During the unusual atmosphere ─ ─ no, it was no longer a battlefield place, and Jelius, who had been listening to Hermes for a while, shouted.

Orders! Protect the King!

Roger that!

The elite formed a formation based on Jelius' words.

It's like a circular vigilance around me and Swirl.

The people behind us are completely dressed up to turn their backs on the terrible pressure of Hermes, and I can't even imagine how much gall they're spending.

The sound of someone's footsteps tramples between the eyes.

Neither Hermes nor we are moving.

In the nervous, dry air, it was Sweet who spoke out.

"There's only one thing I want to say."

"What is it, Sui Vermut?"

Everyone was paying attention to Sweetie.

This is not the atmosphere of being anxious to move.

Sweetheart's expression didn't look like that.

Jelius and the others won't know, but I and Viola will.

This is obviously a look of frustration.

"If you've heard it before ─ ─ neither your past nor your sentiments have anything to do with us.Don't get involved in your solitary thoughts on your own.We don't need you. "

It was a frustrating development that I didn't know could be contained.

From the side, Hermes was smiling bitterly at Sweetheart's words, which seemed to provoke the opponent to anger.

"If this continues, this world will end up destroying all of its individuality."Even though it's my kindness to get around it? "

"That's why we're taking extra care of you." Can't you understand that your kindness, which is too large a scale, is nothing more than a thunderstorm or a "nuisance" from us, just like you think of us as individual human beings? Are you out of your mind? "

I started with frustration, but this was a complete provocation.

I'm sure you're more nervous about us than you are about me.

However, Hermes didn't show the gesture he cared about.

Recognition remains unchanged from the stone when it is said that justice is given to the stone.

"Well, I don't have anything to think about either."That's why we're giving you all one possibility.Still, the more I think you're right, the more I'm stacking up. That's why I'm sorry. "

And Hermes said, and lifted up his right hand with the staff of the necromancer.

Then shake it down casually.

What then, the space that was empty until then is stupid, and in an instant, the soldiers of the skeleton that was never there before are born.

Those who fought along the way were the warriors, who seemed to stand out from the crowd.

"Now, let's make the most of it."If you can do it, please deliver the fang to me. [M]I am the demon king "Hermes Trismegistus". Triple Great Hermes.He is the one who brings wisdom to you. "

Along with the screams, the soldiers of the newly created wreck moved together.

Is that number exactly the same as our headcount?

But that number doesn't include me or Sweetie.

I don't know if it's easy or if I can afford it.

However, I only knew it wasn't Hermes' best effort.

"All hands!" "Protect the king!" That is our condition for victory! "

Along with the voice of Jelius, the soldiers protecting us and the soldiers of the wreckage clashed.

While listening to the rain from the violent swordshoot, I and Sweet nodded, and Viola nodded one by one.

We brought you here unharmed.

From here, we're in production.

"─ ─ Alright, we're ready."

I drained the bullet from the gun I had pulled out of the porch and said it quietly.

While Sweetie was drawing attention, I was secretly preparing myself.

In other words, the "cocktail" you can rely on when you're here has already been used.

Saying that it was over, Viola strangely said.

"Now, our aim is only one Demon King."And the only way to deal with it is by the general manager.The plan is clear, isn't it? "

Sweetheart and I nodded to Viola's words.

Then, Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet

"I will protect the general from Hermes' attack."The effective range of the opponent's magic may be longer than this, but I will still protect the general until the end. "

Viola takes over Sui's words.

"And it's up to me and the elite here to stop the attack on Swe that needs chanting to support the magic."Even if you can't move freely now, you'll still be able to carry out your mission. ”

I'm the one who takes over Viola's words.

“And it's only my job to drive along the path made by Sui, protected by the viola, and feed her the final cocktail.”

The three of us confirmed the plan.

Despite this situation, the three of them only laughed a little.

Because it was too much of a maneuver to fight the [Ryugusa] before.

As long as we have total control, it's impossible to change this strategy.

"That's the best hand."

Yeah, so let's make up our minds again.

We nodded, and together we screamed at Hermes.

Didn't Hermes hear us?However, while observing the state of the skeletons I was playing with, I put my left hand without a cane.

"It looks like it's time to get ready."Let's raise the pace a little bit. "

As soon as Hermes waved his left hand, a magic spear formed around him.

However, before it could be ejected, the staff that Sweetheart had gripped was slammed firmly onto the floor.

"Chanting discarded." "Stormhenge Bolt" "

Along with the sound of something shattering, there is also a force around the swirl.

Then, the magic spear of Hermes and the wind arrow created by Sweetheart bumped violently into each other in the sky.

Hermes' spears draw a deadly line from one to the other, heading for the elite who were confronting the wrecked soldiers.However, the wind arrows created by Sweetheart knock them all down.

In the past, even three cocktails were obviously inferior in number and power to those created by drinking them in one go, but it was still the magic of the wind that kept an amazing accuracy.

Hermes created magic spears one after the other to amuse herself at the resistance of the sword.

In response, Swe also creates wind arrows one after the other as he smashes something.

Even so, she and I were waiting for the same timing.

This moment when the rewards of the spear and arrow are relaxed ─ ─ I can see my way for that moment!


The moment Sweetheart's voice rang, I started moving again.

Hermes and we are less than 20 meters away.Run as fast as you can and you'll get there in a matter of seconds.

But we can't keep running in this situation.

Immediately after I move, a number of spears that were aiming at the elites around me are coming at me, as if they were automatically intercepting the target trying to get close to Hermes.

I'm going to grab that spear.

While stuttering, I can't stop my legs.

Right now, I'm going one step at a time, squinting my eyes at a spear trying to pierce my heart the same way I pierced Trace.

And as soon as the spear reached me, it was knocked down by a wind arrow.

If we run, we won't be able to intercept the swirls in time.

However, if you don't proceed, you won't be able to enter the effective range of the "trump card".

As if there were dozens of ghosts and dozens of ghosts, I headed towards Hermes one by one.

"Really great! Sweet Vermouth! Little Elemental!"Then how about this! "

Hermes laughs at the shape of the Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sw

And the next moment.

For the first time, Hermes silently chanted, stopping his hand, which had only been wielded unconsciously until then.

[Void Blade, Katake]

Until then, the magical clash seemed to be a lie.

Until now, the magic spear that Sweetheart was finally fighting while consuming something like hot water.

That's the number that's been born many times over.

As if a rain cloud had arisen in the midst of a rainstorm, a space distorted by magic power spread across the ceiling, and a number of magic spears carrying despair awaited the time of the charge.

"Now, what do we do, Sui Vermut?"

Swe laughed dullly at the words of Hermes.

And until then, just one verse of chanting that was supposed to have been discarded.

Run, run, run! Blade of fierce wind that pierces all of them!

Along with the words, the sound of something shattering echoed loudly.

Immediately after that, a spear waved from the sky between Tochimi, and the arrows of interception pierced the sky sharply from the surface.

The magical shootout that involved the soldiers and elites who were no longer outside the mosquito net filled the room.

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