──Well, here's the thing.

After the war, it may be subtle, but Litro gave us a brief explanation after that.

First of all, there was no one but one of the elite who actually stepped into the Demon King's room.

At the same time, it seems that there were many injured people in the count of billions.

Well, unlike a knight, an adventurer is a big hand in hand.

The numbers were there, so this meant we had to pull back early, before we had a bad injury.Because you can't buy life with a sense of responsibility.

Still, we were able to attract enemies while facing the Demon King, so we couldn't beat them.

Most of the enemies who appeared in the Imperial Castle seemed to have disappeared as soon as we sealed the Hermes.

The reasoning around it was similar to those of the skeletons who were moving with the magic power of dragon zombies.

Exceptionally, there were demons who were summoned and received flesh, but no matter how powerful they were, if their subordinates disappeared, they would be defeated without a leak.

Although the residents around the Imperial Castle were gently evacuated, without the monsters that escaped, the damage to the people would be zero.

And as for the rewards for those who cooperated with the Demon King's battle, they diverted the rewards they had prepared for the Dragon Zombie battle.

Originally, it seemed like the area was going smoothly because we were ready to fight and the enemy was gone.

However, as a matter of course, what kind of [Demon King] was born in this place, and what [Demon King] did, it seems that the [Demon King] ordinance was laid on top of the details.

From the adventurers who knew nothing, I suddenly was asked to enter the royal castle of the country, and together with the knights who were supposed to protect the royal castle, I would break the royal castle wall and deal with the monsters coming out of it.

There will be no more detailed stories, and this case will remain secretly engraved only in the darkness of royal history.

Although it is a virtue to be fair, it was taken over by the Demon King summoned by the Royal Katana, and it went until just before the world was conquered. Even if the mouth is broken, it cannot be announced.

The explanation to other countries will probably be completed in the future, and the details will remain prone to the case.

"Even as a royal family, I can't overshadow this scandal."More than ever, the existence of the "Origin" master will be told. "

Litro closed the conversation mildly.

Certainly, the walls of the royal castle, which were destroyed, are still intact.

No matter how much money I give the adventurer to shut up, if I can't block the information completely, I'll have to fill it out with other prominent information.

If I wasn't the only one standing on that arrowhead, I'd be able to convince myself.

"Please refrain from embarrassing me."Please don't give me the name of "Yumi Sogo".On the other hand, for cocktails, you can already appeal to Bang Bang. ”

When I answered that, Ritro looked surprised.

I didn't expect to be promoted as the "Origin", but I didn't expect to recommend the "Magic Cannon (Cocktail)" that comes out in the fight against Dragon Zombies.

Why is that again?

To Ritro's voice, I narrowed my eyes slightly.

"I even wiped down the royal house, so please write a poem about the king's acceptance of" cocktail "as a drink."Don't you think it's okay to have that kind of reward? ”

"...... I see?"

In short, as a future stance of the royal family, I asked for a new kind of potion called "cocktail" to be recognized not as a "magic cannon" but as a "medicine".

Litro's expression seemed to be difficult to understand.

"It's hard to say on behalf of the royal family, but I know what you want."

Well, that would be it.

In fact, cocktails are a new potion in the lives of people who have tasted cocktails in the city where we live, sometimes saving lives with their potency.

However, starting with this dragon zombie disturbance, from the point of view of the people who had cocktails as "magic cannons" lined up in existing magic, it was already that kind of weapon.

Although it was an emergency, it was unavoidable.

But still, I asked for it.

I don't have anything to ask for.At least this selfishness will not be punished if you ask for it.

"I made the cocktail as a potion and the cocktail as a magic cannon."That's why I'm going to know.No matter how careful you are, there will be people who use it unwanted.I think it was all the tools that were born in this world. ”

"... I guess so. It is said that the magic itself was not originally created for the purpose of using it in a struggle between humans."

It seems that a tool called a knife is connected to a tool that slashes a person called a sword.

With cocktails connected to magic inexhaustibly, that's inevitable.

Cocktails are studied as one of the new magic systems rather than as a hobby drink.

So my mind knows that my wishes are terribly difficult.

Even so, I can't help but ask for it.

“I know it's difficult.Still, I don't want you to use "cocktails" for bad things, for example.If there's a war, don't use it as a tool for killing.Even if the cocktail as a weapon spreads, I want people around the world to know that this' drink 'is great before it does.I'd like to ask you a question like that. "

Litro's aesthetics seem to be slightly distorted without changing her appearance.

I'm afraid I know how difficult it is for him to make my demands.

In any case, from the point of view of the country, "magic cannon" should be adopted as the essence of military superiority against other countries in the future.

After all, by using a new kind of magic, "ammo", you can mass-produce the magician, which is an essential part of your battle power.

If you're not good enough, it's not strange that this country should dominate the world as a magical military state.

But I want a future that won't.

Because no matter where I went, the "cocktail" in me was one of the drinks that I had with the precious memories of Ibuki.

"... I'm sorry that the royal family has caused you so much trouble..."

After a while, Litro murmured.

Although he still had a difficult face, his expression seemed to contain some gentle elements that took me into consideration.

"It's a quote from a master who is a cocktail meritorious."Not to mention the words of those who sealed the demon king, whom we had no magic to do.If that is your wish in exchange for a reward, I swear I will do my best to meet your expectations in the name of Litroxium Kilcium Echinopus Elb Absanto. "

I feel that the word "deal with" is not very trustworthy for Japanese people, but Litro's face was serious everywhere.

I thought it was more important than I thought that the clan at the top of the country vowed to do good in their own name.

So I'm not going to say any more words, just please.

Thank you, Ritro-san.

"... ahhh, as a royal family, it was a short period of time, but as a worker at Easys, I tried to obey my supervisor's orders."

He finally showed that he was a little stunned there.

This is the kind of guy I know, Litro.

Such attitudes appear in scenes that have nothing to do with royalty, so this may be the place for him.

He is originally a man of bright roots and free character.Even so, the prince even had a title, so it would have been quite cramped.

Perhaps an apprenticeship in a tavern freed from such titles is a precious memory for him.

In that case, I'm an alien anyway, so let's put all the pressure on me.

If you break it, you'll be sentenced to an ass kick.

"It was really tough, so I'd like to seriously refrain from it?"

"It's the boss who decides that."If you think I or Phil or Sally need an ass kick, be prepared. ”

"If a vampire kicks you, your ass will break!"

The last impatient person really seemed to be impatient because of his mind.

Anyway, can I say that I did one thing that I had to do?

At the very least, while Litro is alive, this country should be able to deal with 'cocktails' properly and fairly.

When my biggest concern disappeared, I thought I'd finally hear what I was curious about.

In other words, what exactly is the treatment of unsupervised rosemary that came in together?

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