
The moon, which can be seen from the window, looked beautiful in the sky of Tokyo.

I don't know for sure, but I wonder if it's the full moon or the age close to it.

The night in Tokyo was originally bright, but the moonlight was bright and illuminating the outside all the time, and I realized it was strange under the cold sky.

Since I made a promise with Ibuki, time has been surprisingly fast.

Even though I was playing my favorite game, my mind was still floating somewhere, and I probably wasn't sure where my mind was headed.

One day passed, two days passed, and when I realized it, the promised day was almost tomorrow.

"...... hah"

It's not that I don't like it.

I don't have to make excuses.

I'm already attracted to a woman named Torisu Ibuki without deception.

And she has already clearly said, "I like it."

Don't you need to worry about anything anymore?

There is no way to know the other person's feelings. If you look at the man in the world who is troubled by one thing, you are in an environment blessed enough to want to kill him.

Then what am I worried about right now?

"... no, you're scared."

Looking at the moon and drinking cheap whiskey, I was alone.

What are you afraid of? That's settled.

I was worried that I might not be the kind of man who lined up with Tosu Ibuki.

And I'm afraid that if I take such a step, I'll end up breaking everything in a cozy relationship right now.

This kind of thing, ordinary high school students see it as a hero's love comedy hundreds of times, and every time it has made a fool of them, they scoff at it as a development.

This is what happens when you become a party to a habit that has become a scattered fool.


But there was still something I knew.

I'm sure Ibuki was just as scared.

Like Ibuki became important to me, I must have been important to Ibuki if I wasn't complacent.

It would have taken her great courage to step forward and confess to me like that.


Then I have to move too!

Yeah, maybe I was drunk because of the alcohol.

The time is already around twelve o'clock.

In other words, it's been three days since I promised Ibuki that I would convey my thoughts.

It's me that's kept her busy until now.

If so, why don't you turn around and instantly convey your thoughts to her at this moment!?

"... uhh!"

It must have been a drunken momentum.

I noticed that I was holding my phone and calling Ibuki's number.

The sound of pulling leaks from your phone.

And as you listen to that sound, you gradually think backwards.

Think calmly, it's too annoying to call late at night.

I mean, it would be convenient for her, and it's very likely that she's already asleep.

Isn't that the worst confession you can make from a drunk or an Ibuki?

Oh, shit, am I totally, totally screwed up?

"... hello? General? What's wrong with you at night?"

At a moment when the momentum of drunkenness was about to wake up, Ibuki's voice was heard across the receiver.

It's connected.

I'm connected, but what am I supposed to do?

Without realizing that I was beginning to regret the drunken momentum, Ibuki continued.

"Hey? Hello? What? Harassment call?

Her voice was also getting a little upset.

I thought it was bad. I look at the sky aggressively.

In the dark sky of Tokyo, I saw a white moon floating.

And I don't think about anything, and I mouth my thoughts.

"No, I thought the moon was beautiful today."


In my aggressive words, Ibuki raised his voice instantly at a rate far exceeding his expectations.

Hey, did you say something weird, me?

Ibuki said in a trembling voice that he was unexpectedly terrified of the war.

Um, well, I could die.

"Why!? Don't die!?"


Suddenly I stop Ibuki saying something terrible, but Ibuki is Ibuki, and it's like I've said something terrible.

What the hell is going on?

The alcohol-boiled miso doesn't tell you anything!

Um, do you understand what I just said?

"No, what does it mean to say suddenly die?"

What do you mean, the moon was beautiful before that?


All of a sudden, I'm confused by a question I can't grasp.

"Does the fact mean more than that?"

"... hah. Maybe you're drunk?"

"A little."


Ibuki sighed twice.

I don't know what the hell is going on, I just keep silent.

"In other words, you're drunk, and after three days, it's good that you called me with such thoughts and momentum, but I realized that you were scared and just said how you felt about the scenery in front of you?"

"... you're so insightful."

"You can die, or I'll kill this man."

The words of Ibuki so roared were so heavy that they could not be heard in jokes.

Even though I apologize for being pushed "bad" by that temper, I can hear my breath even deeper.

That's enough. Okay. I also understand that the general looks like a seemingly cool man, and the fruit is a pretty dumb man.However, I was a little frustrated about this phone call, too. "

"No, I'm sure I'm sorry, but are you that angry?"

Anyway, the whole thing is to google with "The moon is beautiful" when this call is over.And to fall asleep in agony.And don't drink too much and be late for tomorrow's rendezvous. Good!?


Along with the sword curtain, Ibuki cut off the phone at the same time as I replied.

I wondered if I'd been so angry that I thought I'd done something bad.

Then, after searching as I was told, I learned the meaning hidden in "The Moon is Beautiful" and drank more alcohol in shame.

Until you faint to sleep with the power of alcohol.

"... nnh?"

I felt sick when I woke up.

I wouldn't call it a terrible hangover, but I can't call it a refreshing wake.

The sun was rising slightly higher, and it was almost noon.

"What time is it...!?"

I rubbed my sleepy eyes, and my phone tried to check the time.

The appointment with Ibuki was made at 10 am in front of the station.

And the time was 10: 20 in the morning.


The feeling of hangover blew up in that instant.

and at the same time, the latest one is added to the incoming history, which has already accumulated several times.

I answered the call without thinking and apologized at the outset.

"Sorry, I fell asleep! I'll be right there!"

".................................... I'm running out of time around here, so let me know when you get there."

Ibuki cut off the call with an apparently grumpy voice.

This will not happen unless you are prepared to pay for it in today's shop.

Then I'll get ready in a hurry anyway.

Even though it was before the date, I finished preparing with the momentum of updating my self vest and checked the contents of my wallet.

... unfortunately, the rubber products I received from Aoki were also well packed.

If Ibuki was planning to talk about it, I thought it would be unnecessary because I would come back to this house, but just in case.

I left the house after ten thirty.

From here to the station, hurry as much as you can and you'll be there in fifteen minutes.

The air in February is cold, but it cools down your sleepy head and body that burns with exercise.

Insufficient exercise immediately breathes in, runs a little, walks a little, repeats, and still rushes to the front of the station as quickly as possible.

On the way, I saw a strange crowd of people.

A park near the station.There is a crowd around the road in front of it.

Was there an accident?

I noticed, but I don't have time for a wild horse right now.That's where I was interested, and I hurried to meet you at the station.

"He's not here."

There was no sign of Ibuki in front of the station.

On the contrary, there is no sign of connection even when I make the call.

Well, I'm the one who's so late for this big day.Of course, Ibuki may be more angry than I imagined.

Then I'll wait hours for her anger to cool off.

But then, whether it's been an hour, two hours, three hours.

No matter how many trains pass by, no matter how much the sun moves, Ibuki does not appear.

The telephone calls to Ibuki became more and more frequent due to growing anxiety, and I became worried that something was going on.

Finally, I'm connected to Ibuki's phone.

As I exhale in relief, I apologize to her the most.

"I'm really sorry! I apologize for being late, so it's time to forgive me ─ ─"

"I'm sorry. Is it correct that Ibuki-sama's alumni are calling here?"

"... are you there?"

The voices heard from the connected phones were similar to the voices of Ibuki, the old man's voice.

The man told me indifferently what was going on.

"It's hard to say, but Ibuki-sama took her breath earlier."


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