Being surrounded by giant monsters with magical powers in large numbers was a nightmare to many people but to Naruto it was just another date.

He loved to fight especially people that had the skill, making it worth his time.

Naruto could have tried to pacify everyone and he was the best person at such a thing but would that be interesting.

"Of course not" So he kept shut about it and his face was filled with a vicious smile as he was very much interested in how the summons were different from his world

It was not hard to differentiate as he did see similar toads but then toads that looked like ninjas appeared, toads made of elements, a slime toad, a giant toad of 300 m with a bloody buff body and walking on two legs.

"It even has some fuċkɨnġ tattoos. I guess I know who I am summoning next time." Naruto muttered in a jovial tone as he hopped in place from one foot to another

"State your purpose, human?" A toad of human size with white wings spoke as he held a spear

Naruto found it sad and thought it might have been better to find some dragons or wolves for this as he found the toads looking truly sad.

'They look interesting and stronger than ever, I wonder what they can do.'

Naruto started his ȧssault once the words left his tongue, the wind picked up and the place was filled with enormous hurricanes that were even damaging the ground of the sacred temple even if slightly.

The force of the move and its sharpness sent most toads packing, leaving the top. The giant, the winged, one of the ninja's, Gamabunta and a dark element toad were the only ones on the battlefield but Naruto knew there were more, those that had finished their training.

These were just toads that were aiming for sage mode and each summon territory should hold a sage to be one of the top or else it's subpar.

Naruto remembered that he hadn't taken his revenge on Gamabunta yet, forgetting the fight with Pain where Gamabunta almost died.

"I will be showing you my gratitude Bunta so introduce your friends." Naruto said and his voice rang inside their heads, making them realize that he was playing with them

The dark toad slipped through the wind that was threatening to rip out holes in reality if he so wished and slammed into Naruto.

"Is that it? You are still a child. I am immune to poison and corruption." Naruto said as he caught the small toad in his hand and slammed him into the ground, disorienting it and threw it into the storm

"That was boring. I think we should just play it straight." Naruto mused as he cancelled the move and turned off his defenses so that he could have a physical battle

The speed would have caused destruction to the surroundings but in this realm the environment was filled with power, which suppressed such destructive after affects. It was the reason that a lot of the attacks didn't have long range affects and simple exercise didn't cause damage to the world since the world itself had basic survival capabilities.

Naruto would have been too fast for these toads if he was serious as he surpassed Light speed long ago even without using sage mode or higher but now he was without any enhancement and suppressed so his speed was bȧrėly 10 times speed of lightning.

Naruto judged that they should be able to operate at such levels and he was right as the giant toad moved to resist his charge. Both their fists met in mid air and what was expected did not happen as Naruto sent the toad careening backwards.

After two torturous hours, Naruto was finally satisfied with his new summons.

"Old man, I like you." Naruto muttered with a smile as he knew the old man didn't stop to teach the young generation a lesson without actual threat. It was something he would have done.

"Thanks for the complement, Naruto. I have been waiting for you, for a long time." A toad with a golden skin and a red robe plus a staff said in a sagely manner

"Not another prophecy"

"Unfortunately, there is one and you should understand who it deals with.

A vessel of the primordial

And see the world in endless sleep

The hero's soul, cursed blood shall reap

World to preserve or raze"

"You know it would be helpful if you told me the way." Naruto muttered since these prophecies never actually helped him, he knew about his own after it had already passed

"This is for you so I ȧssume that you will find the way. The easiest method would be killing him but that is impossible with Madam Uzumaki alive."

'If Beirut could be trusted then we would have asked him but we have no proof that he would be a threat worth his time.'

"Madam, huh. Whipped, Lol." Naruto chuckled as he understand a bit more about the deal

"I know why you have come so I already prepared your task. The force of nature wishes for you to spread your teachings of peace across the world."

"Are you serious?"

"Beirut, who?"

"A monster, he will meet you once you leave."

"Okay, tell the giant and his team I will be summoning them at my leisure."

"No problem and take this as you are our champion now." The Emperor Toad gave Naruto a bracelet with a blue gem

"Thanks, I won't be returning this so bye." Naruto said as he walked out of the dimension and appeared on a mountain range filled with monsters

"Hello, human. I have been eager to meet you." Naruto saw a man with long black hair and suit with glasses


"No, I am Beirut. I am the observer of this small plane so may I know whom you serve."

"I serve my dėsɨrės and I came here by accident, nothing more." Naruto replied, he knew the man was just too high above him and even his full power may bȧrėly contend with man in power but Naruto always had the advantage in skills so he wasn't sure about the result

"Play around and explore the place, got some recommendations."

"That is an excellent choice but I hope you don't pass your boundaries. When I tell you to stop, you will stop."

"Yes, Papa. Anything else, Daddy."

Beirut was confused for the first time in a million years, here was man talking so casually and in a childish manner.

It brought a smile to his face, he could feel that the man was a troublemaker and might be the one he needed.

"Just call me, Beirut."

"Naruto Uzumaki at your service, want some tea or biscuits."

"Why not, my treat for now." Beirut said as table along with chairs appeared and the duo sat down to enjoy a conversation


The rampant discrimination and the cast system had destroyed their way of living, he had lost faith in his master the day he found out that Mu had murdered the first Tsuchikage and some other great people of the Kingdom for disobeying orders that were too immoral.

Years had gone by, and he had planned to liberate their nation from the tyrant in the shadows. Slowly he weakened it, recruiting people to his cause and finding ways to free the Jinchuuriki's who had been treated as living weapons at the leader's disposal. Mu had planned something that had broke the limits of his patience and he had to accelerate his plans or else the continent might end up being ravaged by monsters, the insanity had consumed Mu this was without a doubt for Onoki so he had no other option but to eliminate him.

Onoki was sitting in his study along with his most trusted advisors and fellow fighters, which consisted of his son Kitsuchi and Granddaughter Kurotsuchi the pearl of his eyes for being a gift from the heavens. She had shown potential since she was child that she would surpass him and was almost closing on her father in power at the ripe age of 16.

Today they were discussing the details of the plan and finalizing it, Onoki asked his son, "Kitsuchi what was the response by the Uzumaki's?

Kitsuchi replied in formal manner, "Father, the Uzumaki have accepted our plea at specific cost but that is within our limits but the added condition is that they want us to release the beast at the death of the Jinchuuriki."

Onoki thought for a moment and replied, "Tell them we accept", that was his answer as the Jinchuuriki might be strong but they are not really used within combat and can hardly ever take part with Kyuubi's vessel sitting over their heads looking for a reason to annihilate them all.

Kitsuchi nodded and left the room leaving Onoki with his granddaughter, he looked over her and say that she had grown so fast and felt regret that he couldn't give her the peaceful life like that of other nations. He beckoned her to him and gives her a hug, showing his affection to the sarcastic fire cracker.

Watching the duo with a serene smile was a man in red and black armor that resembled a dragon, he was the loyal follower of Onoki for the one reason only. The destruction of Mu, the monster that had destroyed his second life.

'Finally things have started to move a bit faster. I thought I would grow white hair before it happened.' Issei thought as he kept himself calm


Issei Hyoudou was a young man of normal standing but then all changed as he became the servant of one Rias Gremory. He fought for her and his dream of a harem but then life took a turn for the worst and the academy was erased by high rank fallen.

The feeling of despair was especially strong as he realized everything was over and that people he care for had died. In the last moments he wished that at least his family should live safely.

He had believed that he would have to face the disappointed faces of his loved ones but his eyes opened to an unfamiliar ceiling. It looked so much bigger than ever, as he tried to move his limbs he felt that they were heavier and when his eyes set on his arm he realized they were tiny.

'Where am I?'

'Why am I a baby?' He questioned but no answer was forthcoming

The only thing he could do was, stare into the ceiling as he cried for the event that had taken place. His crying attracted the attention of his parents, a male with a lithe build came towards him a picked him up.

"Don't cry my little bee. I am here" The man said in an affectionate tone and moved him around in the air

Issei focused on him and held himself back from crying but they wouldn't stop the regret and the love from the man made him emotional. The man who was his father rubbed his back and he could feel soothing chakra enter his body, it calmed him down and he fell asleep.

In his sleep he could hear a voice whispering into his mind, it repeated the same things.

"You are my hope little bee. I name you Issei after an old legend of a conqueror, unlike my fellow clansmen I wish to have you surpass something higher than the Aburame."

"So be strong and beat your competition. You will won't you?"

Issei heard these words at least ten times and realized that his father was trying to brainwash him into focusing on such a goal. But through this he learned that he was still in a similar world, he was not in the same world and this world was about Menma Uzumaki.

'It's that comic character that I hear about but Konoha changed from a village into an empire. What kind of world is this?'

Issei mused as he pushed down the negative thoughts inside his head but they continued to surface.

'I do not deserve this, what about the others who died because of my mistake. I should have just died, it would have been better for everyone. What if I end up making a similar mistake again?'

'No, I can't betray these people. They are my parents now, will I deprive them of the happiness of having a good son.' Issei broke through his negative zone within a month; this made his new parents happy as they were getting worried about his condition.

3 years passed by very quickly and he learned many things within that time, he was from the Kamizuru clan. The world was completely different and the bodies of the people as well, since he had awakened he had been injected with chakra by his parent's to nurture his body.

There was a problem between the chakra users and the ones without chakra, chakraless were looked down upon. He was in the Iwa Empire, one of the cities under his clan. The children with chakra mȧturėd quickly that when they saw his results they weren't too surprised and he heard there were children with better results.

His rival according to his father, Menma Uzumaki, was a born genius and a monster of power that he dwarfed everyone with his chakra levels. His father was obsessed with having him surpass the Uzumaki so when he heard that he was already training, his father flipped. From that day he was forced through something he had never wish on anyone, books. As he was unable to practice like the Uzumaki who had special body, Issei was taught academic things and how to handle bee type creatures to ready himself for when his chakra paths were strong enough.

He started since the age of two and on the day he turned three, his father dragged him off to the training grounds. He couldn't wait anymore and Issei let him as he wished to live up to their expectations, it was much easier to live without thinking too much.

"I will surpass him for you, father" Issei said with a smile and determined look as he stood in front of his father.

"Of course you will, you are my son" His father Ohma Kamizuru muttered with pride as he had shown the spirit of hard work and done everything that was expected of him.

Issei stood with his back straight, waiting for the instructions with excitement that he used to feel before when he asked for new jutsu's.

"You have already read about chakra and its functions so I won't go over it, today we will start off with some simple exercises for you to become proficient with chakra control and increase the amount." Ohma said in a teacher's tone and picked a leaf from the tree

"This is big enough to not warrant much control so I want you to use chakra to have it stick to your hand like this." Ohma said as he showed him

Issei watched with attention even though he already knew about it and nodded, he picked a leaf from the ground and did what Ohma did.

"Father, I am done" Issei said with a smile on his face

"Wonderful, you are definitely a genius. Now let's see if you can keep the leaves stuck to all your body." Ohma said as he tapped the tree making the leaves fall and with his chakra they stuck to him but he had Issei do it slowly and only after some time were they able to completely check that Issei could copy it.

"Your chakra control is exceptional; remember that it is a very useful quality. Now the actual basic of shinobi combat, use the experience from the exercise to walk on the tree." Ohma muttered as he walked up the tree and Issei followed without a problem

'It's so much easier than before, it feels like cheating. Won't this goal of surpassing the other me, be very easy.' Issei thought positively as his spirit had been revived by his father's constant encouragement

Ohma was surprised and took it well; he couldn't keep the smile of his face. There was no one who had the record of getting it on the first try, 'My son is the best and he will make our clan soar.'

"That's good, now get down. Your chakra isn't enough to last long as it has just been activated but now that it is there your physical training will start. It is going to be harsh and you will wish to quit but you have to do this, your rival has large chakra from birth along with a body best for physical training. So you will have to compensate for it through hard work and skills." Ohma said as he looked directly into his eyes, holding his tiny shoulders.

"Understood father, I will not quit and I will win against him." Issei said with a confident tone

"Good but don't let it get to your head, arrogance can lead to carelessness and many geniuses have died because of it." Ohma warned

Issei took the words into account as he had heard and read the stories about the geniuses of the past being killed by the other nations so you had to very careful unless you want to die without knowing how.

"Now I will be giving you your first hive." He said as he took out a hive from the seals on his arm

"Oh, you are interested in this. You will be getting yours tomorrow so relax." Ohma said laughingly as he saw Issei's gaze attracted to his arm

Issei let out a laugh and rubbed the back of his head.

"Now extend your hand and I will help you" Ohma said as he caught the extended hand and put the hive on it, going through the signs slowly for Issei to remember.

Issei watched and could feel the affect of the jutsu as a link had been established between him and the hive; he could feel some of his chakra being fed to it.

"For now you will have to carry it and tomorrow we will have the seals painted on your skin that will store the hive and the other a gravity seal. The hive will feed on some of your chakra to grow stronger; they will take on your strengths so make sure to train all the affinities to a level." Ohma explained

"I understand, can we start training" Issei said in a eager tone

"Okay, we will be starting" Ohma said as he rubbed Issei's head and had Issei place the hive on the tree while they started the physical training. The training consisted of running, push up, sit ups etc and finally combat training which started off with Issei only watching and copying the movements.

2 years passed by with many changes, Issei had become famous in Iwa and known as one of the future leaders. His goal to surpass Uzumaki had been a family thing so no one knew about it but the people did encourage him to surpass the Konoha filth.

At five Issei stood at the height 1.2 m, he now understood what it meant that chakra born mȧturė quickly. He felt his advantage had lessened very quickly in the mental department as the others grew up and they were on the same level except for strategy and combat.

'I still know more jutsu, hah' Issei thought childishly as he stood to meet the Tsuchikage, who had decided to meet him once his potential had stood the test of time and shown capability to be of the top.

"Enter" The guard told him as he opened the door and Issei walked in cautiously as his father had warned him that the Kage was very dangerous and would kill for even the smallest thing.

"Stop" A powerful voice entered his ears stopping him in his tracks that he couldn't even move, he struggled to cause any movement. The struggle could be seen and suddenly the pressure melted away while Issei fell to his knees.

"Huff, huff" Issei breathed in hard as his heart had almost stopped

"You did well, surpassing my expectations. Most of these children pass out within two seconds but you held on and struggled. Come stand boy, what reward does your heart wish for?"

Issei pushed against the ground and stood up, he saw the Kage in his ghastly majesty. He was the ultimate ruler of Iwa, the second Tsuchikage Mu.

'Isn't this the guy who fought against Madara, the invisible man? He is so many times stronger than Pain, can I be this strong.' Issei stared at him in a daze

"Wake up boy, don't let yourself be lost into the strength of someone else. It will be your death, be careful and now speak of your dėsɨrė." Mu looked at him from his throne

Issei remembered what his father had said to ask for if the opportunity was given, "Your majesty, I would like to request for the golem technique." He said as he went to his knees and stared into the powerful gaze of the strongest being he had come across, 'Even Sirzechs looks like a cute little cub in front of this monster.'

"Haha, very interesting choice but are you willing to put your life on the line for this technique. If I am not happy with your progress, I will kill you to erase the disgrace you bring to my technique." Mu said as he observed Issei with interest

"I will not disappoint"

"Very well" Mu said as a scroll appeared in his hands and he threw it at Issei

Issei caught it and stored it away, "Thank you for your generous gift"

"No problem, you deserve it. You can leave now and continue working hard so you can become a royal guardian." Mu said as indicated with his hand for him to leave and Issei nodded as he turned around to leave

'This world is so different from the old; we are caged birds on this planet. Who created the barrier to cover the world, making it impossible for anyone to get out?'

'Was it the Sage or something else?'

'The history here is really different; I want to know more about the War Immortals. True immortal beings, the people with chakra hardly age and the Kages are the closest to being Immortal. I can understand how they will develop a superiority complex; it would definitely be hard to ignore such big differences.

There are so many techniques and I know that people can be brought back. I just need to get stronger and I can bring them back, and return home.'

Issei mused as he walked slowly taking his time getting home. At those times he was very happy and life was filled with happiness but then Mu started his decent into madness and Issei knew despair once again as his parents died at the hands of Menma Uzumaki, his friend.

He hated Menma for killing his parents but the main culprit was Mu, who had done this on purpose to drive him mad and use him.

'I will never be anyone's pawn again. I will be the King.'


"Iwa has really gone too far this time." Hana muttered in anger at the information of villages and cities getting destroyed, these cities bȧrėly had any chakra born and were home to normal humans

"Hana, we don't have proof that it's Iwa. Maybe it's a criminal organization or a cult." Kurenai said as she sipped her sake

"We know it's them so when are we going to storm Iwa." Hana insisted

"When the Hokage gives the command."

"Che, why is the Hokage not taking action yet?" Hana questioned as she knew Tobi was not a pacifist

"Just concentrate on your new duty and find the culprit. We need to prepare for war on all fronts so clean up the small mess." Kurenai said, not taking the matter that seriously as the targets bȧrėly had any protection and no decent city had been attack

The culprits were probably some bandits with genin level capability or chunin.

"I will hunt them down quickly and storm the battlefield." Hana declared as he took the whole bottle down and slumped down within minutes

Kurenai shook her head at the scene; Hana was weak to alcohol of this level but still insisted to follow her.

While the shinobi continent was in turmoil, Linley Barouch has just enrolled in the college of his choice to become a strong mage.


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment

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