"Yes, I have something for both of you."

I said that after mouthing the cocktails and making sure that each one of them loosened their cheeks in a delicious way.

Phil and Sally looked strange together.

Is it a gift from Sang-san?

Even though it's a celebratory side?

I feel like we had the same interaction earlier.

But just like I make cocktails for both of them, this is something I want to give them, something that only I can give them at the same time.

Until now, you two tried not to teach the standard recipe until you made it.

In response to my words, the two nodded in confusion.

Basically, when I teach a cocktail recipe to two people, I try to have them actually make that cocktail once.

That's because that's how my senior taught me when I was in Japan.

Basically, there are quite a few cocktails, even by standard.

In Japan, there is a recipe book with a large number of such cocktail recipes, and the Internet is popular, so even if it is a cocktail you do not know, it is easy to know the recipe itself.

But if you can remember the recipe for a cocktail, it depends on the nature of the individual.

For example, Phil might master each cocktail he doesn't know and read a recipe book until he does.

But if Sally didn't remember the recipe because it was written there, she might end up opening the recipe book every time she placed an order.

If they actually stood at the counter, it would be hard to imagine that their work speeds would be significantly different.

That's why I didn't teach them all the recipes I knew.

Every time I thought I needed a cocktail, I actually made it myself, gave it a try, and then let it be written down in my own cocktail recipe.

If it's a cocktail that doesn't belong to you, if it's a cocktail that you've made once, you'll learn about nature and cocktail recipes if you make it twice or three times.

That was my seniors' education policy, and I did the same because I was not different from that.

It is similar to how elementary school students practice the kanji they learned at that time every day.

But I'm a little concerned.

Unlike Japan, there is no finished cocktail recipe book in this world.

If I forget a recipe or don't tell them, there are standards that make me disappear.

I wanted to do something about the situation.

That's why I'm sending this to both of you today.

Hand each of the two books you took out of your bag.

"It's a recipe book that describes all the standards I know and all the originals I've made so far. I'll give this to both of you."

A black cover book prepared for this occasion.

It has no purpose for mass production, and it is a recipe book that I wrote down by hand in only two parts of the world.



Both of them looked at me and the recipe book alternately with a stunned expression.

I try to convey something in words, but I don't speak well.

It was a little funny, and I burned it unexpectedly, but Sally got out of the confusion a long time ago.

What are you going to do?

What do you say?

"You suddenly gave me such an important thing." What are you planning? "

Sally asked me, cherishing the recipe book.

"Make the recipe we've been hiding so easy."

It's not as if you've been hiding it. In fact, you should be looking at it like that.

"...? Where?"

"In my room."


After falling asleep for a moment, Sally instantly boiled down to her memory.

That was when Sally and I had a drink in my room on some other occasion.

At that time, Sally definitely opened the notepad where I was copying the recipe.

By then, I was thinking of handing this over to both of them.

"It's not that sudden." I was hoping to give it to you sooner or later, as soon as we were able to turn the store around without any problems. I thought it was a good day. "

Phil and Sally seem to understand what I'm trying to say.

But I won't make it clear.

Is it because the two of you still haven't taken that fact seriously?

“So you two are licensed?”

However, the two mothers asked without reading the air.

Meaning I gave the recipe book to both of them.

That's a statement of intent that you should learn from yourself, not from me from now on.

In other words, when it comes to cocktails, there's nothing more I can teach you.

"Well, there may still be some sweet places, but that's right." Rather than say anything from me anymore, you two will think and grow on your own. Rather, I'm immature as a master, so I don't have to teach anymore. "

I gave it back in response to Rusquil's words.

I was in a hurry to correct it because it seemed to be so great in the middle of saying it, but I didn't change what I wanted to say.

I'm not at the stage where I say anything about cocktails anymore.

"I taught basic technology and most of the applied parts I know. Even if I haven't taught you anything yet, I can think of it myself by looking at the recipe book. It must be at that level."

Especially the recipe book.

This is my handwriting, and it is a unique substitute in this world that carries my own annotations and even the effects of magic.

Well, in terms of the fifth attribute only, I can't use it completely except for me, so I don't even know how to weaken it, but it's written the truth as far as I can observe.

With this one book, the study of this country's [Magic Cannon (Cocktail)] may well advance to a higher level.

But I'm not going to give this to the country. After all, I only have two books.

"You've both worked hard so far." I think I'm already a bartender for two. Well, you can only trust my guarantee with the taste of cocktails. "

I told the two of them to cover up the answers I got from Lasquier's question, and they still didn't speak well.

Then the two of them say to eat and hang together.

"That's not true!" I still have a lot to teach you! "

Me too! I don't want to be told that I'm so immature!

The two swordsmen unexpectedly had a bitter smile on their faces.

Really, I have quite a fine disciple.

"Of course, there's still more to come, including me." The bartender has been working for decades, and there are people who are still studying. However, it's time for both of you to take off the wheel and run away from yourself. "

I mean, I've been studying a lot since I came into this world.

That's why, even if my response is poor, there are many scenes that were cut through by the novelty because there was no cocktail in this world.

That's why neither I, nor Phil, nor Sally, can stand still.

"I gave it to you for a reason." I'll continue to ask for a bartender and a cocktail. That's what I'm begging you to do. "

That said, I lowered my head slightly.

Maybe it's really unusual for me to bow my head against my apprentice.

The two of them feel the gravity of the act.

But I didn't panic over and over again.

"... okay, I'll take care of this recipe book."

"So would you please raise your face? I'm also worried about the customers around me."

When they were told to raise their faces, they looked very good.

Even though I pressed myself selfishly, I received the recipe book, and I will continue to fulfill my responsibilities as a bartender. That's the kind of face.

"... thank you. I'll have a cocktail with the bartender from now on."


I've been entrusted with it.

In response to my second wish, the two shook their heads in unison.

I truly think I have a good disciple.


No matter what lies ahead, the two of you will lead the cocktail in a good direction.

I thought so from the bottom of my heart.

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