"What's the last thing I can get from doing such a thing..."

Lito's mouth leaked a simple question that he wasn't organized either.

For the first time, the asked Hermes makes a disturbing appearance.

Instead of thinking about anything, it looked like what to answer.Or maybe you're just showing it and you're not thinking about anything after all.

Slightly, Hermes opened his mouth.

"The ultimate goal is that." I wonder if it's chaotic.

None of us could say anything to the answer.

I didn't know what you were talking about.

Hermes repeated his words to his ass how we were silent.

"The determined world is right.The world that circles in a quiet order is close to the right answer.And so the animal of human desire is not very suitable for the world.On the other hand, it is interesting to see a world where desire does not dictate anything.White paper can't be called a painting, but it's like someone's intentions create a color there. "

Is it referring to the country?Or are you talking about planetary units?

The story of Hermes, whether it's about the race as a whole, is distant and difficult to understand.

I don't know, but I somehow know you're trying to deny order.

"The world where individual is for all is efficient, and the world where individual is for individual is unique.In that sense, although you humans are quite interesting creatures to me ─ ─ "

So Hermes stopped speaking and laughed.

A face that seems as nostalgic as ever, but never asks the deepest part of my heart.

"From my point of view, you humans are a little wasted.There is no reason why there should be two of them because they are half-ordered.Above all, there are too many of them.So, for now, I wonder if I could cut it in half. "

Lightly, Hermes said.

It's like setting the menu for dinner tonight, half us humans.

As soon as Hermes' story came down to a place we could understand, the weight of seriously halving us humans was conveyed, and my spine felt cold.

"Why did you do that...? Why?! You decide!?What right!? "

Lito's face clearly distorted his anger.

A man suddenly standing on behalf of a human asks the Demon King from afar.

Hermes answered with an unexpectedly confused expression.

"Because that's what I thought, and I have to do it, right?"

"Well! What's ahead of the chaos!?"

"Come on."

Just like the other day, when I broke my anger, Litro's anger didn't shake Hermes' heart.

However, with the innocence of a child to find and crush the ant's nest, Hermes can only answer.

"There may be something ultimate ahead of the chaos, or there may be nothing but melting away.I don't know what's going to happen, but it's not good to decide before you do.Well, even if the world is destroyed by mistake, I can play in a different world, so I don't have to worry about it. "

The horrible selfishness made Hermes laugh.

I feel so powerless about irrationality that I didn't even feel when I saw the vampire queen before me.

With a giggle, Hermes shakes the design book of the flare and gun.

"Yes, this magic cannon (cocktail) is perfect for the game that starts now.A crystal of value created by mixing worthless things together.Let me take a closer look at how you can play a role in the world conquest ahead. "

The moment Hermes tries to fix the design book while laughing with Kera Kera.

Flame Lance!

Until then, Swiss, who had been listening in silence, cast magic with "no chant".

To the design document that Hermes will get without hesitation.

The spear of fire, which felt her bitterness, burned away enough to be used by the Demon King, headed towards a bunch of paper in a quick, sharp and deadly time.

No one could doubt that the spear fulfilled its purpose.

"I'm really surprised, Swiss Vermut."

But the spear of fire will not fulfill its purpose.

Hermes, who did not panic to the magic of aggression, scorched the hand opposite to the hand with the design document with fire, and praised Sui even though his expression was slightly distorted.

"I can't believe you're just a human being, but you've reached the entrance to the Higher Conversion using Magic Stones and the Fifth Class.If you understand that with your head, you are no longer beyond the realm of man.It can be called "Small Elemental".If there were five more of you, I'd be able to create the magic that would kill me. "

The eyes that looked at the watermelon were clearly different from the eyes that looked at the insects before.

Even after crushing the Spear of Fire, Hermes kept the object of his interest in Swirl.

Indeed, the Swiss did not rejoice at all at the hermetic praise from the bottom of his heart, and gave back his tongue in an easy-to-understand manner.

This is not the place for a voice that bemoans her for being badly behaved.

However, only the hermes strangled by the water shrugged her shoulders.

"Now, all of you in the Kingdom of Elb Absant. Good luck for a month.I'm looking forward to a good challenge. ”

And he left the word, and vanished in the blink of an eye.


Only silence remains in the space where the Demon King disappeared.

Everyone has lost their words to the overwhelming power differential earlier.

Best of all, I understood how difficult it was to take the "Delivery Point" to steal the design document from the Hermes who even responded to the ambush of Sweetheart, which no one in this room had noticed.

"... first, we have to decide what to do."

Still, at first Lito spoke up.

As the royal family of this country, they indicated the policy that they should take as participants in this meeting.

Never approach the royal castle without darkness.And do not bring the people near.

It is impossible for other countries to know this tragedy.In a period of one month, you can't call for busy reinforcements, nor can you gather the strength to crush the Demon King.From another country that doesn't know the Devil King, it could even be a good excuse to send troops to the King's capital of this country.

That's how you have to do what you can for a month.

Reorganization of the forces gathered to deal with dragon zombies, reconnaissance of Demon King Castle, preparations for the final match, etc.

Little familiar with military matters, Litro consolidates his policies one after another, often with the advice of Jericho.

And finally, he looks at me clearly.

"Master, dare to admit that you are a human being, that you are deeply hurt and that your magical situation is incomplete."


"I want you to find the cocktail that should work for Hermes."

While saying so, Lito lowered his head.

The sight of the royal family asking the public to bow their heads was a terrible surprise to the great people here.

I was used to seeing him when I didn't reveal that he was royal, so I don't think anything in particular.

And more than that, it was now very moving.

"I would like to do as much as I can."

"... I'm sorry, please."

"... yes"

I answered that with my remaining reason, but I couldn't help it.

The [Long Island Ice Tea] that I released earlier to kill Hermes was probably the answer for me.

It contains all the spirits and is easy to drink like tea, but I am drunk when I notice it.However, Trace told me that Ibuki seemed to like [amazing cocktails].

However, as it stood, this [cocktail] could not be a decisive blow to Hermes.

I told you what to do with ten times more power, but I've almost lost the magic of the fifth attribute, and I don't have the means to make it up to you.

To be perfectly clear, I no longer had any idea how to stop Hermes.

"Well then, you two can leave.From here on out, it's a discussion between the country's leaders.Just don't hesitate to tell me if anything happens. "

Do you realize I'm like a loose shell, or are you serious?

Ritro allowed me and Sweet to leave the room.

Well then, excuse me.

I'll thank you like a reflex of sales conditions and stay behind.

After I walked through the door, I realized I could hardly go back to my room without exploring the land of this place.


Soon a voice came from behind me.

Turning around, he gently pulled my hand with his worried face.

"This way."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"And this."

Swiss handed me the gun, and for the first time I realized I didn't even pick up the gun myself.


And I just walk down the road to my room with my hands dragged by the swiss.

On the way, I was still not willing to give anything back to the stupid gaze of Swiss.

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