As a result, the date was about to change.

Usually, it is time for a last order or preparation for closing, but it is not only for today.

Drink and make noise, as long as tomorrow's schedule permits.

The time I set as all-you-can-drink is almost over, and I usually charge a fee for my current order. In spite of that, is it good or bad that there are many customers who order additional products without paying any particular attention?


When I looked at the crowd in the distance, I was curious about one thing.

That's why I'm going to make you a cocktail.

The one I chose was [Daikiri].

A simple but powerful cocktail made with a little syrup of lamb── salam and lime.

Regular Isotoma, who particularly── likes it, knows what I'm making with only ingredients.

Oh, Master, do you want to serve me?

"The service would have been sporadic already."


It was Isotoma who was coming to the counter sometime, but when I was going around each table, I had already ordered [Daikiri] with the other regulars.

That's why I'm going to make a shake by using Isotoma's words appropriately.

You're a little overstretched today. Maybe a mild muscle ache will hit your arm tomorrow. Oh, my God, I think about it a little bit.

Side by side with such an exchange, Phil is calling out to the girl.

Come on, Krevel. It's time to go home.

"... nnh. No, noooo... I'm going with Phil-sama..."

"Oh, no."

As I said in my mouth, no matter who sees it, the girl is in more than half of her dreams.

Phil was serving [Kalua Milk] to her instead of me.

When it came to business, she was a wise girl, but when she looked at it like this, she was just a frivolous child.

After I finished shaking, I called out to Krevel conscious of the voices that often pass through.

“Miss Krevel, I need to talk to you about the future of cocktails.”

"! What is it?".

It's interesting because if you say something like that from the outside to enter the business mode, it will immediately wake you up.

I feel a protest gaze from Phil next door that says, "Don't play too much," but I shake my head differently.

“Get out a little, it's late at night, and get drunk at night.”

"...... I can't help it."

Krevel also honestly obeyed the far-fetched statement that he wanted me to be a little more relaxed.

And at the same time, I'm looking at Phil.

"... haa"

Phil sighed and read my thoughts.

I mean, ritually, Phil and Krevel are husband and wife, so there's no problem if Phil pays for her place.

So, while I'm taking you out, make sure you finish your dinner run.

Please don't be too late.

"I know."

I nodded to Phil's words and went out with the [Daikiri] I had just made and a glass.

Phil has an open eye on the act.

Even though the ice melted more and more in [Daikiri], it was strange that I didn't pour it into the glass.

But right now, it's special.

Such suspicious person


Outside, the moon shines through the night sky. The wind blowing through it is just a little cold, and it makes you feel comfortably drunk.

In front of the store that night, when we tried to go out, the sign came and tried to leave in a hurry.

When Krevel and I walked out of the store, I left such a sign and called out to the suspicious person who was trying to leave the front of the store.

Then the suspicious── blonde man looked back and said with a stubborn attitude.

"Hmph, what is a suspicious person?" I happened to be on my way home from a drink at another store. "

"Yes, yes."

And as for the suspicion, I paralyzed Ginula's words moderately.

I don't know why Ginura is here, but I know why he can't get into the store.

I am banned from going out because I have not received the permission of Sweet.

“Good evening, Mr. Ginula. From my point of view, that excuse is out of the question.”


Krevel, who came out with me, also laughed bitterly at Ginula's excuse.

This man really, even though he has a good face, I'm sorry to hear that.

"... hmm. Well, I've seen something here." I'll celebrate. I hear you've been released. "

"Thank you."

"So if you don't get through it, there's no problem." I hope── you will continue to work for the benefit of Aurantiaca with cocktails. That's all! "

Just to say it one way, Ginura quickly tries to disappear into the darkness of the night.

I stopped such a man. [M]

"Wait, I happen to have a cocktail, oddly enough. Why don't you have a drink?"

"... what's the oddity?"

"It's you and me."

Now it was Ginura's turn to fake his face, but he's frankly coming back.

And when I handed over the glass, I held it honestly, so I poured [Daikiri] into the cocktail glass with great vigor.

After all, it has melted a little. I can't help it.

What's this?

[Daikiri] It's a cocktail I couldn't drink when you first came to the store.

"... I see. I see..."

Unexpectedly, Ginura was honestly receiving [Daikiri].

In fact, I had every opportunity to drink if I wanted to. This guy and I were in the same room at the White Orc training, and we had a couple of cocktails.

But [Daikiri] was somewhat evasive.

Before the simple trauma, I must have thought that I was not allowed to drink [Daikiri].

This is also a cocktail of the beginning of the magic cannon in this world.

It was undoubtedly the case of Guinula that established the profession of a special magic cannon── bartender in this world.

One of those things made me realize that cocktails are magic.

You could say that Ginula's hostile stimulus helped me grow.

Previously, he said he would grow his cocktail by keeping a critical eye on it from the outside, not the inside.

In a sense, the role may not have changed since then because history began with the first hostilities.

"... mmm. So-so."

"Thank you."

I don't honestly praise you.

But I'm not going to throw away a cocktail I haven't even drunk anymore.

That's all I need for Ginura.

We're not friends, but you can drink my cocktail anymore.

"Now, Ginura and Miss Krevel." I need to talk to you again. "

Is that the point?

I'll say it after I give Ginula a drink.

I don't mean to leave all the motives behind for getting Krevel out.

I really wanted to talk to them.

I'm getting a portion of the carbonated beverage sales right now, right?

"Yes. What is it?... a little more ratio, after all?"

"No, not in that direction."

Even so, even though there is too much money for individuals to get, what can I ask for more and use it for?

Cut off Krevel's assumptions and tell him what I was thinking.

"I want to use the money that comes in for the establishment and operation of a 'bartender association' or something like that."

"...... Are you a bartender's association?"

I nodded to Krevel's words, and I continued.

"No matter what happens in the future, the number of bartenders will increase." There are also people who want to be bartenders. But there are a lot of things you can do to start a bartender from scratch, right? I think we'll need organizations that can help those people, that can help the bartenders, that can help each other, and, well, organizations that can help other bartenders than me. ”

I know what you're trying to say.

"If there is no use for it anyway, I want to use it for future bartenders." I wonder if it won't work?

He's leaning his neck against my words.

But Ginula agreed with me after laughing with her nose.

"Isn't that a good idea?" It's not a bad idea to create authority or certification before more people open illegal bars without the minimum know-how. Even as a chamber of commerce, it's not a bad story. "

That's true, but to come up with a decision, it's a little bit...

“Most of this guy's ideas come up with a cocktail. For now, you can just drink it and fill in the details later.”

When I was told that, it sounded like a random man, so I wanted you to stop.

But I can't deny that this is really the case.

Krevel, who was slightly troubled, nodded after a slight sigh.

"I see. It's up to you to use your rights." Let's look at it in a positive light. About the "Bartender's Association"

The declared girl, as usual, said it with an unreliable face for her age.

"Hmm. Aurantiaka will bite you too." There's going to be a lot of movement going on in the future. I'll let you suck my sweet juice. "

Ginura also said this in his mouth, but I'm sure he'll work hard for a cocktail.

“Thank you. I'm so happy to have you two as bartenders and cocktails in this world.”

"The subject is big. It's not big."

In my words, Ginula didn't hide her shock.

But I honestly thought so.

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