"Welcome back!"

The day we finally made it to our city while staying in several cities along the way.

Without stopping by, he headed straight to the store, and the employee who was preparing to open ─ ─ Lai shook her red hair and came straight to us.

Rye first goes to Sweet, and then he says hello to me and Viola with a smile on my face.

"I'm home. I'm sorry to bother you."

"It's true! But I'm glad you're okay!"

If you're honest and happy, I'm really glad you're back.

Even my heart, which hasn't completely blown off yet, was honestly pleasant.

Anyway, from what I can tell from Ryan's preparation for the store, the city is recovering from the dragon zombie influence quickly and getting back to business as usual.It's good to be held back before we get into the city.

What about the others?

You're back, kid!!

Either I ask Rai sooner, or I ask her furious.

Oyaji-san, who was caught by Rai's energetic voice and came to see the situation, ran straight ahead and hit me on the head.

Let's go!

"Hmm! I'm worried about you!"

"... yes, I'm home"

It was supposed to be a light crash, but the momentum of the runner was not unlike the momentum of the runner who was beaten as it was.

However, if you think that's the weight of Oyaji's concern, it's also a little more subtle.

Then, tell Oyaji that he will explain the situation later, and ask him to go back to preparing for opening.

At the entrance of the kitchen, Bergamo did not come rushing over like Mr. Oyaji, but there was a smile of relief, and I felt that the two of us had somehow been able to get through just by eye contact.

"So, Phil and Sally..."

"The two of you have different errands.Phil went shopping, and Sally came up to Iberis. "


"Um, was Iberis kidnapped?"That's why I was so depressed, and I didn't seem to be able to get a job, so encourage me? "

Is that Iberis?

I'm sorry to say, but I didn't think I was the most depressed person in the world.

"Because it's exclusively for the general manager, that's right."


As always, this is it.

Well, that's fine. If Phil is just a buyer, you should leave it there for now and show your face to Ibéris soon.

"And Corsica's supposed to be in the dorm, and Grandma's supposed to be at home."

“Thank you. What should we do?”

I subtly ask Sweet and Viola what's coming next.

As for Sui, she would want to show Neune her cheerful face sooner rather than later, and Viola would want to go back to the Knights and Lord's Mansion.

Most of all, I thought it was okay to break up here, but the two of them stare straight back at me.

“I'll stay with you. I don't know what kind of trouble he'll get into if he leaves me alone."

"The Knights have already been contacted by letter."Of course, the Lord instructed me to do so.There is no problem in delaying a day or two.Rather, it will ensure the safety of the general public now. ”

Both of you were going to do something with me.

As usual, it's an unfamiliar VIP treatment, but I can't say anything back because I'm a very important person who may really have the only countermeasure against the Demon King now.

However, Ryan looks anxiously at our interactions.

What? Are you in trouble again?

I tried to return the denial to Lai, but I had a little cup of tea.

The situation in the Imperial Castle is now being laid to rest by the people.

There may be various evacuation plans under the water, but we are not welcome to cause unnecessary confusion at this time.

Best of all, I don't want to make a bright red-haired girl cloudy again.

That's why I returned it with a smile that I had trained day and night.

Well, a little bit. I need to go back to the capital again.


"But I'll be back soon."It's not like we're taking him in this time. "

"... but..."

Even though I tried to be considerate, Lai still had a slightly gloomy expression on her face.

I wondered what happened, but Sweetheart stroked Rai's head like a sister.

“Don't worry, I'll be with you this time.”

Onee-chan's worried too.


Well, in terms of firmness, Lai is much better than Sweet.

But my sister's majesty was there, and Sweet did not try to hide her indignation, but her hands were gentle when she stroked Lai.

Later, with a bitter smile, Viola told her that she was with her, and Rai finally showed relief.

Sweet, who was even more damaged by her elder sister's majesty, was in a slightly bad mood instead.

We'll meet again at night for more details, and we'll head to Iberis' workshop.

I will inevitably be heading to the dormitory, so I will first greet Corsica.

She reacted in the same way as Lai, but she was a little impressed and unexpectedly hugged.

I managed to catch it, but it was very uncomfortable to be exposed to the fluffy and soft feeling and Sweet's prickly gaze at the same time.

I told her that I would not go back to the dormitory for a day today, and that it could be troublesome for the Vermouths, and I got a slightly unhappy face.

And I came to the building where Iberis' workshop and laboratory was located, but it was obvious that something was wrong.

Usually, even without our request, the factories that are designing or producing on their own are silent and barely noisy.

Well, sometimes I just draw a line in the design document, and sometimes it doesn't make a sound, but it's a different kind of silence.

In the meantime, I went inside and came to the door of the atelier, but when I was a little worried about what was going on, the door of the room, which was thought to be deserted, opened one by one.

"Well then, I'll be back."It's all right, if Sang-san is executed, now the capital is a sea of fire because of Sui-san's anger.If there is no such news, it means that it is safe. "

That said, the silver-haired girl who was encouraging the inhabitants inside, looked forward and finally noticed our figure.

First, for a moment, I saw Sweet Sweet Sweet, and I said, "Shit!"After your face, you immediately look at me."

Surprise, then joy.

The reaction similar to that shown by Rai and Corsica made Sally jump at me.

However, Sweetheart, accustomed to Corsica's experience, was now firmly caught between them and blocked Sally with his gaze.

"Hey, Sui-san!?"

Who's going to turn the King's City into a sea of fire?

"It's not just words!" Sang-san! "

In the meantime, the first response was prevented by Sweet, but then Sally, who had regained a little calm, stared at me with tears in her eyes.

The interaction is a little unsettled, but I will reply without any hindrance.

Ah, I'm home.

"It's too late!" You can rest for days on your own!Isn't the chief bartender's awareness thin!? "

That's how Sally turned it.

The tone itself was to blame, but my face seemed very happy, so I said sorry while smiling bitterly.

After that, Sally tries to solicit a word or two, but now the word is blocked by the presence coming from the inside of the room.


The little girl who jumped out of the room called me without worrying about her head, which was even worse than usual.

I didn't care much about grooming, but I could still tell how worried I was about her clothes.

"Ibéris is home."

”... ahhhhhhhhhhhhh”


When I greeted her with a reassuring smile, Iberis clung to me and began to cry.

As expected, Sweetie didn't get in the way of Iberis, she just looked like she was in trouble.

That's why I stroked her head quietly, looking as troubled as Sweet, until I calmed down.

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