"I couldn't have lived that long, originally."

Ibuki said after a brief and incomplete discussion.

"What do you mean?"

"I told you, my existence has always been drawn to this world."Even though the body looks healthy, it seems that it was born in a different world because it was terribly sick in childhood.Even if you miraculously become an adult, it still doesn't change the fundamentals.That's why I've always lacked the kind of destiny power necessary to live as a person in Japan. "


I don't know if that's true.

However, I know that Ibuki was sick and weak at a young age, and that she was therefore a personality who cared about the present.

It is not surprising that the idea of 'no matter when you die' was at its root.

"That's why you don't have to take responsibility for my death."

Going on, Ibuki said.

It was as if I wanted to take this opportunity to completely lose the wounds in my heart.

But I'm not convinced that you were meant to die.

"... I was wondering what you were going to say, but that's not all."If I hadn't been late for bed that day, you wouldn't have died.It's not destiny. It's all my fault. "

It's the biggest wound I've ever forgotten.

I never healed while I forgot, and it's hard not to worry about that to me who just remembered.

That day, if only I had woken up early enough, her future would have been completely different.

Thinking about my regrets, Trace has the same hard look on her side as I do.

She never gave me back this hard memory because of my spirit.Until the moment you die.

However, Ibuki, who was supposed to be a party, said to scold the bad students this time, or to scold them.

"Indeed, if the general's behavior had been slightly different that day, I might not have died."But at the same time, the child you saved that day might be dead.Then I won't regret my actions.Rather, I am grateful to the general manager.Thanks to the General, I saved one life. "


That's true, for sure.

Since then, I have not known the end of Ibuki's family.

However, at the same time that Ibuki died, there were lives saved by Ibuki.

But that's not what I knew.

I know I can't help it if I say it anyway in terms of theory of results.

"Still, I'm still ─ ─"

Still, I wanted Torisu Ibuki to live.

But everyone here knows it's a wish that won't come true anymore.

"I can't help it anymore."

That's why Ibuki laughs.

To save me, to save me, to die, to stay with me, to laugh.

"If you still say you don't feel good about it."Stay alive till I get my share.That's what makes me so happy. "

Nicely, Ibu said with a mischievous face.

If you say that, you're no match for me.

Ibuki won't hate me, and Ibuki won't curse me.

Just ask me to live for myself.

It was her blessing that even after she died, she thought of me.

"... you're cheating."

"Fufu, onee-san is always good at one of yours."Even now. Bartender-kun! "

You're the one who used to be so sloppy in front of me.

I wanted to say that, but I stopped looking at Ibuki's expression.

She cleansed her heart of my guilt and regret that Swe could not even do anything, and she looked so serious that she didn't think it would be right after that.

Well, this is the end of the emotional reunion, and it's time to talk seriously.

"... what is it?"

"In conclusion, the Demon King Hermes' seal was incomplete."If we stay this way, we will definitely resurrect in the future, whether it is a year, ten years, or even fifty years. "

When I was told the facts of the shock, I gently corrected my position.

I'm going to have to take this seriously.

"Why is that?" Was my [Rainbow] incomplete? "

At that time, I completed my magic with a strange concentration that could be called a trance state, but [Rainbow] was still a difficult thing.

With a few mistakes, the boundaries of the various materials become blurred and it is impossible to draw a beautiful rainbow.

It doesn't matter if there's a mistake in the unnoticed part of me.

“No, I didn't have a problem with the general's cocktail.However, this is due to the kinship engraved on the general self. "


The kinship that has been engraved on me in this world.

What was so special about me?

If you want to exclude cocktails as a mere technique, there's only one other thing that makes me special.

Just the fact that I was summoned to this world as a weapon of the demon king's power.

Ibuki nodded to my association.

"Even though the Demon King is now sealed, the path connected to the General is still alive."Trace and I are trying to block it, but we can't stop the flow of pure magic. ”

So what happens then?

As long as the General lives in this world, he will eventually recover the magic power needed to revive his magic path, and the Demon King Hermes will resurrect.

My very existence is the key to the demon king's resurrection.

The fact was clearly engraved around my heart with a shock.

Believe it or not, you will not be able to say otherwise.After all, apart from unexpectedly sealing it, it was us who didn't have any hands or feet.

When it comes back to life, it'll be sealed again.

"It must be tough." Even the Demon King is not stupid.I don't think the same hands will ever get through again. "

"... defeating the Demon King is..."


No, I asked, but Ibuki was a little silent.

Then, for the time being, I talked about the [Shogunate].

"Originally, there was a system in the world that counteracted the" threat of the world "like this one.It was like the demon king and brave man of the RPG.However, this Demon King was not created in this world, but was summoned from another world.In other words, it was unexpectedly irregular.The system will create a presence that can counteract this irregularity, and it will be far into the future.That's the story of a hundred years from now. "

Before that, will the Demon King come back to life?

That's what happens.

Ibuki, who had a sinister expression on her face, had the same look on her face.

So far, there was only one countermeasure against the Demon King.

This is what the conclusion will be.

If I die, the Demon King won't be able to come back to life anymore, right?

Against the conclusion that came out of my mouth,

Ibuki slapped me on the head in a tremendous panic.

"You idiot! I'm telling you to live, why are you dying?"

It didn't hurt much, but I shrugged my head in a reflex.

I got my lips sharpened by Ibuki, who was even angry.

"Then what are you talking about?"As long as I live, the demon king's resurrection will proceed, right?What other solutions are there? "

I don't want to die, either.

But if you think I'm going to save this world by dying, I'll think about it.

If there is any action I can take to protect the future of the cocktail that has finally begun in this world and the future of the people I care about.

Ibuki looked a little lonely to me.

I'm sure that I'm as lonely as Ibuki is to the fact that there are people who are more important than Ibuki.

We have to talk about tearing it apart, how painful it is.

"... the total population is free to choose.With the resurrection of the demon king in mind, I believe that the birth of a brave man may be in time for the resurrection of the demon king, so I can live in this world. "

I don't think it's very recommended.

It seemed like it would be tough to live with the undefeatable demon king resurrected in front of the hero for almost 100 percent.

I might die before I'm resurrected, and perhaps my heroes will make it in time, but I'll spend every day worried.

That's why Ibuki nodded to Trace and made another choice.

And the other one ─ ─

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