One day after the Hermes assault.

Litro will be busy running around the country quietly.

I was still allowed to do nothing in the name of healing.

That's why I kept my eyes closed for just one day, even keeping Sweet away from me.

I couldn't sleep at night or in the morning, either because of the time I had fainted or because my habits as a bartender in Japan had returned.

Just closing your eyes, you just can't do anything.

There is also an investigation of the "cocktail" that Litro asked for, but as a result, I just line up the cocktails that I've made in my head.

I don't know how to put them in line.

That's what I thought every day before I came to this world.

Maybe there's an answer in the cocktail line.

But there is no guarantee that that is really the answer.

Even Trace is not sure that she really knew the right answer.

As you can see, I was frustrated.

Whatever you say, Trace's existence was certainly my biggest goal.

Now, when I was told that I was a different person or that I could not be brought back to life,

Oh, that's right.I don't think I can switch and think positively.

Maybe this is the first day I've practiced cocktails on my own.

It is said that it will take three days to recover after a day's rest, but what was supposed to be at the end of it is gone.

I wonder what I was making cocktails for.


A magical light dwelt in the room.

A grain of warm light arrived in the back of my eyelids, and for the first time I realized that I was in a dark room.

Without a light, he closed his eyes blurry, and without knowing whether he was awake or asleep, he was in an uncomfortable slumber.

When I opened my eyes, there was the usual familiar blue girl.

Today, I worked with the Magic Institute side to construct various magic theories, and I had tired eyes.

She was as expressionless as ever.

I was expressionless, but I could see my emotions clearly.

This is anger, isn't it?

“What are you doing?”

In a quiet tone, Sui, a girl with blue hair, asks.

I get up, shake my dull head and answer honestly.

"I didn't do anything. I didn't do anything."

"...... why?"

“I can't remember what I wanted to do anymore.”

I tried to clench my fist, but I couldn't get any strength in my hand.Speaking of which, I haven't eaten anything today.I just drank a few magic potions.

As a result, I didn't have the energy to make it a cocktail, I just drank it from the original solution.

Even if I think about it myself, I can only think of it as alcoholic behavior and laugh at it.

Is your body okay now?

"It's okay. I didn't get hurt because of Trace, and I didn't use my magic power to death."


He nods to my reply and comes up to me without a swirl.

Thinking of what she was going to do, she quickly grabbed my arm and tried to force me to get up.

However, I don't have enough strength, so I just pull my arm hard.


"Stand up for yourself."

Grinning at me, Sweetheart says it's shiny.

I get up quietly, driven by her force.

When I got up, I realized that I was being stung by a girl who was shorter than me.

"I know that the general is concerned about Trace-san and Ibuki-san"

Sweetie, that's...

"But! That doesn't matter now!"I didn't say that!They choose us over Trace-san! "

When will it be?

Well, maybe when Trace came to warn us before the dragon zombies.

At that time, Trace tried to take me away with her troubles, but I refused.

I liked 'cocktails' and where they connected me.

That's why I chose Sweets over Trace.


"And that's not what I'm talking about."

No! The general is more important to Ibuki now than we are!

"Ah! That's it!"

It is true that at that time, I chose the Swiss, not Trace.

But that's not to say that Equal, even if I'm in the mood right now, can quickly cut off Trace and move for the Swiss.

Above all, I forgot about Ibuki, who died because of me, and I realized that I had come to live in this world.

Spread the cocktail around the world. Believing it was a good thing, I didn't doubt it, and I just kept making cocktails for my own pleasure.

You're not supposed to be forgiven for that.

What is that?

Sweetheart won't play the words I almost screamed at you just now.

Staring at me with beautiful eyes.

I saw me in those eyes.

A familiar face in the mirror many times.

A cowardly face that has wrapped around the frail nature of its roots in a bartender's mask.

Did you say something to Sweet or to yourself in her eyes?

I didn't say a word until now, but I probably kept holding on to it all the time, and I said a heavy burden.

"I remembered everything. It was my fault.Ibuki died because of me.I'm the one who took her life. "

At that time, it was like replacing tears that didn't flow at Ibuki's funeral.

From my mouth to a girl younger than me, words overflowed from one girl to the next.

Having slept in the bedroom on an important meeting day.

After the meeting time, Ibuki met the accident in the immediate vicinity of the meeting place.

That day, I drank too much out of shame, and I felt guilty that I'd let a human die because I did something stupid.

Regrets, anger, hatred, all kinds of negative feelings about yourself.It was a strong source of romantic feelings.

I liked Ibuki.

I couldn't forgive myself because I liked Ibuki.

I didn't know what I was living for.

I couldn't understand why Ibuki died and I was still alive.

I've lost track of what I'm supposed to live for.

However, the words left by Ibuki were followed by the cocktail left by her.

That's how I came to live.I've been repeating the only thing I can do is save my life.

Truth is, I wanted to die.

I wanted to follow Ibuki.

But when I die, what she entrusts to me disappears.

That's why I tied her words to my heart like a chain.

Until recently, I forgot about such an important thing.

And with Trace dead, I finally remembered the sin.

What about Demon King Hermes? It's certainly a big deal, but I've spent hundreds of millions of dollars living to make it seem like such a trivial thing.

”That's why I killed Ibuki, I lost even Trace, I have to live just to not forget him... otherwise”

Otherwise, there's no point in me living like this.

The rest of it never came out of my mouth.


The beep rang.

Following the sound, there is a tingling pain and fever on your cheeks, and your thoughts become colored.

It took a little while for Sweetheart to notice that he had stretched my cheek with an angry expression.

She stroked me after holding my hand painfully.

"The general is really stupid! I thought it was just a cocktail, you idiot!The truth is, you idiot before that! "

It's really unusual for Sweet Sweet to scold people with her emotions.

Although the boiling point of anger is low, it is Sweet that doesn't appear on her face.

So the fact that she's clearly mad at me.

Replace all my thoughts and focus on her.

“We are! The Easys and the city!I've never met Torisu Ibuki, so I didn't follow him!It's just a cocktail!

The general pulled the cocktail, so he followed me!

It wasn't Torisu Ibuki who saved me!All of us! Neither I nor Rai, nor my father, nor Bergamo, nor Corsica, nor Ibelis, nor Phil, nor Sally, nor Viola, nor the Lord, nor the White Orcs, nor Grandma, were all saved by Ibuki Tori!Everyone's been saved by the General!The general saved us with a cocktail!

I don't know what the general's original purpose was to live!

And we were all saved by an unparalleled general!

If the general manager likes cocktails!That's enough for us!

That's all! That's no reason for the General to be here!

If you want to stay alive!For us! Live for me!

Because you need me! Because I need the general!So, live for me! "

Sweetie clenched my hand.

A small hand that was small, fragile, and only had age-appropriate strength, still shook my hand as much as I could.

The hand was warm.

"...... Sweetie"


My hands are warm and I'm crying for some reason.

I remembered the last time I touched Ibuki's cheek.

I remembered the coldness of Trace's hand.

Compared to that, Sweet's hands were really warm.

Do you really think I can live?

Sweet smiles at me.

It's fine, because the actions of the general manager when he forgot about Ibuki are just one proof.


"Ibuki-san is gone, there was no reason to hold on to him, but there was only one thing left, what was it?"

I lost Ibuki's memory.

That is, what I had when I first came to this world.

"... cocktails"

Sweetie laughed at what I said.

I see. I did.

"You're the worst man ever. Fool yourself with memories of your loved ones.Still, I can't tell a lie to the rest of my feelings. "

"Yes, and that's the real, pure total 'thing' we know."

I'm sure that wasn't the case when I first started as a bartender.

But in time, I really did.

I was fond of cocktails.

No matter how much I was sad, the real part of my heart was finding fun.

Even if Ibuki is gone.

Even if the guilt of the heart never goes away.

Just like that, the fact that I fell in love with [cocktail] never goes away.

More than I've ever lived, I've become inseparable.

"You're going to be disillusioned knowing you're such a man, aren't you?"

"No, I only knew he was such a man, but I liked him."

I couldn't understand what he was telling me.

That's why I couldn't react to what happened the next moment.


As soon as I realized it, my eyes had a face of Sweet Sweet that was just a little bit far away.

All that remains is the gentle sensation of touching your lips.

Unexpectedly, I tried to put my hands on my lips, but my hands were so warm that I couldn't do it.

"Live for me."

"... but..."

"Live for me."I won't tell you to forget about Ibuki.I can't take your place.So don't forget. And more than that, I want you to like me. "

That way, Sweetheart gently hugs me.

I hugged her without knowing what to do.

Her little shoulders and her soft body were warm.

If I could just say a few things in my head.

After all, the type of Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sw

Still, I certainly thought she was a charming girl.

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