Then, a few nights went by.

In the meantime, Viola was stopped from going to the front by the lord, but that was a trivial story.

One day, one hour, and every second, I found that the air gained weight even if it was no.

This was the case with previous Dragon Zombies, but this time, we can see that there are more serious humans.

It would be rude of the lord to say the difference in the things he carried, but that's what it was.

For the last few days, I and Sweetheart have been thinking about taking part in the training as much as possible, but it was stopped by both Litro and Marshal Jelius (and I am calling on my own accord).

Soldiers who have been fully trained to work together are more likely to get in the way of me, Sweet, and Viola, no matter how capable they are.

If this is a combat unit that fights to breakthrough, the main force is mercenaries, so we'll change our story, but we'll join the main force, which is made up of the best in the army.

We have no choice but to be quiet and convince them to carry us.Originally, I could only equip regular pouches, but I didn't have a lot of strength.

Besides, we weren't the only ones to be transported that way.

Rosemary also said that she would join us and join the main force to go to Hermes.

The reason for this was that she was still the summoner who had summoned Hermes.

Once, for a moment, she managed to stop Hermes from moving.

That's why the Shult Magic Institute desperately built a mobile magic circle to enhance the effect of the magic ceremony and create that momentary gap.

When we met her, it seemed like we were just filling up the magic circle.

And tomorrow, it's time for a showdown.

The Chartreuse Mystic Hall was surprisingly quiet, holding back the showdown.

In my image, I thought it was more bumpy at a time like this, but it wasn't.

I've done everything I can so far, so I wonder if everyone is trying their best to rest today the night before.

I have to go to bed early, too.

Though I thought so, I couldn't sleep well according to the example, and I was hanging out on a moonlit walk.

The Chartered Magic Compound is a historic building that is so large that it is often closed to visitors.

However, I was quite free to roam around the courtyard, and I felt like I could hear the footsteps of the young people studying here.

It is time to go into summer, but the evening breeze is pleasant.The sound of insects in my ears is not disturbing, and I don't think there will be a big battle tomorrow.

Those who learn here are about high school students, and if they are older, they become about social people.If you look slightly at the breadth of such a breadth, the substance is like a Japanese university after all.

In such a calm time, a place similar to the atmosphere of the school carries a little nostalgia to me.

I walked in the moonlit courtyard and thought like that.


Tomorrow, a month after Hermes declared war.

So it's been a month since Trace disappeared today.

The moon that looks up changes shape in a cycle of about thirty days.

Even though the visible constellation is different from Japan, the moon looks like a mystery.

That's why today's moon is a terrible reminder of Trace.

“Maybe I'm wrong, but I still found the answer.”

I mumbled to Trace.

I left the pouch with the ammunition in the room where it was given to me.

Besides, if it wasn't a pouch that could stop time with the magic of the Fifth Attribute, I wouldn't have to wear it all the time.

I am too familiar with the condition and I miss my waist a little, but I can say that I have returned to my original bartender waist.Bartenders don't usually put their pouches or guns down on their hips.

Well, if you say so, will the bartenders also take part in the battle for the fate of their country?

I'm laughing because I really don't know where I stand right now.

What the hell am I doing in this country?

At first, without knowing why, I simply chased the samurai for a cocktail.

Knowing the strange match between potions and spirits, I ran around to recreate the cocktail I knew.

Look for the ingredients, take the apprentice, and chase him to the whiskey.

In the process, I fought monsters for some reason.

Now I knew that my ability to fight monsters was also due to the power of Demon King Hermes, but there were also lives that I could save.

I can't forgive Hermes' purpose, but I can't hate the power he gave me.

That's probably why the trump card came into its own again.


When I looked at the moon blurry, I found a girl I knew.

In the moonlight, while making the blue shine, Sweet was eager to hold something up.

If I hadn't seen it wrong, it looked white and stringy.



If I call out, Sweetie will notice me and look me in the eye.

What was she doing?

“What's going on at this hour?I was taking a walk because I couldn't sleep. "

"...... I'm the last of the best"

Is that a good idea?

As soon as I have my doubts, something in Sweet Sweet's hand shines white.

It emitted a pale glow similar to the phosphorescence of fireflies, and by the time it was calm, it was like a misanga made of only white thread.

What's that?

"Amulet. I made it to give to the general."

To me?

It didn't seem like Misanga to me.

Sweetie explains the amulet without changing her expression too much.

"To expose the moon's light and magic power to various kinds of magical threads for a month."That's how the amulet becomes a colorless power that gives protection to its owner. "

"A city legend called...?"

Well, I can say that because the principle of this has not been elucidated, but it's true that it works.

As for the magic power of the moon's light, it didn't seem to come very well as a sway.

But even if you put aside that kind of reasoning, you can do it, so it's probably that kind of thing.

Magic is sometimes a mystery beyond theory.

"The general is clearly weakened compared to the past."At the very least, it would be better to increase the number of means of defense by one. "

Is that why you've been doing this for me for a month?


It's easy to say, but it would have been a hassle to perform a magical ritual with the moonlight every night.

I honestly thanked myself and received the amulet that looked like a Misanga.

She wraps the amulet around my right wrist.

It was a slightly fluffy and strange thread.

A magic yarn feels strange, doesn't it?

"The main ingredient is my hair."

I accidentally looked at the swirl, then at the amulet, and then at the swirl twice.

She looks a little proud, or a little happy. "Yeah..."

That's what came to mind in my head.

Sweetheart and I are embarrassed about our relationship.

But why would you send an amulet with your own hair to your lover?

As usual, I don't know about love in this world, but I've never heard of it.

In other words, the sensitivity of the watermelon is slightly special.Maybe it's just reasonable considering the time and effort involved in gathering the ingredients.


Unexpectedly, I really accidentally opened my mouth.

I think that word immediately brought to my mind the possibility of losing Sweetheart's mood.

But Sweet, having heard what I said, seemed happy for some reason or another.

“Didn't you know? My love is fierce and heavy."

Swe smiled confidently, and I sighed that I had given up.

"By the way, I knew."


She nodded in satisfaction.

That's the kind of woman my lover is.

That's the kind of girl I must have leaned on.

I don't show much, but there's a passion inside me that's easily ignited.

And harsh, yet gentle and strange.

You've been waiting for me like this.

Now that the emotion has leaked somewhat, why is that so?

I regained my mind and told Sweet.

Hey, Sweetie.


If I get lost in front of Hermes tomorrow ─ ─

I'm not a soldier.

I'm not a wizard.

I'm just a bartender.

That's why tomorrow's showdown may get you stuck.

But I'm not alone.

Whatever happens, this blue-haired girl will definitely stay with us.

So, even if I'm gone,

"Do something."

Sweetie rolled her eyes at my words. [M]

I can't say anything cool about it.

That's why I said it as it is.

Curiously, that's the same word we used when we went to the potion review meeting,

Swe said with a smile, apparently remembering it.

"Okay, I'll take care of it. Instead."

"Yeah, I'll take care of the swirls."

"Yes, please."

And we laughed.

I might die tomorrow.

Still, we stand by each other and challenge tomorrow.

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