Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1297: To protect 3: humanity has no integrity!

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

The leopard roared again, his body suddenly increased by a dozen times, and a paw shot toward Feng Xingying.

"Ah, Sister Xingying! Hong Lu, fast defense." Ye Xiaochen is not the strongest, but her mind is the calmest, and she has become the person who gives orders in the team.

Tong Honglu was the emperor of the soil system. After listening to Ye Xiaochen's words, he unconsciously unfolded the defense system of the soil system and successfully shattered the leopard's claws.

Actually, it succeeded? !!

Wu Honglu didn't think of anything, so he succeeded.

Xi Honglu's success stimulated the confidence of his teammates.

"Look at me!" Ye Xiaochen's eyes were bright and her shots were quick. Although her wooden spirits were usually used to assist more, she had fatal damage to the demons.

Don't look at Ye Xiaochen just turning all the spiritual power into vines to trap the leopard. In fact, she has already lost half of her life.

The poor leopard thought about it, this group of humans was too bellyy, and they were so cowardly just now. Now they are going to abuse others. You must be intentional! The last time you showed a strong point, where there are so many things, can people just leave?

Well now, trapped, can't slip away, I want to cry! Can you human beings be so capricious?

Without waiting for the release of the little leopard's emotions, there was a blaze of flames, the pain of the burning of the flames, it was incredible, the remaining half of his life was gone, and you should burn it.

The answer is: No!

The thunderbolt, which was thicker than its body, was so straight down that the leopard was not even shouted, it was hacked to death, and the body was completely incinerated by the thunderbolt.

There is a saying from human beings, "Should you use a sledgehammer to kill chickens?" These young people did not use a sledgehammer to kill chickens? It's a little emperor-level Warcraft. As for you being the same level of besieging and holy shot? Did you talk about morality?

It is said that human beings are particularly backboned, and they don't particularly like to bully and bully, and like to fight at the same level. Whoever said, come out soon, I promise to kill him!

This is also the last remnant of the Leopard, because its consciousness has been burned at this moment with the relentless thunderbolt, and there is no trace of it.

"We won?" Tong Honglu sat down on the ground, collapsed. Although she only took the defense, she also liked Feng Xingying and did not want the song belonging to her male **** to be interrupted. She used all her spiritual power to build the defense.

"We won!" Ye Xiaochen's eyes were firm.

"I killed a child." Tong Xin's voice was crying, and then he ran to the big tree next to him, vomiting, and said in captivity, "I killed, I actually killed."

"You didn't kill a person, it was a demon. Even if he is a human, you are right to kill, because killing can protect you!" The person who spoke was not Feng Xingying, but his teammate Ye Xiaochen.

Ye Xiaochen's performance can be said to be amazing to Feng Xingying. This was what Feng Xingying wanted to say, but he did not expect to say it from Ye Xiaochen's mouth.

This effect is much better than speaking from Feng Xingying's mouth.

Feng Xingying didn't even say a word, but released the queen queen, watermelon, sesame and Xiaoding.

Xiao Ding followed the hug and hug line. When Xiao Ding put his soft body into Tong Xin's arms, he included a sentence:

"Brother Tong Xin is awesome and rewards you with a loving hug. If it weren't for Brother Tong Xin, Xiao Ding would have been eaten by a bad guy."

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