When I woke up, it was in an unfamiliar room.

But it wasn't a ceiling I didn't know about.

The room, illuminated by the dim lights, was in some sense the usual room that had been rented by the Magic Institute with kindness since before when I lay down.

The time is at night. When I wake up, it's usually at night because I'm a bartender and I'm related.

"...... nh"

Beside the bed where he was lying, there was a girl he knew.

She wears a blanket of who put it on, and she lies on her back on my bed and falls asleep.

I used to do that when I was suddenly transferred to the Magic Hall, but as always, Swe kept checking on me.

Suddenly my feelings overflowed, and I stroke my head like a gentle comb of her blue hair.

I saw Ibuki in my heart, and now I see Sweet Sweet Sweet.

I understand. For me now, Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet

I don't like being completely shaken by my ex-girlfriend and facing her now, but when I think about my refreshing heart, I can't go far without hitting it.

At least, I won't get lost between Ibuki and Sweet.

Even if that's the first time we talk about tentatively.


Even more so, as I stroke the watermelon, the sleeping girl groaned with a tickle.

I gently put my hand back, but she was already on her way to awaken, and opened her eyelids in a heavy manner.

"...... Gross?"

Swe woke up and called out my name to confirm.

I nodded to it, and responded with a voice that was a little dodgy when I woke up.

"Good morning, Sweetie."

"Oops! Soo-chan!"

Immediately after responding, Sweetheart hugs me one or two times.

You hold her in a hurry, but when you tell her to calm down, her power will not slacken.

The somewhat sweet scent of the fluffy fragrance and the somewhat more luxurious and soft body than it looks make you realize that she is quite a girl.

"General! I thought I'd wake up already!" Enough! Enough! "

Gently stroke the head of the swirl clinging to me again.

Her voice is a little tearful, with occasional sniffles.

I've worried you a lot.Well, I thought I had died of a boulder myself, so I mixed my apologies and calmed down.

"I'm sorry, but I had no choice but to."

“You lied to me! I never heard of the Seven Dresses!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"I thought I'd wake up already!"You've been asleep for a week! "

A week.

My empirical sensation was that I fainted immediately after seeing the seal of Hermes, and from there I woke up seamlessly talking to Ibuki, so I had a feeling for about a few hours.

However, if you say so, my whole body is quite heavy.Is your body rusty from simply lying in bed, not because of magic deficiency?

"I'm sorry, but thanks to Sweet."

"...... What happened?"

If it wasn't for this amulet, I'd probably be dead.

Even if you say this, you won't be able to see it because Sweet is pressing her face against my chest.

In my eyes, the amulet that was wrapped around my right wrist, which stroked the swirl, turned blue after losing its magic power.

This is the story that Ibuki told me in the middle of an unexpected chat.

At the end of the Hermes battle, it seems that I didn't have to die at the last minute because, in addition to the help of Trace, it also had the effect of amulet of this swing trait.

This amulet also unleashed magic power when it fell into disarray and slightly healed my magic power, so my body could not cross the line to die from magic deficiency.

Originally, the amulet that protects me slightly from enemy attacks would have protected me from my own attacks.

"... who did you ask? That's not true."

But Swe seemed to get caught up in the fact that my words were rumor-tone.

That said, I asked Ibuki's soul in my heart, and I can't help but say something a little radio-wave, so I hurriedly mislead.

"No, I just felt that way."Before I lost my mind, this amulet was warm. "

"... is that right?"

"Besides, it's about time I went to let others know I woke up... and I'm hungry."

I told Sweet not to be unnatural.

As for myself, I don't mind waking up and moving on my own, but I feel like I can be stopped by Sweetie, so I will try to ask you to do so.

"Hmm, okay. I'm definitely at ease."

I wonder if it has settled down somewhat.

Sweet nodded immediately and quickly left the room.


I was looking behind her and thinking about my conversation with Trace and my choices.

Ah! Thank goodness! You really are a fool!

When Swe rushed to call someone who looked like a doctor, the doctor wasn't the only one who came in a hurry.

Viola was the one who was most pleased that I was safe.

Behind them were Litro and Rosemary.

I was a little concerned that there was no surveillance on Rosemary, but I would first say hello to Viola.

"I'm sorry I bothered you."

Absolutely! Both Sweetie and the General should be more worried about their surroundings!

"No, I'm really sorry."

I have no choice but to pay my respects to Pripri and the angry viola.

If I woke up in a few hours, I would have to slap one of my hatreds like "I'm a knight without worrying about my lord."

Don't worry, I can't say anything this time because I have a lot of worries.

That being said, it's also a good idea to keep being preached, so why don't we just skip the subject as appropriate.

Speaking of which, what about the lord?

I suddenly asked as I remembered.

It's not like you want me to rush in the first place when I wake up.

However, given his personality, I was wondering if I could come and show his face for a while.

Unlike the previous time, I didn't think it would be a big deal to take action against the Demon King.

"Chi... the lord returned to the city of Nest first."I was left with something like you and Sweet Guard. "

I see.

That's true.

If it wasn't for the Demon King and the interrogation, I'd be going back to the city.

I was a lord after all.

In my image, the demon king's battle had just ended, but I was reminded that a week had passed in the world.

"Well, how can you look so neat?"After the battle with the demon king, I wonder if there's anything else I'd like to ask you? "

"... well, there's something that bothers me, but there's a response to the demon king's successful seal."

When it comes to response, I'm not lying because it's a certified story from Ibuki.

Besides, I'm probably more aware than anyone else in this country that this is not over.

And how to put an end to it.

So I don't want to panic, I don't want to panic.

From here on out, I'm just responsible for my choices.

For now, after the examination and Viola's sermon, I'll start by listening to the end of the battle with Litro, who was a little stunned next door.

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