Is it getting a little noisy?

The two apprentices motivated me a lot.

As you enter the kitchen, you can hear a noisy sound coming from the inside of the restaurant.

After all, I advertised that I recognized two apprentices as one person, so there is a wave of celebration from there.

The two of them should be working hard now to respond to that.

Well, I don't think so.

"... I see."

Oyaji didn't ask any more and opened one of the refrigerators instead.

From inside, I take out three bottles of beer that I have purchased and give them to me and Bergamo one by one.

It's a little early, but you can close the kitchen. It's goodbye.

No, I still have work to do.

"Drink it because it's good." Or are you saying you can't drink my booze? "

"Yes, yes."

I said it was easy, but it was pushed away normally, so I opened the bottle quietly.

Bergamo stopped turning the pot and opened the bottle with his fingers, using the barrel in the kitchen as a chair. You don't need a bottle opener, do you, Bergamo?

"In the meantime, here's to Bowes' release."



Even though it's an innocent sin, I'm not very happy to be released.

Nevertheless, it is not so innocent as to be celebrated but to dispel it.

Now, I have something to tell you, both of you, a little freed from the mood of your work.



"I don't know what to say again." Thank you for keeping me in this shop. If you hadn't admitted it, the cocktail would have ended without taking the first step. "


Oyaji-san was silent with a vague expression on my face.

But for me, this is the unmistakable truth.

If my first encounter in this world was with Sweet.

The greatest happiness I've ever had in this world is to have a place where I can work as a bartender.

Without a store, bartenders are just ordinary people with good mouths.

Oyaji admitted the cocktail and left half of the shop to a suspicious man who may have appeared from somewhere, so there is a time now.

This is purely my happiness, with no room for the Demon King Hermes or Trace.

But Oyaji-san had a subtle expression on my face.

"... until now, I've only heard Sweet Sweetie say that to me three times."

"... three times"

At first glance, it's just an expression of my thoughts, but I feel an atmosphere that is even heavier than that, and I'm ready to listen.

Bergamo, whoever was outside the mosquito net, didn't seem to want to pinch his mouth.

That's why Oyaji-san kept talking about it.

"For the first time, I wanted to go to the Magic Institute in the King's City." I thought it was difficult because of the age, but the lord asked me to come through. "

The first time we were married.

That meant that the swirls would go to the Magic Institute.

I don't know, I don't know. There is a considerable distance from here to the capital of the kingdom. It would be a big deal to let me live in a dormitory so far away, alone to study.

I'm sure you won't be fooled by the cost.

Still, Sweetie wished for it. The purpose, of course.

"The second time, I want to open a potion shop." I thought the potion shop was a fucking job, but I couldn't deny Sweet's serious words. "

Considering Swie's purpose in going to the Magic Hall, it seemed obvious that his request would be fulfilled as well.

But Oyaji-san's wife── Sui's mother has lost her life to the work of a potion dealer.

Against that backdrop, it is not difficult to imagine that there was a conflict there without any trouble.

"And you the third time." He wants to hire you when he suddenly shows up. If you were a normal nervous person, you wouldn't think of hiring such a suspicious person, would you? "

That's right.

"But Swee pushed it through. Even your cocktail?"

It's about me, but it's not true.

If you're in my shoes, I deserved to get rid of you, and you pressed it to accept me and the cocktail. It's all because of your measurements.

In that sense, I can only thank Oyaji-san, but it seems that what I want to talk about is different.

"If you think about it now, it's a mistake. Sweetheart, you've always made the right choice. No matter how bad it seems along the way, I pierced it and now it is. I'm sure they resemble mothers. What you decide to do, even if you die, is the root of your sex."

Swe's mother continued to use magic to help people until she died.

So, you inherited the part where you do it through, Sweet.

“So Bowes, be prepared for Sweet Sweet Sweet.”

"... what are you doing?"

"If he says he's going to do it, he means he's going to do it."

That's how I told you what I wanted to say, so Oyaji-san stood up uneasily.

Where are you going?

After talking about the kitchen being closed, I'm going to drink with the people who are wrapping it up in the store.

Simply put, Oyaji-san turned to the store.

The rest of me asks Bergamo, who is also left behind.

"I mean, what do you think that means?"

"My daughter will do it, but isn't that a far-fetched way of saying you can't take responsibility?"

"... hmmm"

I don't know the answer after all.

Without knowing, I decided to go on asking Bergamo.

“By the way, do you have any cocktails that Bergamo would like to drink?”

"Ah, I heard you're asking about everyone's orders." Rai told me. "

Apparently, my behavior is all over the place.

Bergamo laughs, “Still a cocktail idiot,” and he decides to order.

Well then, I'll take the [Mojito] as well.

It's a memorable cocktail for Bergamo.

The first time he came to this shop as a robber, I gave him the cup I had taken.

And then the adventure that included the battle with [Dragon Grass].

That incident was the one that changed the lives of the Bergamos when I met the Magic Grass Potion.

When I think about it, Bergamo says with a shiny, mean face.

"I don't mean to be weird, but I was really lucky that Trace instigated me to rob this shop."

I don't know if you're lucky enough to be involved in a robbery.

Well, that robbery was in the interest of both me and Bergamo if the situation was settled.

Nevertheless, Bergamo has been responsible for the attempted robbery, and even now that it is almost forgiven, we will not forget it.

But maybe it's lighter than a joke.

I'm not going to blame you for the robbery, and if you think about it afterwards, the fact that you came to the robbery that time, as I mentioned, is a benefit.

It's called Theon Horse.

"Ah! It's just Bergamo already!" Me, too! "

And when I received the order from Bergamo, I asked Oyaji-san outside, and Rye, who was coming to take a break, pointed to me and Bergamo and said:

This red-haired girl hasn't changed her impression since she met you, even though she seems to have grown older.

An honest, bright and emotional girl.

"I was going to ask Rai."

It's true, isn't it?

Rye looks down on me. [M]

After all, it seems that the suspicion is deepened because of the recent concealment and deception.

"That's a nice girl." Do you have any cocktails you'd like to drink? ”

"... hmmm"

Her taste is sweet.

It turned out to be a [hot butter drum].

As she waited, Lai placed an unexpected order.

I'm [Martini].

Unexpectedly, I let out a confused expression. Bergamo, next door, would do the same.

Lai had never asked for a [Martini] before. I only made it once.

That was when I finished my first vermouth in this world under the guidance of Neine.

When I served her a── cocktail with a liqueur from a recipe with lye motifs that used dry vermouth in their ingredients.

"Are you sure about that order?"

Yeah, I think I can taste the flavor left behind by my mother.

I thought it was a bit of a catchy way of saying it.

Does that mean that I've grown up a little too?

So, this could have been one of your boyfriends?

"Nhihi. It's none of your business!" Please hurry! "

Ryan looks at me with a mischievous smile on his face and waves his hand to drive me away.

It's good, so I want you to make it quickly.

Now, I don't know which is the truth... I feel like I just want to make fun of you.

Until now, I thought I was like my── sister, and I'm going to leave the kitchen after I'm a little confused and attracted to Ryan's change.

There is nothing that doesn't change.

Some things are fun because they change.

It's the same for this shop and the future of cocktails.

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