I felt like the general was never coming back.

Iberis finally calmed down and said with a snort.

All of a sudden, that kind of imagination passed through my head, and I couldn't get away from it all the time, so I noticed that it was like this.

I was surprised by the unusual Iberian situation, but if you think about it, she's probably younger than us.In addition, I am not familiar with the ecology of the race called Robot Man, but I have lived alone since I stood alone from Master Gongora.

She probably had more to do with me than I thought.

"It's okay, I came home like this."

"Yeah. You're not going anywhere anymore?"

That's, uh...

Ibelis also asks what Rai asks.

After giving the same explanation, Ibelis saw it with the same eyes as Lai.

"But it's okay. I'll be back, and we'll all be here in the meantime."

I encouraged Easy's face with an inquiry.

Even if something happens to me, there are faces of Easy's.If I were to die, I'd be glad to have a new exclusive contract with someone to help me with the store.

Otherwise, no one in the shop would let Iberis go.

But Iberis shook his head a little at the words.

“Sure, I like Easy's now, and I wouldn't miss them all, though.”


"Still, the total is the total."No matter how much "everyone" is encapsulated, the total is only the total.

Didn't Ibéris give you a proper answer?

As usual, with a slightly blurry mantra, Iberis said.

That means my place is here.

At the same time, it seemed to me that I was the only one who could go anywhere.

Then, for a little while, we talked about nothing else.

The calm Ibéris was relieved that he seemed to be able to sleep well for the first time in a long time.

I went straight to the store with Sally.That's why Phil's back.

Ask about the road and the people on the road.Of course, it's full of strangers.

That's why I don't know their faces until then.

Still, everyone has a smile on their faces that he took back from the Dragon Zombies.

This is what we were protecting, and it's what we're trying to take from you now.

"Everyone has their own life, right?"

I looked at people with different characteristics, one by one, and I was unconsciously lethargic.

Sally, who was walking next to her, asked strangely in response to such a soliloquy.

What are you talking about?

"Yes, I thought it was a natural thing to do."

Sally doesn't know what's going on in the capital.

So I don't know what's threatening us right now.

Without knowing that, people live to the fullest every day.

Anyone who tries to intimidate such people at their own convenience can't be forgiven.

There are individuals in this world, each with their own happiness, and they are desperately trying to live the present to protect it.

No matter how much people think the same from around them, each person has their own life.

We were labelled "ordinary citizens", not industrial products.

I used to think people and alcohol were alike, but sometimes it's definitely different.

"Even if you say that now as a matter of course"

While listening to Sally's tsunami, I try to think of an answer that has come a little farther.

We're human beings.

Humans gather in one place, they become people, and sometimes they become companions.

In big brackets, these people are nest dwellers, and if they're small, they're part of their families.

And I'm part of a gathering called Easy's in this city.There's a mix of me and them.

No, maybe it's not really mixed.

People I've known since I've been in this world.

Together, I felt like it would become a "cocktail" called Easy's or Sweet Potion.

But there was Ibéris who cried because I was alone.

Humans, no matter how much they redeem themselves, cannot become a large "single creature" called their fellow human beings.

A mixed cocktail is definitely different from one of my peers.

Of course, each person's personality may be utilized to make one big thing.

But after all, we are all different, and the individual is there as an individual.

It's not about mixing and being one, it's about each of us supporting each other to make something.

What have you been thinking about?

Sally looks at me worried.

Still, I can see that her expression is playing a little bit.

It's been a long time since you've spoken to me, and I thought you were happy, boasting.

At the same time, I suddenly think that I can't support everything by myself.

I'm not the only one who can make everyone else happy.

Maybe some of them aren't, but I'm probably the only one with the size of my romantic feelings.


I thought that I had to take a sudden notice and put it into shape.

Timing sucks, but there was something I had to say.

What is it?

The silver-haired girl asks fluffily.

Whenever I saw it, I thought it was a girl with a beautiful face, like a finished jewel.

Maybe it's so beautiful that you'll never see it again in my life. I'm sure that I'll get a storm of nonsense from anyone who tells such a girl such words.

Still, I have to tell you. I have to say it to break up with myself, who once couldn't say anything.

"I'm sorry about what I've been through. But I can't respond to your feelings.I wanted to walk next to Sweetheart. "

Sally followed me quietly without changing her pace.

Until then, the Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet

Turning around, he suddenly had a confused expression on his face.

But this was something that had to be said one day.

On the contrary, it was something that had to be decided beforehand.

Maybe it was the loss of Trace that inspired it.

At the same time, I lost Trace, maybe because there were parts that didn't change.

Either way, I got one big hit the other day.

I thought I could live for Sweet.

And I couldn't say that I felt the same way about Sally.

"... if..."

"... what if?"

With a frozen expression on his face, Sally said that she was slipping.

She took her eyes off me and stared straight ahead.

It seems to be an excuse that talking from now on is self-explanatory.

And yet, he hesitated to take a decisive word from me.

"If I keep thinking about you, will you forgive me for being stupid?"

"... that's..."

As always, she looks straight ahead.

Sweetheart pulled my hand and frowned bitterly.

I shook my head at that. [M]

I don't know the right answer.But you should tell them what you think.

"So, if it wasn't Sally who would suffer ─ ─"

"Still! Still, that's it." My mother said so.It is foolishness to think of people with different races and different longevities.Still, I don't want to force my heart to twist.I don't want to! My heart is mine.I don't want to give this heart to anyone.This is mine.Vampires are selfish. "

Tears seeped into Sally's eyes.

Still, she never leans down, just looking ahead.

I remembered myself a little bit when I was in Japan.

When my friends told me to imagine Ibuki going out with someone, I felt terrible.But I hated it so much that I took action to get away from it.

However, Sally may be trying to accept such Moya Moya as her precious heart movement without running away.

Thinking about it, there was nothing I could say to her.

I can't change my feelings, and it's only natural that it takes time for Sally to settle hers again.

Still, I want to answer her question.

That's how I naturally came to say it.

"I have no right to deal with Sally's emotions.And even if it's Sally who suffers, if Sally wants to live with it, I can't do anything about it. "

At last, Sally didn't return my words.

Desperately enduring the overflowing tears, he just nodded.

To be honest, I was prepared to get hit with one shot.

Once in a while, you should pay the price for putting off your feelings for Trace without seeing an answer.

But Sally doesn't complain about anything to me, she just walks straight.

Sweetie offers the handkerchief in a worried manner, and Sally takes it honestly.

I still don't know what kind of emotional exchanges they had in their silence.

I just think it's vague.

Me and the people I loved were taken away by death.

The person you liked was taken away from you by another human being, Sally.

What is the difference between the two in love?

I'm sure it's just the same for somebody, like the difference in whisky brands, and it's definitely different for somebody.

I can only think about booze, that's all I could imagine.

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