8 years before the current time line:

In a vast forest that should been tranquil but its peace had been shattered by the presence of multiple humans who resided in its safety. The safety of such beast known as bandits formed by rogue chakra users along with mortal bloods to leech of the populace of nations but they were quite unlucky as tragedy was just meters away of from them.

On a hill close to the forest which gave a good view, two individuals were standing drinking into the beauty of the world. The elder one, a beautiful and graceful woman in her thirties, started talking in an affectionate voice towards the short individual who seemed to be around 5 or 6 years old from his height and look.

"It's time little one, eliminate them. I want to see you fight in real combat."

The little one was shaken by her words and didn't know what to do, as he didn't want to kill people. The woman realized what he was thinking and said in a commanding manner, "You remind me of Hashirama with your passiveness and dėsɨrė to not kill but he was strong that was why he could do that and even then he died. So no complaints go kill them. Only the strong and pure can live in this world. They are evil scum that taints this world, so you know what you need to do." She said the last part by adding small amount of chakra within to influence his psyche.

The little figure seemed to have calmed and had bloodlust flooding his being, with his excitement he declared, "They deserve death and death is what I shall ensure. I would anything to make you happy grandmother."

The woman smiled at him affectionately and gave him a hug with a kiss on his forehead for luck, the short figure shot through the surroundings. The bandits didn't even realize what hit them before the little monster started slaughtering them and filled the forest clearing with ripped limbs and blood while laughing maniacally declaring to cleanse the world for his grandmother.


With Naruto:

Naruto was surprised beyond reason when he looked at Tobirama, "Damn boy, you are a bloody monster in human skin."

Tobirama didn't expect such a reaction as he was holding back his powers and shouldn't be sensed.

'He is suspicious.

Strong and perceptive.'

"That is quite natural. I am Uzumaki Naruto after all. So what can I do for you?" Naruto chuckled as he looked at Tobirama fearlessly, an expression must people wouldn't dare to use against the strongest Kage in existence

A century old living legend that had surpassed the past and left his brother in the dust.

"You are an intruder on my personal property, what do you think?"

"Let me play because I am a cute kid." Naruto held his cheeks cutely

'Not one of those' Tobirama thought as he likened Naruto to a clown

"I mean an outsider, not of this world." Tobirama said

Naruto stopped messing around and realized that the man was good at this art, the art of space and time.

"Yes, I come from another world. I am from Konoha and the real ruler of my world as the strongest being in existence. Are you going to kill me now, Tobi?" Naruto teased suggestively

"You know me well it seems, the past me. I trust you"

'Got him' Tobi smiled

"Yes, we can work together as it seems you don't like responsibility so we can work peacefully. And you are dangerous, who knows what mess you might create by fighting."

"Can we just follow the script and fight?"


"I don't like that answer"

'Oh, this guys is definitely troublesome'

"Okay a light spar" Tobi caved in as he could see Naruto readying his ȧssault

"Wonderful, see you later Hana and say hi to Kiba." Naruto said happily as he broke through space like it was a light wind

Tobi massaged his head before following Naruto to the pocket dimension.


The House of Might was the leading expert in taijutsu and its advancement through the decades; they had gone down in history as an example for warriors without bloodlines that they could step on the same stage or level. People all over the world looked up to them and they had far extended affects which led to the evolution of unarmed combat more than ever.

Might Lee son of Might Guy was the apparent heir of the House of Might; he just like always had started his morning with short nutrient intake and started training. He was living in the Dojo run by his father in the capital city while he also handled many other official businesses for the Head. Just like always Lee stretched his limbs and went through some Katas, then started his morning jog around the city. The one round of the city was almost 300 km but he had gotten used it as he started going through this routine since he was four years old. That was normal for the House of Might but many other fellow warriors did not follow this so harshly and made a tamed version for their own families.

Lee was finishing up his 10th ŀȧp which was his final when he decided to pass by the Academy where he was in the second year and just 1 more year for graduation. On the way he saw many newcomers entering the academy and as he saw them filled with hope, he felt really sad at the pressure they would have to handle being around the extraordinary from the clans. But he believed if they stuck to hard work and patience than the power of youth would guide them through the harsh times towards a bright future. This was the motto of the House of Might and he lived by it.

Lee was passing the dormitory when he felt shock flowing through his body, he felt his heart feel so tingly and he could not understand. He had seen the cutest thing ever, a girl with flowing pink hair like the Sakura trees around the dojo which he liked very much. Lee felt really nervous for some reason and sped up towards his house before the girl could see him.

He arrived at the dojo where he calmed down his breathing and thought on what he just faced, he decided to share it with his best friend Tenten from the House of Higurashi. But he knew she would busy at this time, so he went to start on the exercises for the day after eating a stamina pill.

Lee trained worked harder than anyone in the clan other than his own father, as he had to compensate for the very low chakra and his inability to transmit chakra externally. He went through his daily routine which was increased after he had felt that he could move on and ripped his muscles like always and had the healer fix him up for the spars.

He was warned by the residents to take better care of himself but he just responded with, "How can I surpass others if I am afraid of such small injuries." He laughed in joy at the accomplishments he had made through hard work and pure guts, as he was in the top 10 for the Young Dragon list in Konoha.

Only some real monster were above him and they showed potential surpass all the previous generation even the absolute beast that was Hashirama according to their ages. Because the current Hokage had already surpassed his brother's known strength, as he had died at such a young age. Which just showed even if you are genius but can't live till your potential is peaked then it makes no difference because people with lower levels would surpass what you had accomplished.

The teen greeted him warmly and he did so in return, then they took their stances and waited for the match to start. The stage was equipped with fuinjutsu seals to handle large amounts of stress that meant even hits that could destroy mountains would only leave a small crack which would heal in seconds. This was the marvel of chakra that was granted by the Uzumaki and required large payments to be owned as such only rich people or those who wished to invest right owned these products.

They heard the voice from the stage announcing the start of the battle and both charged each other. They collided in the center of stage with their forearms and tried to grapple each other but Lee outmaneuvered the teen and smashed him into the stage. The teen would have gotten really hurt by the impact but he braced himself by using his legs and pushing himself back.

Lee decided to give him a spin and rotated his body at fast speed by holding his waist, which took his opponent by surprise and had him collide with the ground face first which bruised him some. As the opponent was still healthy to fight, lee followed it by kicking him up from his stomach which launched the teen into the air. Lee then concluded by giving a spinning kick from above but the teen had gotten his bearing and blocked the kick with his arm. The force of the kick was not forgiving and smashed the poor teen into the stage fracturing some of his bones. Lee continued fighting while he made his opposition groan and be carried off stage to visit the infirmary until he himself was dragged off after too many injuries.

'This is the life. I wonder if I can fight Menma now.' Lee thought as he stared at the while ceiling and remembered the young monster that was the Uzumaki heir.

His body shivered in fear as he remembered those eyes, 'let's wait some more'

Lee was still far away from conquering his childhood fear as Menma was the nightmare of all new generation kids.



The Kingdom of eternal sand, Subaku named after the royal family, was the only one other than the Kingdom of Lightning that had ample reason to revolt against the mortal bloods. They had been suppressed while the Mortal blood rulers tried to make game of their lives and they had casualties along with deaths from simple reasons because lack of resources or some even died to the mortal blood for fun, which started the revolution. They murdered most of the nobles along with royal family and took over, while enjoying the joy of completeness for the first time.

In the desert that stretched at the edge of the Subaku Kingdom, three individual could be seen sitting on some rock formations resting with cover from the sun. The younger one the age 12 with red hair was sitting between the elder men who seemed to be his guardians.

The eldest one with a golden hook for a hand, talked to the young man with respect and care," Young master Gaara, what would you like to do now that training has finished. Do you dėsɨrė to spar with this humble servant or retire for the day?"

Gaara seemed to contemplate for some time then turned to his servant and said in an affectionate tone, "Uncle Crocodile, I had like you to share your story with me. I heard you fought my father but could you explain how it happened and ended."

Crocodile was not surprised at the request as the young master had always been curious and lovable with cruelty hiding behind that cute face waiting to be unleashed. He was proud to serve the future ruler of the Kingdom of Eternal Sand, as he had shown potential beyond any in the past and was already the stronger than people of the older generation.

Crocodile agreed to the request and started off his tale with how he got here and the following.


Crocodile had washed up the beach of the Kingdom ten years ago along with his loyal servant Daz Bones when they had been detained by the Shinobi on patrol.

The Shinobi had believed they were mortal blood, which made it easy for them to escape their prison without any problems. But unfortunately for them the prisons had seals installed which alarmed the jailers of any escape, so they were pursued by the enemy outside the city into the desert.

The Shinobi were of Jounin level but newly minted ones so they did not take the enemy lightly for they had escaped some way unknown. As Crocodile couldn't escape he was too annoyed of being pursued by these ȧssassins and started fighting them. With the advantage of sand at his disposal along with fact that he could not be killed, Crocodile had beaten them when he caught them off guard with regenerating his body from nothing.

Crocodiles luck had run out after surviving too much death like situations, as the royal heir to the throne Subaku Rasa had been visiting the city nearby with his wife when he had been informed about such an anomaly.

Rasa had appeared in the air above the place where Crocodile was staying and called out to him. Rasa had a curious expression on his face and spoke with a commanding tone like everything would go as planned, "Surrender yourself cretin, you have violated the rules of the kingdom and trespassed its borders without permission. You have only 10 sec to decide otherwise ready yourself for death."

Crocodile hadn't taken the warning seriously and had gotten angry at the tone that reminded of the royalty from his Continent. He shouted, "I will never surrender" and used his power to cause a sandstorm to blind his enemy.

But before he could move from his place to follow up on the move he had been impaled by a golden spear. He was lucky that he had logia abilities otherwise he was done for, as such crocodile also followed with throwing sand spears at the enemy.

Rasa dodged the moves very easily as they were too slow for him but he was intrigued by the abilities of the mortal blood as he had no chakra and began to think about the one tail beast. He decided that this would be the best vessel for it and they had ways to control the vessels so no risk involved other than the sacrifice of the live that might happen. But this cretin's life was of no concern, as Rasa had decided on his actions he stopped playing around with the enemy.

Rasa controlled large amounts of gold dust and impaled crocodile with it, the gold dust mixed into his body and Rasa applied fuinjutsu seals to paralyze him. He could see the expression on the enemies face, so told him to give up as with his meager abilities he had no chance to break through.

Crocodile had realized he had kicked an iron board this time and he was in real shit right now, with the look on his foe he knew he was not going to be killed but didn't look something safe was going to take place. As he was levitated of the ground, crocodile screamed at his foe to at least to take in his servant and to make sure of that he explained what abilities Daz bones had. Rasa took them both in and placed seals on them to make sure they never betrayed the royal family while Crocodile turned into Jinchuuriki of the 1 tail beast Shukaku making him one of the strongest forces behind the third Kazekage and Rasa.

As the story had finished, Gaara had applauded at the wonderful tale and realized how strong his father was as he never seen him fight. But was more surprised that his Uncle was weaker than Father as he had ȧssumed the extra power from the beast would have made him surpass Rasa.

Crocodile saw the confusion on the little masters face and explained it that it was because he was unable to use Chakra which limited his increase in power but unlike other vessels he could make use of all abilities of the beast and became immortal, and unkillable. Gaara was excited at such prospects and asked in a quite tone, "Do you think I would be able to surpass the third Kazekage as everyone seems to put have such expectations."

Crocodile knew that his young master had been going through harsh times with such tremendous weight had been placed on him but he ȧssured and encouraged him by saying of course but in time. Gaara was satisfied with the answer and asked Daz bones to accompany him for around, which he complied and they fought while Crocodile gave pointers and watched.


With Naruto:

The duo appeared on a planet that was dying, it was the perfect place to fight as Naruto had been planning to destroy this dimension soon as it had weakened too much after countless experiments.

"A very charming place"

"Thanks, I try my best" Naruto replied as he took in the sight of the lava boiling to the surface and the cracks across the globe

"Is this supposed to lower my powers?"

"I wouldn't dare" Naruto smiled and his hand stabbed at Tobirama's head

"Good move" Tobirama said as he looked at Naruto as the hand was stopped by a spatial barrier

"Not bad yourself" Naruto said as he stomped on the hand that had been aiming at his core but was misplaced because of his manipulation of space

Time and space was their playing field so distance was unnecessary and attacks could appear from anywhere.

"Will you do the honors?"

"No, no, I am the host so it's all yours." Naruto offered the stage to Tobirama

"Very well, let us start with the basics." Tobirama said as he looked at Naruto

Naruto felt a spear penetrate towards his heart, "Basics indeed"

Naruto muttered as the undodgeable spear that will always get the heart was sent towards its owner's heart.

Tobi cancelled the attack while Naruto used his hand to slice forward.

'Spatial slash' an attack that could cut anything unless it had protection of spatial manipulation

'Barrier' Tobi was covered by spatial barrier that cancelled the attack

"I am so hard right now. What about you, Tobi?" Naruto was animated as he could bȧrėly hold back

"Riveting, didn't need to know that Naruto."

"Haha, such a prude." Naruto chuckled as he blocked the spatial crush from Tobi with a thought, it was trying to crush the space that he occupied and turned him into nothing

"Let's dance" Naruto muttered as the concept of direction was lost and everything seemed sideways no matter how you changed direction


A.N Hope you enjoyed. Every character will get some spot light

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