"Town, go."

When the thought that Hermes couldn't understand was solidified, a sleigh and a single voice came up.


She, who had relied on the remains of the Meghist, was now staring at Hermes in a desperately depressed form.

Explain, Hermes.

"What do you want?"

"You promised to fulfill my wish.This ritual was supposed to fulfill that wish. "

Rosemary's voice was trembling.

Blood is dripping slightly from my fist.

She says as she disciplines herself as hard as she tears her skin apart.

"You said it!Recover the power lost by the Summon Monsters!When you fulfill my wish!I can bring my dead brother back to life like Meghist!That's why I've been helping!I gave you a position! And the ceremony!Then give me my wish! "

"Oh, I'm sorry. That's a lie."

"... no"

Hermes tells Rosemary that he is silent.

"In the first place, the 'resurrection of the dead butler' was a mistake.I'm with your brother over there.Sole is just one part of the body that I made out of your memories.Like Tris, the Meghist you know has absolutely nothing to do with it.It was the same interesting name match as Torisu Ibuki, so it was just fun to ride. "

Sole and Hermes pointed to Meghist's remains.

Perhaps he happened to have a part of the name 'Megistos', but he was a deacon who had a heart for Rosemary, which was created at random.

I saw Bulli and Rosemary's body tremble.

"I'm still an alchemist.You can create new lives from scratch.You can repair flesh dying and keep it alive, or give life a new vessel of flesh.You can say that the body and life are roughly what you want. "

That is clearly a far cry from the magic of this world today.

Still, Hermes tells bad kids to tell them.

"But once you lose your life, you can't recover your lost soul from the world."

Katsu, something fell on the floor.Then Rosemary broke her knees and went to the floor without being able to stand like me.

"Oniisan's pursuit of Torisu Ibuki and the Megist who supported Rosemary until the end are no longer in this world.Because in the first place, the soul no longer exists.That's why all you've ever trusted me with is an ugly monster. "

Tris swallows his teeth.I couldn't say anything, I was just staring at her.

"I mean, it's only natural.Dead people will never be raised again.If that's what it looks like, it's a good fake. "

Hermes laughs as he moves his gaze with Rosemary, me and Tris.

Rosemary inspired the weak body and shouted again.

" Do it now! Do it yourself!

Hermes instantly consolidated his body with a twitch in his words, but immediately tore off his' restraint '.

"Ahahah, how long will I have to rely on that?It was on purpose to pretend that it had worked so far.I can tie you up with something like that, but at best it's a beast.In what world is there a demon king ruled by humans? "

While laughing at Rosemary's restraint in vain, Hermes picks up a wand of power in the middle of the magical formation.

"Well, the immediate goal has been decided, and the power has been regained.First of all, let's go get this country. "

The wand with its terrifying power is swinging around like a toy.

Hermes told us it was easy enough to go for a walk.

"Before that, I don't know what to do with you guys here... either way."

Hermes nodded loudly and laughed at the annoying gesture to roll even the invisible dice.

"Yeah, I guess I'll let you die.You can't just leave Tris alone in a boulder.Well, oniisan. No, the fog is all over the evening.I suppose this is what your favorite game looks like. [M]"Congratulations on completing the game, and it's over."

Instantly, when the Swiss activated the Multiple Magic Team, it was never inferior to the impossible magic flow.Even though no magic has been used yet, the pressure alone is enough to kill you.

I remember the words Sui said when he first saw the magic inside me.

Talents like "God" and "Demon King" in fairy tales.

Of course. It was the power of the Demon King, so it was decided to have that kind of magic.

The Hermes in front of me was going to kill me, Tris and Rosemary all together.

In fact, there is enough pressure in front of the child to convince him or her that he or she is going to die here.

Rosemary, who is just a short distance away, stares at Hermes desperately with a pale face different from mine.

Only one person is different.

"Let me. Here, I'll sink you even if you stab me in the face."

Tris provokes with an unbelievable smile while holding down the wound on his body.

"Ha-ha. You say funny things.When you started going crazy, you knew most of your powers were taken away, right? "

"Still, you can't ignore my homogeneous attack.Because that's the magic rule of the world. "

Is that a story of magical aptitude?

As was the case with the dragongrass, the opponent with a lot of magic has high magic defense proportional to its magic.In order to strike such an opponent effectively, it is essential to use homogeneous magic to remove defenses.

Be alert and behave like a sacrificial liquor.

In other words, one of Tris' words was synonymous with Tris' own clear declaration that Hermes and Tris were homogeneous for the first time.

"... I'm sorry I've been deceiving you so far, total.But only you, me! "

Without waiting for me to say anything, Tris, who had been out there trying to protect me, blew up the magic.

Hermes laughed hard and waved his arms.

The spears that came at me earlier were formed several times, and they poured down at us.

But shortly afterwards, similar spears were born from Tris, and each other's magic began to fight.

It was then that I finally realized what this spear was.

This is not even magic.It's just a hardened magic that even has a material shape.

At least I've never heard of a magician who can attack with magic alone.

In fact, even Rosemary, who was supposed to be a fairly good magician in this world, could not have split into two interactions.

Literally, the two exchanges had different dimensions.



They looked like they were playing against each other, but Tris chewed his lips for a while.

Gradually, Tris' reaction was delayed.

"You knew that, right?No matter how much time you spend preparing, you can't compete indefinitely.You and I, who have recovered infinite magic, cannot compete with you, separated from infinity.Don't worry. I'll use your bug information as friendly as I like. "

Immediately after Hermes said.

A spear that could not be offset finally blew Tris' shoulders off.

Slowly his left arm fell down and Tris moaned.


"It's okay!!"

Returning my desperate voice, Tris continues to face Hermes.

But little by little, the spear that couldn't offset the twisting shredded her body slightly.

From where it was scraped, the white light leaks when it twitches.It must have felt the same as her blood.

Well, let's get this over with.

Soon, Hermes got tired of interacting with Tris and said so with her spare expression on her face.

Tris laughed, though.

I can't see her face from behind, but I can see that.

"No, I won. Rosemary!!"

Tris screams.

Until then, the girl who couldn't do anything about the exchange between Hermes and Tris, just like me, screamed back at the moment she was called.

" Don't move!!

Over and over again, the word "coercion" has been repeatedly said to be ineffective against Hermes.

But now it's just a little different.

There is a white light gathering around the rosemary.

Like leaking from Tris' body, the light seemed to reinforce her 'words', overflowing with unspeakable remains of Meghists.

"Ha!? I'm dying!"

In her words, for a moment, Hermes certainly stopped moving.

And in that gap, Tris did move.

[It's the light of night. Illuminate the path of connecting edges]

Critical chant.

Then Tris took my arm and reached out to Rosemary, pulling like a vampire.

Rosemary also notices Tris' behavior, but hesitates to reach out aggressively.

For a moment, he turned to a Meghist who fell to the floor.

"Running away!?"

Having regained her bodily freedom, Hermes resumed her pursuit with a pleasant mix of impatience and interest in unexpected situations.

Looking at the opponent's relentless attacks, Rosemary was ready to reach out again.

And the moment Tris and Rosemary joined hands, Tris chanted.

[Moon in the Shadows]

Perhaps she realized it was the same metamorphotic magic that she always disappeared on the moon night.

Tris and I and Rosemary, whose hands she connects, are covered in dark colors.

I can see a magical spear jumping in from all directions at terrible speed.

I don't know which one is faster, Setouchi.

I saw it. No, I noticed.

I'm sure a spear will try to stab me in the face before it shifts at an irreplaceable rate.

"It's okay. The magic of [Old Pal] is still there."

After all, I don't know if Tris really said that.

But the words that I heard quietly enveloped me.

At that moment, Tris did twist his body and came out in front of me.

And the expected attack didn't pierce me, and we melted into the darkness.

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