"What, what are you going to do!?" In front of so many people, majestically!? "

I thought that she was probably led to Ms. Squalosa's private room with a katsukatsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu-katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu katsu-katsu katsu katsu katsu-katsu katsu-katsu katsu-katsu katsu katsu

It was more like a monastery than a magic house, a humble room with only books, a desk, and a bed.However, the atmosphere there is much heavier than it looks, so there may be some tricks I don't understand.

Now, Miss Squalosa, I am honestly impressed that the impatience, agitation, and slight fear lingered in her eyes as she clutched herself against the Sweet Sweet Squalosa, and that it made the calm older person so panicky.

And Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet

"What are you talking about?"I am certain that the teacher refused to disclose the recipe.In other words, I'm not supposed to know the recipe, and what I'm saying is just a delusion. "

"...... but......"

"Since we have an environment where we can cultivate magic grass conveniently, based on the theory that we have been considering more, it is paranoid after conducting some demonstration experiments"

"It's not a delusion!"The results of the experiment will be reported! "

I knew Sweetheart liked experiments as much as I did, but I didn't know he was doing experiments to raise Chartreuse.

No, indeed, I saw that Chartreuse was foolishly complaining that the purchase price was "too high".

She really does a lot of things I don't know.

"No, an experiment is an experiment." Because the most important part didn't succeed. "

Ms. Squalosa's eyes sharpened as Sweet told her.

Until now, I was in a panic with every swing of my hand, and it was like an act.

“What's the key part?”

"I was able to resemble Gawa, but I didn't have enough core.That's right. I mean, I was able to create the potions, but I didn't create the magic stones. ”


There was a long silence.

Ms. Squalosa quietly closed her eyes and seemed to be thinking deeply about something.

But that's often the case.

I felt like I had given up, and this time I let out a deep breath because I had nothing to hide.

"You really don't do anything suddenly, it adds to my effort.Why are you not satisfied with the "Gawa" part? "

It's necessary to defeat the Demon King.

"... are you serious?"

If you're not serious, I won't take that kind of action in public.

"... no, that's a lie.I didn't change anything from you when I was a student. ”

Ms. Squalosa narrowed her eyes, but Swe gave a disgruntled expression.

So I kind of figured out how Sweet Sweet Sweet feels.

In other words, I would say that everything that had caused problems since I was a student was serious.

Sweetie now has enough to keep her mouth shut because she can't talk.

“What do you need?”

"It's the magic of the pure [Chartreuse]."Magic powers like [undiluted solution] that can't reach just by squeezing half the fruit juice

"... what did you do with it?"

"Ingredients for cocktails"

When the cocktail word came out, Miss Squalosa turned to me.

However, the expression is still dyed in a convincing colour.

She's the one who brought me here in the first place.

Even from her point of view, you must have thought that Sweet had something to do with me.

"Okay. I'm sorry I left you so much."Mr. Bartender, I now call myself Chartreuse Squalosa.If you don't mind, may I ask your name? "

Obviously, an older woman than herself bowed to me with a sincere attitude.

I bowed my head deeper than she did, so that I could respond to it, and then I called myself.

"I am the total mist of the evening.As you probably know, we've been spreading cocktails around the world. ”

"Yes, and you were also involved in the invention of the Fifth Attribute Potion?"

Did you know that as well?

"The world of magic is narrow." Origin Master

Has that embarrassing alias been passed on?

I said to her, desperately suppressing the temptation to deceive her by shining.

“I'm sorry to hear about Sweet's behavior this time.However, ammunition made from commercially available "Chartreuse" still leaves you worried about the intended cocktail.When I talked to Sweet about it, he said, "I have an idea," and when he noticed this, he said, "I have an idea."

"... that's not what I'm saying, but I'm a little sympathetic."

She should have been the one who was bothered, but she felt a little bit of sympathy in her eyes.

Now, let me explain what happened.

The beginning of things is in the cocktail that is the [trump card to Hermes] that I arrived at.

A cocktail needs more ingredients than it is a cocktail.

However, when I collected the ammunition that would be the ingredient for the cocktail, there was a problem.

The Chartreuse was obviously less magical than other ammunition.

The reason for this was almost certainly the Chartreuse, which was a "potion".

When I turned the consultation over to Swiss, I was told that I had an idea to solve it if I went back to the capital, and when I realized it, it was just a matter of time ago.

I didn't think I'd ever threaten to expose the secrets that the Magic Institute had been desperately protecting for so many years to the public.

Sweet did it, and she was just bending her lips, saying it was unexpected.

“I didn't do anything wrong.I've also checked it properly. "

That's right, Miss Squalosa complains to Sweet, who makes excuses for me.

"... I've told you several times in my school years that getting confirmation is not the same as getting permission."

"Yes? Didn't Sensei really say, 'If you're going to bother me, call me'?"

“That doesn't mean you can bother me!We're talking about the worst case scenario!Even I get angry when I get angry!! "

Until now, every time I heard about Sweet's student days, I thought he would have done a lot of things, but the main victims seemed to include not only Rosemary, but also this teacher.

However, with only those experienced in the Rock, as soon as she cools down, she coughs up and returns to the point.

"Well, I heard that Yugiri-san ─ ─ a bartender from another world will come and find the [trump card]."We've put it in the corner of our head, and we've done everything we can to get it ready.Even if I had just told you, the demon king who appeared this time could clearly be described as a national crisis.That's why I will spare no effort to cooperate as much as I can as a magic house, and I will not spare any actual time. "

This is also evident from the fact that this magic house itself is used as a base to replace the royal castle.

There is a way out from the Imperial Castle, which means that there is a close relationship with the country.

That is why it is not exaggerated to say that this is also a "history of the country".

It is certainly here that we act as the front line in the face of the country's crisis.

“However, even if you are pressed to do so, you can't easily learn the secrets of the Chartreuse.It's a bad way to say it, but I can also think of it as trying to hide a secret in a "national crisis". "

“I take it for granted.”

The crisis in the country is real, but it is not necessarily real that it is necessary for the means to combat it.

The possibility that I'm a fraudster and I'm trying to expose that secret without really needing to, at least not for her.

So it is only natural that she should be reluctant to do so.

"... so from here on, it's my personal opinion"

Ms. Squalosa glanced at me like she was overturning the argument.

It's as if you're judging me as I am, not as if I'm grinning, not as if I'm smiling.

Yugiri-san, are you long with Sweet?

“At least as much as you've spent with Sweet.”

This question is not about whether I have been with Sweet Rock for a long time.

If that was the case, I would have to say it would be as short as possible.

Well, my response seemed to be the right one.

She nodded in agreement with my response and said gently.

"I see, then." I believe in you. "


Not as an opinion of the Supreme Magician, but as my personal selfishness that happens to know you as an acquaintance of Sweet, I will cooperate with you.

Ms. Squalosa really drew such a conclusion in a short time.

You don't even have a conversational conversation yet.

In other words, he believes that the [undiluted solution] of [Chartreuse] is necessary.

Why, why?

Unexpectedly, I asked the other way.

But she smiles bitterly at it.

“Just as you are.I'm also about as close to Sweetheart as I can get.But I know her personality.Her will was stronger than any magic stone, and her beliefs were no worse than any spell. "

Ms. Squalosa looks at the swirls and says calmly.

Sweetheart, you look so bad that you can't even close your eyes.

It's just, this is probably it.

When I was praised in front of my parents in a parental interview, I was ashamed as a child.

“And that's what she did for you.That means she believes in you.I mean, it's necessary to save a lot of people.If so, I will do what I can to help.Rosemary is not the only one who knows her potions and cocktail topics. ”

The potion's grades really distract Sweetheart.

By the way, that's true.

[Sweet Potion Shop], which is now full of potion shops, was just a geromaz potion shop at the beginning.

It must have been Miss Squalosa who managed to graduate her as a student.

Like Rosemary, she must have been worried about the suddenly flashing 'cocktail' of Sweet Sweet.

That's why I asked how long Sweet and I have been together.

To see how seriously we were headed for Sweet Potion.

"However, there is no need to say anything from here onwards."If you break it, you will have a more terrible punishment than death. Are you sure?

And I finally got the last of the ammo, based on Sweet's trust.

I won't go into the details with her.

Sui also knew the secret, so she refused to do everything she could to respond to Ms. Squalosa's threat to study the Supreme Magician.

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