The air in the parking lot froze in an instant.

But unlike me, who is unfamiliar with fighting, there are others who have moved aggressively here.

As soon as Jericho acknowledged Hermes' appearance, he first moved to a position where he could shelter the Little One, and at the next moment the Swiss cast a magic spell that could not be said to replace the greeting.

After the initial speed, the other people, who were all military, took their weapons at once and pushed them into Hermes.


"Calm down. I'm not here to fight today."

The magic rain and the cutting edge of the pierced murder weapon were like toys, and Hermes was smiling nostalgicly.

It's as if children and puppies have come to play, or as if they still think of people as pebbles on the street with no big deal.


Hermes who didn't mind the attackers, but I and I have a good eye.

I don't know what I look like.Still, for the first time here, Hermes had a slight confused look on her face.

"You're alive, oniisan.Cocktails are more interesting than I thought to be able to recover from that magic state. "

Hermes said to his parents as if he had never tried to kill me.

I gently stick my hand to the gun that remains on my waist.

I didn't put the pouch on.Sui stopped me from putting the pouch in my magic state because it was suicide.I thought I had it on when I fell in the middle of the ceremony, but I was really alive.

Anyway, because I don't have a pouch, I only have one ammo.

Only one shot stole Sweetie's eyes and loaded it into the gun.

Contrary to the hearts that get hot, I feel my thoughts getting cold.

Over time, the hermes in front of you clearly recognize them as enemies.

Others could finally finish the consciousness switching that Hermes would have done the moment he showed up.

And the decisive moment comes soon afterwards.

"Is Tris dead?That's good. Even if it's my part of it, I don't want to be your convenient pawn. "

I felt something decisive and important in me.

Draw a gun, load it with ammunition, without magic, and kill intent.

This place is indoors, the other person is a human type, and there was such a thing in one corner of my head.

But the more I felt like it didn't matter, the more I wanted to kill him.

"Basic Attributes (Base)" All ", Additional Attributes (Enchant)" Gini 15ml "," Water 15ml "," Salam 15ml "," Taylor 15ml "," Orange Curacao 15ml "," Cut Lemon 1/6 ", Material" Cola "Up"

Hermes just looked at me with interest and didn't bother me.

He's been licking humans for this period.

Fine. I'll kill you for every look you can afford.

Magic Charge begins.

However, the massive Fifth Class charges once felt will not occur.

I thought I would take half of my enormous magic, but even now I'm consuming so much that I can't die from a critical lack of magic.

I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

However, a dull roaring gun sent me a message that I was ready to activate.

"[Long Island Iced Tea]"

Suppose that what was once released was no less than a dragon brace.

This time it was a flash.

Right now, there's only one magic power left in my body, and it's a special blow that I literally desperately released.

A thin, sharp, concentrated ray of magical power ran through Hermes' heart.

Whether or not the pouch is gone and the magic finish is falling, I still see where the magic will go in response to the congregation.

"Fufufu. Fufufu, hahahaha!"

Along with the dull sound, my spell certainly pierces the Hermes.

The light passes through Hermes' body, penetrates a thin hole in her chest, and then melts the windowpane and disappears into the sky.

However, when a hole was punctured in her chest, Hermes did not see how she had endured it at all, and she smiled as she had done earlier.

"What a pity. What a pity. If that cannon had been at least ten times more powerful, it might have reached my life."

After saying that, Hermes gently traces the wound.

With that alone, my murderous intentions easily blocked the hole.

My hand releases its strength, and a gotton and a gun fall to the floor.

I was not the only one who discovered that the Swiss who first unleashed magic and the people who pulled their weapons to Hermes were desperate for the sight where the demon king's wounds were most easily blocked.

Even though we humans don't even have healing magic, this demon king can easily heal life-threatening wounds ─ ─ No, he can fix them.

Seeing that we had lost the will to resist here, Hermes talked out loud and clear.

"If it's finally settled, I'll tell you why I'm here."


It was Litro who answered Hermes' voice.

He stood majestically despite the fact that the man on the spot had no teeth on the hermes.

Whether it is a gesture or a royal cowardice, he is facing Hermes with his chest high.

"What the hell are you thinking? Demon King Hermes"

"Thank you for listening.Actually, I was thinking about the next game.Let's play with me, human. "

Hermes seemed to have identified the conversation partner as Lito, and started the conversation without seeing any other statues.

That's why I hurt myself earlier, and Rosemary, who summoned me, didn't even glance at me.

"It explains the rules. I'll be waiting for you at the royal castle for the next month.You'll find a way to beat me in wisdom for a month. [M]Well, even if you can't defeat me, if you can take this [gun] design as your primary goal, you'll win. "

Saying, Hermes took a bundle of paper out of his pocket.

You can't be mistaken, that's the design document for the gun that Swiss took out with his own thoughts when he saw it earlier.

With so much momentum that you can hear the clattering sound, the swiss chokes its teeth.However, I understand that she didn't have any teeth, so she didn't get irritated.

"That said, I'm not doing anything to the boulder.While I was there, I was protected by an appropriate monster.If you try to die and get to my room, I'll take care of you. [M]If you can defeat me there, it will be a hundred points, and if you can poke through the gap and take the design document, it will be the final point.I promise I won't read this for a month.Isn't that fun? "

That's what Hermes laughs at.

Looking down at us from a distance as living beings.

As we observe, so that the child can innocently poke an ant's nest with a stick and enjoy.

Litro said to Hermes with a grievous and painful face that she had never seen before when she was working at the bar.

"I don't understand. Frankly, you would have killed us right now, and you could have conquered the world with the momentum.Why are you acting like you're giving us a chance?I don't know anything about the reason or purpose of your actions. [M]Are you sure you want to play with us?Or is there some other reason you're helping us? ”

It was the truth of Lito, and it seemed to be the general idea of those who were here at the same time.

This demon king's actions are fertile against us and difficult to cooperate with.

That's why I know you want to know that there's something else going on.

But Rosemary and I know.This demon king doesn't think about us humans that much.

Give us a chance, not because you want us to take advantage of it.

I'm here to enjoy watching you desperately try to seize a chance we don't even know if we can make it.

That's why Hermes reacted as expected.

"After all, it's boring to just conquer the world, isn't it?"In the first place, I'm not interested in ruling the world that humans make.I just want to play in a direction that I can enjoy to the fullest. [M]In that sense, there is enough to give you a chance.Because there's nothing more boring than a winning match. "

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