It has nothing to do with Tris or Torizu Ibuki.

All of a sudden, my understanding doesn't seem to catch up.

I don't suppose so.

With so much Ibuki and melon in my life, my personality is almost intact, and my memories are strong, and you take care of me so much.

I can't believe she has nothing to do with Ibuki.

"After all, oniisan doesn't understand the very fact that he was summoned, or the nature of the power that stayed in him."

The fact that I was summoned?

In the first place, I was barely aware of that.

It's a trivial question of why I came to this world.

But just a few moments ago, I was suddenly reminded of one end of that fact.

"What did Rosemary summon me for?"

"Half correct, but the assumption is wrong in the first place."


Which assumption?

Disgusting, nauseating, or having a bad head.

I don't know. I even get annoyed by the attitude.

Having read that look on my face, Elle told me why I came to this world.

"In other words, I was the only one she tried to summon.Oniisan was summoned to this world because of his failure to summon. "

I was caught up and summoned.

In novels that go to other worlds, I remember seeing such settings several times before.

However, the events that Elle is talking about seem somewhat different from the development of the novel that she has seen up to now.

"Oniisan, were you convinced of the power of the" fifth attribute "that lives in you?"

"... that's because the power of Tris happens to flow to me."

"No, that's not the power of Tris.The power of "us," including Tris. "

We. It's a word that identifies us with someone else.

But understanding doesn't catch up.

I mean, Elle and Tris were supposed to be alone.

"Oniisan, let's introduce ourselves again.It's not my name to spend in this country, it's my real name. "

Holding still, Elle, enjoying my reaction, named herself for the first time with a smile reminiscent of the first time she met her.

"My name is Herm and my name is Hermes.A magical being born in a world of reason that is different from this world."The Hermes Trismegistos, the true demon king, the ancestor of wisdom and gold, is different from the bones of that lizard."

The name sounded familiar.

Not as a real person, but as a name that came out of some of the games and myths that I touched when I was in Japan.

Hermes Trismegistos. Triple the great Hermes.

A great man who mastered wisdom, taught alchemy, and appeared three times in history in different shapes.

Yes, three times. In other words, he had 'three different figures'.

"You already know that. In this world," Hermes Trismegistos "broke up into three parts.Yes, "Elm," "Tris," and "Meghist."One observes the world, one moves as a limb to advance the story, and one serves the summoner. "

While listening to Elle, I didn't understand much.

However, from the expression of Tris, who has been lying down with his eyes all this time, it feels like there is no lie.

There is no lie in Elle's story.

So, what is Tris?Where did Ibuki Tosu go?

Why is Tris and Tosu Ibuki alike?

Without answering my question, Elle, no, Hermes gave priority to her own explanation.

Let's get back to the story. Do you have any idea what the purpose of Rosemary was to summon the "Demon King of the Other World"?But the subpoena ceremony she worked so hard for had a big flaw.In this world, there was an overwhelming lack of understanding of the system called the "fifth attribute."

It is not hard to imagine why Rosemary summoned me.

She used to have no magic of resurrection in this world.But if they don't find it, and if they're out of this world, they might know the answer.I've told you that before.

She must have asked for answers' outside this world 'at the end of her research.And he was good enough as a magician to carry out that idea.

However, in this world's magic theory, the four main attributes are treated as the root of the world.

So, as Hermes said, it became a summons that lacked understanding of the "fifth attribute".

"Originally, if you're going to call me into existence, you have to be fully prepared for all five attributes.However, there was an overwhelming lack of preparedness for the fifth attribute, time and space, and magic to govern the objects of the real world.It was summoned in such a state, so naturally the summons ended incompletely, and when it was summoned, the "fifth attribute" fell out of me. "

After that, Hermes looked at me with pleasure.

Around my chest. Around my heart. Around my heart.

"But when I was summoned, the 'fifth attribute' of my existence was indeed called.The loss of a place of destination due to the accident called for another existence as a dependency of its own.Among all the possibilities that exist in the parallel world, I happened to call the person whose magical aptitude matches "me" as "my power container"."Me", "Power" and "Power vessel".These three were called in a single summons, and they got confused. "

If "I" refers to Hermes and "Power" refers to the magic of the fifth attribute.

"Power vessel" means ─ ─

"In other words, the power you have used so far has been exercised for people, and it was all the power of the Devil King."

To be honest, all I had to do was follow him.

Everything about the child named Hermes goes on with his subjectivity.

I can't even tell what's right or wrong.

The truth is, I was summoned and I had mysterious powers.

Yes, if you borrow the words of Switzerland, magic like "Fairy Tale God or Demon King".

Hermes keeps going even further while I can't understand and even enjoy the suffering.

The words approaching the heart of Tris.

"However, I wasn't the only one who had an accident due to the summons.Even if oniisan was called as a power vessel, there was no way that the "Demon King's Power" could enter the ordinary people without any price.So, from within oniisan, from within the spirit that shaped oniisan, what occupied the greatest weight was ejected at the same time as the summons. "

What I lost when I came to this world.

I don't have to think about it. There's only one answer.

"Torisu Ibuki...."

"Yes, in other words, the sentiments that were closest to the attributes of the Demon King among oniisans - love, hatred, anger and regret, the core of all of them, Torizu Ibuki.It was cloudy enough to think that it belonged to humans, but instead of accepting the power of the demon king, it fell clean and refreshed. "

That's the biggest part that separates me from me when I was in Japan and when I came to this world.

When I came to this world, I forgot "Torisu Ibuki" and there were only cocktails left.

Forgetting Ibuki left only positive feelings for cocktails - happiness or unhappiness.

That's why I was able to make a decent place in this world.

I'll see Tris again.

I look at her sadly, desperately distracted from me.

I can't even say a word to her, and I ask Hermes to spit it out with my gaze down.

"If I had lost all of Torisu Ibuki, where'd it go?"

"Naturally, it flowed to me. [M]But I'm the Demon King.I don't feel like I'm suffering from something like that from a boulder.But at the same time, I thought the "mass of passion" that I never had seemed interesting.That's why I decided to share my body in the "passion".Based on your "Torisu Ibuki", I created a personality from your "memory" based on your "love feelings". "

I mean, it's just something that's inside of me.

I just reproduced "Torisu Ibuki" in my memory using my emotions.

In other words, it has absolutely nothing to do with the original Torizu Ibuki, which should be said to be the embodiment of my delusion.

At the same time as I gave the answer to Hermes' explanation.

Hermes, who was so torn apart and twisted his mouth, said with pleasure that he didn't know what was so pleasant.

"Yes, the Tris there is never Torisu Ibuki.The Devil's Divider. A stubborn soul with the memories and emotions of borrowed objects in the body of a crop.That's who Tris Tuneco is. "

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