Hidan (Past):

The beauty of life was something to marvel at and you could find it at any step of life if you just looked. Hidan agreed to that notion but in a different manner as he saw beauty in people's last moments, it gave him inspirations for his books and singing carrier.

It all started one day, he was just youthful dashing rouge that had still not decided on his path and the Shinobi was looking to be a drag. He had been Chunin for some time and he was still stuck with it after four years, knowing that it was impossible to move to the next stage he had given up.

He tried his hand at rock and amassed a small fan base but he couldn't help but feel that he wanted these songs to feel much livelier and personal. Through this reasoning his path took him into the unknown, the terrible and the insane part of society. He walked into the blood valley where he was greeted by the priests of Jashin who bowed to him as they called him the chosen one, he was confused.

"What the f…, are you guys on"

That was what he had said if he remembered right as he didn't think immortals existed out of legends. But things became really mystical as a figure formed from blood, and that was his first meeting with his master Jashin.

He looked just like a demon with those horns and tail, which had been described in legends as he seemed to have walked Chakravartin once.

Feeling the regal atmosphere Hidan bowed and was on his knees in respect, this he felt was his destiny. He needed it and when the offer came, he didn't hesitate.

"You will serve me mortal, would you not?"

"Yes Master, I will serve"

"By your command"

As he had agreed Hidan had been given power which increased his level to Jounin with the extra perk, he was immortal and nothing could kill him.

He knew he was quite crazy but he had never known how much when he actually offed himself multiple times just to test his ability like a child with a new toy, he laughed and enjoyed it.


Years went by as he battled and killed rogues and massacred mortals making a name for himself but he was still famous for his dark songs.

His path had led him to move towards the Scarlet Line as it seems that the security on Gaia was too much for him and if he was marked by some ȧsshole with high level power he would be getting killed many times without any chance of retaliation.

So he took a ship to any random island as he had no idea of the other continents geography, blame his academy for not bothering about far off lands that might not even matter to them.

The journey took him awhile but finally he arrived on small island that had been unfortunately been taken over by Fish man pirates.

"Haha this so going to be fun, I haven't sacrificed one of these things before."

He didn't learn from his mistake though and invaded a human populated island to rule from and start his further conquest slowly as he had realized how strong other beings were. His tyranny had led to many tragedies and the people cried out for a savior.

And such an ironic savior had appeared.

"We paint white roses red

Each shade from a different person's head

This dream, dream is a killer

Getting drunk with the blue caterpillar"

Hidan just calmly walked into the enemy territory while humming to himself and as he saw a Fishman he used his reapers scythe to cleave their head off. The alarms went off when the Fishman realized their comrades were dying.

"Come on you shits try harder."

"Is there no one strong here, so boring. It feels like sacrificing some fish."

The attack blasted him off his feet and he crashed into a house causing it to collapse. "You damn human, how dare you kill my subordinates." Came the roar of Hody in pure rage

"Haha that's more like it you bitch ȧss fag, come at me with some of that." Hidan cursed while getting to his feet.

"Oh you will get more of this and that, you accursed lower being."

"Lower being that's some shit dream you be having there fish boy, as the only lower being here is you."

"You will pay for that insult" Hody said as he rushed at Hidan with his trident and threw some water bullets first to cover his eyes then follow it with a thrust from his trident.

Hidan casually slashed his scythe destroying the water bullets and throwing off Hody with his strength. 'It seems the human is too strong for me take lightly damn why does this happen. I will have to compromise now and use the experimental drug' Hody thought and swallowed something.

Hidan watched as the Fishman became bigger and more powerful, he could feel it. "Now that's more like it, Bitch come at me." Hidan cursed with unsuppressed excitement.

The humans watched in awe as their savior fought such a terrible monster without an ounce of fear and was winning, they were filled with hope after experience such a horrible time. Among the crowd were two young girls, Nami and Nojiko who had been deprived of their mother by this beast they enjoyed the defeat of the Fishman and wanted to learn from their savior as to never feel helpless.

As Hody finished transforming he moved so fast that he completely disappeared from Hidan's sight and punched him with force that sent him flying out of the island into the ocean with many fractures. Hody followed into the water to fight on his home ground.

Inside the deep waters Hidan sank with a smile on his face as his body mended the wounds at a visible rate. Using the chakra he pushed himself out of the water when he collided with the torpedo like Hody who took him for a ride into the depths.

Hidan used his strength to try and get himself free but it was seemingly a fruitless attempt, as he was smashed into the bottom of the ocean where he had to use his chakra to compensate for the lack of oxygen.

As he looked he found himself surrounding by countless water sharks and dragons trying to rip him apart. But he only laughed ȯbsċėnėly "Come at me" and a dark barrier covered his body and the attacks collided with it.

Hody had thought he would win with that but he had no idea he was fighting the Neo Immortal, as he watched in a shocked gaze at the nonchalant and clear appearance of his enemy. "How..." he dragged the word and roared.

Hody started to think 'maybe long range doesn't work on him and short range as he was harmed by the initial ȧssault and the following one'. "Yes that's it, I am coming you human filth" And he sped like a torpedo with his blade attached to his back acting like shark fin he attacked Hidan over and over taking advantage of the speed difference.

But the situation was very strange as Hidan was not showing any signs of worry and seemed like everything was chill. "It's time to end this sharky" Hidan muttered as he licked a drop of blood that he had gotten from Hody in the initial encounter and then a sign appeared on his hand, and he put it on his heart then stabbed himself through it.

That was the end of Hody Jones as his heart was ripped through by an invisible force killing him instantly while looked on in disbelief t the situation.

"That was nice battle and a good sacrifice to my master"

Hidan said as he left the water with the spear that Hody had dropped, as he appeared on the surface and walked to the island he saw the remaining Fishman trying to suppress the humans. It seems he still felt some humanity in his still crushed heart to not want them to suffer at someone else's hand.

The humans instead of getting scared at the scene were overjoyed as they saw Hidan as savior since he never attacked a human from the start. Looking at them he remembered that he hadn't converted people yet so why not start now.

"Thank you for saving us great warrior" An old man with a windmill appeared in front of the crowd with one leg gone. It seems the people had gone through a lot of physical torture as well, as he was contemplating how to start two little girls ran to him.

He looked down into their very bright eyes as they saw him as a hero, with hope in their tiny voices they spoke in unison. "Mister, can you teach us to be strong"

He heard the words and they resonated inside his head, he said without any hesitation, "Yes, I will teach you. From now on you are my little disciples, how does that sound."

Hearing the excited but gentle words the girls felt really happy and hopeful at the opportunity gain what they lacked, power. "Yes Master."

"Clever girls"

"Everyone I would like to share with you good news. I will be staying here until I need to leave, for now I am free and can do what I want from the island."

The crowd was overjoyed at the idea as they now had a powerful guardian to protect them while few people held their suspicions.


They fought well alone and as a team but this was not all that was taught. They were His disciples so he obviously trained them in the dark arts and within 5 years they had met, the girls had grown to become so ȧduŀt like with extra energy transforming them into combat efficient beings. 'I am really proud of myself to have chosen these girls, can't believe they even learned how to summon the dark masks for few minutes. Really genius these girls.'

"Father what are you thinking now" came a lovely voice.

"Nothing sweetie, just cutting apart some trash here. Can't you see?"

"Aww father, I can see that but aren't you taking too long"

"Just thinking on how you girls have grown, okay happy. How were the rest of the scum?"

"I knew it father you love us, Nami would be so happy to hear that." Nojiko said in such a sweet voice

"As for the filth they have been taken care off for the glory of master Jashin as you would say Father." She said as if talking about something trivial.

"Good work, let's leave I don't want the marines making trouble for us. Where is she now?" Hidan said as he started walking.

Nojiko followed along hanging of his arms, "She is where you would expect of her."

"The treasure room"


"That girl how did she get so greedy"

"Because she wants father to have better clothes and our family to have better standards"

"Are you being serious?"

"Why do you think I am not?"


Scarlet Line

The continent named by its people after the red hot line that had formed within the ocean during the battle of immortals. It was a unique place on this world, as many traces of the powers of Immortal had been left behind, like the powers of the people born within the land even though they were mortal blood and the wacky things that just made hard to pinpoint how they worked with the natural laws, such as the Reverse waterfall and the sky island etc.

The power to circumvent reality could be seen everywhere on this continent as many places followed their own reality.

Beings made of sweets to islands of Cakes so many unusual things took place here. Scarlet line was a long land mass with countless small islands and it stood between Gaia and Yulan.

In this continent many Kingdoms and even empires exist but the major power were the council of the celestial dragons, The Marines and Pirates. Each continent had its supreme power that made it unique and Scarlet Line was not an exception to this case as it had devil fruits which made it special and their use of Ki.

The mortals born on this continent had varying sizes and physical prowess unlike the shinobi who would naturally start with First stage of cultivation, the people had to go through intense training to go beyond mortal.

Scarlet Line and Gaia had a deep connection as there cultivation system was similar and the only difference was that the other had chakra.

They went through 9 stages before their system became similar to Yulan's at the level beyond Demi.

Unlike Gaia, Scarlet Line and Yulan were not very advanced in technology and weapons plus many other things because of the lack of team work. Gaia had many clans working together under a Kage but in Scarlet and Yulan the top controlled the resources and hoarded the cultivation techniques and skills.

Without an appropriate cultivation technique, the warrior will have a hard time growing and might even waste his potential. This was not that uncommon in both these places.

Gaia might be in turmoil on the national level but the other two had deep issues to the village level, which showed the lack of discipline and control in these areas.

The Celestial Dragons ruled the continent with an iron fist, there words were law and the leader Midora was one of the strongest beings on the planet.

The Marines were in charge of keeping control and they ruled the seas, the only exception being the Yonko that were a heavy block to their path of eradicating all resistance.

Pirates were bad but in Scarlet, anyone that went against the rules was labeled such so even good people were killed under such charges.

Robin and Nico Olivia had connections to Scarlet so had sent the information to the Marines; they were loyalist with their lack of knowledge on the dark side of the Marines.

'At least better than the pirates.'

The duo had explored the insides and translated the information into modern language and informed the Marines about the discovery. This had prompted Fleet admiral Sengoku to issue a meeting for the admirals, which had them leave their duties and attend. This was an event very rare indeed as the admirals did not get along, especially a certain mad dog.

Borsalino was the first to arrive, as expected of the strongest admiral and the light man while he lazed around the room as the meeting was only going to start when Garp and Kuzan arrived. When everyone had gathered Sengoku had the sound sound fruit user start operating his abilities, so that no one heard the details other than the ones intended. He started to explain the details they had gathered about the past such as the Juubi and the shinju, while also learning that the part of the Otsutsuki still lived on the moon along with the shell of the beast.

There were many details about the clan which allowed them to learn some history about the Uchiha's and the Senju's which had Garp commenting in his boisterous voice, "Those red eyes bastards were too prideful even than seriously, guess you can't change genetics."

Borsalino added his opinion for the LOL's, "No need to get salty old man, just because they beat your ȧss." While laughing at him and dodging his punch before it could get out of hand, Sengoku stopped them.

After that they discussed how they were going to handle it and decided to sell it to the Kingdoms of the main continent for resources. While they were discussing the finer details, Borsalino moved suddenly towards a direction.

"Chill bro, I am just here to spectate."

"That's called spying, Obito." Borsalino tsked as he went through Obito

"Is it? Sorry, I will be leaving now." Obito bopped his head and apologized as he intended to leave

"Stay for a little longer, Young man. I would like to invite you as a guest to our palace." Sengoku said in calm tone as his arm turned golden and he pointed his finger at Obito

Obito felt the pressure from the man, he knew that Sengoku could not be underestimated and realized that this was a trap.

The space felt heavy and his body was starting to lose control.

'The power of Buddha, truly something annoying.' Obito thought as he opened his eyes fully to show the Eternal Mangekyo and Borsalino felt the difference as he had fought Obito only an year before

"Sengoku" Borsalino warned but Obito had already made his move and the admirals saw the result

They found themselves falling from the sky as their HQ was breaking apart and falling into the ocean below.

This place was one of the danger zone of Scarlet Line, the Dead Sea. A place filled with dangerous monsters that suċkėd Ki and had high resistance to it.

Fortunately all of them could fly but the experience was humiliating and they lost their HQ.

"You said we could get Akainu."

"Shut it, Borsalino" Kuzan spoke as he felt the anger radiating from Sengoku, he was furious now

It had been two years since Akainu had been captured by Konoha as he tried to illegally enter the Empire and pursue his Absolute Justice. Taken down by Hiruzen personally so he had no chance to fight back, with his early Saint level power.

Hiruzen being the third strongest being in Konoha with the a cultivation equivalent to Late Saint, he was only a step away from becoming a demi but this step stopped majority for thousands of years.

"Clear out the spies and the pirates nearby. We will await orders from above." Sengoku muttered as he decided to give a detailed report to the Dragons

'I believe it is time for us to act. They have looked down on us too much.'


"Phew, it's good that I had the operation or else I would have been used as a hostage." Obito muttered as he appeared in Konoha

"Obito, your new ȧssignment has been decided. Report your findings and receive details of the new task." The voice of the mission room rang inside his head as he connected to it

'I really am getting too many missions these days.' Obito mused and teleported to the Hokage tower as he wanted to give the report in person and found a serious looking Jiraiya leaving with heavy steps

'What's got his ȧss on fire?' Obito questioned


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment.

Will explore more of the other continents slowly

I will explain the cultivation levels slowly.



Naruto (Full power)




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