"You're back..."

The first time I came, I had almost no good impression in the form of a pick-up.

Even the second time, it was like returning to the place of death, and it didn't feel very good.

Still, there's something I have to do here.

Me, Swe, and Viola visited the Chartreuse Mystic Hall, which has become the headquarters of the operation, and Litro greeted us with amazing exhaustion over the past few days.

Well, his exhausted appearance is also a funny thing to paint with.

The room where the meeting used to take place is now littered with piles of paperwork, and it looks terrible.

Looking at the people passing through, the progress of the strategy against the Demon King was not very good.

It's getting late.

"No, I don't mind, Master." Did you find the trump card? "

In a dark expression, Litro asked, lighting a fire that could not be hidden.

I nodded, lightly tapping the ordinary pouch containing the ingredients of the [trump card].

"It's never going to work, though.I found the answer. "

"I see... I see!"

Litro's face certainly lit up with the desired color.

But I don't know if this [trump card] is really valid.

The answer may be wrong.

Or maybe it was a mistake on the part of Trace.

At least for the cocktail that was made, Swe could not deduce the effect.I don't know if I tried to shoot it.

I myself have been advised that it is better to refrain from ammunition indefinitely in relation to the total amount of magic power, so I can't have too much trouble.

So I don't know clearly what effect this [trump card] will have.

Besides, there are still "things that are missing".

But here's my answer.

Trace gave me a hint of the problem that Ibuki Torii had carved into my mind, and finally came up with an answer.

Are you ready for the showdown?

"... hahaha, don't stall." I was pessimistic that it would be a hopeless march, but the Master still seems to be able to make it one of the brightest stories. ”

Litro nodded in tune with some of the humans who were following him.

In particular, Jelius, who is at the top of the army, looks at us as if he was a treasure waiting for us, with a piercing gaze.

And we will hear more from them.

So far, all the operations against the Demon King had failed.

But that doesn't mean we haven't achieved anything.


Most of the monsters that make the Imperial Castle the Neocastle are soldiers who move like machines with commands engraved into their bodies.

And a slightly more intelligent commander to lead them.

They look demonic or completely monstrous, but their movement is no different from that of a group of humans.

It seemed that those groups were watching the Demon King Castle according to a solid time schedule.

“And we already have accurate information on the opponent's strength and patrol hours of the sentries.”

Jelius said without proud of his achievements.

But I think it's a good thing you're honestly proud that you got that information with little to no casualties.

Even if it was because it was a royal castle with a perfect floor plan.

As a result, he plans to break through the city walls in a short-term showdown in search of a more modest time and place to enter the Imperial Castle.

"And the day after tomorrow, we were ready for our final assault."There will be some casualties, but we should be able to launch a few battles during the Imperial Castle. ”

The troops that entered the Imperial Castle were divided into three parts.

The main, follow-on, and support units.

The main team was the elite who would face the Demon King directly.I don't think I need any particular explanation.

After daring to engage in an assault operation, the relay unit cleared the way to send the main unit to the demon king, and the auxiliary unit will fight the monsters to keep the battle from getting in the way.

It's their job to cut the flames of battle to break through the walls.

Support units combine resupply and recreation to evacuate the wounded, resupply their forces, resupply their supplies, and support from a distance.

This time, adventurers gathered to fight against Dragon Zombies will join the fight.It is also the role of the support unit to be the lubricant that connects the two who are not aligned with the kingdom's soldiers.

Then, Sui, who holds the trump card to the Demon King, and Viola, who claims to protect me, enter the main force.

But we didn't just bring the trump cards.

Master Jelius, take this.

After talking about our assignment, Viola hands Mr. Jelius something like a letter or a document that she was familiar with.

What's this?

"This is a list of the Magic Cannoners gathered at the request of Sage Ezoensis, Lord of our city."I think that the number of wizards is important in this battle.Please think about it as a fighting force. "

"This is the rumor... there will be so many wizards." I appreciate this. "

The only wizards you can fight with are a few dozen soldiers.

The advantages are even greater when you consider the possibility of a battle within a narrow royal castle.

... in exchange for destroying the royal castle, I guess.I can't replace my belly on my back.

The addition of dozens of wizards in a situation that didn't attract much attention was just enough to soften Mr. Jelius' stiff expression.

So, as I decided on a pom-pom strategy, I was a little concerned and listened.

Um, is it okay if I do it a little bit?


Mr. Jelius turns to my questioning posture.

He asks, returning his gaze firmly so as not to lose to his steep eyes.

"I'll tell you what, but are you really going to come to battle with the [trump card] that you found and that doesn't have a clear effect?"

"...... hmmm"

Jelius was breathlessly troubled by the response.

Then he turned his gaze to Litro.

Ritro didn't come in at all to talk about the plan, but he responded to me with a glimpse of the gaze he was aiming at.

"Let's just talk about it here."Regardless of your trump card, we have to make a plan.You know that, don't you? "

Yeah, well...

The demon king's deadline for saying "wait" is approaching.

To win or lose, not to challenge is not an option for the royal family now that it has taken the royal castle.

If Hermes is right about the conditions of victory, you can just take away the "gun" design book even if you can't defeat it.

Morale would not have been high, but the break-in itself is already a decision.

"And, yes, we've actually fought Hermes in several engagements, but we still can't scratch Hermes."Even if it's a small scratch, you're the only one who scratched the Demon Lord Hermes. Yugiri Sow "

"...... is it a scratch?"

That must be the day that Hermes appeared in the declaration of war.

That day, [Long Island Iced Tea], which I let go of my emotions, certainly pierced the tiniest hole in Hermes' body.

But Hermes instantly "fixed" the wound, so what about saying that he had damaged it?

"Regardless of the actual results, it is worth sending you to the Demon King, even if we do our best, only because you can [scratch] Hermes."In fact, the people who were there that day, including Jelius, used it as a base and stayed steadfast until today. "

Mr. Jelius, it seems that my very existence is not on my teeth, is it not?

In the meantime, I understand what you're trying to say.

No matter how uncertain they may be, it is their answer to put it on my [trump card].

"That's why I want you to believe your answer."It's okay, but if it's no good, I've got a plan to aim for the "Reach Points". "

And finally, Ritro lets out a sigh of relief.

But, yes. I don't bet on my entire existence.I'm sure you've built a plan to steal the blueprints.

I see, of course.

“For us, it's like getting one more hand for free.And for two thousand years ─ ─ no, if it were to accompany [Millions of Pale], it would be the only one I could get.That's why I don't have to.Please go to the Demon King in the mood of the customer. "

Ritro jokes at me.

The mood of the customer here is, well, the mood of being entertained.

In fact, it's a little easier for me to say that.

It'll be easier, but I had a problem I shouldn't give in to just this once.

"I would be grateful if you could say that."But only one thing. "

What is it?

I know you're going to say something cheeky, but I answered quietly.

"I'm not a customer because I'm going to deliver a cocktail to that wonderful child."It's just a bartender. "

In my words, there are people like Mr. Jelius who don't know me in business.

But it wasn't, and Sui, Viola, and Litro just smiled a little bit.

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