
Is it my heart that Hermes is relentlessly mutilating with words?

Or is it Tris' heart?

No matter how much I look at Tris, she'll never deny it.

Even if it's a lie. I want you to deny it.

I wish you could say that you are Torisu Ibuki.

She just keeps quiet to bite her lips and says nothing.

"If you're worried about authenticity, you should check it out."

"... what?"

"Oniisan wanted to know.What was the "cocktail" that Torisu Ibuki said when he last spoke to him?If it is the person in question, there is no way I don't know it.But if it's a fake from oniisan's memory, you won't know.It's easy, isn't it? "

I asked Tris again with my eyes only.

A few patrols.

A moment like forever.

And Tris shook his head silently with a crying face that was merciful to me.

"............ ah"

Suddenly, I relaxed from my body.

I was in a worse state of intoxication than I was, but in addition to that, I felt that something about me that I was holding on to was broken.

He couldn't even reach the ground aggressively, and then he put his arm out in front of his face to protect him.

But I can't get up from there at all. I don't have the strength.

Nausea and fatigue strike your body, and your thoughts sink into a bottomless swamp.

"Total!? Are you okay!?"

Tris called out, and I turned my eyes towards you.

My memorable Ibuki face.

Was it obvious?

If she was born out of my memory, would it have been natural for her to be there in the way I remember and behave?

Was she the one who made it out of what I lost?

"... why?"

It was just a question that came out of my mouth as my thoughts continued to flip.

"Why would you do that?Why did you tell me that? "

I didn't even look, but I saw Hermes laughing at me.

Demon King, Hermes Trismegistos.

Unlike Dragon Zombies, the King of Monsters, the true Demon King emerges from different worlds.

What the hell is the purpose?

"Purpose... if you insist, I guess I'll be busy."

"... bust your time?"

"Yes, until I regain my power.I had time to make a story about you as a protagonist. "

Hermes laughs innocently.

It just makes you feel, heterogeneously, that this child is not the same person again.

"Shortly after I was summoned to this world, I found myself living in a common man whose power was nothing.When I killed the ordinary man, it took time to get used to the power that had once been transferred, and a huge ceremony was also necessary.That's why I thought about spending the rest of my time. "

Inorganic voices, like beautiful jewels, rush into your ears.

I will not tolerate any denial, just a warm voice that convinces us.

I know, I know, I know.Hermes hasn't lied at all since before.

"The ordinary people who had my strength didn't know anything about it.I just had one stunt that wasn't in this world.That's why I was wondering if I could help you grow the cocktail.Sometimes I get in the way, sometimes I give advice, sometimes I give up even the mysterious heroin for excitement, and then I defeat the "Las Boss" that I have prepared before I get past the various walls.Trying to make a character in such an inspiring story. "

As always, the words of Hermes, who likes to tell the story on his own, don't get in half of my head amidst discomfort and confusion.

However, I didn't like the last word.

Defeat the Las Boss, make a hero.

"Oniisan was so much better than I thought. [M]The situation where memory and romantic feelings were lost also worked positively.Even I was touched by the way I tried to move forward with cocktails in the face of numerous difficulties.It was also the best entertainment to be bewildered by Torisu Ibuki's Phantom. "

"... no, you're kidding me!"

The words that raised their face with their own thoughts and thrown aggressively could not even create a ripple in the heart of Hermes, and sinked.

I can't tell if the body that seems to tremble right now is due to weakness or anger without a place to go.

However, all the favorable feelings towards this child are blown away.

"However, there was a miscalculation.With this ceremony, oniisan lost his life and planned to return to me. [M]But I didn't expect oniisan to create a substitute for sacrifice.Thanks to this, oniisan's life was sparingly preserved.Lucky for you. "

"Instead of sacrificing...?"

"Barrels laid in this room.Still don't know what barrel it is? "

I was caught in the sight of a hermaphrodite and looked at the barrel.Many large barrels in the room were crafted.

One of them is damaged by some kind of exchange, and the contents have leaked a little.

When I was conscious, it smelled so intense that I didn't notice it.

"It's definitely Origin. Oniisan's magical aptitude means that I can naturally make one with the same aptitude.Well, oniisan had quite a magic relationship, and it took a while, but still it's nothing compared to ordinary people. "

All wooden barrels prepared to cover the walls of this room are whiskey.

The amount is not as much as a hundred or two hundred liters.

More magic than that potion, that's the power of the Demon King.

The power that dwells in you now becomes even more terrifying, increasing your fear and nausea.

It's probably not my fault that the tips of my hands and feet are getting cold gradually.

"That's why I promised you I wouldn't kill you if I could replace you with Origin!!Why did you do it!? "

Tris' anger stopped my consciousness.

It's not Ibuki's tone when talking to me.Her raw voice was angry.

Her luxurious body takes a step forward to protect me.

"Oh, that's what I promised you.But to be honest, it doesn't matter to me, so I thought, "Well, that's a promise."

However, as always, Hermes had a cold expression on her face.

And then, as another bad trick came to mind, I fished up my lips.

"There was another miscalculation.Tris, who was supposed to have the same mental structure as me, has always been invaded by human romantic feelings and gone mad. "


"Don't be angry. Is that true?When I asked you when you were just born, you said you were crazy. "

Tris chewed his lips while still staring at the hermets for the shooter.

However, the Hermes kept talking without worrying, even though they said they couldn't wait to expose me.

"The romantic feelings that were the only objects of whimsical observation at first gradually invaded Tris' personality, which was identical to the Demon King.While playing Tosu Ibuki, which only exists in other people's memories, at some point, I really started to get emotional into "Tosu Ibuki, who thinks of the total sunset mist".At first, despite being given a convenient 'handicap' role, I abandoned my role and sometimes joined the cocktail excessively, leaving several scars on the story I painted.Well, that's good, because it was fun. "

Hearing the words of Hermes, I remembered in my head the days since I came to this world.

Was everything as Hermes wrote it?

The first time I met Sui and the first time I met Easy's face was different.

If so, when I met Hermes.

Certainly, when I started researching the magic grass that exists in this world in the library.

Just before Tris showed up in front of me.

Ever since then?

To save corsica bitten by earthen snakes that rarely appear around here, he explored Koantro and fought the dragon grass afterwards.

A twin vampire whose memory was erased by Tris' hand got lost in front of me, who wanted a disciple.

The fact that he ran to solve the White Oak problem on his way to training and felled a magic oak that was the key to a single reversal.

Before I asked for alcohol, Neuine appeared to become a drunk teacher in search of strength because her house was exposed to a monster crisis.

And as the cocktails set in motion in the city, the demon king Dragon Zombie set in motion, even a series of streams.

Did Hermes set it all up?

"It was too sudden for Las Boss to be a dragon zombie and the mastermind to be a rugweed, right?I'm sorry about that, too.That's because Tris gave up his role when he was supposed to be the boss of Las Vegas... the demon king who was supposed to stand on his feet.A demon king who is not willing to play the role is inferior to a small one.Well, for that reason, I was fully entertained to struggle with the role of "brave man" that I was given instead.Try to find the Staff of the Dead Soul with Rosemary, who knows nothing about it. "

When Tris was born, was she still part of the Devil King?

Inside my head, I remember Ginula's reputation of the impression of Tris as a "scary woman" during the reputation party.

But then she gradually changed.From my enemies to my helpless allies.

So instead of her, the dragon zombies are going to attack the city?

"But, oniisan. Instead, oniisan's story was finished when he passed the last obstacle I prepared, the Demon King Dragon Zombie.From there, it's just a bonus.I'm tired of making you the hero forever. "

I don't understand what Hermes is thinking.

It's a fun and funny way of making fun of human life.

I was busy laughing at Tris, who was even worried about my existence.

Was it a waste of time that caused enough turmoil to shake the country?

"What do you think humans are?We're not toys! "

It was not anger, but words that whirled in my heart came out of my mouth.

If a being called a god or a demon king plays with humans like this, what are we to him?

"How can you people overestimate yourself so much?That's right, let's say oniisan went somewhere on his way home and thought of kicking two stones.Oniisan, who arrived at the house kicking a stone, will you put that stone into the house with care?You don't, do you? I mean, by the time I got to my goal, I don't care anymore about stones.The stone suddenly says, "What do you think we are?Why did you kick me so far?I wonder what the answer is. "

It feels different.

The discomfort that I hadn't had a clear word so far clearly took shape.

From my point of view, Hermes appears to be a communicative creature of the same shape.

But from Hermes' point of view, we humans are like talking stones and trees.

"Well, oniisan's story is over, so don't worry too much.I've finally regained my strength, and I'll look for my next game. "

"What's next?"

It's just a bad feeling.

So far, what is the next 'pleasure' of someone who doesn't feel value to humans?

"Well, I haven't thought about the content yet.In this world of magic, spreading alchemy from scratch again seems a bit boring.I'm not in the mood right now. "

Then Hermes slips his gaze.

And then I saw the "gun" with my eyes down my hips.

"Yes, let's play with the power you've created."

"What, in the back?"

"It's your 'gun'.Well, why don't we take over this country in the first place, build an army of guns, and try to conquer the world in the flow? "

You asked me, but I knew from the beginning that you weren't expecting an answer.

Just the next bust of time. That's all for now.

It turns out that Hermes is about to start a war involving all mankind.

"This power is for you to play with!?"

I'm not the only one with this Gun theory.The wish of Switzerland is also very important.

And "Ammo" and "Ammo Disarm" are magic that has the potential to be useful to many more people.

Whoever plays with it on his own will not be allowed to do so.

However, Hermes said something that would shake the root of this "gun."

"Really? In the first place," Ammo "and" Disarm "are the magic I made for oniisan.Oniisan and I are magically connected, so if you had a magical blueprint in oniisan's magic, someone who saw it would have an eye for magic. "

I felt like I had my roots crushed.

It was all thanks to those two magic tricks that I have been able to fight in this world.

If it was given to me by the Demon King, I would have been moving along with the Demon King's "will" from the beginning.

"I was going to give oniisan a gift that he couldn't use ordinary magic, but I didn't imagine that it could be used by anyone.I was purely surprised.So, as a thank you for entertaining me, I want to use my full power to stir up the world.Yes, like oniisan's favorite cocktail, you're in a state of total disorder. "

I didn't know whether it was because of magic or because of the Demon King, who couldn't understand.

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