The battles to showcase abilities of the new students had ended and Sasuke had been informed of his apprenticeship to the Raijin. After receiving the information where to meet him, he rushed to the place of gathering. He arrived at training field 7 which was an open ground with trees at its edges and a lake, but he couldn't see anyone at the place.

Sasuke looked around but found nothing and he was about to check with his chakra senses when he was pushed into the ground hard from the back. His head had been bashed into the ground with enough force to cause some damage but he quickly gathered his bearing and tried to free himself but unfortunately whoever was the ȧssailant was too strong.

The enemy kept on smashing him into the ground and only stopped after doing three times and finished him off by kicking him into the lake, which woke him up and he stood on the lake glaring at the foe. When he looked at the enemy, Sasuke was surprised to see his new master and could mutter in disbelief, "Why".

In front of Sasuke was the one known as Raijin who was standing there looking at him disapprovingly and replied in a harsh tone, "Kid I gave you the time limit but you were late by a minute, do you know how important a minute can be in the battlefield. Don't think just because you are the son of the Uchiha clan head that I would go easy on you, not even the children of Tobirama Senju could make me change my mind. So I want you to follow the time very carefully and never be late or we are through, do you understand?"

Sasuke felt the pressure from his master and knew that chakra had been applied but couldn't do anything but stand place and replied with a nod. As he nodded the pressure disappeared and he fell into the water again but quickly crawled out and used his flames to dry himself. While he was drying, Sasuke remembered some details about his master and his obsession with time, 'Master's mother was part of team that had asked for backup which did not arrive on time leading to their untimely deaths.'

He realized his mistake and apologized to his master as that was too insensitive of him and could have been avoided. This turned to be good for him, as the master seemed to have calmed down and talked in a composed manner, "You are a good boy Sasuke just like Shisui said, so I have some expectations and hope that you won't let me down. I am happy that you are sturdy and took the hits without much problem or else I would have been disappointed. Shisui also informed me that Itachi had returned, so what's he up to."

Sasuke was happy that his big brother figure had expectations for him and praised him in front of others, but really felt awkward being praised for getting thrashed. He replied to Kakashi in a polite manner, "Master, Itachi plans to go through the surgery and get married within the year."

When Kakashi heard what Sasuke said he burst out laughing, destroying the serious image he gave off. Through the laughter he muttered, "They are gonna being doing it with blindfolds, how kinky your bro is, eh Sasuke." Sasuke didn't seem to understand the implication and only after thinking for a moment, did he comprehend the image and was ashamed at being in the vulgar person's presence.

Kakashi laughed harder at his pupil's embarrassed expression, "No need to show such a face kid, it's just normal for ȧduŀts to do such things and you should get used to hearing about such things when you around me. I always read ėrȯtɨċa when I want to relax, especially the books written by our local author, Jiraiya of the Sannin but there are also others that are part of my collection which I hope to bring you to appreciate."

Sasuke did not like one bit what he had just heard and wanted to curse Shisui for putting him up with such a person but he decided to walk through such problems as that was a small price to pay for good training. After being introduced to ėrȯtɨċa, Sasuke was taught the principles of electricity and how it worked. For starters Kakashi had small current flow around Sasuke's hand for him to understand how it feels and watch it with his Sharingan for better visual.

They did that for 10 minutes after which Kakashi had Sasuke replicate the exercise alone, so he started working on it. But it was not easy as it had seemed and took him some time to even produce a decent amount of current which kept shocking him. Sasuke kept going on going through the training for two hours while getting random shocks from Kakashi who said it was to train his concentration and resistance. Sasuke didn't mind and was happy to improve, as lighting element was the best in speed and this was backed by the fact that if you could train your affinity then all attacks of lighting were base line real lighting speed. The exception were attacks thrown by people that hadn't trained the affinity to the right level, therefore it lacked the speed of natural lightning but still packed real power.

Being faster than lightning was a requirement for Jounin, which had been in place for two decades and such fighters did not forget to improve their speed along with speed of their moves. Learning about lightning which was his primary element was a step closer towards his goal and rank up. Two hours in and Sasuke was completely drained of his chakra, he laid on the ground trying to catch his breath as the fatigue got to him and quickly gulped down a chakra pill.

As he was very tired Kakashi gave him a short break, after which they had continuous sparring to improve Sasuke's combat prowess and experience. He was delivered to his in a body bag by Kakashi, as he had lost consciousness by getting beaten up too much.


Ino and the boys were walking through the city towards her place, when someone blocked the path. Ino would have exploded in fury and broken the person who dared to stop her but instead she had a fake smile plastered on her face, "Good day master, how can I be of help."

The one in front of Ino was none other than Kurenai Sarutobi, the Dream fairy and the current master of Ino, who was looking from her to the boys. She said in cool manner, "Hello Ino, it's a good day but it can be ruined if you don't let those poor boys free."

Ino looked at her innocently, "Master I am just helping them train and you know how some people forget to train for such skills." Kurenai looked at her with a serious look and waited for something, Ino understood what she meant and let the boys free. The boys thanked Kurenai and ran for it, leaving the females alone.

With the departure of Kurenai, Ino was alone again without anyone to take out her frustration when she saw something pink and a devilish smile rose on her face.


4 Years ago

In the far reaches of Konoha, a dangerous zone filled with giant beast of ferocious and brutal nature existed. Menma was going through intense combat training using all his capabilities that he had gained through his suffering and talent, all around him were corpses of his foes and he kept on moving in such beautiful rhythm to call it the dance of death. Today like always he worked hard to live up to the expectations of his grandma, she was the strongest being in this world and he needed to be able to stand by her side or else everything his void.

The thought of failure and his love pushed him forwards to greater heights, even with all the injuries and losing limbs during the battle he kept on moving. He fought with the intensity of a crazed beast and his killer intent was like an endless ocean flooding the forest, challenging all its inhabitants. The damage done was too much and the child succumbed to his natural instincts to destroy and the mindless slaughter started within the area but with the out of place sad song in the background which gave off the feelings the child was held back from losing his soul.

(Menma Shippuden Op 8: Diver)

I want to breathe but I'm having difficulty here

Simply looking up into the dark of night, I am a diver struggling with sickness from descent

Even though I'm alive, I need to make sure

When I turned over the map for the inside of my mind last night

It was filled with the knowledge of what I lack, leaving me alone and frightened

Even though I always thought that I was strong

I had always thought that I was stronger than any other person

With the end of the song the forest was filled with utter silence and with the stench of death. The child looked on to what he had brought upon the world and looked in to the horizon with cynical expression, the only comfort was the arms of his companion with a beautiful soul.



In the dark of the night Hinata Hyuga was running using only her physical strength to reach her destination from across the mountains ranges where she had an ȧssignment to deal with. After running for 20 min she finally reached her target, the main coast line city of Konoha known as Unity, it is the place closest to Uzu and the Fishman Island.

Fishman Island wasn't always close to Uzu but serious discrimination and threat by humans of the Grand Line led to the Uzumaki clan's intervention at the request of the Queen, which led to the moving of the Island to its new region under Uzu's protection. The Island was close to Konoha which was why the Merfolk could be seen on the streets of Unity, proving the name that symbolizes the connection of the Uzumaki and Konoha.

Hinata ran with haste to reach the boy who had been waiting for her, she opened her byakugan and found him sitting near the fountain area playing with the fishes. She felt her heart speed up at his features, the blond hair, the blue eyes, the carefree look and peaceful demeanor that she witnessed which reminded her of things only she knew about him.

She started walking towards Menma in a fast pace hoping that the running would mask her feelings from being shown. When she was 10 m away from him, Menma turned his head and smiled at her and indicated that she come close. Hinata did not hesitate and ran towards him with joy apparent on her face that people would find it hard to recognize her with such vibrant expressions.

When she was in front of him, Menma opened his arms and gave her a hug which had heart going haywire but she held together and reciprocated the feeling. The moment lasted for seconds but she wanted it to last longer as she felt comfort and safety within his embrace. She avoided showing her disappointment and smiled happily at Menma and took his hands, as she had been given permission to do anything she wanted with him as a gift.

Menma did not mind and let her drag him around the city looking at sites such as food stalls, weapon shops and clothing stores. Finally after that was the main attraction and went to the top of the Unity tower, where the admired the view of the sea, the city and even a glimpse of the far off Uzu through the coin operated binoculars that zoomed into max of 100 km.

The duo enjoyed the view and Hinata in her beautiful and confident voice, "Doesn't this make you feel lighter, so far away from the ground and all the troubles forgotten." Menma nodded to her statement with neutral visage which hid away what he felt at the words, as he knew what she meant.

Hinata realized that he had gone quiet so to lighten his mood she dragged him off the tower towards the main part of today's date, a trip to Fishman Island where she had found that a fortuneteller with real skills existed. So she had decided to help Menma by founding about his fate which might help him reaffirm himself that his goal will be achieved.

The duo used the underwater pathway that led to the island, as they had seals to protect them from external effects within certain limits they didn't need to go through the official tourism office. They landed inside the Island which was new to both of them and looked around carefully with neutral gaze as they had been trained not to show such unsightly expressions which would give away details. As she had destination in mind, Hinata dragged Menma towards the Mermaid café to meet Madam Shyarly,

The café was a small place where commoners would attend with three waiters and the madam at the bar place serving drinks; Shyarly was big just like most mermaids but also beautiful which could rival the top on the surface. Hinata had already gotten an appointment, so the madam led them to a separate room where she asked in a polite manner, "Who wishes to see his fortune or is it for both?"

Hinata wanted to see if she would end up with Menma in the future but for now she let that slip and had Menma step up, who looked at the set up with skepticism. Though he didn't really believe in it much but to satisfy Hinata's condition he complied and Shyarly started her magic.

Hinata felt down at the outcome of the deal and really wanted to know why the day had to go so wrong when everything was so magical before. She called for the waiters to handle Shyarly and left after paying the fee with an extra for whatever damage the woman might have received. Hinata sighed and looked up into the sky thinking that she had to run again to reach their dwellings, which made her feel so disgruntled and even her love for Menma would not stop her from giving him well deserved beating. That would have been possible if it was anyone else but she kept these thought for her dream while rushing towards the objective, this time with chakra to reach the place within minutes.

Hinata wondered how she actually fell for such a difficult man, he was not noble nor an intellectual but a lover of violence and destruction.

'I wonder how it could have been, if he had never changed.' Hinata had learned from Kushina about his younger days and had been shocked as she believed that he had been a devil from the wȯmb.

The first meeting had been strange and it changed her world, and her life from becoming stale. She had been a doll but he brought life to her meaningless existence.


A beautiful day has set up on the world and in the private garden of the Hyuga clan two children were sitting together while their mothers were spending time with each other.

Kushina Uzumaki had decided to meet her best friend Hitomi Hyuga and decided take a rest from work and rest while letting her son interact with others of his age. They were chatting about their lives and household things while complaining about certain events. Hitomi Hyuga was a beautiful woman with purplish hair and she showed grace like every Hyuga in all their movements which was ingrained into their being since childhood.

Hitomi was complaining in tired voice about her husband, "Kushichi, Hiashi has gotten to strict on lovely dumplings and I don't what to do. Please give some help here, he is obsessed with making Hinata surpass the Uchiha and the fact that there so many Uchihas high in the list of the Adult dragons is making him go crazy. Look at poor Hinata she looks like a doll always just accepting what asked of her and never asking for anything." She unleashed the barrage of words while crying into Kushina arms.

Kushina hugged her friend back and tried to calm her down; she looked towards the kids and found Hinata staring at Menma like she had seen an interesting specimen which gave her the idea to let them hang out more as this might lead to something more. On topic though even she had trouble controlling her brat, he was too insufferable at some moments though he was so cute but she regretted not having so much time because of the lack of manpower with the huge territory even with the help of the lower occupations being the ones being employed in batches.

Hitomi stopped crying weeping slowly and accepted what Kushina had said and with confidence renewed within her she said, "Yes, I will just do that and show him who he is dealing with. That insufferable better not reject my request or he will get it." After which they went back to discussing other topics.

While the ȧduŀts were busy, the children were sitting in place and just staring at each other. Menma looked at Hinata attentively observing everything and taking in all details, then gave his opinion with an emotionless tone, "You are weak."

Hinata had also been staring at the kid that she had been forced to meet; she took in the details intently like she had been trained and thought he did not have any openings in her vision. The words that he spouted had her almost make some unlady like responses, but she asked in similar tone, "What do you mean I am weak, do you wish to have a duel so I may educate you for your ignorance."

Menma only smirked at the response and replied, "I would destroy you with a move, if nobody was here and no one would ever know. What a tragedy." While getting up moving towards the lake slowly on the other hand Hinata felt chills run down her spine but unexpectedly even to her she didn't feel anything against him but felt even more interested what kind of person this Menma was like.

They both sat down by the lake staring into the unknown when Menma made an offhand comment, "You know what, Hinata you are a really weird girl. If I had said that to someone else they would have cried or ran away in fear or even attacked me, such childish reactions but you are really sunshine in the cloudy day. So I change my statement, you are really weak now but can become stronger and let me add I like weird people."

Hinata felt some sort accomplishment for making him retract his statement while his words made her feel something within, she had experienced her first crush and it was a stone cold guy. But that smile he had when he looked in to the distance was really dreamy and made him look more attractive, that she wished he would smile more.

While she had those thoughts, Menma had had seen her smile and also found her quite cute but he was not interested in such dealings and felt no more than that, and went back to thinking about his training to be the strongest.



Kiba didn't want to rest until he found a clue about Pluto, the being that governed darkness so that he could meet him and take his test for the sage training. That was the only method he had found to achieve the dream to becoming the strongest, he was not okay with the status quo that drove the world. The Uchiha, Senju and Uzumaki stood above others no matter what they did but the mistakes done by their ancestors especially the Uchiha and Senju had led the, to be segregated from learning a complete sage mode related to powerful beings.

The Uchiha's couldn't even do the sage mode anymore, as the world rejected them which was the consequences of their ancestor and the recent case of Madara Uchiha who tried to fȯrċɨbŀƴ invade into one of the regions of the summons and had been almost killed. For the Senju's the decision by Hashirama had put them on the blacklist but some exception were made, therefore only Senju's without Mokuton are able to learn Sage mode.

Kiba felt the pressure from his mother's success just like most of their generation because the parent generation was too successful, especially because most of them had accomplished the Sage training and his mother had brought the clan to new heights by learning the Sage mode from Anubis. This led him to going through clan documents, where he found a small account about a clan member who had an encounter with a being of darkness by falling through a portal.

The only thing he learned was that the name of the being was Pluto and he governed darkness after enquiring his mother. This set in stone his path of Sage mode that he wanted to accomplish, so just like always when he had free time he went through ancient books. He didn't expect to find what he was looking for but fate had shined on him, as a book fell on his head from above.

The cover showed how valuable the book was and its age was impossible to distinguish with it looking new like most of the books in the library. In it he found the clues he was seeking and the danger that came with this impossible goal but he smiled at the challenge, as without this path he will never touch the footsteps of the Senju, Uchiha and Uzumaki. As he was about to leave he saw Ino heading towards the Academy grounds which confused him and he saw further ahead someone pink.


In the borders of Konoha there were small villages that had minute population and lived in harmony, in their tiny world. One of the villages near the border with Iwa filled with natural beauty and joyful people but tragedy had visited them and there was no hero to save the day.

A giant fat man of 3 m in height could be seen roasting food within the village, which might have looked normal until you saw what he was cooking. On the fire were a humanoid corpse being cooked and the fat man adding spices while drooling over the smell. "What a delicious smell, young girl meat is the best. Even if there are delicious meals out there, the best is always at home."

While he was cooking his meal, a blond man appeared behind him and kicked him into the flames, "You fat bastard what have I told you about cooking that nasty shit where we are staying. You take that shit out of here or I make you suffer brain damage more than you already have."

The fat giant got up with anger blazing in his eyes but he held himself back and left with his food along with his supplies while muttering he would make the blonde man whore pay. The village had become a place of nightmare with the houses ransacked and destroyed while the place was filled with the smell of blood which had dyed the ground red and the corpses with missing limbs. The screams of the people rang out in agony from the torture suffered at the hands of these monsters along with the grunts and vulgar words from the beast that were busy unleashing their sėxuȧŀ dėsɨrė.

In the main house of the village a man of 1.7 m, a ripped body was unleashing himself on the defenseless mortals of the house, a small girl of the age of 13 could be seen by the side of the bed with her face marred with extreme bliss from sėxuȧŀ pŀėȧsurė and bleeding from delicate places while her mother was going through the act with similar expression stuck to her face forgetting about everything else but the pŀėȧsurė, they had been going at for many hours but the man showed no sign of fatigue. The man of the house had been cleaved apart and thrown outside; while the man was busy someone entered the house.

The blonde man had a disgusted expression on his face as he neared the room and called out to the man, "Hey boss, what do you plan to do now. I want to know whether we are staying for awhile or moving on today as I have to handle the gang." He needed wait long as the reply came along with sound of extreme pŀėȧsurė of a woman, "We are staying and enjoy some while you are at it, don't be a faggot."

"Right" The blonde man muttered in a neutral tone as he exited the house and watch for any threats

While these disastrous acts were happening, Neji had turned in the mission and communicated the suspiciousness of these attacks.

'Is it Iwa or Kumo or even Grand Line or an unknown party?' Neji was not sure but he knew the world had entered the beginning of the age of turmoil; the signs were starting to appear.



The sun high up in the sky was shining brightly; its light penetrated the eyelids of one Uchiha Sasuke that had been asleep like a dead man from the beatings. As the light hit him, he ġrȯȧnėd and slowly woke up with pain in his body and realized that his ȧsshole of a teacher hadn't had the decency to feed him medicine before throwing him into his room.

He dragged his body to the wardrobe and fished out the pills and took one, so he could heal completely. After 5 minutes of meditation the process was done and he looked at the time, which told him that he had an hour left. So he took his time in the bath relaxing his body and then joined his family for breakfast, but unlike yesterday his brother wasn't there because of his busy schedule.

He did his greetings and gave a hug to his parents to show his love for them and received in return, and then he had breakfast of rice and fish with soup followed with green tea. The food would look ordinary from the inside but like all major clans the food had herbal essence which helped growth of power, though the quality differed from clan to clan as they could get it from the suppliers or hunt for it themselves.

Sasuke would always have something on his mind since the incident but today he was feeling real happy, as he had seen hope for his situation with the knowledge he received from his master about the master of Lightning. If he could go through the trials of Jupiter than he might receive his blessing which would grant him untold power but this was far of in the future.

With happiness apparent on his face he left the clan after receiving a kiss by his mother on the forehead for luck, though he wanted that to stop but for the feelings of his mother he didn't complain.

Today was the start of the Academy, though not much would be taught in his eyes but most clan members didn't really attend to learn to fight but to recruit members for their entourage, make connection with other clans and for research as the staff and other student could be valuable in the field. Though there was also the prizes one could receive which came from all clans, so one could receive treasures they might not have available even with help of the clan.

He arrived at the Academy and walked towards his first class, where he saw the other clan members sitting in their own little groups and the commoners in their own groups, except for Kusano who was sitting with a gaggle of girls attracted towards her friendly personality.

Sasuke didn't know anyone other than the clan members and didn't want to join their groups, so he walked towards the empty seat beside Sakura. She had piqued his interest yesterday, so he decided to recruit her before anyone else. When he sat down beside her, the girl was visibly shocked as expected but quickly steeled her expressions and turned away.

Usually people would try talking to him in a very submissive manner but this reaction was what he needed, so it was plus from him. So he tapped the table lightly to catch her attention as she returned to reading her book and introduced himself courteously, to which she replied in swift and direct manner.

The reactions and reply really made him happy from inside but her nervousness was starting to bug him, as he was questioning where that powerful personality disappeared to the teacher entered the room. The class quiet down and the lecture started on the basics of chakra which was common knowledge to them but it was the foundation so the course started with it.

After the class ended and they had 10 min break before they needed to reach the next class, Sasuke tired communicating with her but she ran away quickly. He realized that she had seen Ino and then made her escape, which gave him an idea of what might have happened.

He might not care for most people but he didn't like it when people acquainted with him were bullied by someone strong. Sasuke walked towards her group to give her a piece of his mind, so that she would stop antagonizing the poor girl.

On the other side of the room Ino was sitting with Choji and Shikamaru, Choji after seeing Sasuke coming their way said in a dramatic tone, "The antagonizer is approaching and he is going to antagonize Ino."

Sasuke stood in front of Ino whom looked at him in a bored manner, "What do you want Uchiha."

Sasuke didn't want to go out of hand so he requested with a neutral tone, "I want you stop bullying Sakura."

When Ino heard that a smile sprouted on her face, "Ooh did the mighty Uchiha fall for the pink ape, how the mighty have fallen. As for what I did with her is my choice and if you want me stop, I want to see you beg."

From the side Choji whispered to Shikamaru, "The antagonizing has begun."

Sasuke became angry at her words and replied in an aggressive manner, "Ino I want you stop this or else you will pay in the arena, you know we can challenge a person at least once a week. Also this is too petty even for you, do you think He will like it when he sees you being so pathetic. Oh! I forgot he left you here and might have already given up on you."

Ino jumped from her seat and slammed Sasuke into the ground which would have destroyed if it hadn't been reinforced with seals. With rage apparent her in her voice she shouted, "You fuċkɨnġ bastard, if I hear you say that I again I will murder you. Do you think because you rank higher you miraculously became stronger, you hardly won the match against me and that was because the Sharingan reached its final stage in the battle? Without the eyes you have no advantage over me not even in physicals, so keep that bullshit to yourself and remember that you will never be even half the man he is. As for the pink sŀut I have to interest in her, I just needed someone to take out my frustration on and I played with her so she got scared."

Sasuke tried to break her grip but she held his throat to tight, that he was losing his breath but before he could break the grip she and blasted his mind with her powers. He quickly opened his Sharingan to cancel the move and kicked her which sent her flying colliding with wall. They both quickly took offensive stances ready to murder each other with killer intent flooding the room from both sides but before it could go out of hand both were suppressed to the ground.

They tried to struggle but couldn't do anything, the heard the voice of the head master of the Academy to stop making trouble and that they were expected to g through punishment for breaking the rules. The pressure was alleviated and the duo got up, staring at each other with hostility. Ino left the room while indicated that he would pay for this next time and Sasuke left when she had gone far enough, he massaged his throat as he went towards his next class.


While the academy drama was happening, on the far ends of Konoha the Uzumaki couple had arrived to achieve their mission. Minato did not have seal within Taki so they had to walk the distance while walking both were in a solemn mood. Even the ever cheerful couple had things that brought them down; their eldest son whom they had groomed to be powerful had a terrible personality and no matter what they did it didn't change.

He was too cold and aloof, the people he was even close to showing emotions could be counted on both hands. He had shown unstable mindset at occasions, they did not know how it happened but knew it was caused by the clan head of the Uzumaki clan in Konoha.

Kushina as she walked thought about her son and felt her mood dampen further with what she had heard about his reputation. Tears of frustration could be seen in her eyes at the fact she was unable to save her beloved child from the witch, whom she had trusted since childhood. She looked at her husband and felt that she wished he could save their child once and for all like he did for her that fated day.

Minato felt her gaze on him and realized what it meant, he felt ashamed at being unable to even save his child. He hadn't told Kushina but he had confronted the clan head once when he found about the problem but he couldn't do anything and had almost died at her hands. Till this day he had nightmares about the woman and her words ringing in his head, "Know your place scum."

The words were filled with immense power that it almost destroyed his body but he endured and survived with minor damage, he struggled against her but it was fruitless endeavor and the only reason why he stopped was when she told him that she loved the child as her own. Minato had stopped going against her because he knew his child would become strong in her custody be safe and that it was pointless try because even Tobirama wouldn't want mess with the woman.

Minato turned to Kushina and said in a depressed tone, "I am sorry", which broke her heart as he knew and she understood that it was impossible to separate their child from the Clan head. The destination was close, so the couple steeled their emotion and got ready to perform what they had come for.


Mikan Uzumaki the second child of Kushina and Minato Uzumaki was an 11 year child and with her current limited vision her goal revolved around her big brother. Just like always since she realized her brother had changed, she was trying to hack the seals to Naruto's room to find clues on what had happened to him. But it was fruitless as her brother was just too good at what he did, which made her proud most of the time but Mikan wished he wasn't good at this sometimes and this was an occasion.

As Mikan was busy doing that, she heard footsteps heading towards this location and quickly gave up on the endeavor, disappearing outside into the clan garden. She sat down on the swing and was joined by her maid, Rias Gremory from a branch clan of the Uzumaki. Unlike the Uzumaki the Gregory did not have the innate talent in Fuinjutsu or the adamantine chains, but they still had the large amounts of chakra and life force.

Rias had red hair and her figure had the potential to be one of the best as could be seen from her mother, she was 12 years old and had been trained to serve the heir of the Uzumaki clan but had been transferred to the younger child because of compatibility problems. She stood behind Mikan and spoke in a complaining manner, "Young miss you need to stop messing with your elder brother's room and stop acting like you were always here, nobody will buy that excuse."

Mikan felt embarrassed at being pointed out her deficiency and clicked her tongue in annoyance, "Okay, okay. I will stop doing that and do you have anything else to say other than nag."

Rias sighed at her situation but reminded herself that it was better to serve Mikan than be with Menma and replied in a joyful manner, "Young miss my job is to take care of your needs and remind you of your mistakes, so that you can correct them. If you want to catch your elder brother's attention than stop making childish mistakes but for now I am here to inform you that your friends have arrived and are waiting in your room."

Mikan jumped from the swing," Are you serious woman, tell me that first before you start pointing useless stuff" and ran towards her room followed by Rias who smiled at her master's act where she tried copying Menma, which made her look so adorable and wished that this would never end as that figure was too terrifying and gave her nightmares.

Mikan entered her room and was met with the sight of her friends going through her stuff, which they stopped doing once they realized she was present. Mikan didn't really mind as there wasn't anything of real importance in her room and she did the same when she visited their place.

Konohamaru Sarutobi the grandson of the Monkey sage, Moegi Senju who had also awakened the Mokuton but was weaker than her cousin Kusano and finally Udon Ise the only clanless person in the room. The group had been formed through clan ties and from their mutual cheerfulness of the children, when they met in the training grounds for live practice against monsters.

Mikan greeted the trio and sat down on his seat to decide on what to do for the day, as they were free. Konohamaru jumped up in excitement and said, "Let's go watch the academy kids and see what they are doing. We could learn some awesome things by watching them."

Mikan thought on it and realized she could monitor the people his brother considered to have some potential. There was also the fact they had to attend some years later, so they could scout the place. The group agreed to the suggestion and walked towards the Academy, on their way they checked the card shops and the group cursed at the fact that Menma's cards were not available.

They continued the journey and entered the place and watched the students from outside, when they came across some commotion in one of the classroom. Mikan and co. burst out laughing at the Uchiha getting beat up by Ino and Mikan realized that Ino was really strong, the following confrontation made her see the difference between them and the huge chasm of power that separated her brother from her. She had been hit by quick understanding of what her brother saw and how he operated, the way to close the distance was power and so she lead the group to the training grounds along with Rias to work towards becoming stronger.



Far away from Gaia on one of the lone islands of Scarlet line the Isshin dojo exists, the absolute ruler of the island loved by the people for their humble and charitable nature.

Just like always the day was bright and cheerful, the people were lively and the dojo was filled with vigor. The sounds of fighting could be heard along with the energetic voices of the practitioners.

While the normal fighters practiced within the dojo, Zoro an orphan who had arrived on the island 2 years ago was being trained alongside the heir proving his talent and persistence. What drove him to ignore his health to strive for becoming the strongest swordsman he didn't in the start, as he had lost most of his memories of the past only having flashes of someone beating him and calling him weak along with a final vision falling into the sea hearing the words unworthy.

The vision had haunted him for years pushing him away from people and to prove his strength to everyone. But through the hard work of the master and Kuina, Zoro had finally opened up and found new reason to become strong that was to protect the people he loved.

So just like always Zoro went through the motions and used the techniques of his master using 250 tonne blades in total weight in both hands. The father and daughter duo on the other hand sparred to help Kuina improve her fighting prowess, she was the heir and the most talented of the bunch but being female she felt that her growth was significantly lower than Zoro in physical leaving her with only skills to compensate for the unfairness.

The battles would also help her unlock Ki that was deep within her but unlike Chakra users, Ki users had to go through tortuous training to unlock the power within and it was not 100% certainty. Kuina had increased her training as she felt her Ki building up within her body and just needed the right push that would finally unlock it.

After an hour of fighting her father, Kuina had a spar with Zoro who was obsessed with surpassing her in the start but now had become softer on her which made her tingly inside but also made her push forward to make him treat her seriously. The fight continued for many hours with both combatants unwilling to give up and it seemed like it could end with Kuina victory once again but suddenly a red aura shrouded Zoro.

This surprised both of the children and Zoro was ecstatic which was followed by Kuina as well but the reality of the situation set in making her realize that she was weaker than him now. The situation made her feel dizzy and sick within, the emotions were warring within her and she saw Zoro approaching her with concern and love. That gave her the motivation to conquer her depression and she was covered in blinding light that spread through the island, the pure and enormous Ki hidden within had burst forth to show that indeed she was the chosen one.

The awakening of Ki in both childhood friends was a big surprise and an event to celebrate, Zoro after clearing is eyes rushed Kuina and gave her a big hug smiling at her from the bottom of his heart at the taller figure. Kuina was overcome with happiness and endless joy at achieving such a spectacle; she reciprocated Zoro's show of affection and cried tears of joy. Koshiro Isshin the father of Kuina was on his way towards them when in front of the children a figure descended from the skies.

The figure radiated power but gave off a harmless smile at the children, he examined them while they clamped from the fear of offended such powerful figure. On the other hand Koshiro had been paralyzed and couldn't move, watching the disgusting monster look at his children like prey. The man examined the children of 12 years and set his sight on Kuina, beaming with excitement he said in gentle tone, "Little one would you like to become my apprentice. Sorry if that confused you, in my excitement at seeing such potential I became too hasty. My name is Chu Feng and I am one of the Sword Kings."

Kuina was flattered at the offer but her instincts told her to be careful, she looked at Zoro who seemed to tell her to agree but she couldn't bring herself to leave her father and Zoro. She turned to the man and declined the offer, the expression on his marred with viciousness suddenly and he laughed at them with derision. "Declining my offer was a stupid thing to do little girl. Nobody denies me what I want, so come along or see everything you love die."

The killer intent spread by the man was overpowering but Zoro and Kuina persevered, they took labored steps and attacked the man through force of habit. The man looked at them with contempt and waved his hand at Zoro which led to him being crushed by an invisible force smashing into the ground while he caught Kuina and disarmed her. "You dared to resist little one, so that you don't make the same mistake I will show you the consequences of your actions."

The man flicked his finger towards Koshiro and his body disintegrated not even leaving a trace along with destroying the area behind him. The children witnessing the event were horrified, Kuina continued to struggle and scream within his grasp which led to her getting knocked out while Zoro screamed in rage and tried to free himself. But reality was a cruel mistress the man laughed at Zoro and left with Kuina leaving Zoro to scream in hate, until he succumbed to the tiredness and fell unconscious.

The next day when he woke up he wished that all was a dream but when he went down from his room, he saw the students sitting with funeral clothes on and he looked towards the front, and saw his master's picture. Zoro understood the nightmare was real and but was unwilling to believe, the flurry emotions left him powerless and he fell to the floor crying out in despair.

The students helped him calm down and reminded him that Kuina was out there waiting for him to save her, he packed up his gear and took the Yin Yang pair swords that were the treasure of the dojo given to them both and left on a journey to search his enemy and become stronger.

In his Journey Zoro still did not find who his enemy was but still did not dėsɨrė to give up and kept himself motivated, and kept breaking through limits. He fought different monsters, criminals and other martial artist, and picked up techniques from others along with from the teachings of his master. With such strong motivation and help of Ki, Zoro progressed faster than ever and continued to grow at an alarming rate.

After 2 years when he had turned 14, Zoro travelled further than ever and challenged the Demon brother s that had started terrorizing villages within the Grand Lin, migrating from Gaia. The island they had taken residence in was far off from the eyes of justice, so he had decided to kill them saving the people and also getting experience in fighting strong opponents.

When Zoro arrived at the village it was already too late as the demons had already started killing. Zoro hurried himself and rushed towards the enemy who he found to be Meizu while the other brother was somewhere else. The enemy did not expect any resistance arriving and had to block Zoro's attack which packed the power from an arm that could lift 3000 tonnes.

Meizu blocked the attack with his gauntlets and as the teeth blade was about to hit him, he was replaced by a wooden plank that was on the ground nearby. Zoro had already learned about the tactics of Shinobi so wasn't surprised by such beginner move and spun at high speeds creating a twister that suċkėd in the foe that was about to attack him.

The demon didn't let Zoro down with his ability, as he blasted multiple water bullets at the twister which stopped him and gave an opportunity for Meizu to move in and attack. The demon moved with ferocity and planned to cut him down with the clawed gauntlets and even if he missed just a scratch would kill the brat from the deadly poison.

Zoro activated his Ki enhancement in time and slashed towards the incoming enemy, the attack would have sliced Meizu in half if he hadn't sensed the danger and covered the weapons in chakra. The two warriors continued to push against each other and were locked in intense competition when Gozu the other twin brother decided to interfere.

Gozu came at him from the back and Zoro felt the danger so he jumped in the air, then slashed downwards with Ki creating energy attacks that hit the enemies on ground. The attack caused dust to rise and cover the area giving Zoro the opportunity to land safely further away utilizing the martial arts of the marines.

As he took his stance chains burst through the dust cloud intending to entangle him but he did not give them the chance as he charged his legs with Ki along with blades and rushed towards them avoiding the chains. Utilizing Ki along with martial arts of the marines, Zoro speed increased to an alarming rate that even he had difficulty seeing where he was going but he had already mapped his approach, so created a blade storm once he got between the twins.

The storm was too close to dodge and the enemies were suċkėd within enduring the slashes enhanced with Ki and as this gave him the opening Zoro activated the twin blades and slashed upward towards the demon brothers cutting their life short.

As the battle ended and his nerves calmed down, Zoro felt the pain his body felt at being abused so badly. The enhancement with too much Ki could be bad when the body can't handle such energy concentrated in one place but he had no choice as the enemy was stronger than expected and the only option he had was to push his body through such methods.

After taking a short rest, Zoro picked up the equipment that survived from the twins along with the bodies and stored them within the spatial ring to turn them in for cash as he needed more for better resources. The battle had given him the chance to analyze that he was above the average genin from the main continent but it was unknown if he could fight a chuunin or a student from the royal academies. He felt that it was really unfair how these trashes probably got better training then him for free while he had to struggle to achieve.

Before he lost himself in thinking of negative thoughts, Zoro decided to leave towards the mercenary guild for supplies and handing in the latest catch



Naruto was filled with satisfaction as he felt that the world was troublesome again, it had threats and even risks. He wanted to sing out his joy for the world but Naruto knew that he was tone deaf and didn't want to kill people at the moment.

He had never imagined that someone could teach him. It was such an impossible task as his power allowed him to bring his imagination to reality.

Naruto was invincible since the day that he devoured the whole of Otsutsuki clan, using their methods against them.

Every kill had granted him new powers and finally he had achieved a state that no being had achieved.

'It is good that I didn't tell them about my six paths powers.' Naruto thought as he sat inside his personal pocket dimension filled with books that he had written and collected. This library had all the relevant knowledge from his world and would update automatically once something new appeared but Naruto could feel that the connection had been cut.

'The Sage must be alive in this world from what I ȧssume and living in the next plane. The Otsutsuki should also be living on the higher plane but they might have some down here. The barrier should be their doing.

Where is Kaguya? I can sense her everywhere, it is kind of weird.' Naruto mused about questions that popped in his mind as he had passed the day

He had learned the legend of Sage and realized that the old man was a lot ridiculous in this world so he was happy that he didn't share the knowledge about being the second Sage of six paths.

His real appearance had changed since devouring the Otsutsuki so he actually had white hair and two large dear horns on his head but it was being suppressed so he ended up returning to his human form.

"Did they rip her apart and spread her body across the globe or what?" Naruto muttered and chuckled at the thought as he imagined tiny parts of Kaguya trying to get together across millennia

"Well enough rest, I should start interacting with my new summons already." Naruto said as he didn't want to risk actually losing in a serious fight

His body changed into his original age through transformation and he connected with the summoning world.

Naruto took a step and walked into the middle of a sacred ground of the toads, which meant he was surrounded by potential sages and even a sage or two.

"Charming" Naruto muttered as he saw them all react violently, it was the response he was looking for and he breathed in the air of violence while his clone breathed in the scent of ŀust, he was in his zone


A.N I hope you enjoyed and comment.

Kusano from Sekirei

Rias Gremory from Highschool Dxd

Mikan from To Love Ru

Kyo Kusanagi from KOF

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