"... uhh"

My eyes woke up.

I couldn't hold my nausea, so I spit out a little gastric juice in my hand.

The sourness through my throat was discharged slightly with discomfort, soiling my hands.

Fortunately, there was almost nothing in the stomach and it didn't even stain the sheets.

"Total! Are you awake!?"

The voice of a woman.

When I saw it, a girl with blue hair looked at me worried as she offered me a warm hand-cloth.

Looking at the color of that hair, I realized that the sight I had just seen was a dream.

And I clearly remembered that the dream was once a reality.

"... Swiss"

"Good. By the time I realized it, it was strangely alive, and the symptoms were progressing, so..."


"Magic Deficiency. It is also the fifth attribute.I freed the cocktail from the whole pouch. "

I remember the current situation little by little as I literally wipe my hands with the handpick I received.

I went to a ceremony at Rosemary's Mansion, and...

Here's the transition of Tris.

"Where's Tris?"

"... when I came, there was only Rosemary and General."

"Well then...."

"When you talk about it, it's light and it's gone."

Then the last sight is not a dream.

Tris is no longer in this world.

And Tosu Ibuki never existed in this world in the first place.

Your upper body, which was standing halfway up, became dizzy and weak.

It's terrible to stay like this, and I'm lying in my bed again.

"I'm still at rest.I took off the danger zone, but still... "


"... it's falling so far that it's not comparable to the total it used to be.The resilience of the fifth attribute and the total amount of magic. This is.... "

What happened to this?

I guessed Sui's words, but there was nothing I could answer.

I'm sure Rosemary told me something about the demon king Hermes.

I can't imagine how she would be treated.

It doesn't matter now what the identity of the wise man is.

What's in my chest is the fact that I lost Tris.

And I remember, sin consciousness.

If I hadn't slept that day, Ibuki would never have seen an accident.

If you don't drink too much that day, I'll have to do something rough.

That's the cold reality that I killed Torizu Ibuki.

"... all right, now go to sleep. I'll tell you more when I get up again."

I closed my eyes so as to be sweet to the voice of Swiss.

I was even thinking with my eyes closed.

I've been thinking about something I don't know what I'm thinking.

As my consciousness went down, I noticed a lot.

I didn't even say thank you to Sui, who had been taking care of me for so long.

How are you feeling?

"As you can see, it sucks."

Looks like it's a little better now.

When you woke up again, in my room?What appeared in the bedroom was a blonde beauty who was already somewhat familiar.

It was a beauty that was too dazzling to see when I woke up, but the expression seemed to be serious behind the tone.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I need to ask you something."


But first, I think we should explain the situation.

To match Lito's expression, his voice also turned into a weary one.

If you listen a little, there is a slight noise from outside this room that various people are moving around in a hurry.

Sui looks at me worriedly and doesn't seem to stop Lito from saying anything.

I thought about what happened before I fainted and waited for my words with a little preparedness.

"Last night, something named the Demon King appeared and the castle was occupied overnight.Strangely enough, the demon king's appearance resembled that of the "White Wise Man," who the House of Meriastel had guaranteed. "

I know that it is the [White Sage] himself.

And if you combine that report with this situation, you don't have to think that the current situation is very bad.

"The resistance of the soldiers in the royal castle was empty, and the soldiers were slaughtered or disabled.As it stands, we are perfectly defeated by the Demon King's ambush.After the capture, the royal castle ─ ─ Nah, daring to change its name, the demonic shadow wandered in the castle, and all the attempts to recapture failed. "

"Is Your Majesty safe?"

"Fortunately, the castle has several escape routes for you.One of them is connected to the Chart Magic Institute here.This is the headquarters of Operation Against the Devil. "

It sounded like I heard it one day.

Speaking of which, when I learned of the Dragon Zombie attack, the Lord's Mansion looked like this.

If you're lucky that your Majesty is safe, the most unfortunate thing is that the blueprints for the [Gun] are in the hands of the Demon King.


"Something like a criminal statement from the Demon King was heard by some of the soldiers who were at war.He said, "After analyzing the guns, we will incite those who are dissatisfied with this country to remain in control of the country."

It's like tracing a crime dressed by me or the Lord.

It's interesting to say that I deliberately painted such a story, but it's convincing.

"According to reports from those who fought last night, the Demon King had no magic at all and no master blade went through his skin.Exactly, it's an extraordinary strength.It may also be a good thing that the Demon King himself is not using his hands to invade the country, but using others to control it. "

Reminds me of last night's overwhelming hermes.

From his point of view, human beings are exactly equal to the stones on the roadside, and it depends on the mood to rule this country and destroy it.

Not to do that, after all, if you believe what he said last night.

"... this is also a game."

"...? Game?"

"What he's doing right now is a game based on creating a new scenario, so he doesn't think about conquering the world directly with his own hands."

"... hmm"

Lito listened to me with interest.

"Anyway, I'm sorry about your illness, but if possible, I'd like you to report back to Operations about what you're thinking and feeling.The truth is, I'm comfortable asking you to do this, but that's all we're stuck with. "

Ritro said at the beginning that he wanted to ask [me] something too.

This means that there was information obtained other than the impression of actual engagement yesterday.

If I think of Rosemary who is not here, what kind of place is it?

"I don't know anything more than Rosemary."

"Still, it's two more than one.I want some information about the people who actually fought and the people who talked to me.Above all, it seems that you have only one hope. "


What kind of hope do you have in me, mentally or spiritually?

With that thought, he stared at Lito with his dark eyes, but Lito probably deliberately smiled at him and said.

"I heard from Rosemary again, but I'm sure he did.Tris Tunerico - White brave man.There's a cocktail that will stop the hermes. "



I could barely stop nauseating anymore, but I could only face it with desperation.

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