eyes down.

I don't know where to stand on top of the country.But I somehow realized I didn't have to comfort myself here.

Well, good luck in the future so that nothing like this happens.

"Leave it to me, but I know what I can do when I abandon my throne."

Litro shouted.

There, the old butler, who had been silent about interrupting our conversation, broke in.

"If that's what you think, why don't you just take back your inheritance right now?The King, the First Prince, and his subordinates await you. "

"Even a very small part of your subordinates, right?I don't want the rest of it.That's why I gave up my inheritance.The next king is my brother, and I'm a prowler who abandoned my house.That is the future of a country where there is no conflict. "

"Your Highness....."

Somehow I saw the end of Litro's life.

But I don't want to get involved in the heart of this country, and I don't want to talk about what Lito thinks and does.Not if you're asked for an opinion.

So I listened intentionally without reading the air.

"So, why is Litro in this place?"

"The Master dropped me off, and then there's the rest.I need permission for one thing. "


Do you have the necessary permits or anything?

If you're talking about whether it's okay to make cocktails on your own, that's what I want you to like.You can spread it as you like.

However, the permission he sought was not of that nature.

"Would it be all right if I told you, you and Swiss about your fight against the Dragon Zombies?"


I couldn't read the intent of the question.

Isn't it presumed Retro's job to tell and report it to a kingdom-related organization?In that case, I didn't tell her without asking for permission.

With that in mind, Lito supplements his neck.

"The question is, can I convey to the people that the threat of the 'Dragon Zombie' has largely left the country and the people who have been active in the battle?At this stage, people are worried about vague rumors that dragon zombies have fallen.As a country, I was waiting for a detailed report, and the information was mixed up because Ragweed broke in.It tastes bad if it stays that way. "

I don't know what Ragweed did wrong, but that means that people nowadays, if not the men we gathered in King's Landing, don't know the details of the demon king Dragon Zombie.

Therefore, he is anxious without judging whether to stay in King's Landing or withdraw.

"If that's the case, there's no particular problem.But what was Ragweed going to do about it? "

"You're making money, because you sell food, magic equipment, things like helmets, as well as stuff like amulets."

Ragweed himself would have known the Dragon Zombie had fallen.

I know that, and even more than that, I can't say that I'm stunned.

"Hah... then do your best even more."

After an unexpected sigh, I told her so.

Litro nods with a full smile.

"I want you to leave the rest to me."

Then Litro left satisfactorily with a candle.

Even with a glimmer of anxiety on his back, something more important now.

Good evening, Mr. Meghist.

"Yes, this way, please."

At the end of the conversation with Litro, the Meghist opens the door of the carriage that was already in front of him.

And at the same time, the anger of the young woman.

"It's late! How long are you talking in front of the carriage!?"

Without trying to hide the mood aura, the rosemary was clean.

I slightly lowered my head and excused myself behind her.I saw someone in the carriage as well.

"... no"

Make a cheerful call.

Tris was laughing in trouble.

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