Naruto was very much amused by this world and couldn't help but smile as she sat in the class for the lecture on advanced Chakra studies.

'Man, if we learned like this then we would have been insane.' Naruto thought as he heard things that only came up letter in his own life not something children would learn

Naruto turned to look at his classmates and found similar faces with older looking bodies, from buff to beautiful.

The natural energy and Chakra was affecting them on the mental and physical plane as they grew stronger so they were achieving the ideal state.

Every one of them had a serious look, none showed the ignorance of his world and the childishness when the teacher spoke.

The teacher himself being someone that could make light joke of the Kage of old in his world, 'Can't believe I would see some unknowns being this strong.'

'Focus on the class' Naruto heard the voice of his bench mate and turned to the cute little Kusano, who among the girls had the cute and petite look

'I am focused. I can divide my attention into countless parts without a problem. So do you understand all of this or do you need some help.'

Kusano looked at him with those green eyes filled with wisdom and untapped power, she was the grand granddaughter of Hashirama Senju and his true successor after a century.

No one ever treated her normally, she was royalty from the beginning and showed signs of inheritance of the old lineage.

There were exceptions and Menma had always been one of them as he stood above everyone, 'Now another brother pops up and he seems to be unhinged in another way.'

Kusano had been around people and could tell from the short conversation that this boy saw life as a game and would make things difficult for the enjoyment and rush.

'I don't need your help as this is just last year stuff and the teachers are just summarizing it before we will start New Year course. Thanks for the offer.' Kusano replied after a short pause

'No problem, do I really look unhinged? Girl, I am the face of innocence remember that and soon you will be calling m R.' Naruto said the last word suggestively and chuckled as her face went red and she tried to crush his foot

'You perv, seize your thoughts.'

'What thought are you talking about? Such a shame, your mind is corrupted my cute little Kusano.' Naruto shook his head with a sad look and annoying the girl ever more

"Naruto, will you care to share your thoughts with the class." The teacher stopped the lecture as he spoke to him

Naruto looked away from Kusano and stood up while pinching her adorable cheeks, "No sir, I will be visiting the principal first so let us meet in the next class."

Naruto walked away after saying that as the class was silent while the teacher instead of stopping him, look away with suppressed fear.

'What was I thinking? They look the same and he is much more dangerous than the brother.' The teacher thought with visible sweat after meeting Naruto's eyes, it reminded him of Menma peaceful gaze that hid insanity

Sasuke, Kiba, Sakura, Ino and Kusano had great interest in Naruto, much more than the rest. They knew he wasn't Menma's brother as there had been no mention of him.

A clone or it being Menma was being considered at the moment.

'How strong is he?

What madness lies beneath that smile?'

'He wants to talk.' Sasuke thought and looked towards his close rival, Kusano. She was the one along with Hinata that give him a weird feeling of belonging

'It's definitely not love.' Sasuke denied as he couldn't believe he would ever be attracted to Hinata, she was doll like in early years and the loyal slave of his hated enemy

Sasuke could see that they had been in conversation and was curious why he wanted to meet them.


Naruto walked through the corridors and looked into the classes, and whistled in appreciation at the addition of some fine women in this academy.

'I can't believe even she is teaching a class, guess it must be a requirement before taking personal disciples.' Naruto thought as he passed by a class on seduction and underhanded methods of combat taught by Anko

'Can't believe Master's wish got granted and he bagged Tsunade.' Naruto imagined how that might have happened, it was something impossible for him to guess and he arrived outside the Principal's office

The secretary didn't stop him and he entered the office that was very much lavish like the rest of the place.

Homura Senju sat in the office waiting for him; he was unlike his parents and was a lot like Tobirama.

'A very high affinity that it must have affected the rest negatively by a lot.'

"Welcome, Naruto Uzumaki. I am honored to meet your esteemed self, please have a seat." Homura stood up and greeted him

"No need for all of that, how are you doing?" Naruto shook his hand and dragged him into his ċhėst as his body grew into the ȧduŀt self

Homura didn't resist and hugged Naruto; he had been informed that Naruto already knew most of the people in top positions affectionately in a parallel world

"I am doing fine and quite enjoy watching children grown to their potential."

Naruto let him go and they sat down opposite each other, "Children must be getting on your nerves a lot."

"No, no. They are quite respectful and do not make trouble once called out, even on the rare cases that it happens."

"Hmm, that's good. You seem to be doing a good job settling them down into the right places, Tsunade must be proud. Ah yeah, how has she been doing and your dad?" Naruto asked with clear curiosity

"Thank you, I am just doing what I can and as for my parents they are busy most of the time but everything is well according to my knowledge."

"Is Master still hitting on woman, does he sleep around or has he been tamed?"

"Please don't mention that, my dad would never do such a thing. He is very loyal to my mother."

"Chill, Homura. Where I come from, he used to sleep around a lot and had around 100 or so kids that I took care of."

Homura almost broke his calm look when he heard that as he had never actually imagined such a thing, Jiraiya had always shown loyalty in this time since Tsunade accepted his love.

"I guess Tsunade did make a lot of difference in his life style." Naruto muttered with a smile, he really felt happy for both of them

"Right so I will be meeting them now so let's talk later, if you want to share knowledge on fire control then don't hesitate to ask." Naruto said as he patted his shoulder and disappeared, his senses locked onto Tsunade

'He is truly an anomaly.'


While the original body was meeting Tsunade, Naruto had also sent clones to meet other people. One clone came across, Lee and was surprised that he seemed to belong to a well reputed clan.

'I knew Guy was his dad that bastard.' Naruto chuckled as he landed near Lee who was just coming back from an individual ȧssignment as unrest seemed to be spreading

"MENMA" Lee rushed at him to catch his hand to stop him from leaving as Menma didn't tolerate his presence most of the time for being too loud

"LEE" Naruto replied as he rushed at him and hugged Lee

Lee was completely shocked, his jaw almost unhinged at the unusual response and his mind was lagging.


"Naruto. How is life treating you?"

Lee nodded to the name but couldn't find anyone named Naruto but he showed the flames of youth so he was a friend.

"Friend that gives of a strong aura of youth, I am doing fine and my life is filled with the flames of youth that continue to grow bigger and bigger."

Naruto chuckled as he remembered his own Lee and found that even here he was the same, 'No matter the world, Lee will be Lee.'

"That's good so at what step of the gates have you arrived at."

"4th gate but I can't maintain it for long, still a long way from the 12th gate." Lee replied honestly as he felt that Naruto was a close friend and it was okay to share

"12th gate?" Naruto found himself confused after a long time; he never expected something from his world that he didn't know much about

"It's a long story but we have theorized that there are 4 more gates above the gate of death and father has touched upon the mythical 9th gate of Yin so I intend to pace the path to the twelfth gate of heaven to achieve true immortality." Lee replied in a passionate tone, his eyes burning with excitement that it was infectious

"Can I help? I can use the eight gates." Naruto asked, his curiosity had been alit and it wouldn't go back

"Really?" Lee was shocked as even his friends thought this was too much and this new friend was willing to actually put some of his time that it brought tears into his eyes

"Don't cry, let's go eat and talk over lunch." Naruto said as he had Lee follow to the nearest joint


One of the Clones met up with Mikan, his sister technically. Naruto looked at her from afar and couldn't help but smile; she had orange hair and looked just so cute and adorable in that white and golden combat dress.

She was a lot like him from just one look, warm and all things nice.

"Hello, lil sis." Naruto muttered in a friendly tone as he walked into the garden where she was meditating over a rock platform that had many seals carved on it and radiated ancient power

Mikan opened her eyes with haste and jumped towards him, "Big Brother you are back, you are finally normal again."

Naruto let her hug him and felt that Menma needed a beating for making this cute little creature sad, 'Next time, his face in the ground.'

"Sorry Mikan but I am an alternative version of your brother. My name is Naruto but don't worry I will help your brother become normal again." Naruto patted her head as she looked at him

Mikan looked at him suspiciously but didn't feel any danger and he was able to walk inside the Uzumaki compound that was the safest place in Konoha

"Another world?"


"That's awesome, big brother is strong?"

"The strongest"

"I knew it; big brother will definitely become the strongest." Mikan said in an adorable voice as she talked about Menma

"What are you doing now?"

"I am training my mind to fight against illusions, psychics and Dream Master's. As brother said it was a shame that I was losing to Sasuke and Kusano." Mikan looked down as she remembered him talking down at her because he met a boy with great potential from a low level clan

'Issei The rising dragon of Iwa, I will find him and beat him down.'

"Relax and don't let it get to your head. This is his way of showing love; he is just giving you a goal to surpass so that you can stand by him." Naruto said as he patted her head and poured in his chakra to heal the darkness plus strengthen her chakra


"Of course, I am your big brother so I know him more than anyone." Naruto said as he hugged Mikan and walked inside the mansion, she was just so huggable

'She is very attached to Menma. Hope it doesn't get nasty.'


While Naruto was enjoying his days in Konoha, the situation was devolving slowly across the continent.

In the far of town, Hidan was enjoying his meal after having moved around a lot. His daughters were still playing around but he was sitting there peacefully enjoying the warm atmosphere.

'Sadly can't convert these heathens because of the Hokage and the contract.' Hidan thought as he looked at those smiles on the people and their laughter

'From what I have seen there shouldn't be anything and there are only a few shinobi just like the information provided. We can take it down tomorrow morning, for now let's enjoy the rest.' Hidan mused as he was hugged from behind

"Dad, we are back." Nami said with a chuckle and pecked him on the cheek before sitting down along with Nojiko

Hidan smiled and called the waiter to order more food, let the town enjoy its last day.


A week had passed by; Taki had integrated into Konoha which led to an increase in hostilities by Iwa. The security had been upped at the borders; the top fighters were all available and vary of the competition. Only the low rank fighters were involved while the top had checked each other into place, waiting for some sign and only rarely interfering to save their people as it still hadn't blown up into something big.

Hidan the leader of the cult of Jashin had been working with Iwa to launch the plan he had chosen to cause mass genocide on Konoha. He had led groups into slaughtering thousands of people in the border towns with mortal blood, to appease the hunger of his master.

The goal was no to infiltrate into Konoha but to kill as much as they could, so they had traveled within Konoha's territory far-off from the border with Iwa to any towns with low risk of exposure.

The group had been divided into two, one led by Hidan with his cultist and the other led by a former Konoha denizen along with his followers from the same area. Today was just like another day for Hidan and it was the last day for the city.

He commanded his subordinates to create a barrier of the fallen which would cover the city and cage in everyone inside until they were done.

The barrier took 10 min and as everything was prepared, Hidan gave the followers the usual speech, "For Lord Jashin, slaughter the heathens." The followers roared in unison and charged towards the defenseless populace, within minutes the screams of pain and despair could be heard.

The people tried to fight and run but all was in vain, children and all nothing was spared. They were skinned alive, ripped to pieces and eaten by some sick beings but before all could be lost a team of heroes had arrived.

It was team of chuunin lead by a Jounin to search for the enemies that had been killing and destroying cities and villages of Mortal blood. It seemed the enemy had been too careless had left clues, which led them to the destination but the slaughter had already started so the team inadvertently entered the city because of their rising emotions.

The team was a 5 man group; the leader was the heir to the Inuzuka clan, Hana, followed by a healer named Kito, fighters named Ash, Iruka Umino and Mizuki. Iruka was at the back of the group protecting Kito; he decided to retreat back with the healer but was unable to get out.

They had unexpectedly become the only hope for the poor citizens of the city but at the same time they were just like trapped mice, the atmosphere had affected the group but before they did something stupid Hana commanded the group to move together and eliminate the enemies.

Hana had thought it would be someone strong but this was not in her expectations and cursed her friends black tongue.

'I need to do this or else these people are dead. The communication is down so it should have already sent a warning to the closest group.' Hana thought as she prepared for combat

Hana separated from the group leaving them to venture forth while she charged quickly into the fray and killed any enemy she came across along with her partners the triplet Haimaru brothers. The four charged forth shredding all resistance in their path; the giant gray furred dogs of 5m size sliced the cultist with their paws or bit their heads off.

As they were inside the city where there could be survivors, Hana was unable to use any big moves especially her primary element moves but still used the wind element to cut down the foe's who were to slow and weak for her level. But the simple path came to end when she was hit by concentrated bloodlust from the front which had her stop and slowly retreat, while taking in the enemy.

There in front of her was the A ranked monster, the cultist leader Hidan looking towards her while beside him were corpses and bȧrėly live people that he had tortured. Hana was disgusted at the sight but she had her duty to perform and seeing innocent people of her beautiful land enraged her.

"Ah, what a surprise. The heir to the Inuzuka clan and an elite jounin. What an honor, what an honor." Hidan muttered with a smile as he looked at Hana without any fear, he had sent Nami and Nojiko further away as this battle was beyond their capability



Hana knew the enemy was going to be very strong, so she wanted to handle it with care and started off with making a small hurricane of wind blades to shred the foe. Before it could even cover Hidan, it vanished by a slash from his scythe. As it seemed that ninjutsu of such level might be useless, Hana sensed with her enhanced senses and chakra for any living person in the vicinity, as she mapped out a clear path.

The path without any interference had been mapped and the enemy was slowly approaching her with a cruel smile on his face while he underestimated her prowess. She commanded the triplets and charged forth with a super fang over fang enhanced with wind chakra, the 4 rotating figures charged at the enemy with speeds surpassing lightning and carried Hidan along for ride destroying everything on the way.

The attack cleared a path till it hit the barrier at the other end which was about 500 km of distance, leaving just dust in its wake. But the enemy was hardly harmed with just scratches and ripped clothes, Hidan pushed them away and they retreated with force applied.

"That was mildly amusing, have you some more."

Hana had at least expected to do some major damage with that move but this was much unexpected, she realized that the enemy was as dangerous as the reports claimed. As she glared at him, Hidan laughed in an insane manner.

He signaled her to come to him and lay down, which angered her but she took in a deep breath and attacked along with her partners from different directions. The place had no innocent bystander and she was free to go all out, they all used rotational moves intending to crush him in the center but Hidan stopped taking hits as a pitch black barrier covered Hidan.

The attack clashed with the barrier but it didn't even make a scratch, they all tried to retreat quickly but one of the dogs was caught by Hidan who didn't hesitate to smash him into the ground followed by trying to cut him with the scythe.

Hana quickly reacted and used chakra cannon along with duo which hit Hidan from the side pushing him into the barrier. The dog pulled back to the group and Hana followed the attack with a charged Jutsu, Majestic Cerberus flames which were flames of different colors with various properties that covered huge area but she concentrated it into a small zone and kept it flowing.

The triplets on her side also contributed by enhancing the flames with wind attack, the move melted the ground and every solid was turning to liquid within the certain distance but even this was not enough as a large black energy slash came crushing from the flames towards Hana.

Hana dodged the move which traveled further ahead cutting everything down but she was not relieved at being safe as the enemy showed no sign of real damage, only a change an appearance taking a dark form with horns on his head.

"Not enough, try harder you little bitch."

She looked at him verily as he laughed hysterically and charged at her, as she retreated while throwing attacks at him along with the triplets but he kept charging through them without a problem. It was not looking good for her as he was too close to her, so she threw multiple smoke bombs with other various affects like spiciness and hid her chakra, fleeing physically with her partners.

Hidan lost her but he kept on annihilating the things that were in his path, while Hana quickly calmed her breathing down and took a pill along with the triplets. This healed the damage and chakra while also super charging them with extra power which was an increase of 20%, following that Hana decided to use the forbidden move of her clan which was very dangerous and had a low rate of survival.

"Human beast combination: Four headed wolf" Hana muttered after going through some hand signs, which combined her with her partners but this form would be too hard to control along with being a large target, so she changed to a humanoid version which stood 4 m's tall.

Hidan had seen the large four headed wolf in the start as it was 20 meters tall and headed towards the target where he found a large female werewolf with an armor which had heads on the shoulder and at the ċhėst. Hidan felt the large increase in power which excited him as he hadn't fought anyone worthy for so long; he licked the blood from his scythe and used his cursed move to sacrifice any of the survivors left that were hit by him, following that he pointed towards the bitch and a large pillar of dark power engulfed her.

As Hidan attacked Hana moved at an insane speed, she charged at him and kicked him in the stomach with enough force to fly through the city and hitting the barrier again which made some cracks. Hana didn't let off and ran towards Hidan, with a chakra charged limbs she intended to destroy him but a dark aura protected Hidan.

The dark aura was weakening with the ȧssault but Hidan attacked with crescent shaped move which covered all directions and hit her, pushing her as she blocked with a chakra barrier. Hana quickly jumped up to avoid the move which had been delayed by the shield and followed it with a rotational attack that hit Hidan who was slower than her. The attack was stronger than anything before and finally did some visible damage, as Hidan was bleeding.

"Heh, neat." Hidan muttered as he touched the blood before his wounds closed up, he couldn't stop laughing as it was just so fun. There was a time when he couldn't even dream of being a jounin but here he was manhandling one of the chosen ones.

He could have easily ended the battle and summoned his dark servants, spirits of those he vanquished.

Hidan used large shockwave type move that traveled through all directions covering large area decimating all in its course but Hana would not let that happen. She transformed into the large 4 headed wolf and charged at Hidan with the enhanced Super Fang Wolf fang, the attack broke through Hidan's move and carried him along.

The duo traveled through the air breaking the barrier on the city within a second and as they had traveled a km, Hana quickly put almost all her chakra within the move and let the move flow over her dragging Hidan with it and shredding his body to pieces as it traveled through the forest outside the city and then pierced through the mountain range and stopped after going through three mountains.

Hidan had lost all his body parts except his head which was drilled deep within a mountain, he cursed in rage, "That fuċkɨnġ bitch, she is dead next time I see her. DAMN, it will take me at least ten minutes to actually summon my body and reattach everything. Fuck, fuċk…." He continued to curse at Hana and at the situation.

While this was happening Hana had collapsed outside of the city and returned back to normal but among the triplets only one survived and even Hana's survival would be questionable if she didn't get medical attention. Her team had fought valiantly but two had already died and only Mizuki and Iruka were left, they had run as they saw the powerful move and caught up to her.

The situation was looking dangerous with Hana out of commission, two members dead and the remaining injured while there were many cultists still left. Iruka looked at the situation and decided to do what was right, "Mizuki take the captain away while I stop the enemy. Hurry before Hidan returns..." He said this while walking towards the incoming opponents but Mizuki was not hearing it and used the experimental drug his master had given him which transformed him into a bipedal tiger.

Iruka was surprised at the situation but Mizuki didn't dawdle and quickly picked Hana and Iruka, and ran for his life, as Hana's death meant his death. Mizuki ran through the forest with haste and the increased power from the nature transformation had given him tremendous boost but he knew that he needed to quickly find a safe place to use the antidote for the side affect. As he was running, Mizuki came to sudden halt as he sensed multiple figures coming from the front but what appeared were bloodied figures of which he could not identify.

While the team ran way Nami and Nojiko cleared out the city, the bodies started to disappeared they were given to Jashin

"Father will be stronger now; we killed some strong ones this time." Nojiko said as she looked at the magical scene of everything turning to black dust

"Yes, can't believe someone made Father angry. They are so getting it." Nami shook her head as she knew that he hadn't even used the mask and most likely Jashin was going to appear now that he had been given some good food and a challenger


In one of the most guarded places on the Continent of Gaia known as the Land of Demons, lived the priestesses that could foresee death related to them and were the antithesis of demons. The place had barrier protecting it which was only weaker than the Kage summit area powered by all the Kages, the Uzu mainland, and finally the Konoha branch Uzumaki family. It had the power to take hits which could destroy most of the continent while also having healing ability but tonight one of the people inside was not feeling safe.

Shion Moroku the heir to the current Head Priestess and the one born with the strongest fate had a nightmare where she foresaw the destruction of her land. Miroku, her mother quickly came to calm down the delicate child of 13 years who was sobbing from the experience that was a first for her. Miroku patiently calmed Shion down while asking what she saw that made her break down.

Shion who had calmed down after some time knew the importance of what she had witnessed and spoke with clear words, "In the vision I saw that deep within a forest that had turned into wasteland, there was a giant black box. Surrounding it were the Kages while a demon was on top of it and smiling in victory.

The box seemed to be an artifact as it was activated, it glowed a sinister purple all over and then opened from one side leaving space enough for a human to enter or leave. The Kages seemed to tense up when it opened and from inside rattling sounds could be heard followed by a completely pitch black being trying to drag itself out form the box which indicated that it was being held back by some force. When the being saw the Kages it smiled for some reason and spoke something weird "In the future you envision, I wonder if I exist" that was the end for us, as the words held power beyond anything seen before. The barrier must have shattered within a second and the power killed us without any resistance as I saw nothing else."

As Shion finished her story, Miroku was not feeling well at such horrendous future waiting for them and even the Hokage could not save them in that future which made her question the probability of safety but for now she decided to inform Tobirama so that he could stop this from happening.


"Issei, do you know what I see?" Mu spoke in a calm manner as he floated in the sky above the capital along with his disciple

"No, master" Issei replied without any emotion, he turned them off whenever he entered this city

"Ah, you are right. It was not a question with a specific answer. But tell me, do you know what I want?"


"Hehe, such a simple thing. I don't wish for immortality, I wish to own the strongest being in existence. Do you understand, Issei?" Mu said with a smile as he looked at him

Issei felt his soul shudder as those insane eyes gazed at him, he was looking at death.

"No, master."

"You will understand and soon this dream will come true. Do you know about the items the sage sealed away?"


"Good, one of them is called the Box of Ultimate Bliss."


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment

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