"Oh, hello, bartender."

Rosemary smiled gracefully as if she were still free.

Even if she doesn't have the freedom, she doesn't seem to be able to do her job, and I know that she's probably doing something mixed up with other magicians.

"What are you doing?"

What do you think it is?

"I don't know."

In my eyes, I can only see the sorcerers, including her, spreading their drawings out on the desk and bothering my mind.

I gazed at the neighbouring Sweet Sweet, and she glanced at the figure and said:

Overlay of procedural enhancements

"... how can you tell at a glance?"

With the words of Sweet Sweetheart, some of the people who hadn't paid attention to us before looked at us.

There were a few young people, young and old, but there were still signs of a wide variety of sorcerers gathered from people ─ ─ in other words.

In it, the eyes of the surveillance seemed to make Rosemary herself dizzy.

"So why are you here?"

"I heard that Miss Squalosa is here."

In response to Rosemary's question, Sweetheart answered with no additional qualifications.

And his gaze captured a woman among the magicians inside.

The woman is so old that she is not enough for an old woman.When Sweet stated her findings about the magic circle, she did not look at it with curious gaze, but looked at the drawing silently, so it left a little impression.

However, it seems that I can't ignore the fact that most of the gaze, including that of the watermelon, has gathered on me.

Though a little elegant, she definitely sighed and the woman ─ ─ Ms. Squalosa turned to Sweetheart.

“Greetings, Miss Vermouth. When I hear you're looking for me, I don't know why I don't have a good feeling about it.”

Miss Squalosa smiles at Sweetheart.

“It's odd, as a student, I had exactly the same feelings about my teacher.”

"That's you!!"... nnhh.At the moment, it was a little calmer ─ ─ yes, but ahhh.Anyway, what can I do for you? "

Let's make it right. She's doing her best to keep a smile on her face, but her cheeks are slightly twisted.I can only imagine, but she seemed to be plagued by a lot of swirls.

Perhaps she was the one who sent her anonymous papers to Sweet.Otherwise, I'll guess what's in my heart.

Sweetie's expression against it was as unmistakable as ever, and she uttered a ridiculous statement.

“Easy, tell me the secret of Chartreuse.Chartreuse Squalosa, Supreme Mage. "

Sweet's remark was followed by a definite tense running through the room that hadn't happened before.

The air, which was peaceful, not to say moderate, is completely frozen.

Most of them send a confused gaze to Sweet, but a very small number, including me, are looking at the other one.

In other words, Ms. Squalosa's eyes narrowed so sharply that she could not feel the soothing impression of the past.

"...... you know what that means, don't you?"

Ms. Squalosa did not rage, but quietly questioned Sweet.

In the first place, the Chartreuse is a herbal liqueur with a famous anecdote and is a major liqueur on the planet where I was.

"Chartreuse" was originally a place called Chartreuse Monastery, based on medicinal alcohol that was used to warm the frozen body, and the taste is sweet and gorgeous.

But the most famous anecdote is that the recipes needed to make the Chartreuse are strictly secret, and only three monks tell the secret.

This also shows a strange sign for the Chartreuse in this world.

Chartreuse in this world is a special potion made from the fruit of a magic grass called Chartreuse Grass.If you only ask, it seems like anyone can make it by growing Chartreuse grass, but there is a mystery in the fruit.

Chartreuse grasses are usually grown with seeds that have no edible parts.

There is no sweetness in the seeds and almost no pulp.In the end, there's no way you can squeeze the fruit and make potions.

However, only the three supreme magicians of the Chartreuse House knew how to make juicy fruit from Chartreuse grass.

Yes, Miss Squalosa is one of them.

Asked her intentions, Sweet answered without moving her face.

I know.

Then you'll know what to expect.

Exactly, this is what it's all about.

She doesn't even give Sweet a gesture of consideration.

That's all, the secret of the Chartreuse grass is important to this magic house, and I'm not going to teach it by any means.

I see.

“Yes, I think so. You know this is an emergency.If you're going to make such a false accusation, please help me improve my technique. "

At the end of the conversation, Ms. Squalosa smiled again.

The sorcerers around her were relieved by her gentle shedding.

Of course, Sui expected this kind of reply to come back.

Of course. She knows more about the magic neighborhoods in this world than I do.

And because she was making that prediction, she was ready for the next move.

“So it's okay for me to guess and reveal the secret to the whole world, when I explicitly refuse to reveal it?It's not a leak from you. ”


All humans, including Miss Squalosa, couldn't understand what Sweet was saying.

According to Sweetheart, the secret of Chartreuse has been kept by this magic house for hundreds of years.

Although it is the chairman, it is unlikely that a girl who has only attended the Magic Institute for three years will know about it.

Even though he didn't know, Sweetheart's too grand speech reminded everyone around him.

Of course, Miss Squalosa is no exception.

"Don't, do something stupid.No matter how genius you have been since the beginning of our hospital ─ ─ "

The ratio is based on 2: 7: 3: 5, right?


It was Miss Squalosa who moved faster than anyone else in the numbers that Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Swe

She immediately blocks Sweet's mouth with her hand and grins at her from nearby.

"Jeez, are you kidding me, Miss Vermouth?"

Then, he let Sweet Sweetheart open his mouth in horror and turned his ear to her.

Swe mumbled something to Miss Squalosa's ear, as she suspected it.Maybe the next condition or something.



Sweetness is as expressionless as ever.

And Miss Squalosa screamed.

In this open attitude, all the people around you will have a face of "maybe".

And the Supreme Mage who noticed it, took his expression openly and told him.

"Well, that's totally wrong."After all, Chartreuse has a history of hundreds of years. ”


"That's it!"Miss Vermouth and your bartender will follow me! "

None of us would have thought the reaction had managed to deceive us.

But that's the end of the story, after what she told me.

Everyone will be interested in the secrets of the Chartreuse.However, no one thought of finding out the secret until they turned the Supreme Mage of the Magic House into an enemy.

That's why it's so necessary to fight the Demon King, unless you're like us.

Then we were led somewhere by the Supreme Magician, spreading a definite chaos around the place.

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