"There was a lot going on, but Rosemary got engaged to me."

"... Congratulations?"

When I asked subtly about Rosemary, Litro returned it.

There's a wedding rush going on around me.

No, it's not. I don't think so.

“What do you mean?”

Do we have to talk about this?

“If it's a highly political decision, I don't want to do it.”

I thought to myself, but I'm pretty sure it's political, whether it's advanced or not.

At least, the relationship between the two in my eyes didn't seem to develop into a love affair.

Well, it was about a month ago, so it wouldn't be strange if there was an event in the exchange just before the demon king.I can't talk about people either.

However, on the other hand, the expression on Rosemary's face is severely distorted, or she is patient not to say what she wants to say.

"... well, in a nutshell, it's like the royal family took the responsibility for it."

Yes, I imagined it on my own, and Litro explains it.

"Needless to say, if she had summoned the Demon King for the purpose of overthrowing the nation, she would definitely have committed a capital crime."That's why you don't have to ask questions. "

"...... well"

No one knows what would happen if I were to be convicted of treason.

If that's what Rosemary really wanted, it wouldn't be strange if she was sentenced to death before the battle with the Demon King.

"However, the reason why she summoned the Demon King...... there was room for extenuating circumstances."And she has no will to overthrow the state.As a result, it was said that the Demon King became an enemy, and if it came to that situation, he was actively cooperating. "

I still don't know much about her situation.

All the information── I've heard from the demon king who once disappeared from the Megist, and all the motives I know for her actions.

A broken family with a lost brother.She lost the real Megist deacon who would have supported her under the pressure of the principal──'s surrogate.

She sought salvation from the gods of the other world at the end of her never-ending resuscitation research, because she is convinced that she can understand.

"Nevertheless, calling the Demon King would be a fault worthy of extreme punishment."However, the incident aimed at overthrowing the state occurred just before that, and compared to that, her sins are much heavier in the same execution. "

I think so.

At least compared to Ragweed, who was willing to turn the Dragon Zombie to the capital on his own to make money.

I was an executioner, and I had no control over my Summon Monsters.

"To add to that, I'm responsible for pressing the dark part of the royal family against the Meliastel family in the first place."To put it plainly, no matter how talented she was at Chartreuse, the country was too much for her.Rosemary was desperate because she didn't have a family to talk to. "

This felt more like Ritro's own judgment than a royal judgment.

There are no family members around to rely on, and the royal family comes to work every day.

From the philanthropic point of view of Litro, Rosemary must be an unhappy girl who wants to save herself.

"That's why I came down from the royal family, and at the same time the Meliastel family was dismantled and reorganized. That's what── I said."So that Meliastel's debt does not increase any more, the royal family should hope to take care of the pistol itself in the future. "

"In other words, Ritro-san wants to ease her burden?"

"...... In a nutshell, will that be the case?"

No matter how many words I repeat, I wonder if Litro really is.

He said he was going to take on the dark part that the royal family should have faced before.

Maybe it's not just for Rosemary, it's part of what he wants.

"Even though I abandoned my right of inheritance, I was connected to the royal family, so I couldn't punish her bypassing her.The Fourth Prince did it with light discretion and personnel turnover. "

Litro said with a slightly uninteresting face.

Speaking of the Fourth Prince, the one who was puppeted by Rugweed.

The prince is certainly not to blame.They used my name all over the place.

If I had taken part in the Dragon Zombie affair in earnest, it would have been different, but the Prince was also a victim, so I would not have punished him too severely.

There may be various circumstances such as the inheritance of bloodline, but it's all sweet in my body.

"So, I'm sorry I'm a half-breed royalty, but for Rosemary's sake, she's going to marry me."

”...... I don't feel like I can really say congratulations.”

If you give me your honest thoughts, Litro is smiling more and more bitterly.

It may be normal, but the story so far does not include anything like love feelings between the two sides.

From the sense of modern Japanese with many love marriages, it seems that it is only a simple and grand political marriage, and it is difficult to honestly celebrate.

"Is that how Rosemary convinced herself?"

"It would have been better than dying," he said, turning to the stone.


No, I really had no choice. I had no choice.

The demon king who has been summoned is the demon king, and the damage caused by the dragon zombie caused by the whim of the demon king, as well as the damage caused by the demon king himself, and also the economic damage caused by Ragweed.

If we don't choose to marry here, we don't know how much Rosemary will suffer.



Rosemary didn't say a word when she came here.

Do you think you don't need to talk, or that you don't have the right to talk?

At least I don't know what to say to her.

I don't know.

"Does that make Rosie happy?"

Sui asked with a flat voice that suppressed her emotions.

Rosemary, who was almost unresponsive until then, shuddered at the words.

"... what are you talking about, Sweetie?"I can't believe I'm happy. "

"If you're going to get married, I think you need to be honest with me and say congratulations.Rosie has a lot of value in avoiding the death penalty without having to do something like that.In the first place, if Meliastel's master is useless, Rosemary must definitely be kept alive. "

That might have been Sweetheart's first thoughtful word for rosemary.

It was Sui's own story that she was not particularly good with the Magic Institute, but to the extent that she remembered their existence, they were still friends.

Just as Rosemary suddenly worried about Sweet Sweet Potion becoming famous, Sweet Potion was naturally worried about Rosemary.

"...... to be honest, I don't feel very masculine about this person."

Rosemary leaked her heart as if her gaze was broken by a staring Sweet.

Ritro smiles bitterly at her words.

That's terrible. I was so glad to see the beauties on the road, though.

"It's not attractive because I'm the kind of man who hooks up with every single one of those beauties."

A beautiful flower is a quality that you love without leakage. If it's a bouquet of flowers, it's still beautiful, isn't it?

Really, the only treatment of women is for bartenders in a sense, and not for men at all in a sense.

It's nice to be out and about, but I don't think you left any seeds, man.

Rosemary turns back to Sweetheart and laughs after turning a cold eye to Litro.

“But this guy gives me what I wanted, so I thought I could settle down.”

What did you want?

Sweetie tilts her neck. I don't think anything came to mind.Same goes for me.

Ritro is a royal family, so he's got all kinds of things I can't even imagine.But what on earth touched the rosemary wire?

Awaiting the answer, Rosemary grows up somewhere with a snarling smile.

"This is where I am. Whether I'm next in line for the Chartered Magic Hall, or the principal representative of the Meliastel family, I'll give you a good place to stay in Rosemary.It's a far from passionate proposal, but in the end, I think that's good. ”

I understood why her smile had grown up.

Because something like sorrow and loneliness pervaded it.

I'm sure it was only what she had when she was a child.

I'm sure that all sides did not allow her to ask for it now.

That's why Litro said he'd give it to Rosemary.

A place where rosemary can live in peace without being asked for anything.

"It must have been the same thing that Sweet Swe had unconsciously given me at the Shult Hall."You were the only friend that didn't make any mistakes.That's why, at the same time as I feel alienated towards you, I can't help but think about you. "

"That's why I've been so annoyed."

"Who do you think managed your unit!?"

... I wonder if that is mainly due to the number of days of attendance.

Indeed, Sweetie's grades seem to be poor for a confession.

Then, looking at the two of them, who had often shifted to gentle arguments, Litro told me that they were sledding.

"Well, love is hey."At least I'm not going to force her to ask for love.Until she asks for it. "

"...... I see. It's not what I say, but thank you very much."

"Haha, I'll leave it to you, before you know it."

Somehow, the situation was intertwined and it became difficult to understand.

After all, it would be simple and good.

Ritro asked Rosemary to marry him, and Rosemary responded accordingly.

I'm sure the love that comes with it is still there, but if you two are willing to grow that flower, that's fine.

And that's the story you two spin, because it's never about an outsider drawing a story.

And, looking at the scene where the political marriage ended peacefully, I thought that the viola, who was looking away awkwardly, was in my sight.

... you just ran away after you broke up your marriage because you hated it...

The lord is holding his head, so I think it's time to listen to him.

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