"This is amazing, oniisan.What are you doing here? "

Hermes said, looking like he witnessed an unexpected incident.

That's just a word as we watch our surroundings, right in front of the door we opened.

Even though he is supposed to be at a fair distance from me, his voice passes through wonders.It was as if the air was isolated in this room and outside.

The fact that Hermes spoke to me was actually a surprise to us.

Hermes, who had come before to explain the rules of this battle, showed me how he lost interest in me at that point.

I was lost in the response to the cricket, but Jelius nodded, so I got on with the conversation.

I just didn't think of buying time, persuading, or anything like that.

Without a trace of anger in my throat, I still clenched my fist and changed the meaning of my coming here into words.

"I'm a bartender."I can't let you, who are not bartenders, decide the future of my precious [cocktail]. "

The words came out even louder than I thought.

Am I staring now, or am I smiling?

I can't even be confident in my expression.

All I know is that I am more calm than I thought, and that the soldiers who have finished their vigilance around me are beginning to concentrate on Hermes.

Hermes responded to me without making fun of me or ignoring me.

"It's funny. It's funny. Even if you come here, you're still the main character I painted."Even if you lose your strength and the opponent you're fighting, you're still standing on both legs as a bartender.I was honestly impressed. So, I'll just ask you one question. "

I stand up for what Hermes said.

I don't know what half of the world you're talking about, but I don't know what to say.

Be strong. Don't bend yourself no matter what you say.

And Hermes asked.

"Do you really think that this world, the way humans are, the culture of magic is the right thing to do?"


The content of the question was too vague to say anything.

Hermes tells me that you have correctly deduced my thoughts.

"I don't think there is an 'ultimate cocktail' ahead of this world."

"...... 'The Ultimate Cocktail'?"

It seems that you have used a word that is easy for me to understand this time, but it still doesn't convey it.

All of a sudden, such a Hermes speaks like a nostalgia for the past, without even looking at me.

"This is what I'm thinking."It is a world where everything is perfectly mixed into one, without any gaps, that is the ultimate and supreme.The world that loses the concept of and moves as one for all is truly the ideal world. "

"Is that what you're talking about, Dystopia?"

"It looks like there was such a [setting game] in your world."But in the world I was in, the world that failed to merge was definitely 'real'. "

Hermes snaps his fingers and mutters something, revealing a screen of air reflecting something in the sky.

But I don't know what it's showing.

However, it only seemed like there was a black space with nothing.

"This is the world I was originally in."No, I think it was the world.The world has already failed.There's nothing left to build the world on. ”

With a smile of mockery, Hermes scratched the footage.

"I was God in that world."God is a powerful thing.At the same time, God is just there.When I was born, it was true that "Alchemy" was there.However, "mysticism" does not dwell in the exposed.Alchemy, dissected into scientific phenomena, can't exist in the world of science.I was a god, but I was deprived of all power. "

"... I don't understand the meaning."

"Simply put, by creating a logical" answer "to the phenomenon of" starting a fire, "the world loses the magic of" starting a fire. "This is how the world of oniisan and this world originally came into being. "

I don't know, I don't know.

I can only see that there is something different about systematizing magic.

I'm not the only one who doesn't know when I hear that explanation.The soldiers who had gathered to fight the Demon King were all confused.

However, compared to us, the intelligent Demon King surely jumps through and does not wait to understand.

"I'm an alchemist."It subtly deviates from the magical system and logic of this world.That's why I wield my power as an [unexplained] person.As a "demon king" who will not be treated as a god, I can fully advance to the correct answer I aim for. "

What's your aim?

Hermes once said that he would fight humanity for pleasure in half-play.

However, the reply I received here was slightly different from before.

"It's a completely mixed world of creatures called 'humanity' that doesn't exist."

I think you're listening.

Hermes now evaluates me personally as "funny".However, I wonder if you really recognize me as [me personally].

I feel like you're looking at me with the kind of interest that happens to be pulled out of the "book" surrounded by humanity.

At least that's what Hermes looks like now.

"Humans don't say that they want all the happiness of [humanity], but once they look at it, they will kick the others for their own happiness, right?"Well, it's because of the individual existence.It's not about self-sacrifice or self-satisfaction.By losing that [self], true equality and peace will come to man.Even wrapping the world in chaos is nothing but a rite of passage.For the sake of world peace, you don't need a single consciousness.Eventually, even all human consciousness will be integrated, and eventually the "Ultimate One" will be born in chaos. "

"I don't know what that means! How does that lead to world domination!"

“I told you, didn't I? First, we need to halve the number of humans.To break the hardened world, you need to break the very existence once and for all.After breaking the order, new things are created in anarchy. "

Hermes was like a child of his age.

The conquest of the world and the chaos of the world were opposite in purpose and means.

Embark on a journey to conquer the world with the aim of knocking it down into a vortex of chaos.

Speak your wish as if it were an innocent dream.

“For the sake of world peace, we don't need personal awareness.So I break it and make it new. A meaningless human being into a gear that spins the world.Appropriate material. We need as many parts as we can get.That's what the world needs.Therefore, after thinning out too many human beings, we need to increase the number of things we need and reduce the number of things we don't need. "

After all, human values are too different.

The position of our gaze, the way we look at our lives, everything is too out of place.

From the viewpoint of God or the Demon King, it would be too trivial for the world beyond, such as a temporary human tragedy.

At the very least, my consciousness is too different from mine.

However, Hermes looks at his people and asks me.

"That's why I want to ask you, why do you deny it, bartender?"It's with your favorite cocktail. [M]Just what you need, just what you need.Trial and error to get rid of unwanted things.That's how you end up with the ultimate one by mixing the individual imperfections. "

Being told and noticed.

What Hermes is trying to do with human beings.

As a bartender, I'm trying to make a new cocktail at the bar counter, and it's not that different.

At least that's what they think.

However, when I was noticed, there was no way that I could be recognized as being so.

It seemed to me that he was saying that he would not touch the liquor lined up on the shelf, so he would break down the store and freely touch the liquor.

It also determined that all the liquor in the line was "incomplete".

"Together, don't do it! Me and you don't think it's the right material!I don't deny the personality of alcohol.Each liquor has its own personality, so cocktails and recipes are born with stars!What you're saying is that if you mix all the liquor in front of you, you might make a delicious cocktail! ”

If what Hermes calls the "perfect world" is the finished form of the cocktail.

There is no such thing in this world.

If it existed, we wouldn't need a cocktail recipe book in this world.

Hermes is saying that if you mix all the sake from the world and make it taste the same, there won't be any delicious or unpleasant food there, right?

But Hermes asks me again.

"Certainly, I've never done it before, so I might make a mistake."But oniisan, you haven't tried it, have you?If you haven't dealt with all the sake in the past and future, you don't know the taste of "cocktails" that you can combine freely.Can you deny the possibility that there is an "ultimate cocktail" that will make everyone "happy" by perfectly combining what they need from all the sake? "

At last, I thought I'd come back to you first.

The first story was too big to tell, but Hermes wanted to say this.

I thought I'd like to see the "complete and perfect world of happiness" created using the human race of the world.

It's like, for example, the "ultimate cocktail" that suits everyone's taste and makes everyone happy.

"This is ridiculous."

I was naturally leaking words from my mouth.

Hermes' eyes narrowed, perhaps pressuring me to shrink my lifespan, but I kept on.

"Don't get me wrong with the bartender. The ultimate cocktail that makes everyone happy?I don't need anything like that. "


Hermes's expression broke at some point.

He looks at me like he's facing the unknown I'm talking about, and that's why I'm going straight to the point.

"A cocktail that makes everyone happy?It's not the bartender's job to provide that kind of thing.A man has his emotions.There are emotions when you're happy, when you're sad, when you're hard, when you're having fun.Bartenders don't turn it into 'happiness' by force, they use conversation and alcohol to match it.Smile when you're happy and lean together softly when you're sad.When it's fun, we laugh together, and when it's hard, we encourage it wholeheartedly.It's the bartender's job to face each other like that.Even cocktails are together. The cocktail served by my bartender is the cup that will finally be completed by each and every guest individually and mixed with each other. ”

That was the conclusion I got in this world.

Maybe it's too commonplace.

But I just wanted the "cocktail completeness", and I didn't get the answer.

The customers are people.

People have feelings sometimes.I have feelings. I have something to drink.

So, there's no one cup that can make sense in all cases.

Is it a drink that everyone loses their feelings from time to time and is always happy to drink?

What's the difference between that and just 'drugs'?

Hermes said that the "ultimate cup" is something that can't be found in this world!

"I see. I thought you and oniisan might be able to understand each other."After all, it looks like you don't get it. "

Hermes said unfortunately from the bottom of his heart.

Perhaps that's how many times Hermes has spoken of a real landing point beyond what he once called "fun."

But if that's not acceptable, then I can only say no.

"If that's the way you've been thinking since you've been in this world, no matter what, the outcome has been decided."

I don't know. Even though I've helped you a lot, I feel like I've lost it.

Hermes exhales a big sigh.

So, the air changed.

It is noticed that this is the end of the conversation, even if it is no response.

Hermes said, letting even me feel the magic power on my skin.

"Very well. Even your" individual ", I will swallow it here today, and I will also aim for the ultimate one just for me."For this new world. "

There was a terrible and beautiful figure of a god (demon king) who abandoned the decoration of the character until then.

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