There are many fields of study that chakra born and Ki users specialize in. Among the field the rare ones are the Gu masters, Dream Masters and Formation masters.

A Gu Master is someone who has opened their mortal Aperture within their body, can use energy to manipulate Gu and use their wondrous abilities. The mortal aperture is spherical space located inside the Gu Masters body that is formed through harsh practice. Gu Masters cultivate their chosen path, research, innovate, and create new Gu which makes them stronger, better and more adapt for future cultivation and their pursuit to understand the Great Dao through all those acts of using Gu.

Gu are able to use natural occurring Energy and create wondrous effects. In nature, under the right conditions, Gu can form from life forms such as insects, they live everywhere in the deepest crevices of the earth, the highest of clouds, on the bodies of wild beasts, and most dangerous of plants, and even in the dreams of man.

Just like Gu Masters, Gu themselves are ranked but with the exception that they are ranked from 1 to 10. The rank of a Gu is important as such that it needs to complement their Gu Master, this is done so by having the same rank (or as close as possible) as the Gu Master.

Gu can have many marvelous abilities from being pure physical to poisonous to elemental and even go to the depths of space time.

It was very harsh field of study and requires a lot of outside help, travelling and risks that reduce its favorability among the people.

In Konoha the Aburame clan is all Gu Masters while Issei is also one of the Gu Masters as he belongs to such a clan. Through hard work he had earned his place as a rank 4 Gu Master and has many Gu at his disposal.

After Gu masters the most elusive and difficult thing to learn is becoming a Dream Master, not many people have talent for it and become just pure Illusionist.

Dream Master is a Path of cultivation created by the sage which specializes in turning the imaginary into reality. The methods to create items, worlds and intelligent life from nothing are related to the study of dreams and the use of Chakra or natural energy to actualize them.

A Dream Master can go into other people's Dream Worlds, Invading other people's dream worlds can allow a Dream Master to spy or manipulate his enemies. It also allows them to learn about the human heart/emotions.

At higher stage as long as one has enough dream elemental force, one can reproduce any spiritual spell which he has come across before or cast an array instantly.

At the highest Realm they can create intelligent forms of life and form something out of nothing.

This art is not that well known as there are few users for it from Kurenai Yuhi known as the Dream Fairy and heir of the Kurama clan, Yakumo also known as the Dream Demon.

Rias Gremory was the third Dream Master in Konoha known to the people, she was not strong as the other two but had built up to rank 4 with difficulty. She was a suċċubus from the demon world, a place of darkness connected to this world.

This world had many places or small dimensions connected to it; they sometime opened up but usually were closed and hard to access.

'I wonder how Issei is doing.' Rias thought as she was standing properly for her young miss

Rias was someone reborn into this world after death and she regretted the frivolousness of her past. In this world she went through a harsh life unlike the previous world and even became a slave to humans.

Rias was Menma's first maid since she had good talent to accompany him but once Menma started showing irregularities, she was the first to suffer under his hand and had almost died when he played with her in the name of training her to become strong.

'I want to become strong like you.' Were the words she had said on that day, she had known him for two years and knew that he was a nice kid with a mȧturė mind but that was a mistake and she should have known that something was wrong once his usual blue eyes were replaced with those red eyes

That day she had known what true fear meant as she looked at the face warped with that evil smile, his eyes turning from red to pit black. The black was bleeding slowly into the red and every second it terrified her as the aura suffocated her, his actions of slowly breaking her body while affecting her mind had scarred her for so long.

Luckily Kushina had come back to look for Menma and saved Rias from further torture at his hands. That was also the last time she saw him with that intense gaze as she always stayed away from him.

But today it seems her luck was really bad, 'Issei.'

Rias wanted to call for him; she had realized that she had loved him once death came for her and this distance didn't make it less.

'Why is he here?' Rias wanted to ask, her body had stiffened and she wanted to sink into the earth

"Relax, I am not him." Naruto muttered as he stood in front of Rias with Mikan, his hand landed on her shoulder while she had closed her eyes from fear and pissed herself

"Big brother Menma scares Rias." Mikan said as she saw the scene

"I won't hurt you, visitor from another world." Naruto placed his hand and poured his chakra to heal her body, heal her soul from the fear as it would affect her cultivation. Fear causes the body and energy to lose control; it was very dangerous to continue your cultivation of power while being hounded by nightmares.

Rias opened her eyes, thinking he was talking about the demon world. She felt really warm and safe for once, the burden seemed to lessen and she almost collapsed into his arms.

"I mean your previous life, little one. Not the world below." Naruto smiled as he held her chin, making her look into his eyes that were filled with kindness and hope

Rias was shocked but didn't feel any fear but the fires hope were stoked, and tears streamed down her eyes.

Snif snif

Rias cried without control as her emotions were released and Naruto hugged her tightly to give her support, she was a poor child in his eyes.

"Here, here, talk with me and share your problems. I will show the way." Naruto said as he patted her back gently

"Let's sit down and talk, I am interested in this topic. If you had asked, would have helped you." Mikan was not happy that her friend didn't trust her with her problems

"Young miss, I am sorry. I just didn't want to distract you from your goal. Young Master would have been very angry if that happened." Rias cried out as she didn't want to sadden Mikan

"I think you didn't understand him even after being two years, he is someone that craves violence so you could have told him and he would carve a path of death towards your goal." Naruto muttered as he reminded Rias that it was possible to guide Menma

Rias shivered at the idea, it was good and bad at the same time since he might end up destroying her world or something once he gets there.

"Sit down and explain. I don't want to read your mind for this." Naruto said as he led the girls to the sitting area in the garden

"I am from a different world and I died in battle with an enemy. I was reborn 16 years ago as a child and have worked hard to arrive to this position. My lover is also reborn, his name is Issei Hyoudou and he is fighting for Iwa at the moment.

He is not aware of my existence and seems to be taking this burden alone in that dangerous country. I want us to unite and go back to our world to the time when that tragedy hadn't happened but I haven't reached the stage to travel worlds while I don't think the ones with the ability would care for someone like me." Rias explained in a calm tone

Naruto nodded, "Tobirama could do it and Mito, Menma might after a decade and Father should be able to do it within a decade. But they can't do it because of the barrier above; it doesn't allow anyone to leave this world.

Your world doesn't have a direction connection here so it's pretty much impossible until that wall gets broken somehow and a path is made for teleportation.

I could then easily send you back."

"Big brother, you are meant to give her hope not shatter it." Mikan whispered as she held her arm

Rias was staring blankly as she heard the words, she believed one day they might get back if they reached that power level but knowing that even those people can't do it then what's there to work for.

"That was just a conjecture; if we can just go to the higher realm than we can try so don't lose hope. I did come from another world and I will try once I am at full power." Naruto chuckled and said, his voice filled with his chakra to put that hope into her soul

Rias felt light come to her eyes as his words finished, "Can you bring Issei here?"

"We will see if he can come here. Issei is in something deep at the moment and Menma is also watching over him so I can't do that but a dream meeting will do." Naruto replied and Rias nodded as this was better than anything else

"Can I visit your world?" Mikan asked

"Of course and we will visit Rias world as well." Naruto smiled happily and carried his little sister into the mansion to see how lavish it was, he will design his own just like it or even better.

'I am going to learn from Mito and then I will bring it to my world so many things that are very advanced here. Maybe should bring along some people and get new blood to my people.' Naruto had started thinking many things once new things popped up, which were a lot

Even as Naruto was messing around his mark on Hana had led him to some good stuff and he was watching over the battles happening.

He didn't intervene because of the same reason Tobirama didn't, it will cause a reaction among the top dogs on the continent and at the moment he couldn't' take that responsibility. Tobirama didn't know but Naruto did know about the battle and had informed them but the response was delayed as these kinds of things were happening across many regions.


It was a beautiful day in Konoha but the dark clouds of tragedy had been spreading in its territory and one such unlucky city had become a target. Black Iron city was one of the important cities for the mortal population within its region and had had multiple chuunin dispatched for its protection, which were swapped after 5 years.

The chuunin didn't even get a chance to retaliate before they had been killed and the populace went into panic trying to escape but all was lost when they hit a barrier which stopped them from leaving. Most people lost hope at the moment but the courageous and smart ones led people to escape in different directions to survive until help came, as there is life there will be hope and they trusted there Hokage.

On top of the Mayor's building were 5 figures which could be described as the dogs of Iwa that had been let loose to wreak havoc. In the middle of the group was a figure that had similar shapes to most Nara clan members and he was the leader of the group of traitors from Konoha that served Iwa as mercenaries. The resistance had been pacified, so he let the madman loose on the populace and finish of the task they had been given, even Shikon did not think that the plan was something really good but he had to comply and his dėsɨrė to see the world burn pushed him forward.

The group split and the citizens suffered under the power of the enemy but all was not lost, as group of three had just arrived within the vicinity of the city.

At the head of the group was Menma following him on his sides were Fuu and Gaara. Fuu looked excited to be part of a new adventure while Gaara was happy to spend time with his friend, as for Menma he was getting excited from what he been sensing. Looking at Menma's expression, Gaara asked, "Are we near?"

To which Menma replied with an affirmative and told them to be serious as the enemy was of high level. He released the restraints on his power and sped towards the city followed by his team, and entered through the barrier without any problem but before they could find the targets Menma messed with the barrier so that the prey could not flee.

When they entered the city they became witness to a ghastly sight of mutilated bodies and blood flowing freely, which had the effect of muting down Fuu's excitement and making her furious at the death of innocence. While the boy's surveyed the sight with indifference and Menma saw a giant with the height of 3 meters with a fat body eating people as he walked.

Menma took out his booklet on the traitors of Konoha and threats to the nation, and found what he was looking for. The hulking giant was part of a group led by Shikon Nara and was known for his cannibalistic appetite which led to him being sentenced to death but had escaped with the help of Shikon. Blanka didn't seem to have noticed them which could be attributed to the seals which helped in concealing chakra.

As Blanka was here, Menma concluded that rest of the group was also present, the hunt was a test for Fuu to see if she was worthy of being a friend. The enemy was really strong and Gaara was weak point in their team as he didn't have much outside help for an increase in power. So he turned to his team and explained the situation, and told Gaara to handle Blanka while Fuu split to find any enemy to kill.

The team split up and Menma took another direction hoping to find the Nara or the Yamanaka traitor, as they were the strongest in the group and he needed to kill high level beings to get stronger. Menma understood that these kinds of incidents were common as the nations of Gaia were too big and did not have enough manpower to cover most of the territory efficiently. Even Konoha which had the third largest territory was 510.1 million KM square, it would take a long time for them to have that high population of chakra born to cover this much area. But it was boon for him, as he always wished for opportunities to take part in conflicts and this allowed scum to exist which satisfied his base dėsɨrės.

After several seconds he finally found his target which seemed to have been waiting for him, as the Nara and the Yamanaka were both present at the destination with a battle ready stance. He realized they were good enough at barrier making to find out that he had made adjustments but even then they couldn't sense him, so he still had the upper hand.

While Menma was getting ready for his battle, Gaara had prepared himself for the mortal combat, the fact that he had been handed the fat piece of scum did make him feel down as he had been underestimated but he understood that Menma was not aware of his new abilities and did not expect him to grow strong enough to fight opponents stronger than Blanka. Gaara was grateful to his father, the Kazekage and Uncle Crocodile who worked together to make the best weapon for him which he named Shukaku's Trident which represented the fact that a lot of chakra was donated by the beast.

Gaara looked towards his target which several km away from him and started using his ability to turn the ground beneath into sand for when needed. Blanka was unaware of the threat, so Gaara decided to take advantage of the free opportunity and controlled the Trident with his magnet release, and let it shoot towards the cannibal at speeds so fast that it destroyed the surrounding buildings as it passed.

The Trident which zoomed through the air at twice the speed of lightning and the interference with the mobility of the foe by Gaara should have let it collide with Blanka's torso but the enemy was strong. Blanka quickly turned himself into a giant of 100m which had the Trident pass through his leg harmlessly and he turned back to normal height with the wound healed completely. The wound had also been poisoned but with the strong constitution of the Akimichi's specially Blanka's he had high resistance to poison therefore the poison had also been healed.

The trident was not the only attack as a sand shower had followed it but Blanka hardened his body with chakra and charged towards Gaara who was still standing at the same place. As the enemy charged towards him, Gaara took to the air and used the sand to attack the enemy but this time he added the gold, iron and diamond dust to the mix along with higher chakra which made the attacks faster and stronger.

Blanka was attacked from all directions by a sand mixture in different shapes with sharp edges along with sand bullets which gave him many bruises and harmless wounds. As he was unable to reach Gaara, Blanka transformed into a 100 m giant and tried to swat Gaara away like fly but Gaara continued to dodge and made his moves bigger to compensate for the size of the enemy.

The fight continued for 5 minutes with both sides not having any advantage and the area around them had become ruins but Gaara just smiled even with the fatigue showing on his face, "Its time" he said and giant Trident came from the atmosphere hurtling towards Blanka who had sunk underground when Gaara made all of it into sand. Blanka tried to protect himself by making a barrier but the trident was unstoppable and went through it like a hot knife through cheese, the cannibalistic giant was pierced from the center of his head and stuck to the ground. But even after all this he continued to struggle but it was fruitless and finally the giant died to the poison and a heavy blood loss.

Gaara landed on the ground to recover from the expenditure of so much of his chakra and to see his handiwork while noting down how the situation went, so he could go through a visualization of the situation later for improvement. The Trident was decisive contributor to his victory which did make him feel like he had been left behind by Menma, the distance in strength didn't seemed to lower but increase which made him decided to find additional methods to get stronger or else he would never have the opportunity to stand by him. Gaara took some pills and ran towards Menma's direction so that he could witness his friend going all out after two years which was long time for kids there age and made huge difference. He wanted to gauge his target and would not let the reality of the situation pull him down.

Naruto watched the battle and was impressed by the power, 'He hasn't realized that he control the electromagnetic force and can do so much more than just this. I will give him the notes from my Gaara.'


Fuu had separated from the boys among whom Gaara was someone who she had met just today while Menma had become part of her life since 5 days ago when she had been introduced by the Uzumaki couple. The life in Konoha was different than Taki, here she had to watch out for many new the rules and couldn't find people willing to play with her and Menma was always busy. The only ones she had fun with were the Mikan squad when she became free from the days teachings.

The training was harsh but she never let t affect her mindset, she was meant to be free willed and kept to that mindset while trying to befriend anyone interesting she came across. Within the week she had become friends with Kusano Senju and Shino Aburame along with his friends. She had a hard time getting to Menma with his dangerous personality but she was patient and was awarded with an opportunity to become his friend, so she took it and here they were on the hunt for wanted criminals.

Within minutes she had come across claw marks on the buildings and the ground, the corpses also had been shared by a beast so she ȧssumed it must be Sho Inuzuka. The target was crazed person who had lost his partners during a fusion and had his mind fractured from the deaths and grief. Sho had become beast in the true essence but with some minor intelligence so followed Shinko with loyalty for the life debt.

Fuu could sense the target running through the city killing everything in its path but she wasn't fast enough to catch up to him, so she opened wings from her back and flew through the air towards Sho. She arrived at her target and attacked with a blade hurricane which would carry Sho away from the area that was still untouched.

The attack was enhanced by her wings and caught Sho by surprise but it didn't do much damage other than thin scratches on his furred skin, the distance was appropriate so Fuu used a flames which was her secondary element to enhance the power of her move.

Fuu didn't let up and kept enhancing the hurricane with her wings and fire she breathed out, everywhere it passed it turned to ash and it liquefied the ground. The flames had reached very high degree but Sho who had been caught unaware used Super Passing wolf fang which broke through the hurricane and headed towards Fuu.

Fuu moved to the side with haste avoiding the attack which flew through the air and stopped at a height above Fuu, and restarted again towards her which led it to colliding with ground drilling into the land. As Sho had just passed by her, Fuu used the insect abilities she had gotten from Chomei that was spider webs from her limbs. The webs covered Sho who had rammed into the land making him immobile, the battle seemed been finished but Fuu did not feel safe and charged a compressed wind blade with a lot of her chakra.

The attack was almost ready within seconds but then she heard a howl of rage from within the web prison that destroyed her concentration making the move fire prematurely. The enhanced blade was about to hit the target when whole cocoon rotated at high frequency smashing into the blade which freed Sho from the remaining constraints.

Sho headed towards Fuu who had been paralyzed by the affects of the howl, so the only choice was a chakra barrier. Sho smashed into the barrier carrying Fuu along for a ride through the city, the barrier creaked and cracked but Fuu held on. Finally after a moment which seemed liked eternity the move ended and both combatants landed on the ground. Sho seemed to have gone through a beast like transformation and turned into werewolf with blood red fur, the madness was clear to be seen in his eyes.

Fuu was ready to engage the enraged foe when she sensed an attack coming from her back; she quickly took to the sky dodging the move which almost hit Sho. She looked towards the direction from where the flames came from and saw a young man of 18 with black hair, the most eye catching thing on the teen was the clan symbol of Kusangi on his gloves.

The situation wasn't looking good, so she decided to stop holding back and drew on her bond with Chomei and formed a chakra cloak of vibrant green color which was the color of her chakra. The cloak strengthened all her stats and gave additional protection; she looked towards her enemies who didn't seem to work as a team.

Kyo Kusangi had turned serious when he saw the cloak and also cloaked himself with the Divine Flame Armor which was one of the strongest techniques made by his clan. Wings appeared from his back and he flew towards Fuu while throwing fire balls while Sho had followed with a rotational attack.

Fuu saw the moves coming at her and could see them clearly, with her power enhanced she used wind to have Kyo bump into Sho which had the males inflict harm on themselves and followed with a dense wind spear. The spear hit the targets by surprise but Kyo was fast in his reaction as he pushed Sho into its path, saving himself as he still had the armor.

The Spear hit Sho but it only pierced slightly into his abdomen, as he had the barrier at the point of impact and the fur which was stronger than enhanced metals protecting him. Even then the damage done was serious with the internal organs all had been cut, so Sho went on his knees while concentrating on his healing ability.

Fuu saw that as an opportunity and attacked with more spears but this time Kyo was ready and created a giant flame pillar in front of Sho that stopped the attacks while moving towards Fuu. He cursed the fact that his clan had lost the immortal tier artifacts but he couldn't do anything about it so he concentrated on his armor, strengthening his flames by using the sunlight and chakra.

Kyo attacked with multiple fireballs and spears covering the sky with flames while Fuu continued dodge some and got hit by some but it didn't do much damage with the cloak's protection. Both realized the ineffectiveness of the weak moves, so Fuu charged at Kyo while Kyo concentrated his flames over his limbs ready for direct confrontation.

Fuu moved erratically and kicked at his back but Kyo reacted well and responded with a well placed a punch which blasted both of them as they got hit by flames and sharp wind attacks. The combatants didn't stop and continued to fight but Kyo was having difficulty keeping up with Fuu who saw the chance and axe kicked from the sky into the floor.

The hit and the impact was too much for Kyo, so he lost consciousness from the accumulated damage while Fuu was also heaving in heavy breaths from the fatigue gained from such a stressful situation but the damage gotten kept on getting healed so physically she was in top condition but the chakra was at 60%. Kyo was a worthy foe to have her use that much energy when she had tail beast cloak on but now it was time to end him, so he gathered her power to finish but it seemed Sho was waiting for such an opportunity.

Sho got her by surprise and hit her from the left side but luckily she had the cloak as she might have been completely shredded as even the cloak was showing difficulty holding back the attack. The attack carried her into the floor and kept on pushing her down while she focused on defending herself and trying to stop Sho. They had drilled a 2 km into the ground within seconds by the time Fuu had hit Sho hard enough with chakra arms to smash him into the sides of the tunnel.

Sho kept on howling in rage but Fuu didn't let up and kept on pummeling him with her chakra coated fist, the anger and rage had built up for too long from witnessing such disgusting situation. The pure girl had lost her composure and only regained her sensing after 5 minutes when the opponent was nothing but paste in the dark underground. Fuu looked at her deed and left quickly to the surface to finish off her remaining foe but when she got there, Kyo was gone without a trace.


In the City of Black Iron the atmosphere was filled with misery and on top of a 50m building it was tense, any moment the situation could become explosive.

Menma observed the targets carefully and chose the method for fighting them, the plan was to make them his slaves and he had already seen how it would go. The enemy was completely unable to sense where he was but had the defense on for any attack, Menma took out his weapon.

The weapon he took out was deadly and beautiful, in its simple design. It was an immortal tier weapon given to him by the clan head, Known as the Immortal slayer and called by the name Gae Bolg. The spear was the most important thing on hand for Menma but also could become the most useless, as it was immortal tier weapon which meant it had its on intelligence and personality. Gae Bolg did not deem him worthy with his low strength which made him very angry at the start but he understood that only people of the Hokage's level might be able to use the weapon at 100%.

Menma took aim at Yosaku Yamanaka the oldest member of the Shikon squad, with his strength the spear would fly at 5 times the speed of lightning and with the effect of the spear it would multiply by two which should be enough to test the foe's capabilities personally. He didn't hesitate and threw it from behind the enemy towards his legs, the Gae Bolg flew without making any sound or causing any effect on the surroundings and closed on the target but before it could reach within 5 meters it collided with a psychic barrier.

The spear tried to pierce through while the enemies had realized they had been attacked and Yosaku concentrated on stopping it, and Shikon helped him quickly avoid the offence with the chance given. Shikon did not just stop there but had the shadows act like whips and attack the whole area hoping to find the invisible opponent. Menma was satisfied by the result so he called back Gae Bolg and landed nearby where they could see him, the attacks didn't land on him as he was protected by the barrier generated through Gae Bolg.

Menma looked at them with happy smile on his face and spoke, "What a nice day it is, my fellow warriors. A nice day to find some slaves. No need to be so tense, I know you two are smart and should realize how the situation will end. You either become my slaves by surrendering or through the hard way or you can kill me and die later knowing you killed someone of real importance in this world. The choice is yours to make, I will give you 5 sec's to decide."

But as expected the two did not surrender, Yosaku took flight and attacked psychic blasts while Shikon dived into the shadow zone looking for an opportunity. Menma just laughed at the attempts and decided to stash the spear to make the conflict challenging. For now he started off with some low level moves, he rushed towards Yosaku by utilizing the wings that appeared on his back enhanced by the wind and dodged the moves while pursuing him and attacking with wind and water bullets that covered the area making it impossible to dodge.

The attacks occupied Yosaku who had to block them using a psychic shield, the vision was obstructed and gave Menma an opportunity to hit the barrier with a condensed Rasengan which pushed Yosaku down to the ground but with focus he managed to deflect it away, which resulted an explosion that destroyed 100m from the point of impact.

The act of deflection wasn't the only thing he did, as Yosaku also used the force absorbed through his barrier and redirected it at Menma which blasted him into a nearby building and caused some bruises on his skin, following that countless spears of darkness bombarded him while the shadows converged on Menma to immobilize.

The duo did not believe that would take out the Little Monster of Konoha, so Yosaku did not hesitate to utilize his full capabilities even if it destroyed his current vessel while Shikon had the shadows converge along with souls nearby to form an armor of darkness fueled with despair of the fallen and his chakra.

The duo charged their attacks waiting for Menma show up and blast him into bits, Menma did show up but he caught Yosaku by surprise as chakra chains caught his foot which suppressed his powers and had him plummeting to the ground from the sky, with the additional pulling force of the chains. Menma met him before he collided with the ground with his fist covered in ice chakra and hit him in the abdomen but fortunately Yosaku was able to concentrate on his ability and teleported 2 meters away where he was pulled by Shikon to safety.

Menma did not let the attack go to waste as he targeted the duo and blasted them with freeze beam which froze the immediate area creating an ideal battle ground for him. The duo dodged the attack and retaliated, Shikon still had his charged Shadow Lord's blast on hand and used it by appearing behind Menma by several meters while Yosaku fueled by the unending rage he felt at being manhandled by a child used the hidden reserves of his powers into the one powerful blast at Menma.

Menma's first reaction was to teleport but the duo seemed to have realized that and applied moves that had the effect of solidifying space around the area, so that even if he teleported with difficulty he would end up being defenseless as the attacks looked like they were homing type. The dangerous situation excited him and he activated the Golden Chakra cloak with black outlines at some points while laughing, and created condensed rasengan with all chakra natures combined for enhancement.

The duo's attack hit Menma who was at the center of the confrontation, with them colliding with the large rasengans. Menma kept his focus on the rasengan so that they don't explode on him and resist the attack from the enemies while duo didn't seem to want to waste the chance and put more chakra into it. The force generated by attacks were having toll on his arms and Menma could feel his hands bleeding, and losing fingers so he decided to activate the first gate.

Menma felt the rush of his power suppressed by the gates within his body being released, the power was intoxicating but he didn't have time to waste so he focused it on his hands. The rasengans were once again enhanced and flew out of Menma's hands towards the enemies flowing through their attacks. The duo didn't even have a chance to react when they were hit by the move which had been weakened considerably but still packed enormous power; the duo became the center of a blast zone that covered almost 10 km.

Menma landed far away from the area of effect while closing down the gate as it was too taxing on his body because of his enormous chakra reserves. The body had been completely healed and he looked to be without any trace of battle. "Gaara you can come out now" Menma said seemingly to no one.

Then Gaara appeared in the sky as he seemed to have always been there, and flew toward Menma. "Congratulations are at hand Menma; you have grown so much since last time when you fought against Father."

Menma turned to Gaara and hugged him which surprised the boy and said, "No need for that I still haven't achieved a level which I am comfortable with but I am happy that you have exceeded my expectations that Trident you are using as flight tool is really something, close to immortal tier just need some more high level ingredients."

Gaara reciprocated the sign of affection and took the compliments happily, as it was very rare for his best friend to actually say good words to anyone. Mostly it always ended up with Menma drowning others in shame and anger with his words, so it meant a lot.

Menma looked towards the directions where the duo should have crashed; the dust storm was dispersing slowly so he controlled the wind to accelerate it. But before he could see the condition of the duo he heard the screeching of a bird, then he saw a flaming object move at blinding speed even to his eyes go through the area and disappear breaking through the barrier which Menma felt.

Menma sensed the area and found the duo had disappeared, he thought that it must be one of the members who rescued them. The enemy had gone at speeds surpassing what he could move at by a long shot at least 10 times, so he didn't know what to do and waited for Fuu to join them before he decided there course. Fuu didn't take long to arrive as they only waited for a minute or two, she described the situation and Menma understood what to do.

The flaming object was the Kusangi clan member using the Divine Golden Crow's Retreat, it was very good technique for escape but it had the problem of large cost and won't last long along with leaving traces as the flames would burn for days until someone forcefully cleared them off or the user was highly proficient which was not the case here.

The team didn't hesitate and flew towards the escaping criminals on Gaara's Trident which had become large enough to accommodate them. While traveling Gaara decide to ask something that had been bothering him, "Menma, why didn't you invite Hinata along the hunt hasn't she become strong enough to handle it and I am confident that her father must have given her the Sun Bow."

Menma didn't open his eyes or get up from his meditative stance and replied," I would love to fight alongside her in such dangerous environment but the problem is that she is special. Since the day I met her I felt this aggressive dėsɨrė within to destroy her and had to suppress it all the time when I accompany her.

She isn't the only one as I felt the same from Kusano and Sasuke. I checked and concluded that it might have to do with our souls; we should have negative relation from a past that we didn't live. I keep her at my sides to see her achieve the power I believe she holds but I will not let some unknown force dictate my choices as I will not kill her but make her mine unless she betrays my trust.

You don't have to worry as she might join us the next time or some other time as I have been working on the solution, which is about to be realized and is in the final stages."

Gaara took in what he heard from his friend with seriousness, if the three mentioned made him feel like this that meant they were likely to gain power to stand on equal grounds with the monster of the generations, the thought made him feel the pressure and suffocating at being lower in the standing, and not living up to the expectations of loved ones. He was lost in his thought while Menma smiled slightly hoping that the information would lead his friend to a path of greatness. On the other hand Fuu felt ecstatic at the idea of another girl joining the outings as the boys were too uptight.

After several minutes they finally caught up to their targets and landed on the ground to follow the blood trail which led to them being meeting up with Konoha Shinobi who seemed to be really tense, so Menma let his chakra flow and found that they were being followed by 50 enemies. He looked closely and found the tiger man to be carrying Hana Inuzuka but he decided to handle the trio that had escaped first.

Menma walked up to the trio who struggled to even move and covered them in chains, "You should have just surrendered now taste the suffering you deserve for denying me. But for you Kusangi, you are lucky as I didn't give the option so you are safe. Enjoy the torture my slaves." After finishing his piece Menma threw them into the Uzumaki Gulag and they disappeared


The sun shining overhead, the forest was filled with an intense atmosphere and labored breathing of the Were-Tiger. Menma approached Hana and touched her hand to check her condition, and find more information on what took place.

The results he got were not positive and it was highly likely that she would die; he spoke up to inform her companion, "She is hit with the Curse of Jashin; it is unlikely she will survive. The curse sucks the soul and vitality of the victim slowly to become part of Jashin. The only way to save her is to find the Lotus of Nirvana by entering the netherworld. I have done my part by informing you of this and by sending you to a place near by the Inuzuka City, so do inform them of what happened." Before Mizuki question what he had learned Menma had pushed them through a portal.

Gaara observed the situation and asked, "Are you sure about confronting Hidan, you know how dangerous he is?"

Menma looked towards the approaching prey and used the power of Origin Mokuton which made tree roots appear in the vicinity of the enemy piercing them without any difficulty and suċkėd them dry turning them to ash while in front of Menma appeared a tree which grew a fruit. Menma plucked the fruit and enjoyed the feeling of absorbing the power of the prey and replied to Gaara, "No need to worry, if the situation gets too volatile I will have us escape by using some of my treasures. On the other hand this is the best opportunity to test out our abilities to the max while experiencing risk and I have so many things to test that need durable subjects."

Menma replied as he had fought the enemies with brute force without using majority of his techniques as it would make it easy and boring.

While Fu agreed without any question as she heard of what kinds of atrocities the incoming foe had committed.

The trio sat down on tree trunk to wait for Hidan to arrive while Fu reflected on their battle and realized that they caused a lot of collateral damage, meaning that they most likely killed a lot of the people. She mentioned that to the boys but Gaara just shrugged his head and said it was unavoidable, and they were not his people. While Menma just smiled at her, "Fu you are so cute when you talk about such things but let's be honest here, there was no other method and I am not willing to put my life to save them. I saved them but that was only a byproduct of my dėsɨrė to hunt, nothing more. Just remember I am not a hero, people call me a monster with good reason it's just that you don't know me well."

Hearing what the boys said made her sad and lonely to be the only who cared but also angry at them for being so uncaring. The situation was serious so she didn't want to make a scene and the battle today made it impossible to save it from collateral damage, so she calmed down for now.


The trio did not wait for long, as the ground before them exploded and when they looked over they saw a figure wrapped in darkness that looked like a coat and a bone mask covering the face along with bat like wings on the back and horns on the head. The energy felt was enormous and killed all living things in the area along with spreading miasma of death into the region.

Menma responded quickly to the situation and threw a marble towards Hidan which struck him without giving any chance to react. The place where it struck formed a golden wheel sign that seemed to disperse the miasma, Menma was satisfied at the result but felt the loss of a legendary object being wasted at a goon of the dark immortal when it should have been used on Jashin himself. But there was no crying over spilt milk, he quickly informed the team to support him from the back while he engaged Hidan.

Hidan seemed to have gone berserk but surprisingly he talked, "Mortal, I see that you have great destiny to fulfill which intrigues me. For that I give you a choice to submit yourself to my rule and become my loyal servant, in return you live and be blessed with power beyond your wildest dreams."

Menma didn't even hesitate in saying no thanks and attacked by throwing an ice rasengan which upon contact froze the area but did not hit the target which kicked him from the side. The enemy moved too fast for him to register and the hit made his bones creak with the force of the impact along with blasting him for miles.

Jashin didn't seem to be in a hurry as he walked towards Menma asking him to reconsider giving the team a chance to achieve their optimum stage. Chains covered the area trying to harm Jashin who walked through them like they were nothing but Menma had already expected that to be pointless so he had the chains act as a medium for barrier making.

The barrier would hold for 5 seconds at most, so he acted with haste and activated his armor known as Chaos Uzumaki MK 3 which covered him in metal of red and black from head to toe. The armor amplified all his powers but used a lot of chakra making it suitable for only those with high chakra levels. With the armor on Menma felt the rush and his instincts screamed to be unleashed on the world, he didn't hesitate and flew towards Jashin boosted by the chakra booster on the suit.

The swift Uzumaki came at Jashin like a force of nature and punched with terrible force to which he reacted and gave a punch in return. The fists collided which destroyed the surroundings from the point of collision while they continued their combat, spreading glacial effects on the surroundings with every move from Menma. Support came from the sides but it proved to be ineffective while Menma felt his arms shatter and heal many times.

Gaara decided to act with seriousness and threw his spear charging it with high amounts of chakra which made it faster than ever before and with an opportunity provided with Menma who had let Jashin punch through his heart by deflecting the move. The trident pierced Jashin carrying him into the sky while he struggled to get free, it accelerated as it traveled and changed directions towards the ground.

Jashin was dragged into the ground and bombarded with attacks charged by the trio, which destroyed the surroundings leaving it barren. The trio retreated while watching out for Jashin but before they could move out of the danger zone a scythe came at Gaara to bisect him fortunately Menma reacted in time and blocked the attack.

The attack cut Menma in half from the abdomen but gave enough time for Gaara to escape. Fu didn't hesitate and pulled 2% of Chomie's chakra combining it with hers and coating herself in a chakra cloak, and attacked with Dragon Blast which was an A rank fire Jutsu. The flames produced were white and went in a straight beam hitting the area where Jashin was, liquefying it While Gaara used the Trident as a conduit and attacked with a Plasma cannon.

The attacks caused a crater but Jashin walked through them like they were air and attacked Fu, who also didn't hesitate and fought him head on. The dark being was cruel and had no dėsɨrė to spare the children.

Fu attacked with chakra limbs but the foe was too durable while she lost limbs and healed. Menma didn't wait either as both parts connected he unleashed the chakra cloak to further enhance his power and attacked.

While Fu attacked from the front, Menma charged from the back planning to kick Jashin who reacted quickly by cutting and kicking Fu then ducking and slashing Menma. The attacked packed power and would have bisected him in half but Menma reacted in time and blocked the scythe with Gae Bolg.

The force of the move pushed him into the air but he persisted and invested more on the boosters, the standoff continued until Jashin was hit from the side by the duo blasting him away. Before they could even take a breath, the fiend had appeared near them again and punched Gaara so hard that he went flying into the distance while cutting Fu's limbs as she continued to fight and healed from the missing limbs.

Menma wasn't left alone either as he was also part of the conflict and lost his limbs many times, while trying to dodge an attack he suddenly lost his head but his body didn't stop and continued fighting as the head regenerated. The battle was taking a toll on them as the regeneration cost a lot of chakra and they could die if they lost all chakra.

Menma opened the first gate while Fu pushed herself to 5% which led them to increase the pace of the conflict and finally give some damage to the enemy. Using Gae Bolg as the conduit Menma blasted Jashin with Absolute Zero beam which pushed him away from them and froze the surrounding.

He fell to his knees to catch his breath while Fu turned off her cloak retreating beside Gaara, they couldn't sense any threat anymore and thought he might be done for now. The kneeling Menma could feel his instincts screaming for destruction, the necklace was being suppressed while his real personality was surfacing. The caging of the killing dėsɨrė was making the return be like a flood, it was starting to creep out.

Gaara who was standing beside Fu felt the alarm go off telling him that Menma was about to go berserk as the real personality had been suppressed too long and the battle had caused him too much damage building up a lot of aggression. He quickly had Fu retreat back away from Menma, as he was unsure if he would hold back from killing them.

Menma felt his blood burn and his eyes turning red from the aggressive dėsɨrė, the blood ŀust was palpable but he still held his intelligence and realized that Jashin was still alive, waiting to give them a disgusting surprise which made him angrier. He didn't hesitate and activated the extreme function of the suit, Overdrive, which transformed it a little bit and cables popped out which went towards the duo.

With his teeth grinding Menma said, "Do not resist" as the cables attached to them suċkɨnġ their chakra while the suit charged up on so much chakra that it started shining. The power could be felt outside without any push from him that even Jashin decided to stop playing. The suit had enough power charged that before he lost his mind Menma teleported the unconscious duo to safety.

With situation under his control, the scattered Hiraishin signs could be of use once again. Menma teleported behind Jashin and on his clones from the other sides, and slammed rasengan at him covering him in the blast zone. The attack was more potent than anything as it held his chakra and the chakra from a tail beast of high level. But he didn't stop there and took to the sky and slammed his knees into the immobile foe that was getting rid of the after effects of the last attack.

The force generated from the attack broke Jashin's bones and had made difficult to move, so before he healed Menma grabbed him by the neck and pulled. The strength applied was so much that the head popped out along with the spine. The body continued to heal at a visible rate while Jashin smiled at what he was experiencing and said, "You are the best vessel I could ask for, you will be mine…" Before he could say more Menma growled out "Nobody owns me, especially trash like you. Disappear with the force of my wrath."

Menma kicked him into the air, which cracked his mask, and opened up a blaster from the suit concentrating enormous energy and blasted Jashin. The beam was too fast for Jashin to react with his current vessel and carried him along as he completely disappeared while the beam traveled to the atmosphere and dissipated once it hit the planetary cage.

The excitement of the moment and the bloodlust had gotten to his head, so the city that had been almost been saved by Hana turned to wasteland along with 1000's of miles nearby. The energy from the absorption was too much and the suit had reached its limit, it went haywire and with Menma not thinking right it ended up exploding which caused massive damage to the area and Menma. At the epicenter of the blast a portal appeared from the malfunctioning of the suit and Menma was dragged into it as he lost consciousness from the blast that caused internal damage as the suit connected deeply with the user.


Naruto floated in the sky as he watched the destruction, the battle had been intense and so many techniques had been thrown along with the usage of complex Daos.

'I never thought Jashin was real, guess he will be a good challenge.' Naruto thought as he looked at the line connecting Hidan to his Master

Naruto didn't help as challenges helped people grow and he could see that this would help Menma grow, he didn't how but it will help him change.

'He has damaged his chakra system terribly with that uncontrolled release of his powers but he shouldn't die from anyone's' probably.' Naruto thought as he knew that Menma when unleashed was a lot stronger than most people knew and even now he hadn't even used most of his bloodlines at his disposal because he liked to play around so unless there is a chance of death, Menma doesn't go all out with all his abilities

"You had your fun, Jashin. Why don't you go back now?" Naruto muttered as Hidan's body floated nearby

Hidan smiled, "Outsider, interesting. I have still so much to do but I will leave for now. We will definitely meet again."

"Of course, I will be visiting your place soon."

Jashin turned serious when he heard those words, "I see, I will be looking towards it then."

Hidan flew away towards the location where his daughters stood while Naruto watched him go; the battle had brought Tobirama to the location along with many eyes.

"It was Menma"

"Why didn't you stop him?"

"Hidan was the one who did it."

Tobi really hated talking to this man, "Where is he now?"

"Menma disappeared into a space crack while Hidan left the area."

"I really hate you"

"I love you so try to handle this smoothly." Naruto said as his astral form disappeared

Tobi looked at the destruction and sighed, things were just too hard to handle once territory became this big.

He couldn't handle his senses being on for all the time and covering even a 10% of his territory so how could he know when crime happened.

The lack manpower was killing the stability.

'I should have done this from the beginning. Extreme times call for extreme measures.' Tobi decided to let the chakra born go on a ŀustful frenzy in these days to ɨmprėġnȧtė the mortal to increase their population, it shouldn't be hard as they had a very high stamina

'We should also get some children from Akainu. Suna already has kids from Crocodile.' Tobirama thought as he disappeared from the location, it was just a clone and the knowledge came to the original


While these battles were going on Onoki's eldest son was busy with the mission given to him. He was in a meeting with the Uzumaki Lord, the father of Mito Uzumaki to decide the fate of Iwa.

"They plan to unleash demons on this land and the center of it all should be Konoha, which isn't far from here."

"That shouldn't be a problem, we did send them back 50 years ago so what's the real problem."

"Jashin, they are working with him."



A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment

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