"Spatial inversion and very advanced at that." Tobirama commented with respect as he felt that it even affected his soul

"Thanks, I try my best to impress." Naruto replied with a smile as he created small discs that spun at extreme speeds, they were holes in this dimension

Tobirama looked at Naruto but his sight and senses were being completely altered, even then he could sense a spatial slices attack coming at him.

A barrier appeared once again but this time it stayed as Tobi couldn't predict the attack anymore.

"The attack is too weak." Tobi commented as he unleashed his spatial aura to break the effect of Inverted dimensions

"I guess, it's because of the sudden de-aging of my body or else that would have caused cracks." Naruto commented nonchalantly as he closed the black hole behind him

'Too basic, need a supercharged version.' Tobi thought as he broke through the technique and finally got a bit serious

"Be careful now"

"Come at me, Old man. I take it all." Naruto said with a smile as he indicated with his right hand and stood on the lava filled ground

"Hmm" Tobirama looked at him and concentrated his chakra in full view for the first time, the world trembled and collapsed

'Dimensional collapse, he is definitely serious about killing me if he can. Just like my own Tobi, so nostalgic.' Naruto mused as his body's dimensional frequency was changed and both combatants appeared once again in the outside world

"Was that enough for you?" Tobirama asked while hiding his disappointment at the man's survival

'I need to improve even more now. I cannot allow another existence to operate out of my bounds.' Tobirama thought as he didn't like the uncertainty in any situation, he was not a risk junkie and enjoyed being in total control

"More than enough, I haven't enjoyed such an exchange in ages."

"And?" Naruto looked at him questioningly

Tobirama covered his face with his right hand as he felt a headache coming, 'Why didn't he die?'

'Why am I alive?'

"Nothing, just wanted to tell you to learn patience as you are immortal."

"Very perceptive my boy, Tobi. What gave it away?"

"The fact that you never showed care for your physical form is quite a clear indicator." Tobi rolled his eyes at such a mundane question

"Hehe, well that was just a small spar so it was just natural. I hope we can fight seriously next time when I can use my sage mode." Naruto said and then stopped as he remembered something

"Oh yeah, what's wrong with this world. I can't seem to enter sage mode. I could force my way through but it would be useless." Naruto asked as he felt resistance which was just weird as the world loved him and give him the cold shoulder at the same time

"Hmm, how do you become a sage?" Tobi asked before he formed his answer

"In our world, you need to do a task. You could try connecting with nature itself but that would be really dangerous as the task might be something impossible. So in most cases people make a contract with summons and learn their Senjutsu, and do their task."

"You are telling me that the summons are actually useful in combat to you?"

"Yes, my partner Leviathan is close to my level without using sage mode."

"Can I have him?"

"Pretty please with sugar on top"


"Look into my innocent eyes and my cute face, and tell me."

"What are you going to do now?" Tobi ignored Naruto's words and asked

"I can't believe someone can resist my cuteness, che. I am going to look around and fight, and have some fun." Naruto pouted and kicked the air childishly

"I want you to stay in Utopia for some time and learn about the world by attending the academy."

"Are you serious? Do you think I will stay and can you make me stay?"

"Spatial lockdown"

"Hehe, what a hilarious joke. I can phase through that like nothing."

"The kids are very interesting in this generation, especially your counterpart."

"OOH that's low. You are selling out kids now but I like it. I promise to stay quite if they are as you said." Naruto replied with a wide smile as all the kids felt a cold tingle across their body

"It's been annoying dealing with you."

"Your feelings are showing"

"I know. I want you to know."


The Higurashi clan was well known throughout Gaia as one of the top blacksmiths and the leading clan in Konoha only trailing behind the Hoshigaki clan of the Land of Water. The clan ruled a city near a volcano for the use of their craft and so the main house was present there but it had a branch to handle the negotiations and other things like every other ruling clan within the capital.

Tenten Higurashi was one of the top talents to ever be born in the clan and she showed aptitude towards weapons since her birth. Even as a baby of few months old she had been showing interest towards the weapons, it was in her blood and it was only rivaled by the heir apparent of the clan known as Genbu Higurashi. He was named as Genbu for his noticeable interest towards armors, so the clan head had named him after the Black Turtle of the North.

Since the age of three, Tenten had been trained in mastering of chakra along with mastering all weapons as it would be disgrace to the clan if she lost in a weapon fight against anyone else. To work towards such high expectations Tenten worked herself to the bone which is how she clicked with the Heir of the HOUSE OF Might, Might Lee.

Her friendship with Lee had pushed her further towards perfection and she was best at using spears along with swords and the basic ninja weapons. This had made her parents very proud as she had even surpassed one of the new generation monsters in his main weapon skills creating a new record.

But training with weapons was not all she had going for her, as she had been trained in the art of weaponsmithing and it was her dream to make sentient weapons like the clan head. So other than training her combat skills, Tenten also polished her skills at making weapons and could make the 3 ranked weapons which were one stage above mortal weapons but that wasn't a problem as she was still very young, only 13 year old at the time.

Life was not easy for the top potential as it seemed to outsiders, who believed they lived the life of dreams enjoying everything as they unlike others were pushed to excel without much time to relax. Most of them only got a week sometimes to rest and some hours during the day if they were feeling up to shape, and not mentally tired. The motto of the clans was to be strongest they could be at the earliest as the world was dangerous place and they could die at any moment, which was supported by history as the forces tend try and kill off each other's geniuses when given a chance.

Even the laziest Nara clan pushed themselves to excel as they foresaw the danger in the future, which just made it a fact for others. The children had accepted their fates and worked hard to achieve the expectations piled on their small shoulders. But even than they didn't feel burdened by it and made a balance between work and play, while some even enjoyed the training with Lee as prime example.

After Tenten had gone through her routine tasks like practicing her different skills and reading up documents, she walked towards interclan training ground where she had appointment with one Neji Hyuga, her fellow classmate, friend and fellow companion of the young dragon list. They had gotten close to each other since they met in the first year and became more than acquaintances when she had been labeled a young dragon, surprisingly the only one along with Lee to be without a bloodline to be part of it.

When she entered the ground Neji opened his eyes and got down while greeting her, it was already noon but it would be an hour before Lee came by after finishing his training. They had small chat for awhile after which Neji asked for her help with practicing his new skill that he had been taught.

The ultimate defense skill of the Hyuga, Kiaten, and this technique covered for all possible angles the only weakness being the caster himself. When she heard the request, Tenten was stroked with excitement at testing out her skills on one of the famed skills. She accepted the request and they both took their position with Tenten taking distance of 20 m from him.

Neji took a small breath, took a stance and starting rotating while emitting chakra which started to form a protective sphere around him. Tenten did not dally along as she knew that Neji could not make it last for long, she summoned her Kunais and threw them as hard she could by deactivating the gravity seal like Neji had. The Kunais broke through sound barrier within the moment she released them, going at least mach 100 but the Kaiten just redirected them, which had them hit the trees and piercing them easily and hitting the wall.

She was impressed at the skill but went further by throwing a giant flail at it, the force generating by the rotating sphere had the weapons slip from her hands and was about suck her in so she let it go. After that she thought try explosions but before that she went for using her Spear, Tenten charged her chakra at the tip and kept on hitting towards Neji which had the defense be bombarded by sharp condensed chakra blast. Even then it held on but Neji got tired from using it, so he stopped and looked at Tenten with pride as he believed that he had one of the strongest defenses now and won't be beaten easily like before by the top students. The smile on Neji's face was so bright that it made her little heart beat in joy at it and Neji felt embarrassed as he realized that Tenten was staring at him, the mood felt weirdly pink but was broken by the intrusion of one green beast.



The strongest Kage to exist within Chakravartin he had surpassed his brother long ago because his brother had an untimely death. Tobirama had been responsible in bringing Konoha to the stage and made it a world power; he designed the system down to the jutsus which was why he had become well known than any other Kage.

Just like always Tobirama was with blank and calm expression on his face sitting at the head of the table in the meeting room. The meeting was taking place to handle the situation about Waterfall village and its surrounding region, which had become the focal point of interest by the Kingdom of Earth.

The Earth Kingdom was ruled by a corrupt and megalomaniac ruler that wished to own everything. He had shown his interest in starting a new round of conquest; his starting point was to take Taki.

Then there were the rising powers such as; the yellow flash Minato Uzumaki and his wife Kushina Uzumaki also known as Infinite Chains. After that were the heads of the major clans sitting in their position like always but no civilian representative as this issue was about war.

The situation had been explained by Shikaku Nara and they were going through discussion on what course of action should they take. Many of the clan heads just suggested they should take over the territory themselves; it was not like they were afraid of earth. After a long grueling session, the meeting came to a closure and they decided to peacefully negotiate the surrender of waterfall to become part of their territory and they could still rule it while Konoha provided it with resources and they got some in return. They were going to get ready for battles after along peace while Tobirama had the Uzumaki couple to handle the negotiations.


Within the room the only one left were the Uzumaki couple and the Hokage.

"What's up, homies? I missed you a lot."

And this alien that was hugging Minato and Kushina that were shocked and unable to move.


"Relax, Tobi. I am having a moving moment here. You can excuse yourself now." Naruto replied dismissively

"Relax, relax. His is your son from another dimension and will be staying for awhile." Tobi said as he tried to control his facial expressions

'Please make him behave and go to Taki, talk with Kakuzu. He is someone I find interesting and has the brains to realize what choice to make. Make sure to recruit him as I think he can be the finance minister of the kingdom and I don't believe he will decline the offer. I have confidence in your skill so don't let me down.' Tobi sent the thoughts to the duo before sending them out of his office

Tobirama dismissed the couple to get the job done and to get away from nuisance while he thought back on the first time he had seen Kakuzu, he had ȧssumed the guy was a total tool for trying to ȧssassinate his brother but he did prove him wrong by actually negotiating with Hashirama. Kakuzu returned back to Taki taking over as the ruler and even gained the tail beast for such small territory, he showed his financial skills making the tiny territory with low resources become rich.

He looked forward to working with him and seeing the forbidden earth grudge at Kakuzu's disposal in action. Such a marvelous technique made by some underprivileged beings, really the miracles of the world can never be expected. He had complete confidence in the success because Taki had no other choice but to accept their offer, as the only other option was to become second rate citizens of Earth Kingdom and for Kakuzu to become the eternal slave for their service such a disgusting system.

While Tobirama was lost in thoughts in his seat, a woman with blonde hair and beautiful figure entered the room and sat down watching down him. When Tobirama came to, he realized that at some time his wife had come to visit and so he asked in a tired voice showing some fatigue he had accumulated over the week, "Sorry about that. Is there anything I can do for you and do you always watch over me?"

Tsukiumi Senju the wife felt really sad at her husband's condition and replied in affectionate manner, "Dear I love watching you lost in thought like that, it makes you look so handsome. But I came to remind you to get rest as you must a forgotten that you haven't slept for a week. Just because the power allows you to heal doesn't mean mental strain is gone."

Tobirama felt really loved at the moment and thought what he would do without her by his side and agreed with her request as he couldn't bring himself to ignore her earnest request, otherwise she would just drag him off and that would to damaging to his built up reputation. The loving Senju couple disappeared without a trace using teleportation leaving the seemingly empty room.


In the VIP lounge of the Hokage tower, the family was having a moment.

Minato and Kushina could move now and they had put full trust in Tobirama's words.

"So parallel dimensions are a thing. How different are we?" Minato asked curiously as he observed Naruto

"How different am I from your son?"

Minato stopped and realized that summed his answer, "Very different as you are too strong and retain playfulness while my son is insane."

"Minato!" Kushina exclaimed

"I am not kidding, Kushina. The Matriarch has turned him into a monster; he won't even listen to me anymore. His innocence died when she took interest in him, I should have denied her that day but I was too weak and even now when I tried…" Minato could feel tears coming out as he looked away and couldn't continue

Kushina remembered the scene of Menma standing in front of Mito to resist Minato; it had broken Minato while Mito had just smiled at them.

"That seems serious. I will help you since you are also my parents. Also I am strong because I am 28 years old now; this form is because of a sudden de-aging." Naruto massaged his chin and said as he took in the sad scene

Minato and Kushina looked at Naruto, "Can you really do this? He might hate us even more."

"Trust me because I trust in the you who trusts in me." Naruto declared with confidence

'He will at least not die by random attacks.'

The family had a long conversation as Naruto enjoyed the talk with his parents for the first time as it was a non serious situation.


6 years ago:

In an unknown area within secret building, a woman and child had appeared. They walked like they owned the place and no one held them back while they went towards their destination. The child looked up to his grandmother and asked in a cute voice, "Grandma, why are we visiting Uncle Orochimaru? Am I going to get a new toy to play with?"

The woman kept on walking while she replied to the child with an informal tone filled with love, "Don't worry my child, we are here to get you a new to play with. I promised to make you the strongest, so I will make use of any way to achieve the goal. Do you understand my child?"

The little one looked at his grandmother in worry and asked with a wavering voice, "I understand grandma and would never let you down but tell me it won't hurt, I hate feeling pain."

The woman stopped in her steps and lowered herself to the child's height and looked him into the eyes, "Little one there is nothing in this world that is free, everything has a cost and so remember that there is no gain without pain. The pain can be emotional or physical only the future will tell. Remember, you will be the strongest and the being that stands at the stop doesn't fear pain, so you will endure or I will be cross."

The little one hugged his grandma and said with conviction along with some tears, "I will do anything for you grandma, so don't be mad at me. I hate that more than anything, so I will achieve all that you set for me."

The woman hugged the little child and softened her voice and told him that she loves him a lot too so this was all for his sake. They continued their walk until they entered a room where Orochimaru was going through some documents, when he saw the woman he stood up instantly and put down everything else.

Orochimaru really feared the woman that had just entered his office and really didn't like being around her, she made him feel so small and that feeling was really the worst. With genuine respect in his voice, "It's honor to meet you Madam. How can this humble servant be of use?'

The woman looked at Orochi with a blank look and pointed at the child, "I want you combine Hashirama's DNA with the little one. I have seen that he showed a large potential and would succeed easily."

Orochi was surprised about the request and would have denied if she was anyone else except the Hokage. He looked at the child and realized it was the monster that she had been raising, what a poor child. "Madam is a visionary and the child is the one chosen by you, so this humble servant will comply with any request. I have no reason to deny it with such an excellent specimen and would like to see how the DNA would work for the new generations strongest."

"You can start now and don't forget to be extra careful or else." The woman replied with a tinge of killer intent scaring him.

"Of course Madam, I would extra careful with the young master." He replied while leading them towards the place where it will take place.


It was festive day within Utopia as today was the regional tournament that took place every year for fighters which decided their rankings in the Dragon list.

In the minimum age range for the Young dragon list was 10 years of age and such Sasuke Uchiha had participated like all the clan children to show the pride of the clan and for his parents along with his brother. He looked to his brother a lot and aimed to surpass him by being the champion like in the competition but fate was cruel mistress.

Sasuke had won against the Hyuga heir but had turned up against the biggest roadblock in the tourney, the little monster of Utopia. He had been warned not antagonize him as he could become unstable but he was not a coward and showed his best by competing against the impossible.

The battle was very short and totally one sided, as the monster had that infuriating smirk on his face along with throwing short derogatory comments. Sasuke still continued to struggle even after being beat into the ground and only his willpower helping him get up with shaken steps.

But as he did this more than once, the monster did not take it well and was annoyed at his persistence which was useless as there was no miracle waiting to happen. Sasuke tried to fight back by saying he won't give and the only way he was losing was to be knocked out; he said with conviction, "I won't let you humiliate me… I am not scared of you… Do your best"

The enemy had enough of his words and had kicked him up in the air, with the pain coursing through his body Sasuke was unable to do anything but endure. This situation didn't last and headed for the worst as the foe used his wind blade to cut off his arm cleanly from his shoulder.

Sasuke felt pain, more than ever in his short life, he could not endure and screamed out his lungs. With his shaky vision he could see the people in motion but then he heard him speak, "So you don't fear me, but I am sure that this will always haunt you pitiful Uchiha. Listen to your mommy and daddy next time because there will not be anything left if we fought again."

The extreme malice in that voice was chilling down to the core and he felt like drowning in pit darkness, he was about to die from suffocation when he had been helped by his parents and healed.


This had been built into a trauma for him and a reason to strive for strength but just always he woke from his sleep sweating from the nightmare and looked at his body to make sure everything was alright. He had been having these nightmares at least once a week for a whole year and had thought that he had conquered his fears but when Sasuke found out that HE was attending the academy, the nightmares started coming back.

Sasuke calmed his heart down and got ready for breakfast, when he arrived at the dining area there was surprise waiting for him in the shape of his brother. He forgot about his nightmare and with excitement hugged him with joy visible in his voice; Itachi had gotten up from his seat and had welcomed it so that they don't mess up the table.

Itachi hugged his brother with affection and extreme love, recharging his Sasuke deficiency that had occurred from his two year long absence. He had heard Sasuke shout in fear but had been informed about the cause, so he decided to refrain from mentioning it. If it was anyone else that messed with his brother, they might have a payback waiting for them but that person was special and the force behind him was phenomenal enough to destroy the whole clan.

So Itachi just asked him about how he was doing and if he needed anything, which led to Sasuke wanting to be trained by him and details of his adventure in the far off land. While eating he talked about some of his experiences while the family listened and asked some question and Sasuke's glittered with excitement.

After the breakfast was done and they were having tea, Itachi finished his tale about his experiences and told his father that he had decided to have the operation for exchange of his eyes with Izumi and after which they will get married. The parents took the news well as they seemed to have been waiting for him to marry the girl that he spent most of his childhood with, and Sasuke was also jumping around at the news as Izumi was very close with both brothers.


After the exciting events at breakfast, Sasuke had gone back to his usual routine tasks and trained to improve and catch up to his target. The Academy was starting tomorrow, while the next tournament was only six months away and he intended to get him back for the humiliation.

While he was lost in his training he heard someone talking to him, "Hey Sasuke, I heard our weasel just popped up in the neighborhood, so where is he." Sasuke turned around to witness Shisui Uchiha, one of his idols and friends, sitting on the wall looking down on him.

Sasuke told him that Itachi was visiting Izumi, so Shisui decided to spend time with him as he was free and didn't want to disturb the loving couple, nobody likes being the third wheel. Sasuke was thrilled about learning from Shisui that he was hoping in eagerness, he asked him to show him some tricks with Sharingan along with advice on how to best use the substitution and the body flicker technique.

Shisui rubbed his head in fondness and told him to watch carefully while he demonstrated his abilities. Sasuke had his eyes open like an owl, taking in everything with his Sharingan that had developed 3 tomoe. Shisui did the moves thrice after which he asked about Sasuke's abilities, which led them to talk about natural affinities and that Sasuke had a primary affinity to lightning instead of fire like most Uchiha's.

Sasuke talked about his difficulty with learning the element as there was not anyone that good within the family and Fugaku just wanted him to focus on learning fire first even though that was his secondary element. Shisui listened to his complaints and nodded in agreement, "That's just like uncle Fugaku, always stuck to traditions. Don't worry I have friend that might help you."

Sasuke was happy that his friend was giving ȧssistance to solving his problem and thanked him after which he enquired who it is. "You should know him as the Lightning beast of Konoha or Raijin. He is famous for his lightning capabilities other than the users from the Kingdom of Kumo."

When he heard who might train him, Sasuke was overjoyed that he might learn some of the cool moves well known in the Kingdom used by the Raijin; he hugged Shisui and thanked him.

"You are the best elder bro."

After he had calmed down, Sasuke asked for a spar to check his growth and to let Shisui acknowledge his ability so that he might ask a question related. Shisui agreed to the request and stood 10 meters from him beckoning him to start while he stood there nonchalantly without even opening the Sharingan.

Sasuke did not take offence to such obvious provocation as he knew Shisui was too strong for him and that opening the Sharingan was just pointless waste. He observed the foe carefully and started off with throwing some smoke bombs along with shuriken towards Shisui and retreating rapidly.

Sasuke had climbed up a tree and he could see his foe still looking towards him, so the plan had been failure. He decided to go from the front as anything else would be pointless. Sasuke threw multiple exploding kunai's and followed by circling around his opponent and using small fireballs at his foe.

He could still see the opponent within the smoke and just went with close combat approach, as he won't learn anything other than how useless his long range moves are at giving any damage to the high level fighters.

He unsheathed his blade that was given to him on his fifth birthday; it was high rank weapon of the 7th level only 3 ranks below sentient weapons. The weapon had been made with scarce metals and other resources which had made it highly durable, sharp and especially high affinity with fire.

So once he unsheathed the blade it was blazing hot, enough to melt diamonds with ease by its mere presence and the heat would cause negative effect to the environment but Sasuke could control it so that only things that touched the blade felt it. He rushed the opponent by first throwing some more shuriken and then attacking from the side.

"Boy is your father crazy that blade can almost reach a million degrees. Are you going to kill Menma with that?" Shisui commented as he saw the blade, it was similar to his own which could reach 4 million when he pushed it hard.

'I didn't even have a level 4 when I was that age, such discrimination.'

His words caused Sasuke to almost lose control of his body from hearing the name but he held.

The speed from the movement had caused the smoke to disperse, for Sasuke to see that Shisui was unharmed and had blocked his blade with his finger. Sasuke continued to attack while his foe continued using his finger as a replacement for his own blade, until Sasuke was disarmed when Shisui used a little bit more strength focused on the finger that the blade slipped his grasp.

The battle still commenced as Shisui decided to actually move and started giving Sasuke a beat down around the yard which had him seeing stars. After a good three minutes of one sided bullying, Sasuke was unable to get up from the floor and lay there breathing heavily while groaning in pain.

"Good match Sasuke, you have improved since I fought you last time. Fix the mistakes pointed out during the fight and continue improving your abilities and you will catch up no time with us." Shisui said with utter confidence in his voice to encourage Sasuke and to avoid making buŧŧhurt about his loss.

Sasuke appreciated Shisui's compliments and decided to ask the question on his mind, "Brother, Do you think I can win against The Little Monster."

When he uttered those words the care freeness that Shisui was showing was replace by seriousness and with a grim tone, "Sasuke I know you want to have revenge on him but I advice you stop looking for trouble against that guy. He is not someone you could try fighting against at the same age; he has the title for a reason. The guy would most likely kill you. If you meet him again with same personality, he is freaking unstable in the head that even I would find his deeds hard to stomach. While you have been growing, he grows at higher rates and even if you with your current strength fought against him from three years ago, the outcome would be the same as he never took you seriously."

Sasuke was ready to actually being discouraged but the seriousness of the topic was out of his expectations, the fact that HE had become someone to make even Shisui describe him as a threat made Sasuke feel lost at not seeing any hope to his goal. If no one on the same age range could beat him than how was he supposed to catch up, was there any way.

Shisui took Sasuke to the infirmary and left while warning him to avoid making trouble with HIM, as he seemed to have shown a highly dangerous mindset during this year that caused countless massacres of bandits which was good but the problem was the brutality and the pŀėȧsurė he showed in giving pain. Sasuke was left alone, lost within his thoughts of how to clear the gap and how to interact with HIM.


A.N I hope you enjoyed and comment.

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