Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1298: To guard 4: Hug

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Tong Xin was comforted and encouraged, and her mood calmed down a bit. Especially Xiao Ding is Mu Ling's body, he could meditate by holding him.

"Then, I will reward you with a loving hug." The queen happily extended her arms and hugged Tong Xin and Xiaoding together in her arms.

Tong Xin is under fifteen years of age and has not grown yet. She is a full head shorter than the tall Queen Queen.

She hugged so indifferently, letting Tong Xin's forehead rest directly on the clavicle of his dew, and her face was still soft against her upper body.

Tong Xin stiffened again. When the queen queen released her hand, she couldn't help laughing out loud:

"Little guy, you have a nosebleed."

"Ah, yes, yes, sorry!" Tong Xin wasn't intentional. He was obviously hugged by the queen, and then he didn't dare to move.

He really didn't think at all, but the queen queen mother really had a special surname and a charming charm. Even if she knew she was a spirit beast and not a human, she couldn't hold her charm ...

"Well, no need to explain, my sister likes strong men most."

"Oh, I will work hard!" Tong Xin froze and quickly explained: "But I like Sister Xingying."

But with such an interruption, he really forgot the murder.

In fact, Tong Xin knew in his heart that if he did it again and let him choose again, he would do it faster, because he would use his own strength to protect Xiao Ding and Sister Xingying, as well as protect the queen sister!

He must work hard to be a solid shield for his friends and not to be looked down upon by his friends.

"You were crying stupidly!" Ye Xiaochen helplessly knocked Tong Xin's head.

Ye Xiaochen also has a reward for love, holding in her arms a soft, well-behaved black rabbit sesame.

Sesame said: "You are great, not only are you strong, but you can also lead your teammates, just like my master. Sesame likes you."

Being able to be praised like his idol, Ye Xiaochen received the greatest encouragement.

Of course, other people also have rewards. This reward comes from Xiao Ding who likes to be hugged, and the large-colored colored watermelon, which temporarily acts as a substitute for everyone. In sesame words:

"This is a reward. We spirit beasts only admire our master and the kind and strong man."

They have n’t seen many spirit beasts. The experience of riding a spirit beast mount is still the first time today! The previous experience was in the virtual world, where is it so real. I can feel it.

"Sister, can you bother me not to touch my neck secretly." Watermelon is helpless.

These few who have never seen a spirit beast are always dishonest and touch it secretly.

Touch it, his shell is so thick that he not only used it as a bed, but also used Ruxiang as a kitchen, for fear of touching it, but this swollen red devil was too bold, and ran to touch his neck.

In fact, there was another person who was going to touch the tail. I did n’t have enough to touch it. As a result, I felt a strand, and watermelon was desperate to strike.

Fortunately, after it rebelled, everyone was good, especially Sesame told them: "Only watermelons can touch the shell."

Then the group of bear children who had not seen the spirit beasts began to make a pattern on the hard shell of watermelon, and some people drew a picture with paint pens.

There was a monster in front of me, and watermelon dropped them all quickly, slipping into Fengxingying's space.

This time Sesame, Queen Bee and Xiao Ding didn't go in because they were going to be cheerleaders!

Feng Xingying said that they are not allowed to shoot, and they will follow it.

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