First of all, I wonder if I need to introduce myself again.

Rosemary, who was in a royal position at the entrance to the carriage, said, looking out for the other three people on the spot.

With the exception of the carriage lord, there are five people in this carriage, including me.

Rosemary, Elm, Tris, Meghist.

It is said to be self-introduction, but it is not the first time to meet.

"I am the total mist of the evening. I work as a bartender."

In the meantime, let me finish in a brief word.

Everyone will know about me, and that's enough.

But I have Rosemary with a slightly dissatisfied face in my words.

"Is there a problem?"

"... is there no swiss?"


"Is that why the Swiss aren't with you?"

So I realized that Miss Rosemary was looking for that blue-haired girl.

"I was happy to go with Swiss along the way."


The magic temple contacted me and took me there.


Rosemary wasn't expecting anything about the Swiss ugliness.

But I immediately distorted his expression as if he had come up with something.

"Well, I thought there was a really strange paper rolling around in her workshop, but I solved all the mysteries."

It may have been like this since Sui belonged to the Magic Academy.

"Well, I'll invite Switzerland later. Thank you for introducing yourself."

"You're welcome."

"Besides, I'm depressed, so I'm good at honoring you.Talk to me normally, as usual. "

"Happy birthday, if you say so."

She nodded with satisfaction when I returned it as if it were a bit of a joke.

"Once again, it's Rosemary Meriastel, the royal kaiser, the proxy of the Meriastel family.This is my job in the family business.I'm not helping with housework. "

I'll give Rosemary a good smile and say I'm here.

I guess it wasn't because she was almost unemployed, but because she wasn't too cheap in the past.

And finally, our gaze goes to the others on the scene.

A gray-haired child with a smile opened his mouth.

"Again, my name is Elm.Elm Tunerico. Some people call me the White Wise, but I don't change, so feel free to call me El. "

The name I've heard before. Such a name would not provide any further information.

That's what I was expecting.

As usual, Elle, who doesn't know if he's a boy or a girl, smiles at me without showing any such gestures, despite meeting him for the first time in a long time.

"Congratulations, oniisan. Starting with the Master of the Bar, it's quite a story to be a champion of the Demon King crusade.I was very impressed. "

You're not changing your attitude at all.

"I'm still surprised at this.I was hoping it would come to me eventually, but I didn't really think it would come to me with a cocktail. "

The last time you saw Elle was in the White Oak training library.

I don't think the way we broke up at that time was such a good thing, but Elle didn't look particularly concerned.

It seems that Elle was there at that time, and that he knew about the Magic Orc was part of an investigation into the Demon King.

But I'm sure the reason you were interested in me was because you had something to do with the other one.

"... no"

When her gaze hit, the gray-haired girl responded with a troublesome smile.

That familiar smile shakes my memory badly.

She's the face I remember, the smile I remember, the voice I remember.

"Tris. Tris Tnerico. Your elm is supposed to be a family, but you're not that close."

"Maybe you don't have enough referrals? White brave?"

"... it's not a pattern."

Rosemary told me to tear things up, and Tris got sick of it.

I scratched off all the words I had to say to her in my head.

I was supposed to have acquired the ability to speak casually with people I met for the first time, but I wonder why these words didn't come out.

Well, it's been a while.

"Ah, yeah. Long time no see."

The words that finally came out were not such poison or medicine.

And from there, I can't speak well again.

There's one thing I really want to hear, and I won't be reluctant to answer it until this time.

Are you Torisu Ibuki?

Even though it is. It's terrifying to hear just that.

Inspired by nothing, before starting a bartender, I shook my head in helpless loneliness and cowardice.

When the possibility of a different reply comes back, you can't say anything immediately.

Once upon a time, Tris said he was going to be "Torisu Ibuki" when he fulfilled his purpose.

Still, she herself had concerns about physical and mental presence.

Like I'm afraid of answers, maybe Tris is afraid to give them again.

The thought of becoming a little adult again takes away words from me and instead brings back memories of the past.

The cold cheeks in your head are coming back to life.I can't help but remember the body of a woman who is no longer a creature.

Fathers who talk to their adolescent daughters still have a more flexible conversation.When I was ridiculing myself, the rosemary of the strange appearance broke in.

"General, do you need an explanation for the Tuneco family?"

Oh, yeah.

The Tunnelico family that Rosemary talked about is probably Elle and Tris' family here.

But I don't know anything else.

Rosemary snorted and spoke quietly to the missing reply between me.

"The House of Tnerico is the house that serves my house of Meliastel.And a home to help Melia Steel with her work.Shadows, not tables. "

"Shadow of Melia Steel...?"

"Do you think the royal kaiseki can only walk the gorgeous path?"

Rosemary smiles. The lips twist suspiciously.

That's the role.

If it is House Meliastel who stands on the front and protects the royal family and acts as the royal force.

Is it the Tnerico family that eliminates enemies from the shadow of the royal family in a way that cannot be seen in front of them?

"Therefore, the existence of the Tuneco family is hidden.Even the royal family can only tell the king and some of the people when they think about it.Only when you need it. "

"Well, what about their family register?"

"No, at least not 'Toneriko'."

Well, then, it's the same as not being there.

No, I know that's the role.

It was only natural that no matter how much I looked for the name Tris, I couldn't find it.

"But for this monster activation, we were thinking about the possibility of resurrecting the Demon King as early as possible.And it was I who secretly received the role from the royal family.My assistant was Elm and Tris, the original magicians of the Tuneco family. "

A rare magical user.

I was wondering how it compares to Swiss.

But at least Swiss and Tris won't be able to compare.

If I remember correctly, the magic she used was not the magic according to the laws of the world, but the name of the cocktail.

"We created the roles of 'brave man' and 'wise man' before the great disaster.The Meliásters guarantee their identity for the two of us on the front stage.And it became the role of the Meliastels to follow the brave and help the wise. "

"Suddenly you call yourself the 'brave man' or the 'wise man', and there's no rebellion?"

"There's no soft way to forgive something like that.That's what it means to be born in a Tuneco house and come out. "


I understood, but I couldn't tell the truth.

If the story is true, at least her real bones will be buried in the tomb of Tosu Ibuki in Japan.

At least Tosu Ibuki wasn't a wizard and his hair wasn't white.

But, for example, if there really is a soul.

Suppose that soul flows into this world and puts its roots down in a place called the Tuneco House.


I accidentally saw Tris.

And the gaze matches.

"... it's okay. This is how I live."

Tris said.

Seeing such a vague smile on her face, I couldn't hear any more of her past.

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